Tasha entered the dark room, and knelt in the middle of the floor. She was holding a small voter candle, like one used in a church to ask blessings. Dressed in a peach colored silk kimono and tied with a faded red silk rope, she looked at the poisoned wooden floor before her, afraid to raise her eyes. The kimono clung to her body, exposing the swell of her breasts, her tights, her belly and her ass. She knelt like a penitent. She was being punished.
She had agreed to training by an online Dominant months before. He was strict, not personal, not a likable fellow, but she supposed that was the usual way in the D/s world. She really didn’t know. She was too new to it all. But she did learn when out of contact with the Dom, a girl could do lots of fun things. Until you were caught. This was the reason for the visit to an unknown city.
Tasha was ‘out of control’ according to the Dom.
She had agreed to punishments. There was a list ofViolations and they went on and on. She wondered who had ratted on her. She had several of the usual suspects, but she really didn’t know for sure. IF she did, there would be some hair pulling events. But here she was, on her knees, awaiting his cruel little attempts to break her. Of course, it was all consensual. Perhaps a strange bit of cock was exactly what she had been craving, so why the hell not? Neither he nor any of the Other men would break her. She would show them all what she was made of, submissive or not.
This Dom had picked different forms of “humiliation”, telling her he already knew she would respond and respond deeply. Tasha needed to be broken on a particular wheel.
The room was dark, but men were sitting in the shadows. She could smell them. The mixture of smoke and men’s cologne was very disappoint, but there was Another aroma, a cent of male musk. She placed the voter on the floor before her and it cast a tiny glow, barely reflecting her face and form as she settled back on her heels. She realized her palms were moist, but there was motivation in another part of her and this outtraced her fear. Anticipation fought with her panic.
She heard a soft voice, and knew it was the Dominant who was her online contact. He was not her ‘Master’ for she had none, but for this event, he was ‘The Master’. She would obey him without resistance. Apparently she had really offended and broken protocol, and he was to ‘bring her back into line with acceptable ‘girl’ behavior’. This event was just the beginning, she was told. Her service this night was part of her atonement. She was to suffer humiliation in ways she had never experienced. She was to learn ‘less experienced. She was to learn ‘lessons’ she was told.
“tasha.” He was so soft spoke her ears strained to hear him.
“You will serve me in this way. You will keep your eyes downcast and wait upon my voice. When I say your name again, you will rise with your light and turn and follow a man out of the room. He will use you for his pleasure…one pleasure only, and will take a piece of your kimono as a token of your service. Do you understand, girl? Do not speak, only nod your head.”
Her breath caught in her throat, her stomach squeezed suddenly, but she nodded. She understands his command. Her heart pounded hard. Surely it must be heard through the darkened and too silent room.
She kept her eyes to the floor, concentrating on the little light before her, willing herself to stop trembling. She heard her name called.
She rocked back on her legs and rose as gracefully as she could. Picking up the voter, she turned and followed the dark shape of a man out the room. She found herself in a long, dimly lit hall, and quickened her steps to keep him in view. Without a glance back, he Turned to the right and entered a darkened room. It was a bedroom with little furniture except a bed and chair.
“Kneel, girl.”
He took the voter from her hands and placed it on a mantle wHere it cast a dull light high upon the wall. There was almost no light beneath the mantle shelf to illuminate the room. She heard the sound of his zipper as he stood in front of her, barely able to discern his body in the feeble light. She felt his hand on the back of her neck, stroking her hair and then his cock push against her lips. She opened them, feeling the soft skin tease the entrance of her mouth and feel the cleft of his cock Against her tongue. Slowly she worked her mouth around his cock and started to put her hands around his hips. He knocked her hands back and sharply told her to place them behind her back, locking her hands together. He would use her mouth only and with both hands around her head, he pumped into it, heedless of her gagging. He swelled and vibrated and pulled out a bit, he still and flooded her mouth with his come.
“Swallow it, tasha, do not spit it out. Swallow it down.”
She closed her eyes, tears swelling and courting down her cheeses as she tried to swallow without gagging. She had never done this before. It had never been demanded of her.
It was over and before she was told to retrace her steps, a sleepe of her kimono was ripped off. She had barely time to wipe her mouth and tears on her remaining sleeve before the door to the darkened room was opened and she and her voter were again kneeling in the dim circle of light.
“tasha. Push your hair down your back, girl. You look like you’ve been tumbled in hay.”
She heard soft laughter and shuddered at the sound, blushing. She wondered how many men she would serve tonight. Tears she couldn’t suppress trickled down her face.
“Stop crying, tasha. You should be honored to be used in such fashion. You are pleased me. A new thing for you, heh? You told me you craved humiliation. You didn’t expect this form.”
Angain there was laughter from the unseen men. tasha’s shoulders drooped.
No, she never expected this.
