The Ten Game Pt. 04


-Sam and Marina get invited by their highschool friend, Catherine, to an exotic sex club

-They pass the initiative test with the help of a red headed waitress named Audrey

-Sam can’t help openly bragging about the Ten Club to anyone that will listen

-Trixie, a dominatrix from the Ten Club publicly dominates Sam and Marina as punishment for blabbing about their Secret club

-The pair go to a mandatory training night to get a crash course in BDSM that would end in an elaborate feast

-Sam got hypnotised by Katy and forced to crossdress and masturbate anally in front of her

-Marina was stripped naked and led by collar and lean to a room where Seamus and Melissa tortured and had there way with other slaves in training


Chapter 7: The Floor Masters’ Meeting

It took Sam a few moments for his eyes to adjust. His surroundings were nothing more than a series of red, brown and cream shapes as he was thrust through thedoors and into the centre of the room. Soft, rich orchestral music played as his vision sharpened and he slowly realized he was in some kind of empty banquet hall. The first thing that Sam noticed about the room was the sheer decadence of it.

The hall had a high ceiling that was completely mirrored, making it seems even higher. The Chairs resembled Katy’s throne: grand and intimidating, although far less ornate. The chairs belonged to an extremely long table, akin to something you might see at Oktoberfest. A silken, white, performed table clothes lay over a blackened, glass top. It was not as reflective as a mirror, but good enough to easily make out the details. As Sam walked past, he focused on the reflection of the ceiling through the surface and instantly saw a thousand echoes of the room, giving him a brief stint of vertigo.

On one wall hung an enormous red velvet tapestry with some latin phrases woven masterfully into it. Sam guessed the materials needed to create suchan artwork were well into the thousands. A variety of artwork littered the rest of the walls. The paintings and statistics were diverse in era and origin, but all seemed to share a central theme, one which Sam couldn’t put his finger on initially. He gazed from painting to painting trying to discern what linked all of these scenes together.

Most reversed around some sort of erotic situation, but many displayed acts of gluttony, pride and slotfulness. There were multiple paintings of Roman feasts, a bronze statue of a man eating grabs while spinning wine, descriptions of Ancient Japanese orgies, a painting of an Islamic opium house among others.

The most interesting thing about them, Sam thought, was that despite many of the subjects historically being considered sinful, they weren’t being depicted negatively. There was no judgement from the painter on the subject, purely independent observation, or perhaps celebration. Many of the sex-focused scenes weren’t something that youwould get an erection over, but described something special, something inherently human.

Sam had almost grasped the meaning of the collection when Katy spoke a secret word and his mind went blank. Suddenly his eyes were glazed and his expression stupid. Katy ordered him to sit at the closest table and unzip the bag he had been carrying for her. He removed a mirror and a diverse array of make-up.

“Now doll yourself up Samantha, while I get some of the others,” she said with a smile.

By the time Katy returned with her other slaves, Sam would have easily passed for a girl save for his Adam’s apple and broad shoulders. He did, however, get bonus points for having naturally curvy hips and an above average butt. Katy had contemplated getting him a wig, but decided that he suited the short haired, androgynous look Instead.

“Oooh Samantha, you look gorgeous!” Katy cooed. “Now why don’t you get into your position?”

Sam walked zombie-like to his designed spot, behind a chair where he would stand through the course of the night, or until he was told otherwise. He knew this, but did not know why he knew this. His back was straight and his butt was pushed out, as Katy had instructed him throughout the hypnotic track. One by one Katy put her small group of servants under a spell via their individual triggers. At the very back of Sam’s mind, a slider of consciousness remained watching, recording.

A brunette girl walks in. Katy whispers ‘Pillow’. The girl submits. Katy returns with a slim blonde male. Katy whispers ‘Bowl’. The man submits. Katy returns with a blonde. ‘Kettle’. Another male. ‘Football’. Another female. ‘Candle.’ Now all the servants are standing at attention. A food trolley rolls in. Large silver saucers with semi spherical lids are given to Each service. The trolley get pushed out of the room. Katy stands at the end of the table. She speaks each release word. ‘Fox, turtle, mare, hare, albatross, f-‘

Sam suddenly came to.He looked around, started and confused. Fuck, he hated that feeling. He was more than submissive, he was malleable. He looked down and noticed he was holding a silver platter with a lid. Or did he already know that? Engraved in the lid were a few simple, words in an elegant, cursive font. ‘Don’t open.’ Sam moved the platter up and down. It wasn’t that heavy. He looked at a large clock above the door and read the time. The dinner wasn’t for another hour. He let out a deep sight when a sudden movement caught his eye.

