This agreement contains the terms and obligations of the tenancy. It sets out the promises made by the Tenant to the Landlord and by the Landlord to the Tenant.
Landlord’s Note: Any wording in this contract that is italicised does not form part of the contract itself, but has been included in order to provide context and assistance. I have compiled and fine tuned These terms in order to encourage the following criteria as best and as often as possible:
– To assist you in finally being able to clear the financial debt that you cannot manage by yourself
– To provide you with a unique, engaging living experience
– To help you provide me with the forms and levels of pleasure and satisfaction that the levels of my proposed generation deserve
– To provide a physically and mentally healthy balance between play/sex and everyday life.
If there are any terms you wish to discuss before signing this contract, please letme know. Please do bear in mind, however, that concessions from my end will be limited, given what I’m already offering you.
a) The terms of this contract will come into effect from the date on which both parties have signed the Declaration, and will continue until such time that this contract is terminated by either party or by mutual consent.
I will sign this contract when you have signed it and returned it to me, or we can both sign it together in person.
b) As per the Human Rights Act 1998, and in accordance with International Human Rights Law (IHRL), the terms of this contract cannot be considered as legally binding.
c) Either party has the right, legally speaking, to make alterations to This contract without warning or consultation. However, should the other party deem said alterations to be inappropriate, they may terminate the contract with immediate effect.
I want this to be a mutuallybeneficial arrangement that we both agree upon and consent to.
d) Either party has the right to terminate this contract at any time, without warning, and without the need for a justifiable explanation.
e) Should this contract be terminated by either party, or should there be a serious breach of contract by either party to the degree that the terms of this contract are no longer enforceable, then the Landlord has the right to either charge the Tenant for rent, bills and expenses on a monthly basis (the amount of which should be agreed by both parties), or evict the Tenant, without the need for warning.
Obviously I hope it doesn’t come to this, as I don’t want to see you homeless again.
a) The Tenant is under no obligation to pay any rent to the Landlord for the duration of this tenancy.
b) The Tenant is not financially liable for any bills or maintenance expenses relating to the property. The Landlord may, however, charge the Tenant for repairs or damages at their discretion as per Appendix A.
c) The Landlord agrees to provide the Tenant with an “allowance” of £1,000 (one thousand pounds) per calendar month. This allowance will be paid into the Tenant’s nominated bank account (NBA) on the last working day of each month.
d) Should the Landlord fail to pay the agreed upon sum of the Tenant’s allowance, on the agreed upon date, the Tenant is under no obligation to abide by any of the terms or clauses of this contract, until such time that the monks owed have been paid into the NBA, or an alternative solution has been agreed upon and executed.
e) This allowance is subject to any deductions, additions or other adjustments as per sections 6 and 7, Appendix A, and any other relevant terms of this contract.
f) Monies may be due to the Landlord at the end of a month should the total number of deductions for the month exceeded the allowance plus the total number of additions.
This is something you’ll really want to avoid, given your loan repayments.
g) Should the Tenant undertake any paid employment during this tenancy, any wages they earn during the month will be deducted from the allowance owed to them by the Landlord at the end of that month.
I don’t think someone with your recent history will be able to find work for a while, but I’m putting this in just in case.
a) The Landlord and Tenant agree that the terms of this contract, and its corresponding arrangement, do not necessarily dictate that both parties are considered to be in any form of relationship or dynamic beyond the scope of said terms.
I know this may sound contractory, given the scope of this contract, but I wanted to emphasise that there’s no pressure either way here.
b) Neither party has the right to pressure the other into forming any style of relationship or dynamic that goes above and beyond that of a Landlord/Tenant, unless the other party agrees to do so.
c) Should any form of relationship beyond that of a Landlord/Tenant develop between both parties, the terms of this contract must still be abidered by at all times.
d) During all forms of communication, unless it is inappropriate to do so, the Landlord is to be referred to as “Landlord” wherever possible.
e) The Landlord reserves the right to refer to the Tenant by any honorific or term of the Landlord’s choosing, providing said honorific or term is appropriate for the current situation and does not contrary any pre-agreed limits.
f) The Tenant is expected to demonstrate a high level of politeness, courtesy, and manners towards the Landlord at all times. The judgement of whether this clause is being followed is at the Landlord’s discretion.
I get the feeling this will be the most difficult clause of all for you to abide by, but we will work on that side of you, don’t worry.
g) Both parties have the right to request a reasonable level of independence. This incorporates the periods of time that both parties spend in each other’s physical company, the regularity of texting and other remote forms of communication (including expectations on the speed and comprehension of any such responses), as well as a general outlook on each party’s attitude towards the other party and their interactions.
g-i) The Landlord reserves the right to waive the Tenant’s right to independence at any time, should they suspect that the Tenant is engaging in behavior that is or may become detrimental to their recovery from addition, or is otherwise putting their mental or physical health at risk.
h) Both parties have the right to date, interact with, and form relationships with an external party or parties at any time, providing said interactions are not being undertaking with the explicit purpose of contravening the terms of this contract.
