The Tenant Ch. 02

Chapter 2

Her stomach and her fridge are full. She made a salad with panko fried shrimp, lettuce and green onions and a spicy homemade dressing and sliced ​​fresh fruit for dessert. She seemed concerned about whether or not I liked it. It was amazing and I told her so. She pressed her lips together and nodded.

Still, she has to feel overwhelmed and vulnerable. She didn’t mean for all of that to happen. Does she feel like I raped her? Does she feel obligated to have sex with me in order to try to save her place to live? How does she feel about me? Where do we go from here? Should I maintain a professional distance? I don’t think that is going to be possible. I have pictures and video of her in a demeaning and vulnerable condition. Is she concerned that I will use it to humiliate her?

She leans over me to take my plate and freezes as I take her hand, ‘Sit?’ She sinks into my lap as I tug softly on her hand. ‘Let’s make an agenda. Your items and my items.’ I lean back and take a pad of paper and a pen from the kitchen counter, writing as I speak. ‘Number one for me is how you feel about what happened. Number two is what to do with the pictures and videos. Number three is how you feel about me.’ I continue softly. ‘Number four is getting you financially solve.’ I wait, but she doesn’t seem to have any agenda items for the moment. ‘Let’s start with what we have and we can add more as we go along.’ Again she is silent and I point with my pen to the first agenda item. I wait so long I don’t think she is going to reply. Everything she is feeling crosses her face. Embarrassment, humiliation, uncertainty. Finally she sighs and starts softly.

‘When I first figured out you were there… I was so mortified and humiliated. Every time I tie myself up I fantasize that someone will come in and…’

I won’t use the word rap… ‘Ravish you?’

She nods, ‘but I never really expected it to happen!’

‘And now that it has?’

She pauses, deciding, ‘It was better than I ever could have imagined!’ She shrugs, ‘The embarrassment made me… really hot! I figured it would, but it really did.’

‘So I want to make sure that I didn’t do anything that you didn’t want me to…’

‘Like I might press charges?’ I saw uncomfortable and nod, ‘Never in a million years!’ A pause, ‘I think there might be something wrong with me…’

‘You are way out of the realm of what I consider normal, and I have never imagined these fansies of yours before, but I definitely responded to it…’

‘I was practically begging you to do what you did.’

‘Despite the gag and the restraints…’

‘Obviously I love them, or they wouldn’t have been there in the first place… and it was the first time the bondage was tight enough… and I was helpless enough… When I do it to myself there is always…’

‘A way out…’ She nods. ‘Okay… We can come back to this later… The second item is the pictures and videos. As far as I amconcerned there are four options. One is that I can delete them all. Two is you can download them to your computer with password protection and I can delete them all from my phone. Three is you can download them and I can keep them. Four, I can keep them to myself and post them on the internet.’ She squirms and hugs me, pressing her breasts into me as she sticks her tongue down my throat! No doubt she feels my cock swelling under her thigh. Her eyes are hooded as she pulls away and I wait for her response.

‘I would love number four if I was only thinking with my ummm…’ I grin and nod and jostle her, ‘but I think for now I should choose number two. I don’t know you after all, but I think it is amazing that you even offered number one or number two. I can always give you unrestricted access to them later.’

I jostle her again, ‘Go get your computer.’ I figured that would be her choice and it is the best choice for her. Her computer is in a pouch I hadn’t noticed at the headof the bed. She retrieves it and sets it next to my phone with a usb dock. I look at her.

‘I had to sell my iPhone.’ She shrugs.

I nod and pull her back to my lap. ‘Do you know how to set up password protection?’ She shakes her head. ‘Okay, do you want it all to be protected, or do you just want that folder protected?’

She rocks a bit uncomfortable, ‘It probably all should be protected… I have… stories.’

‘Fantasies?’ She pinks up and nods. ‘Mmmmm… maybe you will let me see those somewhere down the road.’ She shrugs and I gesture to her computer. She turns away from me and I put my arms on the table around her as she boots it up. ‘Do you know how to do it?’ She shakes her head and so I begin typing while looking over her shoulder. I get to the point of entering the password and then duck behind her so she can feel my cheek on her shoulder blade while she enters it.

When she is done I create a folder for the photos and videos and she watches as I deletee them from my phone. I saw a little negatively when I am done, but I hug her from behind.

