The Tenant Ch. 03

Chapter 3

I nod and set the keys on the counter. She sighs as I release the carabiner and leans into me as I massage her shoulders. She cups my balls, but that is all. Her eyes close in relief and bliss. Eventually I slap her bottom and figure out which key opens the lock. The keys and the locks are color coded as well. I should use that system with all the other keys I carry. I leave her to remove the cuffs.

I watch her pee and poop… which embarrasses her and turn her on.

The bathroom is your normal hotel room tub/shower combo. I adjust the water temp and then invite her in. She pins her hair up quickly and joins me. I show her where to put her hands up high on the wall and start in on her torso. Her eyes are open, but her gaze is far away as I wash her arms and neck and then her torso. I Don’t neglect anything and spend a little extra time massaging her shoulders again and then rolling her tits between my fingers. She thrusts her chest into my hands and throwsback her head with her eyes closed. ‘Spread your legs.’ I say it because she is rubbing her legs together, but she is hoping and so she obeys immediately. ‘Good girl.’

I start at her feet and work my way up. Rolling her title with my left hand while I wash her anus with my right. She shows me a bottle like restaurants use for sauces with the squirt nozzle. She puts a drop of shampoo in it and fills it with water. She shakes it and hands it to me and then we switch sides and she presents herself to me. I insert it into her anus and empty it as well as I can. She stands and turns beet red as she makes noises. We repeat the wash two more times and then I carefully wash her slit, ‘Don’t come.’ I don’t spend any more time there than I need in order to get things clean. I plan on teasing her silly when she is helpless again.

I wash my chest and hair, but I feel her reach around my hips and let her wash my cock and balls and ass crack. She spends a while on my cock. It feels amazingg, but I stop her when I am hard.

I turn off the water. She dries me and I step out while she dries herself. I watch as she brushes her teeth and braids her hair in a French braid that starts at her part line and goes to the crown of her head and down. Her hair is the same color as mine. Naturally wavy and almost to her bottom. She takes a big drink of water and then nods. She is ready again to submit to my will. My cock twitches again.

I gesture to her cuffs, ‘wrists and ankles.’ Spread eagle… I can hardly wait. She puts them on and then stands waiting even after I gesture. Her head is down.


‘Tell me.’

‘Before you chain me, will you…’ she blushes… ‘hold me?’

I grab her hand and pull it to my lips. Her eyes come up to where they meet and I put my other hand under her chin until she meets my eyes. ‘I am insanely pleased with you… I know you might be a little frustrated right now, but it isn’t because you haven’t pleased me. It is becausee I want to drive you completely crazy and you are far, far from done with me tonight.’ She shives. I kiss her fingers again and then pull her to me. We watch in the mirror as I rock her and kiss her hair and run my fingers up and down her back. I hold her tight for several minutes and she closes her eyes in relief. This is the part I need to talk to someone about. This – out of the scene as she put it – part. Is it normal for someone like her to be this way? I can live with it.

I tie her the same as I did when I took her ass. She is compliant, but I don’t intend to do that again until she has a chance to heal. She says there was a chain with carabiners on both ends and I hook one end to a D-ring on her wrist cuff, pull her arm behind her to the opposite hip, pull the chain around her across her stomach and hook the other end to the other wrist cuff behind her hip. There is a little more play in that which is good after the strain I had put on her shoulders. ‘Okay?’ She nods. Ibend her over the footboard and tie her collar to the headboard. ‘I’m leaving the door open. I will just brush my teeth and be right back.’ She squeaks.

I gather my clothes and wrap the towel around my hips. Leaving her door ajar I peek into the hall and then let myself into my apartment for clean clothes and to brush my teeth. Thin sweats with a drawstring. Two minutes tops. Then I stand in the hallway for about ten more minutes. The door is pulled to far enough that someone walking by can’t see, but she knows it is open and her sex is spread wide for anyone who decides to walk in… It already happened once and look where it got her! No gag and no hood this time. I want her to see her situation.

Finally I return. Dang if her sex isn’t dripping again! I leave the door open, but put the swing bar door guard in place. No one can open it, but the sounds will carry. I wash the toys and line them up on a towel, run my fingers through my hair and look at my bear. Two days. I will have to shake when I wake up.

I pull the chair from the table and sit down to my feast. The first thing I do is run my tongue right up her ass crack. I know it is clean. It is spread wide too. Easy access. She groans loudly. I swat her behind… ‘Umm… just so you know, the door is still open.’ I hear her gasp. ‘The door guard is in place but anyone who happens to walk down the hall will hear whatever noise you make.’ She swears softly and I giggle. I lick her ass again and she swears again.

