Hi everyone, first of all I would like to say thanks for all of the positive feedback for my first entry to Literotica! I thought I would do a short follow up to Pt. 01 before I get into some longer chapters and more extreme kinks.
I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 4: A day by the pool: Marina’s day off
“You know what I want to hear, Marina.” Catherine said bluntly. “I haven’t been excited all week just to hear about your work… Spill the beans already!”
The morning after Sam and Marina’s escapades, Marina had received a phone call from Catherine, asking how the night had been. Marina had used this to bribe Catherine into taking time out of her busy schedule to hang out and catch up.
They had met up the next day at their favourite public pool. It was a bit of a pain to get to, being across town, but this one was actually clean, unlike their local leisure centre which Marina complained about quite frequently. It was 8 am and the pools were empty. It was a weekday, so kids were at school and parents were either at work or dropping their kids off and the old people’s classes didn’t start for another hour and a half. As it was always so quiet in the morning, the lifeguard spent his time listening to music, trying not to doze off. This means it was the perfect time to go for privacy. They decided to start off in the sauna, as this was usually the first thing that got took.
Marina blushed.
“Well… it was… good. Very good.” she replied, lamely.
“Don’t you dare give me that!” Catherine exclaimed and playedfully shoved Marina who in turn started laughing.
Marina usually hated talking about sex with other people and had never been very open about it, rather keeping it to herself. But in the spirit of recent events she decided to change her policy and run with it.
“We were both nervous during the trip there, although Sam wouldn’t admit it. Then we got pushed into a dark room, taken to the viewing room, looked in some windows and had sex. That was about it.” Marina said, doning the rocks with water.
Catherine stared back, dumbfounded.
“If that’s as interesting as it got, I’m surprised you even got accepted.”
“Well… we did anal for the first time… and one of the bartenders got involved… Ok fine, I’ll start from the beginning…”
Marina began describing the previous night’s Events. After their experience at The Armoury, they made it back to Marina’s house in the early hours of the morning. The couple slept well into lunchtime, and only woke up due to Sam’s work alarm going off. Just before he left the doorbell had rang. When Marina answered the door there was no one there, just two, small, identical packages on her doormat. One was addressed to each of them and both contained an old phone, the type that was popular among businessmen a decade beforehand. Marina started hers straight away. After a second or two her eyes widened and face lit up. She lookedat Sam and showed him the message that had come up. It read:
Congratulations on your recent acceptance into the 10 club. You are expected to return to the Armoury on Saturday at 11 pm for your second act. If you do not attend your membership will be terminated. If you arrive late your membership will be terminated. If you fail to commit the act your membership will be terminated. Mandatory training is required following the second act and will prepare you for less conventional acts. Training will begin 4pm next Wednesday and continue through until 4pm Friday. We will see you there. -Trixie
Sam turned his phone on and the same message showed up. The two embedded and celebrated before Sam left for work. Half an hour later Marina concluded her story, with Catherine still listening intently. Marina had purposely left out some parts of the story but Catherine got the general gist of it.
“Oh, so you got it easy then.” Catherine said finally, after a brief pause. Marina stared back in disbelief.
“What are you talking about? I let a random stranger put my boyfriend’s dick in my ass, what’s wrong with that?” She asked.
“There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just… you know, kind tame. It’s definitely the most vanilla successful initiative I’ve heard of. You should have seen my initiative. I couldn’t walk for days and my parents asked if I had have been in a fight due to the bruises on my body. It was brutal. Luckily there was a bartender that had lightened the mood, or else I doubt anything would have happened at all.”
Marina’s first thought was of Audrey but neglected to tell Catherine she was the one involved in her ‘anal inauguration’. They sat there for a minute or two, remembering their respective experiences in the viewing room. Marina had a couples of questions she needed answering.
“So, what is the viewing room actually used for anyway, besides initiatives?” She asked.
“That’s for the donors,” Catherine replied, matter-of-factly. “You see, The Armoury has to make money to purchase all of that expensive equipment.”
“Donators?” Marina repeated, raising her eyesbrows.
“You really don’t know much about the club do you?” Catherine retreated. Marina shook her head, a little embarrassed.