She suggests playfully, ‘Maybe we should watch them one more time, just to make sure they actually made it into the folder?’ I grin and hug her again, nibbling on her neck.

‘We should, but later. We still have other things to discuss.’ I pull another chair closer before I get too sidetracked. She sits facing me and I tap the paper, ‘Number three… how you feel about me.’

‘And how you feel about me.’

I nod, ‘You first.’

‘I don’t think I knew you at all. I mean, you were the enemy… at least for the last few months… before that… well, and even since… you were part of my…’ she shrugged, suddenly extremely extremely uncomfortable.

‘You’re fansies?’ I ask in awed amazement.

She nods… ‘You had the master key.’ Double meanings?

‘Is that the only reason?’

‘No,’ she is blushing now.

‘Tell me.’

Her eyes fly to mine, ‘That.’


‘Natural command? But not in an offensive way… You are no nonsense? You expect people to respond to you? You take control.’ She shrugs, ‘And… you are athletic and decisive about your motions and graceful in a masculine way.’

I feel strangely grasped at her assessment, ‘You called me Sir.’ She nods and looks at me again. ‘Is it part of the fansies?’

She nods again, ‘Very much so… submission to a dominant.’

I nod, digesting. ‘Is that all?’

‘No… I feel very vulnerable… More than just because I was naked and bound and aroused. I mean… I was starving… and sick of peanut butter and worried about having to go live on the street… I have given up things… and lost things…’ She shrugs again, close to tears, ‘but you have been a lot nicer than I expected… I mean in the scene too when you tried to figure out what I needed, but also after… I didn’t expect the groceries, or help, and I still don’t. I want to pay it back, but I can hope now… That is a gift I didn’t expect… You are… nice.’

‘I whipped you…’

‘Flogged… it is different.’ She grinins and blushes, ‘I loved it!’

‘It was the first time I have done that… It never would have occurred to me… that it could be arousing.’

‘Because you were vanilla.’

‘Vanilla… that’s what Brad calls me… my nickname.’


‘The guy I sent the picture to.’

‘Not anymore…’ She smiles a little uncomfortable. ‘You turn.’

‘You are beautiful! Sexy… hot… I couldn’t believe it when I came through the door… I knocked first…’

She nods, ‘I couldn’t hear.’

I grin, ‘or response!’ I nod in memory, ‘I wanted to watch what happened and it was going to be a while… the sink is fixed, by the way.’

She shrugs, ‘Thank you.’

Not even a “took you long enough”. ‘I thought you might be dead, but then I saw you… emrithing…’ She sat back suddenly and turned beet red. I grinned, ‘writhing and undulating, andsticking your tits out and your sex… Your tits are absolutely perfect, by the way, and the rest of your body is stunning. Physically I find you more than attractive.’

She heavens a sight and grinns with embarrassment after I waggle my eyesbrows.

‘But, I think I love the submission most. When you called me Sir… it aroused me even more, and I was pretty aroused… I’ve never taken anyone there before… that was very amazing… I would never have considered it. I would never do it without an invitation…’ She nodded a bit.

‘And… I like you a whole lot more than I expected to. The sex is your choice, always, but I would like to at the very least be your friend and maybe after we get to know each other… after you get your financial situation figured out, we could evaluate a further relationship.’

‘You don’t have a girlfriend?’

‘Nope. Haven’t for a while and wouldn’t have had sex with you if I did.’ She grinns and I grin back. ‘And you?’

‘Not for a couple years… they were all… vanilla…’

‘Maybe just because you were afraid to be vulnerable…’ She shrugs.

‘Okay – the biggest item.’ I point to the dry erase board and she cringes. ‘I may be able to help you out there.’ I gesture around the apartment, ‘I took the opportunity to look around while you were otherwise occupied. Everything is clean. Everything is in its place. I like that. That fifty dollars for electricity was from my pocket… My apartment is a mess. I would like you to clean and organize it if you agree. Mr. Hasse has already given me permission to hire a part time assistant. If you want the job, it is yours.’ She nods eagerly. ‘And,’ I tap my phone, ‘Brad… is not vanilla… He makes movies… He has been blowing my phone up since I sent that text. He wants to talk…’

She grunts involuntarily and looks to the side. ‘Porn?’

