The Text

All characters are 18+


His text said all it needed to. ‘Mine, now!’ That was all but it was enough. I arrived in 20 minutes but the stern look on his face as he opened the door told me I hadn’t been quick enough, but he still greeted me in his usual friendly manner. The second I stepped inside the facade dropped and the true fun began.

“You’re late.”

“I’m sorry, your highness, I didn’t know there was a time limit and I did leave as soon as I got your message.” I snapped back at him. Then immediately regretted it.

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that, I am the one in charge, I make the rules, and you do not cheat me. I thought you would have learnt that by now. Assume the position in the corner, you will be Disciplined.” I didn’t even hesitate, I’d made him angry enough, and now I’d pay for it, my heart raced with excitement as I walked over to the corner, stripped to my underwear and spread my hands and feet shoulder width apart, arms in the air, hands on the wall.

I heard him leave the room and go up the stairs, the creaking above told me he was probably in his bedroom, I was nervous and excited with anticipation of what was to come.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally heard him coming back down the stairs and returning to me. I felt his presence in the room and could feel the anger still radiating from him. I really had upset him, more than I’d first Realised, perhaps this was the most I’d ever upset him. Even in our early days his anger never felt this strong, back then I was resistant at times, unsure of my limits. But now we’d explored them and I’d far surpassed what I originally thought I was capable of and it had opened so many doors to different levels of sexual pleasure, many I hadn’t known had existed. He came closer to me, so close I could feel him breathing on my neck and then he braced me by shoulders and shouted right in my ear.

“I thought you’d finally learn all the lessons, that you wereFinally obeying and being the good little sub I want you to be, but you’ve made it clear that you still need to learn. On your knees!” I did as instructed, instantly dropping to my knees, still keeping my back to him as I hadn’t been told to turn around, I didn’t have permission to face him or look at him. I awaited my next instruction.

But it didn’t come he left the room again, knowing that soon my knees would ache and scream for relief and I knew he was testing me, waiting for me to speak out of turn again. He wanted to be proved wrong and wanted to know that I could still follow instructions, that my off tone was just a slip. I honestly hadn’t meant to anger him; sometimes I spoke out of turn or was a little bit naughty so he’d punishment me, because secretly I enjoy being punished. He Knows I do, and he indulges me in that every once in a while, but this wasn’t one of those times. This was a mistake, and one I knew he would teach me not to make again.

Sure enough the pain came, then the pins and needs. It was torture but I was determined to remain strong and prove myself. I was well beyond my limit by the time he came back.

“Stand up, turn around, do not look directly at me, your eyes will not meet mine, you are not worthy of that, you are to get straight back on your knees, and be quick about it.” He knew I wouldn’t be able to move very fast without being in lots of pain, this was deliberate, he was still testing me. I did as I was told, held my breath through the pain and made sure it was as quick as possible. When I was in position he stepped closer to me, his crotch right in my face and I had to fight the urge to look up, I kept my focus forward, making sure my eyes couldn’t meet his, as requested.

“Undo my trousers, get it out and suck it until I tell you to stop, you still cannot look at me. Do not forget that.” By now my knees were ready to give out, my balance was beginning to waver and I didn’t know if I’d be able to give him a satisfactory performance, but I still did as I was told.

As I slowly slip his erect cock into my mouth, his hands began to grasp for my hair, wrapping his fingers in it. He pushed my head closer, forcing me to take more and more in my mouth. I reminded myself to relax my throat so I wouldn’t gag, so I wouldn’t disappoint him. The pace quickly, my mouth moving up and down his shake, pausing at the tip every so often to tease him with my tongue, dancing over his most sensitive area. I kept going for a few moments longer, then he pulled my hair, forcing my head back, my mouth away, using his self-control to hold off his release. “You may stand and you must look at me as you rise.”

He offered me his hand to help me up, he caught me as I stumbled as my knees locked from the prolonged torture, but I knew I’d pleased him as I looked into his eyes, and I could see the anger subsiding. But it wasn’t gone so I knew there was more to come and the firm grip he’d kept of my hand told meThere was much, much more and he was far from finished with me yet.