“It all started off a couple years ago when the director inherited The Armoury from their grandparents and had a Somewhat insatiable sexual appeal…”
“So he invited his friends around to a factory for a big kinky orgy?” Marina interjected. “That’s how the Ten Club was founded?”
“Pretty much,” Catherine replied and laughed. “Then they bought some equipment and invited more people. One of the members of this small club had told a very rich friend of hers about the acts she was taking part in. The rich friend told her that despite being happily married, she and her partner enjoyed watching others. So they donated some money in exchange for a camera with a live feed to be set up. She offered to “up” the donations if the individuals on the camera performed some especially lewd acts. Are you following?”
Marina nodded eagerly. Catherine continued.
“Now, everyone in the club at this point was, I guess, pretty ‘adventurous’ and took these suggestions as a challenge. Soon the rich friend had told certain members of certain circles about the arrangement and they also wanted to have some cameras installed. After a couple of months they asked if they could watch in person, either by themselves or with a husband, wife or mistress. This gave them an experience that couldn’t be matched by those online cam shows.
“The Armoury got a liquor license and the venture expanded. The viewing room was made for the donors. Some acts took up far too much space and additional rooms were required. It was a factory after all. The rooms were furnished and more floors were opened. And that’s. The Ten Club doesn’t have much competition due to its unique business model which stops the possibilie of competition.”
When Catherine had finished telling the story of the Ten Club’s inception, Marina was furrowing her eyesbrows, unsure which question to ask next. She had no idea that their tapes were likely to be sold, leaving her feeling conflicted. Catherine saw this and tried to reassure her.
“Hey, if everyone in the initiative and all the floor masters have seen that who cares if some young power couple got off to you?”
“I guess that’s one way to look at it…” Marina answered slowly.
Although Marina was still weirded out, something about the Catherine mentioning that the donors were young and successfully definitely made her feel better. She knew it shouldn’t matter but it did.
“Is all of this confidential, or have I just been living under a rock?” Marina asked.
“I was a part of it quite early, which is why I know so much,” Catherine laughed, “but no, this information is mostly kept to floor masters and long-time members.”
“There is one other thing I wanted to know.” Marina began. “Who’s the director?”
It took a while for Catherine to find the right words to answer.
“No-one knowledge, except for the original group of 10. Everyone from the original group is either a floor master or a live-in service, but no one will talk about it. The director made them swear secret. Anyone could have fucked them a dozen times and not Even realized. Strange to think about it.” Catherine replied smiling.
“Ok last question. I have to know, what’s the crazy thing you’ve done?” Marina asked, causing them both to laugh.”
“I couldn’t pick one single thing… I guess, no… well last Saturday was pretty weird. I was wearing a leather hood…” Catherine began.
“Go on,” Marina said, realising how much fun This was to talk about.
“…And there were a few guys, all tied up in a way so their bodies were touching…”
“And then…”
“And… I can’t say it hahahaha.” Catherine finished and looked awayto avoid eye contact from Marina.
“But I will say this. It involved a litre of milk and a bicycle pump.”
Chapter 5: A Public Disgrace
Sam and Marina had been eagerly awaiting Saturday all week. They had received a message Friday night instructing them to come earlier, around 6:30pm so it would still be daytime when they arrived. What had started as sheer nerves a week Earlier, had turned into a unique and exhilarating episode of their lives. They had both thoroughly enjoyed the previous week and had looked back fondly at their experience.
No-one else in the world had had an experience exactly like theirs, no-one in the multiverse. Every possible version of themselves had experienced something similar but none had been exactly the same. It was theirs and theirs alone. And knowing This is what keep Marina in high spirits all week. Once again they were walking along the stretch of road between the bus stop and the Armoury, although the street had a much less sinister feel when there was still daylight.
It was 6:15 pm, so they should be there 10 minutes early. Their moods were completely different from last time, holding hands with their heads up high. This was their turf now, they belonged here.
“What do you think we’ll be doing this time?” Sam asked Marina confidently.
“I don’t know. Perhaps we’ll help Trixie with the new initiatives?” She suggested.
