The Tethering Tree

It was a Saturday morning, one of those overcast but warm, balmy days. I was lounging on the sofa reading the paper, still in my dressing gown, when Tim came in and flopped down in the armchair opposite.

“Chloe? How do you fancy a walk and a picnic in the wood?” he asked. I looked up from the paper.

“And what’s brought this on?” I asked going back immediately to what I was reading.

“Nothing really,” Tim answered, “just fancied some fresh air and a little exercise.”

I mulled it over. It would be nice to get out into the open and the woods would be lovely at this time of year with the leaves just starting to take on their Autumn hues.

“I’ll pack a bottle of your favourite wine,” Tim said pleadingly.

“Oh, okay. Let’s do it”

“Great! You go and get ready and I’ll pack the rucksack.”

I headed upstairs to get dressed. I brushed my long dark curls into a ponytail and considered what to wear. I quickly throw on some old jeans, a T-shirt and mywalking boots. By the time I arrived back downstairs Tim was carefully storing the wine, in its cooler bag, into the well-packed rucksack.

“Ready?” he smiled.

“Yup! Lets go.”

The woods began directly where our garden ended but to get to the path we had to make a rather circular route around the houses. A couple of neighbors, out cleaning cars or doing a bit of gardening waved as we went by. Kids were out on their bikes or roller blades. Once onto the path, however, it was like being in a different world. The trees were old and tall. The undergrowth thick and lush. It was so peaceful.

“Why don’t we come here more often?” I asked, “It’s really relaxing, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is” Tim replied and squeezed my hand. We walked for about an hour and saw only one other couple, walking in the opposite direction. We nodded at each other, said “Good morning” and carried on.

“Mmmm, he was cute!” I laughed.

“Oh you like them old and grey now do you?” Tim said punching me playfully on the arm.

“He wasn’t old! And anyway I like a bit of grey in a man’s hair, make them look distinguished. I can see quite a few in yours from here!”

“Well she was stacked! Curves in all the right places!”

“Hey! Watch it!” I said punching him this time. We carried on walking and about ten minutes later Tim veered off the path and led us Through a little opening in the undergrowth and into the trees.

” Where are we going?” I asked.

“To find somewhere to have our picnic – you want to have it sitting on the path?” Tim laughed shaking his head.

“Lead on McDuff!” I laughed back. It was a hard going in the tangle of the undergrowth but eventually it thinned slightly and we came to a little clearing with a beautiful, copper coloured tree.

“Ah,” he said, “this looks like a perfect spot. Yes?”

“Yeah, great!” Tim put the rucksack on the ground and turned to me. He was looking straight into my eyes as he took me in his arms. He put his lips to my ear and whispered,

“Do you want to play?” My heart skipped a beat.

“You mean like ‘Play’ play?” I whispered back.

He nodded. I looked around – nice sheltered spot – I thought.

“Okay! What did you have in mind?”

“Oh you leave that up to me, sugar.”

“Alright!” I agreed, my pulse racing Just that little bit faster. This was going to be one hell of an interesting picnic!

He led me over to the tree. “Close your eyes,” he said. I did as he asked and next thing I knew he was unfasting my ponytail, letting my hair fall over my shoulders and was putting something over my eyes,

“Hey! I’m not gonna peek…” I started but stopped as a familiar smell reached my nostrils – leather! It was the soft leather blindfold that had seen quite a bit of action in the early years of our marriage but which hadn’t seen the light of day in quite a while. We had played all sorts of sex games in our younger days – not that I considered 36 tobe old – but in recent years the sex had become more… vanilla. It was still great but not so kinky!

“Oh. I get it,” I whispered. My heart was really beginning to pound in my chest now.

“You will, sugar. You will. Now get undressed,” Tim barked, “but leave on your boots and your underwear.” I swallowed hard and undressed as quickly as I could. We hadn’t played Master and Slut for ages! I remembered that it had always turned us both on like mad though!

“Now, on your knees!” He helped me knee down and my knees met the softness of the travel rug Tim had obviously placed there. “You can sit if you wish.” I sat with my legs crossed in front of me and made myself comfortable. Not being able to see heightened all my other senses. I could feel the gentle warm breeze kissing my naked skin, I could smell the fresh green scent of the vegetation and… I heard Tim rummaging around in the rucksack!

