Chapter 6
He wasn’t kidding! There were a dozen video clips from Brad. Two minute clips of different scenes. He wanted me to tell Frank which ones I liked the best and why. Frank took notes. I just hung there and compromised as far as I could which wasn’t far. Then we watched everything he downloaded from his phone which took a while and I understood some more. It was so… arousing… to see myself so helpless and dominated. I loved it all and I was beginning to accept the possibility of working with Brad even though I hadn’t met him. He was in several of the clips. That would mean that my face and everything else would be on the internet for all the world to see. Being brought to screaming orgasm… over and over… helpless…
‘You can keep the pictures.’
I am just getting ready to delete them all from my phone. I look at her. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Do you want them?’ Her words are more stained. She is panting.
‘Of course I do.’
‘Then I want you to have them.’
‘You are beautiful.’
‘Thank you… Sir.’
I untie her in reverse and she sights in relief as I lower the chain from the pipe overhead. She waits patiently while I untie and unlock everything and then helps me to put the ropes and chains away. We load up and head back to her room.
I watch her get ready for bed. ‘Butt plug, sir?’
‘Bend over and I will remove it.’
She gives me an over the supposed smolder as she turns her back and bends over. My cock twitches again. I never realized what I was missing all these years… I have some lost time to make up for. I pull out the plug with a pop and watch as she washes it carefully and sets it on a paper towel to dry.
‘I’m afraid to bind you while I am gone, but you are still a little needy.’ She nods in agreement.
‘Make it one I can get out of if I need to in an emergency, Sir.’
‘Then how will I know you didn’t let yourself out and then just redid it?’
‘I will show you, Sir.’
And so she does. Spread eagle on her back like the last time, but the chains leading to her arms will fall off the bed if she undoes the carabiners and she can’t hope to hold them in place to redo it if she cheats. She watches me with soft eyes as I bring her to the very edge again with the flogger, trailing it over every inch of her body before covering her with the sheet and the blanket and leaving her sex exposed. I kiss her again and say goodnight. I am a little late to work.
Frank made it home the next morning just as I was waking up. He throw the covers aside and mauled my tits with lips and hands as I arched my back to meet his lips. He scraped them with his beard and grown and then kissed me possessively. When I was panting hopelessly he released me and swatted my behind and then he curled up in the bed and went to sleep!
I collected the work orders and made phone calls. I cleaned all of the laundry rooms and elevators and stairwells. There is a vacuum cleaner witha long hose and attachments that you can wear as a backpack. It is pretty cool. It is sort of like a leaf blower but in reverse. George came and I sorted the mail. I made up a tenant information card and put it in the mailboxes. I contacted several apartment complexes near by until one said I could go visit them the next week to see how and what their office is responsible for. And I made a rough draft of a Dom/Sub contract for Frank to look over. Thinking about signing it has me all hot and bothered…
All through the morning my abs contracted as I thought of our meeting and of signing a contract.
My instructions were to wake Frank at noon if he hadn’t already come down. I ran up to the room with minutes to spare and ripped off my clothes. He was still sound sleep in the darkened room. Bare chested with His thin sweats. I crawled onto the bed at his back and licked my way slowly up his spine. He twitched and gasped. I went back to the bottom of his spine and started overand fanned out across the top of his hips and he groaned and twitched again and took a deep breath before rolling over and pulling me too him. He was surprised to find me naked, but he recovered quickly and kissed me deeply.
I put my hair into a bun and we jumped into the shower. It was quick, but teasing for both of us. We were meeting Brad for lunch and then would go from there. I put on black legs and a tunic. No makeup or jewelry. I brushed my hair and shook it back out and we were off. I told Frank I got my email from the clinic indicating that I was free of sexually transmitted diseases. He looked surprised, but then he checked his phone and found that he had the same email as well. Then he raised his eyebrow and grinned.
Brad is waiting for us outside the restaurant. It is a steak and salad place. He doesn’t want us to get too full because we are hoping to play with her after. He is pleased that I have been teasing her and not allowing her to orgasm. He gave me my marching orders the night before. I am horny just thinking about it. ‘Don’t eat too much.’
‘I’m too nervous to eat too much.’
‘You should be.’
‘What is going to happen?’