I nod, ‘Just think about it. Not a long term deal… a one or two time deal until you are caught up… Thenyou can get a job as a waitress again in the evenings to make ends meet.’ She grunts again, but she is rubbing her tights together. ‘I want you to take some time to think about it. You can let me know in a couple of days if you want to set up a meeting with him.’ She nods, ‘That wraps it up for me. Do you have anything else you want to bring up?’

She shakes her head and then in mock seriousness says, ‘Just to make sure the pictures and videos are all there.’

‘Ahh… of course… we should make sure.’ My cock twitches.

‘Sir?’ It twitches again. ‘Would you bind me while we watch?’

‘I will… on one condition.’

‘What is it, Sir?’

‘I want you naked. Now.’ My heart is thudding like a drum.

‘Yes Sir!’

She stands, blushing, and removes her clothes. Not just ripping it off, but teasingly, and folding it carefully as she does so, then she knees on the ground in front of me with her bottom on her feet and her knees spread wide to display her sex, her arms folded behind her back… her breasts jutting out… My guy is dancing a happy dance!

I stand and walk around her slowly. There are no visible marks. ‘Is your skin sensitive from the flogging?’

‘A little. It will be gone tomorrow… Unless you choose to flog me again, Sir.’

‘Have you ever been flogged before?’

‘I have never been flogged by someone else… and it isn’t nearly as much fun to flog yourself.’ She thinks about continuing, but stops.


She nods with her breasts and cunt exposed. ‘I have never done any of this with someone before. No one else has seen me bound, or seen my toys…’

‘Has anyone read your stories?’

‘No, Sir.’

They might be marketable… Another way for her to make money. ‘Is this position,’ I gestured at her, ‘a submissive thing?’

‘Yes, Sir. Do you like it?’

‘My cock loves it.’

She giggles, ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘I might need you to email me some links so I can educate myself. You have some?’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Hold your arms up, palms facing me.’ She looks a little confused, but complies. A few little pink spots from the clothespins, but no bruising. ‘Resume your position.’ She complies again intentionally jiggling and grinning. ‘Your anal passage? How does it feel?’ I am a little embarrassed, but I push past it. I just drilled her there… I I wanted to make sure I haven’t done any damage.

‘It is fine, Sir. I have used the butt plug for a while now.’

‘Did you find my… actions… too rough?’

‘No, Sir… I was wishing, at the beginning, that I hadn’t asked you to be gentle, but then you weren’t as gentle and I found it very satisfying…’ She grins diabolically. ‘I found it amazing as well.’

I grin back, ‘Then I will expect you to offer it to me again in the future.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘You are not on birth control?’

‘No, Sir. None was needed.’

‘We both need to go to the clinic to be tested. Brad will requirethat if you are going to work for him. I plan on taking you anyway you approve of and I don’t want to wear a condom, so you will need to use birth control of some sort.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Well then, you need to feed your computer the password and you need to give me some ideas on how to bind you.’

‘Yes, Sir!’

I have to wave my hand before she will stand. She runs to the broom closet and then to grab the toy bag from under the bed and returns to the table. She sets the bag and a one and a half inch dowel about 18 inches long with inch and a half eyebolts screwed into each end on the table. Each end has rope 1/4 inch thick attached to the eyebolt. Two tails on both ends about ten inches long with baseball size whiffle balls tied on the end. She habitures to the table in question. Her eyes are dancing. I get all serious and point. She grins and climbs up. ‘Which way would you like me to face, Sir?’

‘Face the bed.’

‘Yes, Sir!’

I watch as she positions the dowel between her knees with the strings behind them and the whiffle balls on the outside of her knees and then knees with her cheeks on her feet effectively trapping the dowel with the strings inside her beended knees. She can’t close her legs because of the dowel and she can’t spread them to escape because of the balls. She goes through the bag and pulls out several ropes. I see that the ends are color coded. The rope is soft and the ends are melted and painted for what I assume are different lengths. They are all individually coiled and neatly tied.

She selects two orange ones and hands me one. I watch as she folds one in half and wraps it around her right ankle and tight with the loop positioned under her right ankle on the outside. She draws the ends through the loop and wraps them back around thigh and ankle and then feeds them Through the new loop, changes directions again and brings them back to the loop tying them off with a few inches to spare. She makes sure that the ropes aren’t twisted. I repeat her actions on the other leg doing the same. She shivers as I ‘accidentally’ brush up against her sex several times and tie the knots firmly, then double check her knots to make sure they are good and tight.