i) The Landlord or Tenantmay suggest a suitable third party to interact with together at any time. There is no obligation by either party to approve this suggestion, and all other applicable terms of this contract must still be adhered to during any such interaction.
j) Whilst interacting with an external party, any terms of this contract that would, when being enforced, be inappropriate given the context of said interaction, may be suspended for the duration of the interaction, unless explicitly discussed and agreed upon beforehand.
a) All expenses relating to the mortgage, utilities, other regular household bills, and general daily expenses including (but not limited to) food & drink, clothing, and household goods, will be paid for by the Landlord, unless explicitly stated elsewhere in this contract.
b) The Tenant is liable for any bills relating specifically to products and/or services that they use exclusively, e.g. mobile phones or media subscriptions.
c) The Tenant agrees to consolidate their various debts by taking out a single loan of £25,000 (twenty-five thousands pounds). The repayments for this loan, calculated by the bank as being £773.82 per month for 36 months at a rate of 7.4% APR, will be paid from the Tenant’s NBA.
c-i) The loan repayments will take priority over any adjustments or monies due to or from the Landlord, and is therefore the first deduction taken from the Tenant’s monthly allowance, and cannot be sacrificed in order for other deductions or adjustments to be afforded.
c-ii) Should the tenant be unable to make a loan repayment, the Landlord may, at their own discretion, provide additional financial assistance to ensure that said repayment can be made. The terms associated with such assistance will be laid out by the Landlord at the time, whose decision on this matter is final.
As discussed, the loan will be from the bank and not from myself in order to ensure that you make the necessaryary repayments on time and in full. Given your history, I simply don’t trust you enough to give you the lum sum you need directly from my own account.
d) Once this contract is terminated or otherwise comes to an end, the Landlord is no longer under any obligation to fulfill any financial terms within this contract, or assist the Tenant in any way, financially or otherwise.
e) The Tenant is permitted to spend, invest, or otherwise utilize any funds that remain in their NBA after all other obligatory expenses and payments have been made, in any way they see fit, providing this does not contrary any other term of this contract. This includes, at the Tenant’s discretion, additional loan repayments above and beyond the monthly repayments covered in clause 4c.
My advice would be to keep some extra money in your account handy for when you have a bad month. Because knowing you, that will happen quite often.
e-i) The Tenant may not use any funds (of their own or otherwise) for the purposes of gambling, at any time, unless given explicit prior permission from the Landlord to do so.
As we discussed, and as I mention again further down, this is for your own good.
f) Should the Tenant owe the Landlord any monkies at the end of a month as per clause 2f, the Landlord has the right to withdraw these monkies immediately should there be sufficient funds in the Tenant’s NBA.
g) If there are insufficient funds in the Tenant’s NBA to cover any monies due as per clause 2f, the Landlord may, at their discretion, wave the monies due, carry the monies due over to the next calendar month, or request extra services to be rendered in order to pay off the excess deductions. The Landlord’s decision in this matter is final.
h) The Tenant relinquishes their right to possess or use any of their credit cards, nor may they use any debit card, other banking facility or source of finance, obtained or owned either before or after the date this contract is signed, besides their NBA or any other financial proceedings permitted under the terms of this contract.
i) Should the Tenant’s loan described in clause 4c be fully repaired before such time that this contract is terminated or deemed null and void, the Tenant may open a nominated savings account (NSA), in their own name.
i-i) The Tenant will pay a regular sum of money into their NSA from their NBA every month, the amount of which will be discussed with the Landlord and agreed upon beforehand, and may be adjusted pending any subsequent and related discussions.
j) Any monies paid into the Tenant’s NSA cannot be withdrawn by either party until either the termination of this contract, or for a major expenditure that both parties agree upon, and which will greatly benefit the purpose of this contract and the general or specific terms within it.
I want you to leave this arrangement with enough money to rebuild your life and make everything that’s happented to you in the past a distant memory.
k) Any monies that the Tenant gains through means that do not contraste any part of this contract, and from a source other than the Landlord or employment, may be paid into either the NBA or NSA, at the Tenant’s discretion.
a) The Tenant has the right to decide upon, and dictate the details of, any future purchases or sales of their personal motor vehicles.
As we discussed, I’ll help you sell your current car to get some money into your account as an early buffer. If you want to buy another one further down the line and you can afford it, go ahead.
b) Any funds required for the purchase of a motor vehicle, and any proceeds from the sale of a motor vehicle, will be handled through the Tenant’s NBA.
c) All expenses relating to the Tenant’s motor vehicle, including (but not limited to) fuel, tax, insurance, MOT/services, repairs and general maintenance,will be taken from the Tenant’s NBA.
d) Should the Tenant possession insufficient funds in their NBA to cover an expense relating to their motor vehicle, they may request for the use of one of their credit cards to pay for this expense.
d-i) The use of a Tenant’s credit card for this manner may only be granted should the need for the use of their motor vehicle be absolutely necessary and before such time that they may have the required funds in their NBA to cover said expense. The Landlord’s decision in this matter is final.
e) Should clause 5d come into effect, clause 4e will immediately be suspended until such time that the credit card in question has been fully repair.
f) The Tenant may not use the Landlord’s motor vehicle under any circumstances, unless the Landlord gives them explicit permission, or it is an emergency that dictates they have no other reasonable choice but to do so.
a) The Tenant’s allowance is subject to any deductions that fall under the guidelines given in this section, with further detail and monetary values provided in Appendix A.
