The Ten Thousand Dollar Decision Ch. 05

For the second time since my arrival, I was awakened by a pretty young woman.

She was new to me but yesterday’s training had taught me what to expect.

She was wearing what I was learning to be a uniform of sorts. Like with Peggy the previous morning, this girl was dressed with a short, pleated skirt and midi-blouse, her belly bared to the top of her hip-hugging skirt, presumably covering What I had come to expect. A clean-shaven pussy.

As it turned out, I didn’t have to wait long to find out what she looked like without the uniform. To my pleasant surprise, she didn’t tarry long before speaking up.

“My name is Patty and I will be supervising you this morning. The Doctor has instructed me to join you in your shower and help you to get squeaky-clean.

“Rest assured, I will exactly a price for such a delight when I get you to the punishment room.”

Without fanfare, Patty shed herself of her skirt and blouse, leaving her firm, young body totally nude, with the expected shamen pubes bared for my visual feast.

“Come along, David and let’s get you ready for a new day.

“Doctor Evans has promised me the opportunity to spank you this morning.”

As with the previous morning, I found that I had slept on my belly, presumably to provide some survey to the pain in my buttocks.

Yesterday’s thrashing hadn’t been, in retrospect, as severe as the first day’s as the discipline and punishment had been limited to my buttocks, leaving my thighs alone.

I was surprised at how quickly I had become some more comfortable with my exposure to a girl as I performed my morning toilet.

The enema was still embarrassing but, even that, was almost routine after only two mornings of such exposure.

The difference, this morning, was that Patty observed my every move while herself totally nude.

Her nudity was a delight, despite her omino warning as to what I could expect as the price of such a visual feast.

Inspite of my fear for what would soon occur, I found myself moved to erection seeing her young, naked body.

“Into the shower now, David. First, you will wash me and then I will do you.”

Saying this, she handed me a bar of soap and turned away with her back to me. After creating some suds in my palms, I eagerly commenced my task, starting with her neck and shoulders and anxious to get to her gorgeous bottom.

As I reached her waist, though, she stopped me.

“When you’ve finished with my back, from the waist up, you are to knee and wash my feet and legs. As you finish washing my legs, you will then wash my bottom, making sure that you clean me thoroughly between my cheeks.”

Surely, most men would pay dearly for the privilege that I was now enjoying. I imagined, though, that most would fall short of paying with their tears to be where I now found myself, on my knees, my face on a level with Patty’s perfectly rounded buttocks, my hands laving their silken skin,gently intruding between them and lightly grazing over her butt hole.

“That’s good for my back, David. I’ll rinse and you can stay on your knees to wash my front.”

So saying, she’d rotated to have her back exposed to the shower’s spray, the soap suds rinsing off and swirling around the drain.

I found myself now at eye-level with her waxed vulva, wondering if she would allow me to wash her body completely.

“You’ve done a good job so far, David. You should understand that everything, to include this morning’s instruction, is for the benefit of your wife.

“This showing ritual – which will be repeated each morning from now forward, is for the purpose of learning to bathe your wife.

“While you will obviously enjoy the service that you provide for me and your other Clinical Assistants, that isn’t the point.

“As with any intimate liberties that you are allowed, you will pay dearly with a severely distributed bottom.

“This duality of service combined with corporate punishment will teach you that you will now have two purposes.

“One, you will have the privilege of serving your wife, having been properly trained to do so while you are here at the clinic.

“Two, you will have the privilege of submitting to extremely severe corporate discipline and punishment, designed to maintain a new status-quo with your wife as the arbiter of your punishment and reward.

“Now, then, start at my feet and begin washing the front of my legs.

“When you get to my crotch, you will skip over my pubes and wash me above the waist, beginning with my neck and continuing to my hips. Take care with my breasts and wash them gently.”

I feel as if I’d died and gone to heaven as I moved from her neck to her perfectly-formed breasts, topped with erect nipples, presumably reacting to my attention.