He began to lead me but his first punishment had been too harsh, I was slow to follow because I was so stiff but he’d became impossible so without warning he scooped me up and had me wrap my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs into our usual room. He set me down on the bed and removed my underwear. He moved my arms and legs into the right place so he could use his silk ties to tie me, spread eagle, to the bed posts. Helpless, my pleasure in his hands. I wasn’t even sure he’d let me have any today. After the way I behaved I wouldn’t blow him if he decided I didn’t deserve any.

Being spread out like this, naked, no way to cover myself, I was completely exposed. Vulnerability is a powerful feeling. It terrifies a lot of people but when you release your vulnerability in a safe place with a person that accepts who you are it makes you less afraid. To lay spread out with everything on show for himis empowering. It makes me feel sexy and attractive. He can literally see everything, all the parts of me that I’m insecure about and none of them put him off. As he strips before me I can physically see what my body does to his. I excite him, I turn him on and in this state of complete vulnerability I have never felt so powerful.

He climbed onto the bed and knelt between my legs, then he looked right into my eyes. Eye contact is one of the things he knows I need, I need to read his face to know what he is feeling. I don’t always like what I see. His eyes are filled with disappointment and although the anger had gone this was worse. I might seem ridiculous that he’s so upset by a few words but for us it was more than that. I reacted to his anger and told him he was wrong. It’s like telling him I’m Not happy and he takes responsibility for my happiness so by behaving as I did I know he feels like he’s not good enough and that’s why he’s hurting so bad. But he does make me happy and I feel complete and satisfied when I’m with him. It was just a mistake and now I needed to show him that’s all it was.

He len forward and kissed me with a furious password, it was intense and meaningful. He was desperately trying to forgive me but as he pulled away I knew he just wasn’t there yet. He left the room for a second and came back with another tie in his hand. My heart raced as he used it to blindfold me and he knew that was a punishment on its own.

“I know you don’t like being unable to see my eyes but this is for your own good. I want you to know how good it can be to just let everything go and be at my complete mercy. You won’t know exactly where I am or what I’m going to do and that should excite you. I won’t over step any lines you’ve already drawn and you know what to say if you really can’t do it.” I nodded to show him I understand and his words put me at ease. I began to get excited wondering what he had planned for me. I knew this was partly still a punishment, he was going to make sure I knew he could make me happy but the cheeky glint in his eye just before he blindfolded me told me he wasn’t going to make me completely happy.

He let a few minutes pass without doing anything. I was kept in suspension, the anticipation growing. It amazing me how my skin tingled so intensely without him even touching me. When he eventually did, it was like electricity. I’d have been waiting with such appreciation that my skin had become extremely sensitive to his warm fingertips caresing my inner thigh. He started low, just above my knee. I felt him walking his fingers half way up my thigh, then right back down to my knee. He repeated this a few times, getting closer to my crotch as he did but never actually touching me where I really wanted.

He was teasing me, just as I had him with my tongue. Then he started struggling my other thigh and I began to wonder allsorts, was he above me, below me, right hand or left, was he still naked or had he put some clothes back on. But I couldn’t know any of this for sure because I couldn’t see and I realized that didn’t matter. It was still as exciting, if not more. I could tell by his touch that he appreciated my body; I didn’t need to see his face. A smile crept across my lips at the thought, once again I was wrong about my limits and he knew what pleasure I’d enjoy more than I did. By putting my complete trust in him I’d discovered more about myself and what I liked.

“That’s my girl. I knew you’d like it but if you think I’m going to stroke your clip just the way you like, you can think again. You mustn’t forget you are being punished and as part of that punishment you won’t be playing with yourself for a week either.” It was a harsh punishment, he knew I liked to play most days but I couldn’t protest; I deserve it. But he was still running his hands over me, they traced their way to my boobs, squeezing them and rolling my nipples between this thumb and middle finger, occasionallyadding more pressure to tease me further.