“Or maybe we’ll get to put on a show in one of the rooms?” Sam replied. “We’ll make it past the 10th act easily. I have no idea how much the bonus is, but I know it’s a lot. We’ll smoke it.”
They could tell it was getting closer to summer. Even when a breeze blew, it had a comfortable warmth to it. Sam was wearing a t-shirt and jeans while Marina wore a dress. Marina wasn’t wearing underwear as she thought this would come in handy. She would later find out she was right.
From far off they could just make out someone standing at the doors to the Armoury, presumablylooking for a way in, as they had the week before.
“Remember when we were the ones who didn’t know how to get in?” Marina chuckled.
“Yeah haha, poor souls.”
Their minds raced, flipping through different possible scenarios that could take place tonight. Some delicate and subtle while others were grand and elaborate, but they all had one thing in common: they were arrogant. After the initial Shock of the previous week, they had started to mention their experiences to more and more people until they were practically bragging to everyone they knew.
The problem was that the Ten Club was bigger than either of them had anticipated. There was a past or present member on every street. And most appreciated discretion. By the time word had gotten back to the masters, that the two new members had loose lips (and not in a good way), Nearly every acquaintance that the pair knew had been told of their escapades. Sam and Marina had a feeling that they shouldn’t be blabbing likeThis, but didn’t really care. They were on cloud nine all week.
They loved the attention they had gotten, which contributed to their inflated egos. This resulted in a bit of a shock when they reached the doors and found that the person standing out the front was not in fact a lost new initiative, but a bouncer. A bouncer that wouldn’t let them in.
“What do you mean we can’t come in?” Sam practically yelled. “We were initiated last week, just ask Trixie!”
“Sorry guys, not happening tonight. That’s all I can say, so please go HOME.”
The pair didn’t know what to do. They just stood there, dumbfounded until Sam clicked his fingers.
“I get it, it’s a test.” he said smugly and walked past the guard. He reached out and almost touched the door before he felt himself being lifted off the ground by his shirt, moved over to Marina and placed back down.
“Look, you guys seem like nice kids so don’t make me do anything I don’t want to.”
Sam gave Marina a defeated look as they turned around and headed back towards the bus. They didn’t speak for a long time, embarrassed and angry. Marina uttered the first words when she looked up at the bus stop. There was a bus already there. She looked at the timetable on her phone. There wasn’t another one due for at least 15 minutes.
“C’mon!” Marina said as she started running. “At least one thing is going our way tonight.”
Marina didn’t think they were going to make it at first, but to her surprise the bus seemed to wait for them. As they got closer she noticed that the bus looked different. Nothing extraordinary, just different. Then she recognized it. It was one of the old buses that used to be in service for this area of town. Which means the insides would smell, the seats would be sticky and the suspension would be non-existent and the driver would be in their 90’s. She surprised. ‘It could be worse I guess,’ she thought to herself.
They hoped on and scanned their tickets before sitting down. Strangely enough the driver appeared to be a young female. ‘You never see anyone young or female driving a bus,’ Marina thought. There was only one other person getting a ride, an old man in a trench coat, sleeping with his hat over his face. And the bus seemed to be in much better shape than Marina had anticipated.
Sam and Marina started to walk down the aisle and lurched forward as the bus began to take off. They sat at the back.
“Why do you think we weren’t allowed in?” Marina asked Sam.
“I don’t know… maybe it was a private function?”
“Maybe they didn’t want us intimidating the new initiatives?”
The old man in the coat made a noise. Sam stared at him for a few moments before deciding to continue. He turned back to Marina.
“Maybe we did something wrong?”
“Do you think it’s because we told so many people?” Marina asked.
It was more of an accusation than a question, as Sam had done most of the blabbing.
“Maybe.” Sam replied apologetically.
He looked out the window and realized they were going the wrong way. Sam stood up and called out to the driver.
“Hey isn’t this the 212 bus?”
The bus driver said nothing but started to speed up.
“Hey!” Marina yelled. “Where are we going?”