I felt him take hold of my right wrist and I attach something around it. He took my left wrist and did the same. I heard him moving around and behind the tree and then my arms were pulled back until my hands felt the rough bark against them. He was tethering me to the tree! Where had he found those old things? I thought we had thrown those tethers out ages ago! I could feel my nipples harden and knew that he would be able to see their outline through my bra.

“Ok, sugar?” he asked. I nodded. “Good! We will begin!”

Angain I heard Tim rummage in the rucksack and then heard the noise of a cork being pulled. I felt his hand on my chin,

“Open up like a good girl, Chloe, and drink it all down.” He put the glass to my lips and I swallowed as quickly as I could but he was almost pouring it into me, and some of the wine drunk down my face and onto my neck and chest, making my hair sticky.

“Dear, dear, you are wasting it,” Tim said as he twisted a nipple through my bra and then began licking the spilt wine from my face and body. “Here have some more. I want you heady and relaxed.” I gulped at the cold wine as best I could and I could feel it start to course through my pumping veins.

“Now, a little something to eat,” and he started to feed me olives and bits of cheese and cold meat. I had to guess what he was putting in my mouth, what the food was and then the variety. Spanish? Greek? Brie? Stilton? Chorizio? Parma? If I guessed incorrectly he pulled my head back roughly by the hair and made me guess again.

“Good girl – all correct,” Tim said eventually, “Now your reward! On your knees!” He helped me as I struggled onto my knees, moving the tethers slightly to help me adjust. Once I was in position I felt his hands on my breasts as he pulled them from the cups of my bra and he gave them both a hard slap. God, it made me so hot when Tim played the Master!

“Ah that’s better,” he said, “now open your mouth wide slut, you’re gonna suck on something hard!” I opened my mouth and waited to feel his thick, hard cock on my lips. What I felt was hard and thick all right but it wasn’t his cock, what I felt was the hard plastic of my vibrator. Had he was planning this trip for days? Quietly squirreling all the things he needed somewhere I wouldn’t find them?

“Suck!” Tim commanded. I did as he asked as he rammed it into my mouth, the plastic making clattering noises on my teeth. He then turned it on and the Vibrations ticked my tongue and filled my head, making me slightly giddy. He removed the vibrator from my mouth and passed it over my nipples. They grew even harder and I squirmed with pleasure. He moved the vibrator again and this time placed it between my legs – the vibrations dancing round my clip and pussy lips through my panties. The soft buzzing noise and the my moans of ecstasy were wafting up on the breeze, rising up and over the trees. Tim stopped the vibrator and throw it to one side.

“Nice and wet are you?” I nodded and moaned my affirmation. “On your feet then!” Again hehelped my up and moved the tethers up the tree once move but pulled them tighter this time so that I was held with my back firmly against the tree. I felt him pull my panties down and he helped me step out of them easing them over my walking boots. He took off my bra. I was now completely naked, apart from my boots, blindfolded and tied to a tree! I heard him undressing and then felt his hands moving all over my naked body. I wriggled and moaned in delight and felt the bark of the tree scratching the skin on my back and buttocks. I could feel a trickle of wetness run from my cunt down my leg. Tim moved his hand to my pussy and began to rub my clip.

“Oh Chloe, so wet and ready!” He pushed two fingers inside me and began to finger fuck me slowly. “Mmmm, so ready! What do you want slut?”

“You,” I whispered.

“That’s not good enough! Tell me exactly what you want!”

“I want your cock. I want your cock inside me! I want you to fuck me!”

“Right now? Up against thats tree?”

“Yes!” I almost yelled the word. I was aching to feel him inside me. I felt his hands lift up my buttocks and I wrapped my legs around him, eager to get that cock inside me. I could feel my wrists scanning on the tethers. I felt the end of his cock bumping my pussy as he manoeuvred into position. When he thrust himself into me, I felt the bark of the tree scraping the skin on my back as I was pushed upwards with the force. I felt intooxicated; his cock was pounding inside me, my head banging into the tree with his movements, the bark scratching my back, the tethers cutting into my wrists. We were both grunting loudly with the effort of keeping ourselves in position and fucking hard at the same time. Suddenly, he withdraw his cock, let my legs fall and without a word to me I heard him walk away in the direction of the undergrowth.