He looked down at the table. Had something was there a second ago? Had someone poked their head out from under there? Was he going crazy?

“Sam looked up at Katy.

“Are you going to be a good girl, or do I have to make you be a good girl?” She raised her eyesbrows questioningly.

“No, I’ll be good.”‘ He replied in his unusually high voice.

“Good, because I don’t want to have to leave you triggered for the rest of the night. I want you to enjoy what I’m going to make you do.”

Sam gulped. It was going to be a very long night.

Prior to the dinner, Marina and half a dozen fellow servants had been led through a series of halls and staircases to what seemed like an empty storage room. Once everyone was inside Seamus reached above the door frame and flicked a switch that released a rope from the centre of the ceiling. Seamus closed the door before pulling on the rope, revealing an extended secret staircase.

Melissa shushed them before leading the small group up the stairs. At the top, Marina found herself in a small, dimly lit space. Calming, ambient, orchestral music was playing, although from where they were, it seemed slightly muffled. Once her eyes adjusted she noticed she was surrounded by chairs and realized she was under an enormous table. It must be… 20 metres long she thought in disbelief. Melissa clicked her fingers once and all of them quickly turned their attentionon to her.

“Find the ‘X’ with your name on it and sit there. That is your spot for tonight, your duty,” she whispered to them before disappearing back down the stairs.

Marina scampered around with the others until she found her name. There was a general feeling of confusion when Melissa left. It was the first time their actions had not been dictated by either Melissa or Seamus in the last 2 days. She couldn’t quite explain the feeling except that it was similar to being lost. It was almost like having an existing crisis. They almost longed for the control now. It was so much easier. A lack of choice made for a lack of consequence.

Marina snapped out of it. ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ she told herself with a smile. She adjusted herself to free a leg that had gone numb when she bumped heads with another service. She looked up to see Lauren’s big brown eyes staring back at her. Memories of the last two days flooded back to her and Marina blushed. Lauren smiled. They had hadsomething, short and sweet. It wasn’t really emotional in any particular way, but it had been fun and the scenario they were in had provided the perfect opportunity for a bit of role-play.

It hadn’t taken much for Marina to find out that Lauren was just playing the part. Just one very cold night under Seamus and Melissa’s bed. So cold they had to face each other to keep warm… They had formed a bond that night and Marina felt she had a friend in the club. Well apart from Catherine, but Marina hadn’t even seen her around yet.

Marina wondered where Sam was. Would he be at the dinner tonight? She hoped so. Marina thought about the other servants. There was only 7 or 8 under the table, but there had been at least 20 in Seamus and Melissa’s quarters the night before. After a few moments Marina connected the dots. She poked her head out from beneath the table and saw just what she expected before Lauren pulled her back.

“What the hell are you doing?” Lauren asked.

“I know what’s going to happen to the others,” Marina replied. “There’s a large curtain on one of the walls, I bet there’s a stage behind it. And why are you so scared? I thought you were the rebellious one?” Marina whispered, the last line coming out as a jeer.

“I am, but I can take the punishment and I like it. But you’re a bit… you know… fragile,” Lauren said with a smile.

Marina gasped, even though she knew Lauren was joking.

“Screw you!” Marina said, playedfully and punched her on the arm lightly.

The two had gotten pretty close with each other. Luckily their designed positions were right next to each other, so they spent most of the next hour whispering gossip and general conversation with each other. Marina and Lauren had become the troublemakers in the group, everyone else wished they were a part of what they had. They were the cool kids.

None of the others even dared spoke, in case someone was in the room listening. But there wasn’t. Not at first anyway. After about an hour had passed the doors opened and two women walked in. From what Marina could see from under the table one was wearing leather studied boots and a leather body suit while the other was wearing stockings and short, black Mary-Jane shoes that peculiarly had locks at the heel, keeping them secured around the wearer.