My goal is a hundred hickeys. There are two on her neck line and half a dozen dotting her breasts. I put my nose in her cunt and start in on the skin just below the curve of her butt chef. She is whispering a string of cuss words. When I finish there I drag the flogger across the small of her back and she understands. Number two was on her ass cheek near her crack. More with the flogger and she is understanding as far as she can in her bonds. Number three is on the raised corner of her rightt should blade. A trail of kisses moving up the edge of the bone and she shivers. Number four is on the sensitive skin on the back of her arm about four inches above her elbow. I kiss her fingertips and suck on them. Her breathing is ragged. I reach under her and roll her title and she groans again. ‘Shhh… don’t forget… someone could be standing right outside listening.’

I take pictures of the progress of course. Flogger or fingers or lips between each one. I am rock hard again when I flip her over. Now spread eagle I am working on the other side. Her muscles are contracting with her desire, but there isn’t a darn thing she can do about it. All the hair on her body is standing on end. There are goosebumps everywhere. There are bruises all over her tits and the front of her legs, mostly near her cunt. There is a clothespin on her left title at the moment. I put a small rubber band on the opposite end so that it won’t close down quite so hard, but she squeaks a bit in spine of mywarning. Now in between hickeys I flip it back and forth. She is panting now and swearing as she rolls her head back and forth.

Number 100 is on the right tit and it was a big one. I am kind of proud of it. I flip at the clothespin a few times and then pull it off slowly as she gasps.

I straddle her so my cock is between her tits and rub back and forth a few times. ‘I hate to do this to you, but I am hot again.’ I pinch both of her tits and pull on them as she swears again. ‘I need you to suck me off.’ I position myself above her mouth and lower myself towards her, but she ducks away and goes for my balls. Okay… I swear! And it isn’t softly. I want to embarrass the heck out of her. She doesn’t seem to care though. She is humming and sucking and licking away. I move forward and she licks the line from my asshole to my balls slowly and thoroughly and I feel my cock twitch. I grind myself into her mouth and she does what she can for a few minutes before I pull back and reposition my cock. This time she takes it into her mouth, humming happily with her eyes closed. I can feel her hips rocking back and forth too. When I am close I back off and she opens her eyes. I reach for the KY and put a dollar between her breasts. Then I pull on both tits again before pressing her breasts around my cock and starting a slow in and out. I go back and forth between that and tugging on her tits until I feel the come enter my shake and then I raise up and shoot it all over her face and into her waiting mouth.

I kiss her for a long time after that. French kisses, and kisses everywhere. I smell my come on her face and put most of it under her nose so she will be able to smell me all night. ‘You are way too sexy.’ She is still emrithing and panting and trying to arch her back. I stand and put my sweats back on and then go to the door. I open it wide and go back to my room. I come back about fifteen minutes later with my mattress and put it on the floor by the kitchen table. I go back to my room and come back about fifteen minutes later with my pillow and blanket. Her clip is standing at attention!

I am sated… I feel the pull in my cock and balls. ‘Do you need anything before I go to sleep?’ I ask her innocently. ‘A drink of water?’

‘Yes, sir.’

I come back with a filled glass and a straw. She drinks quite a bit and then nods.

I throw the folded sheet across her outstretched legs and feet, coming just short of her sex. I don’t want any chance of friction. Then I throw the blanket across her torso and up her arms and tuck it under her. ‘Are they tight enough or too tight?’ She heavens a saved sight. I didn’t do them as tight as before because I was concerned about her shoulders.

You could make them a couple notches tighter, sir.’

‘Your wish is my command.’ I stretch her tight. ‘Better?’ She nods in satisfaction. ‘Collar on or off?’

She shivers, ‘On please, sir.’

‘Do you need anything else?’

‘Only tocome, Sir.’

‘Well, that’s not going to happen.’

‘I know, Sir… Thank you.’

I grin and kiss her forehead, ‘You are welcome! Good night!’

‘Good night, Sir.’

I pull on the chain, ‘If this gets too uncomfortable during the night I want you to wake me up.’

‘Yes, Sir… and if you need anything during the night, feel free to do the same. My pussy would love to attend you… or my breasts… or my mouth.’

‘I’ll keep that in mind.’

‘I am yours to command… Do with me as you will.’

‘I plan on it.’ I kiss her hair and rub her head. ‘Sweet dreams.’

I snap off the light, close the door, curl up on my mattress and am gone in sixty seconds.


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