‘He will want to test you. It wouldn’t be worth it to him to take studio time if he didn’t know whether you would be willing to do what he tells you… sort of an audition.’
She chewed her bottom lip.
‘You were perfect last night… every time for that matter. Just be you… hot and horny.’
‘I don’t want you to hate me…’
I take her hand and kiss it. We are just pulling into the parking lot. As soon as I get the car stopped I look at her. ‘I won’t hate you. If anything you should hate me.’
‘Why?’ She looks started that I would even think that way.
‘Because you might feel like I forced you to do this.’ She shakes her head. ‘I’m offering you a way out of real world problems, but I realize I am asking you to do something that isn’t easy for you… You were bound the first time and I was concerned then that I was overstepping my bounds. I don’t want you to submit to me unless you want to, but I might ask you to do things that are hard for you. I don’t want you to be with others or be filmed unless you want to do it as a way to resolve your financial issues… but I do want you to enjoy yourself too… in spite of your concerns.’ She gives me that look. ‘Tell me.’
‘Maybe… maybe I am afraid I will like it too much… or maybe… maybe I won’t and I won’t be able to stop them…’
I sight. ‘I think maybe we should talk to Brad first. It might resolve some of your concerns and might raise others you haven’t thought of. We don’t have to commit to him today.’ She nods. ‘Wait for me to open your door.’
‘Yes, Sir.’
I take her hand as she stands and I lift her chin with my other hand, ‘You are my girl… Make me proud.’
‘I’ll try, Sir.’
I cock my head and lead her to meet Brad. I can tell he is pleased with what he sees. I never noticed before that he was a dominant, but I notice it now. He is 5’10” and has light brown hair. He is a little less lanky than me, but in good shape. He carries most of his weight in his chest and shoulders. We were best buddies in middle school, but we went to different high schools. Even so, we kept in touch. He went a little wilder than me. I had a steady girlfriend Then and we were into vanilla things. Not that what he did then was anywhere close to what he does now. He and I go to a ball game now and then, and my mom thinks he walks on water. Carly is holding my hand and halfway hiding behind me, but she is erect and seems poised.
Brad puts out his hand to shake hers which means that she has to let go of me. ‘Carly? I’m Brad. I’m pleased to meet you.’ Carly’s eyes rise slowly to meet his as she shakes his hand and smiles shyly. He holds her gaze and slowly both their smiles grow. I clear my throat and Brad looks at me. ‘Shall we?’ He holds out his hand to usher us through the door.
Carly is silent through most of lunch. She orders a steak salad and eats about half of it while listening to the two of us. We stop talking every time the waiter comes around. Just small talk at first to set Carly at ease and then I ask questions that she has concerns about and Brad tries to reassure her. Then Brad turn to her, ‘Carly tell me about yourself.’ She shrugs and he prompts, ‘Are you from OK City?’
She Shook her head, ‘Dallas.’ I didn’t even know that.
‘When did you come here?’
‘After I graduated from high school.’
‘Did you come here for school or a specific job?’
‘I was going to school to be a nurse, but I decided I couldn’t afford to go to school so I just got a job.’
‘Frank Says you were a waitress?’
She nodded, ‘The restaurant closed and didn’t give us any notice. Not even a phone call. We found out when we showed up for work.’
‘That had to be difficult…’ She shrugs again. ‘Did you ever think about going home?’ She shakes her head again with her lips pressed together. He looks to me. Something happened there, but he isn’t going to press. ‘When did you start in on the bondage?’
She shrugs, ‘When I was young… probably just after high school.’
‘In your room?’
‘And you never got caught?’
‘How did it make you feel?’
‘I liked the feelings a lot. That is why I kept doing it.’
‘Enough to buy the bed and modify it for your purposes.’
‘Frank tells me you consented to him texting me the picture.’ She glances at me and nods. ‘Tell me why.’
‘Ummm… he promised me an orgasm in exchange.’
‘How did it make you feel Knowing that he was going to share the picture?’
‘I was embarrassed, but it made me hot… and I was pretty desperate.’
Brad nods, ‘And does the thought of being in porn make you hot as well?’
‘It does, but tying myself up did too and I never intended to have it made public.’