His voice was soft, snakeThrough her mind as she thought of his words. She had been foolish one time and had begged for humiliation. She thought it would be just her kneeing and mumbling some devotion, or perhaps some clothespins with sharp little teeth on her nipples. She knew he was a sadist, but she never thought he could conjure up this stuff. She wondered at herself, her stupidity and she wondered about him. Could she do this?
Within the span of a few heart beats, she heard his voice again and shuddered.
“tasha. Arise and leave the room.”
Once again she rocked back on her feet, this time putting out a hand to steady her as she rose. He would not be ‘pleased’ if her form was awkward, but he said nothing. Form and appearances were all to this Master, as she had found out. As he told her Many times before, her actions and behavior reflected upon him.
She followed a different man down the hall and this time he turned left and went into a room. She knelt again on the floor and he tookthe vative and put it on a table.
“Stand girl, and come to the cross.”
She stood and moved to the St. Andrews Cross where he pulled up her kimono and fastened it high on her back, winding the faded red silk rope around her neck and shoulders, tucking the silk of the kimono securely there. He fastened her arms to the shadows and her ankles to the bottom ones. She trembled in fear, a cold sweat dripping down her back and into the cream of her fanny.
He hit her hard, the first of numerous blows, and she screamed out in pain, reduced to moans and incoherent whimpering.
“Count girl, every blow, and thank me.” His voice cut into her as sharply as his small whip.
She counted the blows as they landed, her body arching into the wood of the cross.
“Three, Sir, thank you.” Her voice was a mixture of pain and fear and she sounded like a wounded animal, almost at the cusp of unconsciousness.
It was over. Twelve blows and she could feel the burning of herbackside and above the small of her back. She had endured from the fifth blow not because she had adjusted to pain, but because she was almost unconscious. She could only endure by distancing herself from this torque. Perhaps this was subspace? It was not pleasant. The pain was immense, but more ‘distant’ after the 6th. For some reason she thought of the 12 step program and felt she was falling into hysteria. Was this the bdsm version of the 12 steps?
Drool and tears mixed together down the front of her kimono. She didn’t care how she looked, her pride had fled.
He released the shackles and she collapsed into his arms. He held her firmly and pulled down her kimono, reading the silk cord that had worked itself tightly around her throat. There was nothing kind in his handling of her, he was all efficiency. Telling her to kneel, she did, more of a collapse to the floor than anything else. He tore off the other sleep of her silk kimono.
She reentered the room, herhair a mess of snakes around her head and breast, her face contained by tears and the front of her kimono damp and wrinkled with drool. She dropped to her knees, and the vative slipped out of her hand and rolled on the floor. A hand reached out from the dark and righted it before her.
“Well, girl. You look more and more bedraggled. You look like something the cat dragged in after mouth it a bit.”
Again she heard the soft laughter, this as cutting as the whip blows. She flinched at the sound. It was a part…just a piece of her further humiliation. But something was happening inside her, something was changing. She didn’t know what it was. Pride? Her natural arrogance? Whatever it was, tasha felt she was shaving off dried, dusty layers around her. Or maybe the whip had done it. What was replacing it she didn’t know. She didn’t care at this point.
Again the one word: “tasha” and she left the room, gingerly walking down the hallway, following the shape of a man. She wOndered why she didn’t bolt, why she didn’t run away? But where would she run to? At this point there was no use in running, for something was changing inside but what it was she didn’t have a clue.
Return a turn to the right and another dim room, but there in the center, a big four poster bed.
“Girl, come here.” She rose from a kneeing position and approached him. His face was in the shadows, she Couldn’t tell who he was, but then again, she wouldn’t have known. He placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her close to him, almost picking her off the floor. His hands hurt.
“You little slut. You love all of this don’t you? You want this usage, this humiliation. You want to have all your holes plugged, to be bent and broken over lust. You proud little thing. You won’t be so arrogant for long now. You see, I know all about you, tasha. You are no different than any other girl with a throbbing cunt between your legs. You say you want to serve, but you haven’t a clue whatthat means. You think you do, but you don’t. You are about to find out little girls are mincemeat for men, for men know what to do with little sluts in training.”
She was trembling in his hands, fear now overcoming her senses. She felt his spottle as he hissed his words in her ear. She could not help but feel he was speaking some truth, a truth she would never have faced before. But, she had consented to be used in such a fashion. Too late to back out now, plus something else was overcoming her fear. She was curious what it would be to be fucked by this man, a strange unknown cock.
He picked her up by her shoulders and like a rag doll, throw her on the bed. Quickly he tied her hands to the posters and then her ankles, spreading her wide. Her kimono had come open at the waist and he pulled it open above the red silk rope, exposing her breasts.
He shoved a rough hand into her cunt, rubbing her hard, pulling her public hair. She moaned in pain for he was not gentle. SuddIs she felt his body cover her and feel a hard slap on her face. She saw stars as the pain numbered her cheek.
“Oh, little girl, you are about to get fucked and it won’t be pleasant. It won’t be lovemaking, little slut. It will humble you, slut.”
