Mike was enjoying the last hours of his day off and setting in to watch a show when his phone chirped that he had a text message. It was Clara of course.
The message read, “Take off all your clothes.”
This was to be expected as that is how many of their message threads began these days. She had become quite the authority of text messaging and was bringing sexting to a new level. He began privately referring to her as his text dom because she could be quite severe via this medium. It was as if this form of communication allowed her to become someone else entirely.
He immediately stripped and texted back, “I’m naked.” His member swelled with anticipation. He delighted in what evil scheme she would come up with next, and she was always challenging him to push his boundaries.
Her response was just as immediate: “Tie a rope around your dick head. Pull the rope tight, and put the other end in your mouth.”
This took him a little longer to comply with for having to find a length of rope, and taking some time to stroke his now throbbing dick, but he finally messaged, “OK.”
“Now shove the vibating butt-plug in your ass,” was her next missive.
“Wow, that escalated quickly,” he thought. For starters, Mike didn’t even know they had a vibating butt-plug; but when he opened their toy draw, sure enough, there it was on top. It was a remote control plug, with a wireless switch to turn it off and on. And then he remembered it and why they had never used it. It was huge! He didn’t think it would even fit in his ass. Clara had always demurred about using it before, yet here he just knew she wouldn’t be so keen to be kind.
Nevertheless, he texted back, “But it’s huge.”
And true to form she urgently replied, “Yes, I know. Is it in?”
He thought, “there’s not enough lube to make this fit.” Still, he went to work on it. He grabbed the bottle of lube and soaked the plug from its thin tip to enormous bulge in the middle. Heclimbed onto the bed on all fours and then slide it gingerly into his asshole. He began working it in and out, deeper and deeper, until the pressure on his sensitive ring was too much to bear, then he backed off and lubed it up again.
With this second attempt at insertion, he had the brilliant idea to actually turn it on, and the violences within his ass made his cock swell and start to drop. Given the position he was in, with his head pressed to the mattress, he had his phone directly in front of his face, and he re-read Clara’s message. The word “shove” particularly stood out, and he determined that her choice of the word must have been purposeful, and that he would act to the best of his ability to comply with her command. So he released a long breath, unconciously bit down on the rope, and forced the plug all the way in past his unyielding asshole.
Mike nearly screamed aloud when it broke through and embedded deep in his rectum. The pain was excruciating! It felt as ifhe had been torn in half. He had never felt anything like it, and it took him some time to recover from the sensing overload. However, the hum of the vibrator gave his abused rectum some semblance of solace. Still, it was in, and he, almost proudly, told her so.
Her reward was to say, “Go outside and wait for me to get home.”
He had to pause and let this one sink in. The day was just turning towards dusk, but still light enough to clearly see a naked man loitering in the yard with a rope tied around his dick. Thank goodness the other item wasn’t so obvious, though sitting down would be out of the question. He was tempted to protest, but knew it was to no avail. So he compiled, stepped out the side door onto the porch, and texted, “I’m on the porch.”
“Lock the door behind you,” she said.
Again, he had to hesitate and take stock. She had instructed him to meet her naked outside on occasion. But it was usually dark and it was to bring in the groceries or some similarerly mundane task. He was very hesitant to be trapped outside naked while it was still light.
“Is the door locked?” she pressed.
“Yes,” he obliged grudgingly.
“Good. I’ll be home in 45 min.”
Now his mind scrambled. She couldn’t be serious. He expected her to be pulling in the drive momentarily. The only way for him to get into the house would be to get the Spare set of keys at their neighbors, yet he couldn’t imagine having to walk over and get them. Nevertheless, his cock swelled at the prospect of doing so. As he was contemplating what to do next, he got another command.
“Stand near the porch.”
He sheepishly walked down the steps to the side of the porch facing their back yard. When no sooner did he receive, “The front of the porch!”
How did she know, he Wondered. Of course the front of the porch offered a vantage from the street where he would be visible, and he would have to be vigilant about not being seen. He was terrified and his heart was racing. But his dick oozed its appreciation of his prediction. At any moment he could be caught and this caused an incredible amount of trepidation, but it also caused an incredible amount of excitement. It was this battle between the two simulateneous extremes that he found so psychologically nervous wrapping.
Over the next forty minutes he received a barrage of messages:
“Stand in the center of the driveway, with your legs spread, facing the street.”
When he first received this message, he again thought she would be pulling in any moment. He rubbed his dick so it would be at its fullest, and waited for her. But after a couple minutes, he received another command to go back to the porch.
The one message she sent the most was “Slap your balls five times.” This was one of her all time favorites, and had become a standard in every performance. This time she sent that particular message four times! Twice when the vibrator was on and twiceWhen it was off. Mike had learned from hard experience not to slap his balls with the flat of his hand. Such direct contact might double him over. Instead, he cupped his hand and aimed slightly underneath his ball sack. Nevertheless, it still proved painful, especially when delivering blows in rapid succession.
It was the times in between the tasks that were the most torturous. If Mike was doing Clara’s evil bidding, then at least he had a task on which to focus. It was when he was standing idly by waiting for instructions that caused the most anxiety. It was then that his nakedness and the precariousness of his situation became the most prominent. After all, one does feel a bit foolish standing about naked. The rope, butt-plug, and being outdoors just added to the effect. What if someone saw him? What if someone other than Clara pulled into the driveway? What if she secretly ordered a pizza delivery? Would she be so diabolical as to go that far? What would he do? He hoped he would not have to find out. But at least night had fallen by now, which gave him some comfort about not being seen so readily.
The culmination of the evening began with “Turn it on. Stand in the center of the driveway, with your legs spread, facing the street.”
He did so, and was soon relieved to see it was Clara’s car turning up the drive. She drove forward until he was well illuminated by the headlamps and then clicked on the high beams.
“So diabolical! So wicked!,” he thought.
“Is it still too light out?,” she quipped. And then before he could reply, “Bend over and let me see it.”
Mike felt as if he was getting a rectal exam by the entire neighborhood. It felt like an eternity, but it was seconds later that he received, “Turn around and slap your balls five times.”
“Untie your dick,” quickly followed. He did so, and pre-cum burst from him and trailed to the ground before breaking off.
“Cum in your hand and eat it,” she commanded from behind thebrights lights that were putting all of him on display.
Mike’s mind reeled. He had eaten her out once before after ejaculating. But he mostly just tongued her clip while trying not to swallow his own spunk. This called for a serious commitment of physically eating the stuff. All this ran through his mind in an instant, but it was an instant too long for Clara, and she gave the horn an independent beep. If the neighbors hadn’t noticed the car in the driveway with it’s high beams on yet, they certainly would be alert by now. Yet, he would do anything to have her shut off the glaring lights illuminating his nakedness.
Her last text read simply, “Good boy!”
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