‘It is your choice, of course… What did you think of the video clips I sent Frank? Could you imagine yourself in them?’ She nods and blushes again. ‘Those girls are just normal girls. Some of them have kids, boyfriends, girlfriends… They come to work and then they go home to their lives.’
‘Frank said maybe I could talk to one of them?’
‘I could do better than that! There are probably half a dozen at the studio if you want to go take a look around when we are done?’
She looks at me and then nods.
So that is how we ended up at the studio. I think that was both Frank’s and Brad’s plan anyway. They just wanted me to agree to it.
The studio is in a big warehouse and there are a dozen ‘scene’ rooms. They do a couple different types of porn. They are all bondage and dominant/submissive, but one is water oriented and they do breath control and other things with water. One is rougher and the submissives are definitely much moresubmissive with a lot of humiliation, punishment and public display. One has more lesbian action and more role play, and there are more female dominants and male submissives. The fourth one was the one that appealed to me the most. More like what Frank and I have done so far. Male dominants and female submissives and a lot of bondage. Those were the clips that I liked the best.
So we watch a little of everything. It is interesting to see it in real life, but it isn’t like the finished product. There is some stopping and starting and choppinginess to it when the director is giving them direction. Still there is nudity and bondage and people coming and I think Carly is mesmerized.
Brad brings her to the ‘green room’ which is where the girls and Doms wait between scenes. They are all sitting around gabbing and drinking tea and there is a bowl of fruit and sandwiches on a tray. Some are fully dressed, some are in costume, and some are half naked and don’t even seem to think aboutit. I don’t like that… I never want Carly to lose that embarrassment at being exposed. It is part of what turns us both on.
Brad introduces us around and asks a girl named Sarah to give Carly a tour and answer any questions she might have. Sarah appears to be the more submissive of the girls. ‘Find her something to wear.’ They exchange a look.
‘Do you have something in mind, Sir?’
Brad thinks for a moment, ‘Maybe a black lace thong and bra and a cover up.’
Sarah replies with a bob of her head, ‘As you wish,’ and then leads Carly away.
Meanwhile Brad and I look around some more. I tell him what Carly said about submitting to me as her Dom and being OK with allowing me to loan her to Brad. ‘I suggested a contract where she submitted until her debts were paid off.’
He looked at me incredulously, ‘Did she agree to that?’
‘Not yet. She is considering her options.’
‘Well — there are those who are deep, deep, deep into this that do it fulltime, but the majority only submit for a few hours at a time. Enough for a scene. Maybe for the week it would take to make a movie at the most.’
‘She says she has a contract she has been working on, that she might be willing to sign.’
‘Of course you realize that the contract is not legally binding… It might give her more of a feeling of submission, but she still has the right to say no any time she wants.’
‘I realize that, but we haven’t discussed it. I think that she feels that if she makes that commitment and signs on the dotted line that she has made a promise to me that she intends to keep. She has a deep desire to please me.’
‘You have more pictures?’
I nodded, ‘On my phone from yesterday, but the first meeting and the day before are all on her computer. That’s the one with the anal sex. It is in here.’ I pointed to the toy bag.
‘Her computer?’ Emphasis on her.
‘I gave them to her and deleted them from my phone. I told her I wouldn’t share them without her permission.’ He seemed pleased. ‘I want her to be able to trust me.’
‘Very good.’ He clapped me on the shoulder, ‘We have the makings of a good Dom here!’
Sarah and Carly return at that point and I can see that Carly is feeling a little better about the situation. She is in a red silk cover up which she is hugging to herself. Brad says to me, ‘I think it is time to play.’ He excuses Sarah and asks us to follow him to a space at the corner of the building.
My heart was pounding, but Sarah reassurered me that I could stop the scene at any time. I knew once Frank got me going though that I would be too far gone. I would be begging for it. Frank handed me my toy bag. It was heavier than normal and I felt the outside. My laptop… He raised his eyebrow wanting to know if I was going to question him. I felt my face heat and put it over my shoulder. Sarah had put me in silettos as well and I had to concentrate to walk in them. I tried my best to look graceful, but I didn’t feel graceful at all.