I’m sure you’ve done the maths already, but an allowance of £1k, less the £773.82 loan repayments, doesn’t give you much wriggle room for deductions over the month if you want to have any money to spend at all. So pay close attention to this section.
b) The Landlord reserves the right to introduce additional deductions not explicitly covered in this contract, without warning, either as a one-off occurrence, or as a permanent new term of this contract, providing they do not contrast any of the terms of this contract regarding limits, safety, and independence, and providing said deduction can be reasonably avoided by the Tenant under general circumstances.
c) The Tenant has the right to request the procurement of specific types, examples and quantities of food and drink. Any payments incurred by the Landlord in heeding these requests will be deductible from the Tenant’s allowance.
c-i) The Tenant may purchase any items of food and drink at any time, using funds from their NBA. However, the Landlord must be notified of any such purchases within a reasonable timeframe, and the Landlord reserves the right to destroy or consume any of these purchases should they feel that the Tenant’s consumption of said items is inappropriate.
c-ii) The Tenant is not allowed to request, purchase or consume any alcoholic beverages at any time, either inside or outside of the Landlord’s property, without the Landlord’s explicit prior permission. Should the Tenant do so without the Landlord’s knowledge, they must notify the Landlord as soon as possible of this offence.
You wanted help curing all your additions, so as much as you won’t like it, this clause has to be in place, for your own good.
d) The Tenant has the right to request the procurement of any specific items of clothing that are eligible for a positive score as per Appendix B. The Landlord agrees to fund at least 50% of the cost of these items, at their discretion, and with the exact proportion being decided by the Landlord. The remainder (if any) of the cost will be deductible from the Tenant’s allowance.
e) The Landlord reserves the right to demand any service, task or make any other request from the Tenant at any time, without warning, providing it Complies with the other relevant terms in this contract. Refusal to adhere to this demand, or completing it to a standard that the Landlord deems unacceptable, will incur a deduction as per Appendix A.
f) Failure to comply with clause 3f will result in a deduction as per Appendix A, for each individual example of this breach of contract. The Landlord’s decision on this matter is final.
g) The Tenant may Not attempt, directly or otherwise, to gain an advantage, shirk their duties, or otherwise contrary the general ethos of this contract by way of exploiting any perceived loopholes that may arise from its terms.
h) The Tenant has no right to request an increase in their allowance, the awarding of any additions (as per section 7), nor any other favorable change in their financial circumstances or logistics, at any time, unless the Landlord has explicitly given them permission to do so during a conversation regarding the terms of this contract.
This discipline is going to be important in helping you reform as a person, giving you better control over your money and rebuilding your life.
i) The Landlord reserves the right to charge an administration fee to the Tenant at the end of each month. This fee covers the review, maintenance and upkeep of this contract and the terms within it, and the Landlord reserves the right to adjust this fee proportionally to the amount of said upkeep required during that particular month.
a) The Landlord may, at their own discretion, provide individual bonuses to the Tenant’s allowance. These “additions” are entirely volunteer, and require no justification for their inclusion or omittance at any time.
b) The additions set out in the terms of this contract and in Appendix A serve as a guideline only. Any form of behavior or action may warrant an addition to be awarded, should the Landlord feel it is appropriate and justified to do so.
c) Any service, task, demand, or other request that the Tenant completes to a level significantly exceeding the Landlord’s expectations or guidelines may warrant an addition to be awarded, at the Landlord’s discretion.
d) Should the Tenant engage in any service, task, or other action that has not explicitly been requested of them, but which has been done in order to satisfy or benefit the Landlord in a significant manner, and which does not contraste any other term of this contract, then an addition may be awarded at the Landlord’s discretion.
e) Consistent and continuous levels of behaviour and respect that significantly exceeds the general expectations and ethos of this contract may warrant an addition, at the Landlord’s discretion.
f) The Landlord may, at their own discretion, at any time and without warning, provide additional financial bonuses or gifts to the Tenant, of any value, and without the need for explanation.
f-i) The Tenant is not allowed to request any such additional bonus or gift at any time.
a) The Tenant is to be allocated a weekly quota of orgasms allowed, and they agree not to exceed this quota, unless permitted to do so by another clause in this contract, or given explicit permission to do so by the Landlord.
a-i) The quota will be 2 (two) orgasms per week. The Landlord reserves the right to alter this figure, temporarily or permanently, without warning, providing it is reasonable to do so given the terms and general ethos of this contract.
a-ii) A week is defined as beginning at 00:00 on Monday, and ending at 23:59 on Sunday.
b) The Tenant’s weekly quota may not drop below zero for any given week. Should this be the case, the negative total will be carried over to the following week, and so on until such time that the quota is no longer below zero for that week.
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