Next she sets out the wrist and elbow cuffs and begins putting them on her left arm. I repeated her actions on the other arm and when I finish she leans towards the computer and positions it between her and the chair I will sit in and punches in the new security code and clicks on the folder. Then she hands me two padlocks. ‘It might be too tight for my elbows. I’d like you to try though.’

I use the first padlock on the wrist cuffs and then press her elbows together experimentally. It was close, but a carabiner would be perfect. I switch it out and she groans with need. I reach around her and pinch and roll her nipples and she leans her head back onto my shoulder.

I keep it up until she is squirming and then move the mouse to keep the screen open on the computer. She hasn’t set anything else aside, but I pick up the whiffle ball. There is a shoestring running through it. I hold it up. She opens her mouth obediently and I push it in and tie it in place. Her eyes are glazed now.

I sift through the remaining items and hold up the dildo. ‘I have quite a lot of competition.’ She snickers through the gag and a string of saliva hits her chest. ‘Do you know of a place I might store this?’

She hums through her gag, ‘uhhh…’ She is zoning out.

I move the mouse again with my right hand while I tweak her left title and then I reach down with my right hand and slide my fingers through her slide. She is so wet it is dripping and she twitches from the stimulation. I bring them to my mouth right by her ear sucking them dry and humming in satisfaction. ‘Just like honey.’

I position the dildo near her opening and tip her back to slip it in. ‘And just to make sure it doesn’t go anywhere…’ I rummage through the pile and find a quarter inch rope and fold it in half, run it around her waist, bring the ends through the loop at her backbone, run them through her crack, across her clip, under the rope at her waist and tie it off on the bar between her legs. Move the mouse again… another string of saliva trails from her mouth. I tug on the dildo string and she grunts.

I click on the mouse and bring the first picture up full size. ‘Oh, I forgot one thing.’ Leaving her on the table in all her glory I open the window blinds wide. She squeals. ‘You fantasized about exhibitionism and the shame of being discovered…’ Her eyes are wide in horror. We are on the fifth floor. The ground falls away gently towards the river. There are no other tall buildings and nothing on our level until the other side of the river. No one would be able to see her, but she can see the other buildings in the distance and feels completely exposed. ‘The computer screen has you lit up nicely…’ I peek over her shoulderr and roll her title with my fingers. ‘Let’s give them all a show, shall we?… In fact…’ I pull out my phone and walk a complete circle as I video, commenting on how exposed she is with the window blinds wide open and getting a close up of the come dripping on the table. I take stills too, from behind with her bound arms and the open window, from the sides with her nipples at attention and jutting out, shoulders scanning, from the front, close ups and full shots with the gag in her mouth and drooling onto her chest. She is mortified and hot as hell.

‘Now, that is exactly how I found you…’ I point to the picture displayed on the computer. I click to the next frame and it is the video of her writing in her self-imposed bondage. ‘I found this particularly sexy… I just stared and you had no idea I was even there…’ I point, see how you jut your tits out?’ I roll one of her tits, ‘Just like now. And look at that!’ I freeze the frame. I had captured her sex perfectly and it showed the shine of her arousal dripping. ‘Again, just like now.’ I run my fingers through her slit and jostle the dildo, then flick the string and she squeals. ‘Don’t come…’

It is going to be a long night for her… She grosses, inhales and then grosss for the full exercise as I twist her nipples, ‘Look at your tits… With your elbows pressed together they are pressed out so far… and there is nothing you can do to hide them… Nothing you can do to hide your sex either. Nothing you can do to stop me from twisting and pulling on them…’ I leaned forward and sucked on the top of her breast as she arched her back. ‘Nothing you can do to stop me from giving you a hickey…’ More pictures of her tied to the bed… The video of the bondage system. The video showing the open apartment door. I was standing next to the bed for that one and she gasps in Shock. I knew the neighbors were all at work, but there was still a risk. A shot of all the toys I lined up on the bed with her thighs and crotch in the top of the frame.

And finally! The video of her when her arm came free. It is almost hotter than watching it in real life. Mmm… nope, just kidding, but it is close. ‘Look at you, playing with yourself!’ I pointed, ‘And here is me jacking off all over you!’ I actually laugh when it comes to the part where she pulled off the hood and saw me.


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