The second pair of legs looked strangely familiar. Although the second person being much taller, Marina could just make out the bottom of a French maid’s outfit, so short you could see the top of her stockings. The first woman spoke the word ‘umbrella’ and the second pair of legs straightened and relaxed.

“Now doll yourself up, Samantha while I get some of the others.” The girl, who Marina now realized was Katy, said.

Marina thought about Sam. Did this mean he would be here soon? She hoped so. The girl in the maid outfit pulled out the chair directly in front of Marina and Lauren. Marina held her breath. The girl sat in the chair and shuffled forward. Marina closed her eyes, expecting the girl legs to collide with her, but they didn’t. She opened her eyes to see one stockinged, smooth knee a centimetre from her face. She let out a silent breath of relief and looked at Lauren who also looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

They smiled at each other in a silent relief. Marina looked back at the mystery legs and her jaw dropped. She realized two things at that moment. One was that this person was in fact a guy, evidenced by the fact that there was a flaccid, smooth, caged dick between his legs. The second thing she realized was why Marina and the other servants were under here. For the pleasure of the masters. Marina’s mind was racing.

To complicate things further she thought she recognized those legs. She went to take a peak When she heard Katy walk back in and compliment this ‘Samantha’. Once all 6 of Katy’s servants were inside the room she spoke a seemingly random set of words. Marina couldn’t take it anymore, she had to know. She made sure Katy was at a position of the room where she couldn’t see and poked her head out to confirm her suspicions. Lauren watched as Marina pulled her head back under the table clothes with a look of shock on her face. Then Marina started giggling.

“What is it, Marina?” She whispered.

Marina turned back to her.

“That girl in the French maid outfit… that’s my boyfriend!”

Sam watched as close to two dozen dominattributes, bartenders and what looked like office workers walked in, either by themselves or in groups and sat at the enormous table. The first thing that Sam realized was that they were all quite young and handsome. He knew the shallowness of the industry, but even the office workers looked more like young professionals and entrepreneurs full of confidence than the middle aged dumpy accounts he would have expected.

Sam saw a lot of familiar faces such as Audrey, Melissa, Seamus, Trixie, the bouncer fromthe second week and Katy. There were many others that he had never seen before, but was sure that he get to know in the coming weeks. A few of these characters stood out to him especially.

A tall, middle-eastern woman wearing a pirate outfit, a mature lady dressed meticulously proper and the most shredded gym junkie Sam had ever seen were among them. The gym-goer was not necessarily huge, but extremely toned. A person was seated at every available spot, except one. There was a seat at the head of the table which was larger and more elaborately decorated than the rest. Sam guessed this was the director’s seat.

Throughout the night Sam would hear mutters of ‘typical’ or ‘lazy’ get thrown around when the director was brought up in conversation, but nobody dared said anything too explicit. Sam recognized two more people on the other side of the table, the two bartenders from the first night. Next to the bouncer was the black guy who Audrey had threatened him with, followed by ayoung, fit Latina in a long leather dress, the surfer looking bartender and then Audrey.

Sam’s heart sunk when he made eye contact with Audrey. He knew she was going to make a scene and get everyone’s attention before walking over and talking to him. She wouldn’t have meant it in a mean way, but Sam was quite happy to stay in the shadows tonight. Her eyes widened and she went to get the surfer guy’s attention when Her body stiffened and she looked like she was trying to stand a yawn. A moment later she had completely forgotten about Sam and went on eating her food quietly with a look of concentration on her face.

What just happened? Was Sam off the hook? Audrey gave him little more than a side glance. Sam looked at the black guy who took a mouthful of beef before freezing and closing his eyes in pleasure. How good could This food may be? The Latina and the surfer were chatting and flirting when the surfer closed his eyes mid-sentence and gasped. The Latina laughed and touched his hand. And the conversation continued, albeit the surfer constantly looking like he needed to sneakeze.

Further down the table Sam saw Trixie subtly change composition. Whatever it was she was handling it quite well compared to the others. The tall middle-eastern woman and the ripped guy were on the opposite end of the spectrum. They were as explicit as possible, both were holding their chairs and rocking back and forth. But neither of them drew any attention from their neighbors. What the fuck is going on? Sam wondered when movement caught his eye.