“Tim?” I whispered, my breathing laboured. “Tim!” I shouted, but I didn’t want to shout too loudly in case it attracted someone and a complete stranger found me like this! I fought and pulled against the tethers but they wouldn’t budget. I kicked my heels against the base of the tree in frustration.

“Fucker,” I mumbled, “think this is funny?” I said in the direction he had gone. Nothing. No answer and no sound. Just the wind rustling in the leaves, and the birds singing on their branches. God, I needed to rub my clip! I had been on the point of cumming when he had left. I crossed my legs and tried to rub my thighs together to help myself relieve the ache but it was no good. Then I heard a movement behind the tree.

“Tim? Is that you?”

“Ah huh.”

“What the f… .”

“Quiet!” he snarled, cutting me off. I felt his hands on my wrists as he unleashed me from the tethers. “Were you trying to make yourself cum just then?”

“Tim, I…”

“Were you?” he barked loudly in my ear. I nodded. “Well how selfish can you get? Couldn’t even wait 5 minutes, you slut!” He pushed me roughly to the ground,”Get on all fours, now! Ass high in the air.” I did as he commanded and positioned myself on my knees and elbows pushing my ass as high as it would go.

” Yow!” I let out a scream as something, I didn’t know what it was, struck my bare ass. “Yow!” I screamed again as I felt another singing blow to my buttocks. After ten painful lashes the beating stopped and I felt Tim kissing and licking my singing ass.

“Mmmm, so hot and red. Did you like my branch whipping then? So many ready made switches here I was spoilt for choice.” I felt his hands on my hips and then his tongue was circling my asshole, probing gently. He moved down to my cunt and pushed his tongue inside. “Oh you are so ready for me you dirty little slut! Hot and red and wet!”

“Oh, yes Tim I’m ready. Please Tim… fuck me … make me cum!”

“I will sugar believe me!” I felt the end of his cock pushing at my cunt, stretching my hole wide. He inserted just the end and moved in and out slowly. I was breathhing heavily, my clip and cunt felt on fire. I needed to cum so badly.

“Jeez, Tim… you fucking tease!” I groaned.

“You will wait!” he said as he pushed his whole cock in and I throw my head down and pushed onto him but he pulled out again to the tip.

“Tim! I need it! I need it in me now!”

“You will wait, slut!” he grewled, as this time he pushed his cock all the way in but didn’t move – I was grinding and bucking in frustration. I felt a hard slap on my ass.

“Be still!” With a great effort I stopped moving. Oh, it was agony! Then I felt something pushing at my asshole and the next second I felt Tim ease my vibrator deep into my ass. The pain subsided as the purring of the vibrator excited the walls of my rectum and made their way through my pussy walls to Tim’s cock. He let out a groan of pleasure and began to thrust his cock in and out of me, getting faster with each stroke. My tits were swinging underneath me and I felt Tim’s balls baging off my clip – Iwas getting close.

“Take the blindfold off!” Tim yelled. I quickly took it off and the bright afternoon sunlight assaulted my eyes. When they had adjusted to the light I gasped in disbelief – there in front of me, naked and echoing our doggy style fucking were the couple we had passed on the path.

“Meet Andrew and Sue!” Tim said as he continued to fuck my pussy with his cock and my ass with the vibrator. I couldn’t believe it! How long had they been there? Had they saw everything? The thought of them watching us was strangely exciting, however…

“I’m gonna cum, Tim… fuck I’m gonna cum!” and an almighty orgasm ripped through my body. I came and came, grinding and convulsing on Tim’s cock as he let out his yell of orgiastic pleasure, his cum shooting deep inside me. We collapsed exhausted onto the ground as the other pair were just hitting their own climax and we watched as they bucked themselves to release.

“Well, that was quite a picnic!” I laughed as the fOur of us sat there under the tree, now fully clothed, with the remnants of the picnic food and drink around us. Andrew and Sue, our newest friends, told us they had double backed on the path to look for a bracelet that Sue had dropped. That was when they had heard the muffled sounds of the vibrator and being curious had sought out the source of the noise! ​​They had watched us for a while until lust had taken them over and they had begun to masturbate each other. Tim had spotted them and, never one to hold back, had asked them to join us!

“What do you mean ‘was’ quite a picnic?” Tim said with a grin, picking up the discarded tethers, “We have plenty of time yet. Andrew, has Sue ever been fucked while tied to a tree… and did Chloe tell you she thinks you’re cute?”


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