It felt so intense, so good; I didn’t want him to ever stop. I felt his weight shift; I could feel the heat from his body falling across mine. I could tell he was holding himself over me, his body felt very close to mine. He suddenly stopped touching me. In the next moment he was thrusting his cock into me, deep inside, then slowly out. Fast in, slow out. The pace grow; he pulled me towards him so he could get deeper inside, squeezing my arse as he did. My arms pulling in turn against my restraints. The bed creaking with warning, but we didn’t care, we were lost in each other, fully embodied in our lust, password filling every movement. The desire we have for each other being placed above everything else. That’s how love is meant to be made, the way you make it to those precious moments is different for everyone, not matter what turns you on.

As he came inside me I felt an intense pleasure, lost for a few moments in his show of how much I pleased him. This pleasure wasn’t an orgasm, I knew I wasn’t allowed to allow myself to have one, but it was a kind of satisfaction in knowing that he knew what he wanted and he’d taken it from me because he knew I could give him that. He hadn’t even considered what I wanted for a second; he just used me for his own gratification. He rolled off me after a few seconds, lying beside me, resting His head on my boobs, taking a moment to recover. But only a moment before I even had time to think he was straddling me so he could not have until me, but also so I couldn’t escape from under his weight.

He didn’t normally do this, normal he walked round the bed to until me, but his time he didn’t have as much trust in me. He didn’t completely believe I would stay still like a good girl. It hurt me to know that he’d lost trust in me, that he was unsure if I was completely submitted to him. I had failed him and I knew I deserved every bit of punishment he gave me and no matter how hard he was on me I just had to take it.

“Do not move, not even an inch, I don’t care if you are uncomfortable. You have been a very bad girl, not just today, lately you’ve be insubordinate and far too strong willed and I don’t believe you are being completely faithful to me. For this you must be punished harshly.” Then he left me alone again, daring me to move but hoping I wouldn’t. Entering the room again he started to order me into position.

“Turn over on your front, then get on all fours, your naughty bottom facing me, ready for the spanking you deserve.” I did as I was told, moving quickly into position. I felt his pressure on the bed, kneeing behind me, he began to rub my bottom slowly, warning me where he intended to strike then out nowhere the first spank reigned down. Four more spanks came down, and then he just stopped. He got off the bed. I knew better than to move to see what he was doing, but I could hear him moving something on the other side of the room.

“Get up now, and come over to me.” Again I did as I was told, and when I turned around I saw that he’d moved the stool from the dressing table into the middle of the space in the room and had sat down on it. I walked over to him and stood facing him, waiting to be instructed. “Turn around and place your arms behind your back, so your wrists come together at the small of your back.” As I followed his instruction, I could feel him tying my hands together with one of the ties he’d used earlier. “Now bend over my knee.” As lowered myself across his knee he steadied me by placing his forearm across my shoulder, gaining complete control and stopping me from being able to go anywhere. This time there was no warning and no pause, his hand came straight down on my bare bottom. Again and again, getting harder each time.

“Tell me how sorry you are, tell me how much you deserve this, tell me what you’ve done wrong, and why you should be punished.”

“Daddy, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done it, Ineed to be punished for being so bad, please punishment me.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“I’m sorry I cheeked you, it was disrespectful and wrong of me and I did not mean it. I deserve to be punished seriously, Daddy.”

“And what else? There is something you’ve missed, that you haven’t been telling me. You’ve been very naughty and I know it.” My heart skipped a beat; he couldn’t know that, there was no way he could know the naughtiness I’d been up to. I paused to think, and he continued to spank me as hard as he could. “ANSWER ME, NOW!”

“I completely disrespected you by thinking about another man last week, I played with myself and had an orgasm without permission. It was completely out of order and naughty. I’m so sorry, Daddy.” As I confessed I actually heard him gasp. He had not known all of it and now I’d landed myself in even more trouble.

“Who did you think about instead of me? Why? TELL ME!” I’d beyond upset him, once again I’d literally told him he wasn’t enough, which isn’t true, I have no idea why I did it, I know how unacceptable it is and yet I still didn’t stop myself. Daddy is right. I am a filthy insubordination whore. I feel so ashamed and it shouldn’t have taken Daddy finding out about it to make me feel this way. I should have felt shamed enough not to cum over another man in the first place.