It occurred to me that, after a decade and a half of marriage, I’d never washed my wife, Gloria, in this manner.

While I regrettted this obvious – to me now – negligence, I also looked forward to serving her in this way as our marriage went forward.

I found that I was thoroughly grateful, not just for this visual and tactile treatment of bathing a young girl – maybe eighteen or nineteen by my estimation; but, more than that, I was looking forward to showing Gloria what I had learned here during my training and providing her with a level of Devotion that she deserved.

“You’re doing well, David. Now I want you to wash me below the waist. Be very gentle and wash between my legs, to include my pussy.

“Rest assured that you will pay dearly for this privilege when I get you strapped down onto the punishment benchmark.”

I heard her admonishment and was, in one sense, fearful of what I’d learned to expect from my first two days’ training but nevertheless enthralled with her perfect body and silken skin, my hands gently massaging the soap suds into her most private areas.

“That will do for now, David. Now you will wash yourself, leaving your penis for me to wash. Do this now and be quick about it.”

Patty hardly needed to worry me, as I was eager to feel her hands on my body, again in spite of the realization that I would soon feel her paddling for my brief pleasure.

Before I knew it, I’d finished my part of my washing and passed the soap to Patty’s outstretched hand.

“Spread your legs, David, and don’t move. I know that you are well aware of what you can expect when we leave the shower and move to the training room.

“I know that you realize that I will bring you to tears with the wooden paddle. I know that you have learned of the paddle’s sting and its effect on your façade of manliness.

“I will delight in bringing you to tears and beyond. As with all of the Clinical Assistants, I enjoy hearing a man cry from my corporate punishment.

“I will try not to disappoint you with my paddling technique. I believe that I’ve developed a skill with a snapping of my wrist that delivers a maximum sting to your bottom.”

I found that her litany was contributing to my arousal as she massaged the suds into my rock-hard penis and gently soaped my balls with her other hand.

I was fast approaching an orgasm and was caused to cum when she reached between my legs to insert a finger into my butt-while continuing with her soapy hand-job.

It took only seconds after her intrusion into my rectum, before I spurted my semen into her palm.

I worried that I would get a mouthful of soap suds but, looking down, I saw that she’d rinsed her hand off before my orgasm, leaving it free of soap before I deposited my morning’s first offering.

“Here you go, David, lick your mess from my hand quickly. I want to get to your spanking as fast as possible.

“You know, already, that your spanking will hurt more acutely immediately after your orgasm.”

The combination of her nudity, my recent exploration of her body with my bare hands as I bathed her, her hands as they’d brought me pleasure, and the thought of my imminent chatisement, had caused my ejaculation to be particularly intense.

I didn’t have long to ponder upon this, nor to bask in the afterglow of my pleasure, before she insisted.

“Quickly now, David, out of the shower and towel me dry, then yourself. I’m anxious to exact my toll from you. I can’t wait to hear you beg me.

“The other girls have told me that you sob like a little girl and I’ve already seen that your cute butt is ever so spankable.”

After a quick toweling of us both, I was hastened out of the bathroom, through my sleeping quarters, and into the hallway that I knew, by now, led to the training room.

The sensing of déjà vu or Groundhog Day as I followed This morning’s Clinical Assistant down the hallway was enhanced by the sexy sight of her bare buttocks moving with her stride as we left my room and moved to the training room.

I’d guess that Patty wasbarely five feet tall, with a compact body like that of a gymnast, perfectly proportioned, slim, but with magnificent 34-B breasts, capped with hard pink nipples, and a bubble-butt befitting a high school girl rather than a grown woman.

I know, though that she was grown but simply petite. Her reference to her expert skills as a discilinarian was enough to convince me that her small size would not mitigate my suffering from the paddle’s bite.

I was surprised that I didn’t approach the room with dread; trepidation, yes, but I’d learned that I was quite capable of ending the corporate discipline that would soon be dispensed.