The bus driver swerved off the highway onto a side road, flinging Sam and Marina to the side of the bus. Sam looked out the window to see a major traffic jam. Did the driver turn off the highway to avoid it? Were buss allowed to use alternate routes like that? Sam doubted it.
This part of the highway was cut out of the hills on the edge of the city, so the road sat about 15 metres below the tree line. As the bus struggled up the step off-ramp, Sam made a silent note to himself that the thick forest in the area would make a great place to hide if they got a chance. The off-ramp the bus driver had taken did not lead anywhere except for a small, seldom used service road and a bridge that no oneused anymore. The bus slowed as it approached the intersection. Marina grabbed Sam’s arm.
The bus turned sluggishly onto the bridge and inched forward before stopping. Marina’s heart sank with the feeling of impending doom as she peered out the window to see only the guardrail between the bus and a step drop.
“Sam, we’re on the bridge.” Marina whispered.
Sam looked out the window and could just see the traffic jam below them.
‘Good,’ he thought. ‘At least we have witnesses.’
With this, Sam composed himself, stood up and looked at the driver, who had not moved since they stopped.
“What’s going on here?” he demanded.
The bus driver did not move.
“I said, what’s going on-” was all he got out before a familiar voice cut him off with a dominance that made him flinch.
“You’re being punished.” the female voice said simply.
The homeless person that Sam and Marina had forgotten about stood up and removed the ratty clothes to reveal they were none other than the leather clad Trixie. Sam let out a sight of relief when he realized that this was just part of the game. But it wouldn’t last long. Trixie walked down the bus to where the couple had landed with a furious county.
As she approached the pair Sam took a deep breath. She walked right up and into Sam’s personal space. Sam took a step back and fell onto a seat. Trixie leaned forward.
“I’ve heard that you to enjoyed your escapades from last week.” She said accusingly.
“W-what’s wrong with that?” Sam asked.
“I heard about it.” She replied through gritted teeth. “What’s the first rule of the Ten Club?”
“The first rule?”
Trixie scratched her forehead.
“We like secret in our club Sam, it protects the members. If you took part in something that is looked down upon by regular society, would you like to go to work on Monday to find out that your whole office was talking about it?”
“We didn’t talk about anyone else!” Marina protested. “And I thought your club would be advocating for the acceptance of sex in regular society!”
Trixie turned to Marina.
“You may not have told anyone directly, but eventually you’ll let something slip. And your lips are only going to get looser from there. That’s why it was proposed that you two be excommunicated.”
Sam opened his mouth for a rebuttal but was stopped by Trixie put a finger on his lips before sighting.
“As for the acceptance of sex in regular society, it’s a little more complicated than that.”
As Trixie muttered this, Marina saw a glimpse of something on her face. She looked tired. For a brief moment Marina thought she looked 10 years old, but within a few seconds she was back to her usual, ageless self.
“Luckily for you two, the director overruled the proposal… But that doesn’t mean you’re getting off scot-free. Get up, both of you. And strip.”
Sam and Marina nodded obediently. Sam waited for Trixie to turn around but she didn’t. She kept her eyes focused on him. Sam took his shirt and jeans off so that all he had on were his shoes and underwear. He looked up at Trixie, whose expression didn’t change. Sam groaned as he began to remove his underwear.
“You can leave your shoes on,” Trixie smiled.
Sam looked at Marina who was already down to her sneakers. He wished he was as calm.
“Ok, come with me.”
Trixie led them to the front of the bus. Although what Sam thought, Marina was anything but calm. She was having an internal panic attack. As much as she didn’t care about Trixie seeing her body, Marina was much more appreciated about strangers seeing her and the thought of hundreds of eyes staring at her, hidden behind the glare of their windshields made her skin crawl. As she stepped out of the bus she looked around frozenly for anyone on the bridge.
Trixie turned to the driver before getting off and mumbled a few words. Next was Sam who stepped out and stood close to the bus. Lastly, the driver emerged already in a full latex bodysuit, carrying a large duffel bag. Sam and Marina stood appreciatedly, away from the edge of the bridge so no-one could see them. They both stood there wondering how the driver had changed so quickly. The driver brought the bag to Trixie who immediately began fumbling through it when she called out.
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