He twisted her nipples hard and made them erect in pain. Then he shoved her thighs wide and plowed into her, her fear drying her up, and she Felt his fury. He rose up on his knees and brought her hips with him, gripping her ass cheeks with both hands, pulling them apart. Her head bounced on the bed as he fucked her relentlessly. Suddenly he stiffened and pulled out and sprayed his semen all over her chest, hitting her in the face. She shook in her shadowles trying to loosen her hands but she couldn’t reach as he squeezed out the last of his come into her eyes, blinding her.
He collapsed next to her and took the hem of her kimono and wiped her eyes and face, looking closely, seeing her shock.
His voice was soft and deep,Almost sympathetic. “Perhaps you get a bit closer to humility, heh? Good girl, you are learning something tonight. You are learning your place, tasha, as much as you don’t want to. You are learning the hard way men can be brutal. Don’t think to pull our whiskers, girl. You have a long history of doing that. Perhaps you will change? You will learn.”
He tore off the right Front panel of her kimono, leaving only the left to cover her. The right side was called ‘the death closure’ in a kimono. This was the panel closed over the left when a person was buried. tasha though about this as she gingerly walked down the hall and entered the room, falling to her knees. There was just enough left of the kimono to cover her for decency. The voter had gone out in her hand and she was plugged into darkness.
This quiet voice fell around her like soft rain. She could not tell where he was, but she sensed t she was alone in the room. Now it was only them.
“Arise and walkBefore me. I will tell you when to stop.”
She walked down the hall and he was behind her, carrying the lit voter. She walked all the way to the end of the hall.
“Enter this room, tasha. I am right behind you.”
She did as he commanded and there, in the middle of the room, was a small bed. She turned to face him and he quickly blew out the light.
“tasha, there is one usage of you that you haven’t yet experienced. This pleasure is mine and no ones else.”
He slowly untied the red silk rope and looped it, throwing it on the bed. Then he pulled her remaining kimono off her shoulders and dropped it on the floor. She heard him suck in his breath as one fingernail travelled down the middle of her body from her throat to her cunt. It was sharp, knife sharp.
Again he spoke, close to her ear. “Lay on your belly, girl.”
She did as he demanded and waited. She felt his hands pulling up her hips, and positioning her with her ass in the air. He reached aroundand pinched her nipples and this time she moaned.
He looped the silk rope around her neck and tied her arms in front of her, passing it through her legs and tied her ankles together.
She heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down and then little else for a few moments.
Tasha felt something wet and cold between her ass cheeks, trickling down slowly to her cunt. She felt his finger in her ass and she jumped forward, the rope tightening around her throat with a jerk. He reached around and loosened it slightly, a finger’s breath of room between the rope and the skin of her throat.
“Be still, tasha. Be very still.”
She felt him withdraw his finger and her bum clenched shut. What must be his cock, thick and hard was at the entrance of her ass. He grabbed both of her hips, wrapping his hard hands around They and pulled her backwards. At the same time he pushed at her ass, making her scream in pain. He did not stop until he was bottomed out. She gasped as waves of pain rolled over her. Taking deep breaths she fight the terrible, ripping sensing. It was a knife in her gut, cutting her in half. Suddenly he started to move, slowly, pumping in and out and she bucked under his usage, trying to fling herself forward. He held her tightly by the hips, and grabbed her hair, pulling her head backwards.
“Hush, girl, give up your fight. It will go easier for you. You will remember this night forever. Don’t make it worse than it already is.”
tasha felt the seizing pain pass, replaced with a different sensing. Her cunt filled with nothing, but her ass was alive and something was happening in her belly replacing the pain. It was building and building, spreading outward and she realized she was more alive and aroused than ever before. She pushed back at his cock, grunting like an animal, a beast that was nothing but cunt and ass and this moment was the only one in the universe.
“Come, little slut…come on my cock. This is for you, tasha, I am the first in your ass. Remember that, tasha-slut, I brand you with my cock. You are remade by my hands, my cock, my power only.”
His voice was controlled but she could hear his own excitement as he pumped slowly, in agoning precision, in and out of her. With a strange sound coming from her throat, a sound she never thought possible, she climaxed hard, pushing herself back on the length of his hard cock, taking him in all the way, demanding he pin her to him. She could not count the number of orgasms rolling over her. She was not a prideful woman now, nothing more than a primitive thing as she came over and over, until she was released from his hands and cock and she fell on her face. Through the half-light of what remained of her consciousness, she felt the warmth of fluids see out of her, probably a mixture of semen and her blood. Her ass virgin’s maidenhood took no less than a cunt. And perhaps of more value.
She felt stripped of humanity. It didn’t matter.She had morphed into something else at that moment. It didn’t have substance nor had it a name. But something was cut loose in her soul and she had been changed.
Her humiliation had turned into its opposite and she was freed of herself.
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