The corner Brad led us to was not closed off at all. It had rough wood siding and hooks everywhere and things hanging from the ceiling and lots of bondage equipment and ropes. My mouth felt like cotton and my heart was thudding. It felt surreal. Brad took the toy bag and set it on a work table. Everything here was rustic and the table was rough wood. ‘Let’s see what we have in here, shall we?’ He pulled the computer out without saying anything and set it aside. Then he lined up all the ropes and toys and cuffs and collar and lean. ‘Frank tells me that there are videos on your computer of you using your vibrator?’ Heat again and I nodded mutely. He nodded. He wanted to see them. Then he looked at Frank, ‘Let’s see these positions, shall we?’
Frank didn’t look nervous at all. He looked amused which helped me a little bit. He was in black jeans and another under armour shirt with a blazer. He took the blazer off and stepped towards me.We started standing like the night before. He must have studied because he didn’t read off the paper this time. I did mental check lists in my head with each position and tried to put Brad out of my mind. It was just Frank and me. Sir. The desire was ripping through me. The lace was a little scratchy and I could feel it on my nipples and sex. Not high quality. Not meant to last for long. Sarah had pulled it out of the packaging. She thought it was amusing that I wanted to change in the bathroom in privacy…
I asked her how she got started in making movies and she said she had been in the club scene. One of the guys she did a scene with worked for another studio and asked her to do a movie. Someone here had seen the movie and contacted her. She had been here ever since. ‘This studio is much better run. More professional.’ She was about five eight and blond. Leggy. In a red corset and lots of makeup. ‘I figured I had better get the most out of it. Not many girls work past thirty.How old are you, honey?’
‘Twenty four.’
‘And you have never done this in front of anyone else?’
‘Not until a couple days ago… Frank is the super in my building. He walked in on me.’
Sarah nodded thinking, and then healed a sight. ‘You are in for an education!’
‘I am petrified, but I am about to get thrown out of my apartment.’
‘Let me give you a little piece of advice.’ I nodded. ‘This is a lot better than selling yourself on the streets. The regular john won’t get his hands on you and you can say no and the pay is a whole lot better, but, don’t do it unless you get at least some enjoyment out of it. There’s give and take in everything. If you hate it, all the money in the world won’t make up for it.’
I nodded again, ‘I’ve read on the internet…’
She burst out laughing. ‘Honey, reading is nothing like the real thing!’
‘I’m finding that out.’
She put her arm around me and squeezed, ‘Let’s get you back.’
‘Earth to Carly…’
I looked at Frank and blushed furiously. ‘I’m sorry, Sir.’
‘For that lack of attention you will lose this.’ I was standing in my attention position and he pulled the cover up off. I felt a wave of desire and my tits sprang to attention. I held position though and Frank smiled as he walked around me, admiring. The to be just that and exposed my ass cheeses. I shivered as I felt a finger tug it further into my crack and then trail along my right cheek.
Brad spoke, ‘Have you ever heard of shibari, Carly?’ I nodded.
‘Respond verbally and address him as Sir.’
‘Yes, Sir, I have.’ I gasped as Frank pinched my tit softly.
‘May I?’ Brad was speaking to Frank. My dominant. Asking his permission. Another ripple of desire. Frank must have agreed. He was standing behind me.
Brad approached with a long rope and folded it in half. It was soft white and about half inch in diameter. He put the loop around my neck and then tied a series of knots down theFront of my torso. The rest of the rope he brought between my legs and apparently tied knots up the backside as well before he threaded the ends through the loop at the back of my neck. I was disappointed that he left it a little loose through my crotch, but that didn’t last long.
He brought each end under either armpit and through the space between knots between my breasts. Then he changed direction and drew them around the back again and did the same, bringing it through a space in the back and then under my breasts to the same space between my breasts. This time when he snugged it my breasts were encased and bulged between the ropes. Again to the back and between a space and back to the front to the space at my navel. To the back and I groaned as he snugged the last part pulling the cords away under my butt cheats and firmly snugging them over my clip. ‘I think we are ready for the rest of those positions now.’
The rest of my standing positions and then sitting and kneeing. It was so much more intense with the ropes and I could tell by his voice that Frank was turned on. I was in the groove now and responding immediately. Kneeling Display when Frank asked, ‘Who am I?’
‘You are Sir.’
‘Who are you?’
‘I am yours.’
‘What is your desire?’
‘To please you… to obey…’
‘Good girl,’ he grew. ‘Are you mine to use?’
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