Sam looked at Katy who was close by and displaying the same symbols as the rest of them. Inconspicuously, he bent his knees and lowered himself (which was much harder to do in heels than he had anticipated) to see under the table clothes. A guy’s head was buried between her legs as Katy ran her hand through his hair. Sam gasped, there were people under there. Sam suddenly realized that Katy had turned around and was looking directly at him. Sam froze. Katy raised her finger to her lips and silently shushed him. This place never ceased to amaze him.

Marina also heard whispers about the director, but it was difficult to hear from under the table, not to mention she was often hard at work. When the floormasters and the others were seated the rest of the servants under the table realized what Marina had known for over an hour, they were there to Please. Two guys in slacks and vests seated themselves in front of Marina and Lauren. Between them was a curvy, petite tanned woman with soft, toned thighs, wearing a leather skirt and no underwear. Marina knew what was happening, but had no idea how to proceed.

A large black hand reached beneath the table and snapped its fingers in front of Lauren. She took a deep breath and unbuckled the guy’s trousers and Pulled them down to reveal an enormous, thick, cut, black cock. Laurens eye’s practically bugged when she saw it. The hand caresed Lauren’s cheek and beckoned her towards it. Lauren opened her mouth and just barely managed to wrap her lips around the bulbous head.

The hand rested against the back of her head started to move her up and down. Marina looked back at the person in front of her. What have I gotten myself into? She asked herself. She moved forward, and looked up to see she could almost make eye contact with the Latina next to him and moved back. She looked over at Lauren whose head was practically not even under the table anymore as she bobbed up and down, sputtering at the sheer size of the cock in her mouth.

Slowly, Marina unbuckled the belt in front of her before working the button and unzipping him. He slowly wriggled the slacks down so Marina had sufficient access to him. She pulled down the jock stick to reveal another monster sized cock. This one was completely smooth and soft though. Marina had never touched another cock besides Sam’s before so this was going to be one small step for Marina andone giant leap for their relationship. She hoped Sam would be Ok with this.

She looked around before finding the bottle of lube Melissa had given her and took a healthy squeeze into her palm. Marina spread it out through her hands. She wrapped her fingers around the shake and gently started pumping her hand up and down. She heard the Latina laugh and the guy’s body relax as she got into a rhythm. She had Always worried that she sucked at foreplay and Sam was just too scared to tell her, but this was evidence that it wasn’t the case. She was a pro.

She could hear them talking and wondered if the girl he was flirting with know that a girl was jacking him off under the table. Marina thought it was time to find out. Slowly she pulled down to reveal his raw throbbing cock. She slipped her finger under the ridge and just slightly slide her finger over the surface. She heard him occasionally moan. The girl laughed again as Marina started to pull his dick faster and faster. She cuppedHis balls in her other hand as his body rocked violently.

He reached behind Marina’s head and pulled her down, as he was about to cum. Marina closed her eyes wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. She felt one of his hands start to finish the job while the other maintained it’s vice-like grip around the back of her head as he came in her mouth. She felt wildly horny and wished Sam had been there to watch, hoping he liked it. When Marina pulled away she noticed that it wasn’t his hands that was jacking him off and holding her head, but the Latina’s. She pulled Marina’s head back as she milked the last of his cum from his red cock and Marina swallowed again.

Marina’s eyes were watery as she looked up at the girl with a puppy dog ​​face. The girl had looked away by the time Marina’s eyes focused. The girl led Marina to between her own legs. Marina continued to jack off the enormous smooth cock as the girl’s hand ran through her hand. She heard the girl teasing the guy.

“Now it’s my turn to use her.”

Now they were ‘sharing’ her. Marina had never felt so sexualised in her life and she loved it. It made her blush.

Marina pulled back the short leather dress to reveal the prettiest clean-shaven pussy she had ever seen. She kissed the unknown girls thighs which elicited a shudder in her legs. Within minutes the Latina was demanding all of Marina’s attention, who let go of the surfer’s still hard cock. She heard a shuffle and looked up to see if the surfer was looking for her but was surprised to see a skinny blonde guy had resumed Marina’s place between his legs.


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