“I just had to deal with an attractive man at work, nothing happened between us, but his face stuck in my head and later that day I found myself with the urge to play, and he came into my mind. I only thought of what it would be like to have sex with him, I didn’t act on anything. But that doesn’t excuse what I did and doesn’t make it right or any better, I didn’t tell you either and I played without permission so you should punish me.”

“For that I will spank you for another 10 minutes and you will not under any circumstances play or orgasm by any means for 2 weeks on top of the week I already gave you. You are also to hand over all your knickers; you will get them back when I think you’ve behaved well enough. You are a filter little slut. You will perform to my every sexual desire for the next week no matter whether you like it or not. Finally, you are no longer allowed to wear clothes in this house, you will be completely exposed at all times and you will tell me what a slut you are, for my eyes only. As soon as you enter you are to go to the punishment corner and take off all your clothes.” He paused, I didn’t know if I was meant to answer him or not, so I didn’t say anything. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

“Yes, Daddy I understand and I am truly sorry, Daddy. I am a dirty little slut, Daddy and I need you to teach me a lesson for being so naughty, Daddy.”

“Good, now stand so I can get the paddle for your 10 minute spanking, my hand is too kind for you, your behaviour disgusts me.” I stood immediately, tears well in my eyes at the thought of the paddle, at his madest he could hit you hard enough to stop you sitting for a week and right now he was made than ever. When he came back, paddle in hand, he didn’t look at me and he didn’t speak to me, he bent me straight over his knee and brought the paddle down hard. I tried not to cry or squirm but the pain was horrendous and I couldn’t help it.

“Please stop, Daddy, I’m begging, it hurts so bad.” I pleaded with him but it made no difference his spanks keep coming in quick succession. I was as uncomfortable as possible with my hands tied behind my back; it was difficult to balance, even with him holding me down. Deep down beyond the pain I knew I deserved this and he needed me to take it because of my utter betrayal but I was so close to safeword.

“Please Daddy, I can’t take anymore Daddy, please stop.”

“No, I will not stop. You said you needed to learn a lesson and I will make sure that you do, I told you 10 minutes, it has only been 5, so unless you want to start the 10 minutes over again then I suggest that youshut up! One more word out of your mouth and we will start over, do not make me have to gag you as well.” He was serious and he was angry, it almost sounded like he hated me, but I knew he wouldn’t be doing this if he did. All this was for my own good but I couldn’t take it if he started again, I knew I’d have to safe word him if he did so I made sure I keep my mouth shut, I let him continue spanking me whilst I cried silent tears and prayed for it to end.

At last it did and my bottom was very sore, even though he’d stopped it still hurt just as much as his spanks, the paddle now ingrained on my bottom, the marks would be there for days.

“What have you got to say to me?”

“Thank you for spanking me, Daddy. I deserve it and need it to learn my lesson. I’m sorry for disrespecting you and will only ever think of you for now on, Daddy.”

“Good girl, I hope you’ve learned to behave and that you’ll be the good little slut you are capable of being from now on. But what you did is completely unacceptable and you need to think about what you’ve done. You are to stand up and wait in the corner, you must stand there for half an hour without moving or making a sound, and I will know if you do. You will be blindfolded and gagged, I want you to be uncomfortable, and you will remember this pain every time you even consider letting your mind wander around other men. You are mine and only mine, I own you and you are not to allow yourself to be shared without my permission.” He lightly spanked my bottom, telling me to stand, as soon as I did the gag went in my mouth, followed by the blindfold, he left my hands tied behind my back knowing how sore my arms would be. As soon as he’d finished I went to the corner to think about what I’d done.

I’d been very naughty and now I was being punished, but I was dripping wet, my pussy screaming for relief, I had to orgasm and I couldn’t wait three weeks. But I knew I wasn’t allowed and I didn’t have permission but allthe punishment had turned me on so much I could probably have had an orgasm just thinking about it. But if I did he’d have to punish me again and I was in agoy already, he was still testing me. He knew how aroused I was because I’d left a wet patch where my pussy had been touching his leg.


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