Sure, I would cry, beg, sob, and embarrass myself, but I knew that I would survive the ordeal.

I also felt that I was growing in a way that I’d long yearned for. I felt that I was truly being prepared for a new future with my wife.

I was anxious to complete my training and begin my new relationship with my Gloria.

For the first time in my life I anticipated that I would finally realize my long-held fantasy of submission to the woman that I cherished above all else.

I knew that I would be paying an extreme price in order to maintain this new order of submission and domination.

I had wondered, before coming here and beginning my training, if I would change my mind when confronted with the reality of severe corporate discipline and punishment.

On this, only my third day here, I felt confident that I’d made the right decision to subject myself to such harsh treatment, confident that this so-called submissive husband training was destined to cause Gloria and I to enjoy an intimacy that few other couples would ever experience.

Without fanfare, Patty had fastened the leather restraints on the punishment bench and opened the draws to allow me to see her nude perfection, along with my nude form, secured, as it was, in preparation for this next taste of the wooden paddle.

“The other girls have told me that, not only do you have a cute, spankable bottom, but that you cry copious tears as evidence of your appreciation for our efforts.

I’ve seen the evidence of your round butt cheats and now I will see if they described your crying accurately.”

Again, with a compliment concerning by rear. I’d never seen my butt as being particularly attractive and had been surprised by the evident convinces among the female staff that it was pleasant to the eye.

This thought was brought to an end as I felt the first singing contact of the wood on my bare flesh.

“It looks as though you’ve recovered quickly from your discipline yesterday, almost lily-white again. I’ll do my best to return your butt to my preferred color of red.”

The paddle’s relentless, punishing strokes had quickly brought me to tears and my embarrassing sobbing was not long in coming.

Then, my futile begging and, finally, what I’d come to define as blubbering.

It would be inaccurateto say that I’d become inured to the hellish singing of the paddle; I doubted that I could ever do so.

I thought it fair to say, though, that I was learning that this was ‘the new normal’.

I knew that this sort of discipline was to be the literal order of the day in my future, both here at the clinic and in my home, with Gloria, after we’d both finished with our training here.

As with the day before, I became aware of Patty’s granting of a brief respite, prior to the application of the rattan cane, only as I came out of a fog of tears and sobbing, my crying continued well after the paddle’s last stroke.

Without a word, though, my composition was only partially avoided, before she began with the cane.

I had learned, already, that the cane’s severe pain was both different from the paddle, and undeniably more difficult to endure when contrasted with the paddle’s effect.

I didn’t know how long the caning would last and simply resolved myself to the inevItability of the result of Patty’s effort.

That is to say, to the point of my crying and becoming for mercy, knowing as I did that mercy was not part of my training. Merciless, yes, but not the antithesis.

The cane’s incredible singing was increased as my discilarian increased the rapidity of her strokes. I heard screaming and realized that they were my screams.

I saw, in the mirror, a vision of many a man’s fansies. A young, beautiful, nude girl, swinging her cane into my naked bottom with an effectiveness that believed her petite form.

Fantasies aside, however, the pain from her efforts was excruciating, taking a toll that most would find unacceptable.

I, though, know that this pain was necessary before I could reach ‘the other side’ and be allowed to belong to the woman that I loved.

As with the paddling, my sobbing continued unabated, after Patty had set the cane aside.

Out of the pain, though, I was excited to see my Counselor, sittingin what I had come to see as her chair, gloriously nude her body on the edge of the chair, leg spread, her pussy glistening with her dew, I hoped waiting for my devotion.

I felt the restraints being removed from my limbs and saw that Patty was being assisted by another Assistant, one that I’d never seen, also nude, also perfectly proportioned and lovedly.

As I was taking in this sight, my thoughts were interrupted by the Counselor’s voice.

“You’ve not met Vicki, but you will feel her cane if you don’t perform properly. Today, you will get your first lesson in body worship of the pussy.

“You will be spending a great deal of time learning to lick, suck, and clean the pussies of my Clinical Assistants, as we teach you the vagaries of this most important skill.”

While the Counselor had been speaking, the two Assistants had helped me from the punishment bench and guided me to the pillow that I’d knelt upon the previous day.

With a tear-stained face and still recovering from my most recent corporate punishment, I approached the new experience with my Counselor with the affect of a supplicant.

I felt that this was where I belonged, with my face held my a pair of smooth thighs, laving the center of a woman’s pleasure.

I only wished that I was kneeing between the thighs of my wife, Gloria, but I knew that this period of training was necessary for me to develop the knowledge and skills in order to provide her with the best experience possible.

“As you learned yesterday, David, any deviation from total effort on your part will be corrected with the cane.

“Patty, as I can see, did a good job with your discipline thusfar today, and I will count on Vicki’s enthusiasm with her cane to achieve the best effort from you.”

I heard the Counselor’s words but didn’t dwell too long on their meaning. I was too enraptured by this experience; my first opportunity to truly taste this young Goddess.

I’d spent some time betweeneen her butt cheats the day before, licking her butt and probing her butt-hole with my tongue.

I’d revealed in the experience but realized that the devotion that I’d paid to her rear was far less gratifying than this new treatment.

Her pussy was delightfully responsive to my lips and tongue, the labia swelling with her arousal, and a delicious flow of her essence meeting my lips as I sucked on her core.

She’d have given me instructions as I labored and I must have been following her guidance satisfied as two things were evident.

Firstly, I’d not feel the bite of Vicki’s cane since beginning this lesson.

Secondly, though, the steady flow of her juices was soon followed by the first of what would prove to be many orgasms, my head squeezed by her silken thighs, my mouth buried in her center, and my mind spinning with this new treatment.

Not long after I’d began, it was over, my face now covered with my tears and the Counselor’s efforts. As I felt the grip of her thighs lessen, she spoke.

“You seem to have a natural gift for this, David. With a bit of practice, you’ll be ready to show your wife your preparation for a life of service to her pleasure.

“Get up now and stand before me in your parade rest position. Don’t forget to keep your penis free of your pre-cum as I see that you’re leaking freely.”

I’d already started the ritual of cleaning my cock’s circularized head with my right index finger, as I’d been recently trained to do, and licking the fingerprint clean after each swipe.

I noticed that it was not at all disconcerting to be standing, nude, erect, dripping from my cock and my face covered with my Counselor’s juices.

“Today, you will be learning that your training includes much more than body worship. In a moment, You will be escorted to your first classroom to begin learning how to truly serve your wife.

“Everything from hair care to manicure and pedicure training; from simple full-body massage to more sensitive and sexual massage.

“You got your first exposure to properly bathing a lady this morning with Patty and this training will continue to teach you the proper techniques for bathing Gloria both in the shower and when she enjoys her bubble bath.

“You will be instructed in more mundane household chores such as dish washing, house cleaning, and cooking.

“You will learn to serve your wife – and, if she wishes, her guests – their meals, always in the nude, always attentive to Gloria’s slightest instruction.”

While the Counselor had been speaking, I’d noticed the other girls dressing, in what I’d come to consider their uniforms, of mini skirt and midi blouse, their bodies’ perfection framed saucily in this attire.

“The Assistant will guide you to your first class. You’ve Pleased me so far, David but, be advised, our Clinical Assistants have full authority to correct you, as needed, with corporate punishment.

“If your infections are minor, tThese corrections will take place in the classroom. If you should disobey or be disrespectful, though, you will be returned to this room and punished severely.”

The girls, taking their cue from the Counselor, guided me from the room, the Counselor still nude and beautiful.

Her words were echoing in my mind and I knew that I didn’t wish to return to this punishment room soon, my buttocks still throbbing from my most recent corporate punishment.


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