The Teenage Dominatrix Ch. 13

Victoria’s text message, received at 9am exactly, was succinct.

Wear shorts, T-shirt, socks and trainers. Nothing else. Be at Staines Station at 12noon. Bring £80.

Stephen re-read the message several times, unsure of what games Victoria had planned. Staines was a large town, on the very edge of the London metropolitan area, and near Heathrow Airport. Twelve miles away from their small Surrey suburb, he had to change buses as there was no direct service. It took almost an hour, and as he had allowed plenty of time, he walked from the bus station next to the expanding shopping mail on the banks of the River Thames to grab a coffee and peruse the shops.

Victoria was waiting for him beside the train station when he meandered to their rendezvous point, and he beamed warmly at her. “Hiya. How are you doing?”

“You’re late.”

“It’s ten to twelve. You’re early.” Victoria’s eyes narrowed, and she put her book in her bag. “Where are we going?”

“We’re going togo shopping. And then you are going to buy me lunch. And then we are going to do a bit more shopping. Then you are going to take me home.” Stephen gulped as Victoria pushed herself upright, smirked, and strode onto the path that led from the train station to the town centre.

Stephen ran to keep up with her. “Did you have a good journey? My bus wasn’t too bad, actually. I thought it would take longer, but it didn’t. I’m …”

“Shut up!” Victoria snapped. “Shut up now.” She walked past a young couple who looked at the rude domme, striding past them on the busy Saturday. Sun broke through the breaks in the buildings until they reached the car park, and then the shopping centre.

The first shop they entered was a discount fashion chain. The expanded premises catered for all ages and Genders with a mix of value items. It was not where Stephen expected Victoria to take him. Staines did not have a reputation for its exhaustive range of designer boutiques, but the cheap storewas for inexpensive, everyday items.

“Wait here,” she told him gruffly outside the shop and clicked her fingers. “Wallet?”

He passed her his black leather wallet, and she sauntered through the front door as he waited, along with the Labrador that had been tied up by its owner. He peered through the window, but his companion walked to the back of the shop and out of sight. Victoria took twenty minutes to purchase what she needed and held a plastic bag as she rejoined him. She said nothing as she strode past him, but just clicked her fingers and Stephen dutifully followed her towards the pedestrianised shopping precinct.

The next shop was in an open High Street in the sunshine. She sauntered into the fashionable chain, catering for the teenage female market. The shop was mostly empty of customers, and Victoria hummed to herself as she looked through the fashion styles. He hesitated at the front of the shop and watched Victoria navigate the store.

She never lookedat Stephen and didn’t acknowledge his presence. She simply selected a short tartan kilt and continued to walk around the shop. Then, as she approached the till, she beckoned him over and pushed the plastic bag and kilt into his midriff. “Try those on. Put your shorts in the bag and bring out the labels.”

“But…” Stephen squealed. The shop assistant, bereft of customers, watched the two teenagers as Victoria grabbed him by the earliest and marched him to the changing rooms.

“Go!” She ordered. She gave a half-hearted smile to the junior assistant. Stephen panted inside the claustrophobic changing room. His hands shivered as he looked at the garment in his hand and then opened the bag to see a pair of thigh high woollen stockings.

He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t walk out of the changing room while wearing a skirt. The young man poked his head out of the thin curtain separating the changing room from the shop and saw Victoria at the other side of the store. He called her name, and she ignored him.

He sent her a text. “This is too much. Please.”

“Do it, Stephen,” came the response, which she followed with “trust me.”

Stephen gulped and kicked his shoes and socks off his ankles. His boardwalk shorts hit the floor, and he stood in front of a full-length mirror in just his T-shirt and chatity cage.

He took a deep breath, and turned the red and black tartan kilt, pleased at the back, in his hands. It reached his mid-thigh as he pulled the rough fabric up his legs so the thick waistband reached his waist. He looked in the mirror once more. It didn’t look any different from a normal kilt. He looked almost passable, and he unfurled the first black stocking up his hairless legs to his mid-thigh.

Then the right leg.

He twirled on the spot, watching his reflection in the mirror. Excited and appreciated. Victoria had taken him further than he had thought he could go, but there was no mistake the fact that he looked differentnt. There were few Scotsmen in Staines, and none of them were in the town centre wearing short kilts designed for teenage girls.

Victoria cooed when he stepped into the shop. “Perfect,” she called out to him and clicked her fingers. “Pay the lady, please.” Stephen placed the labels on the counter and stared at the floor as the shop assistant scanned the barcode.

“That’s fifteen pounds ninety-nine,” she said with a giggle in her voice, and Stephen held out two ten-pound notes from his wallet. “Thank you!” She cried loudly as Stephen stepped away with his change.

“Thank you!” Victoria shouted back.

“Of course, to wear a kilt properly,” the young female sales assistant giggled as the two teenagers stepped towards the exit. “You need garter belts too.”

Victoria stopped her Partner with a palm on his chest, and she turned to face the fresh-faced blonde girl standing behind the till. “To wear a kilt properly is without underwear,” she called back, and lifted thehem of Stephen’s kilt at the back to expose his bare bum. He shrieked and pulled his clothes down to just below the tops of his stockings.

“Did you have to do that!” He snapped as they left the store. She giggled and patted him on the butt.

“I can do what I want this afternoon. You’re mine, numbnuts. Don’t forget I have oodles of pictures and videos of you. I thought we could invite a few friends round for a porno evening. Hugh can come too, have you in the maid outfit. I know you suck cock very well!”

She spoke loudly and two groups of teenagers turned to star at the blushing Stephen walking through the shopping centre. “Keep your voice down!”

“Oh Stephen,” Victoria simply, and walked into a chain pub. “You do suck cock very well.” She sat down at a table and picked up a menu. Stephen slide into a seat beside her and picked up a menu as well. She smiled at him as she clicked her fingers. “Wallet.”

He passed his black wallet over to her, and she rose from her seated position. “Can I have the…”

“You will get what I order you,” she interrupted, and walked to the bar to order their food and drinks. The cool breeze from the open door swirled across his caged cock and uncovered balls, although the smoothness of the thin-knit cotton against his glassrous legs was a luxurious feeling. He watched the vicious teenager laugh as she ordered their meal and returned to the table Holding a glass of fruit cider. “Your drink is coming with your meal.”

She took out her phone as Stephen went to speak. “Ssshh,” she interrupted and giggled as she read messages on her device. He waited. “One of the several hundred stories you and Hugh exchanged was about a teenage student who was forced to go shopping with his dominatrix girlfriend. And she bought him a skirt and made him wear it to the cafe. The author promised a part two, but he got bored and never wrote it.”

Stephen gulped. “I don’t remember.”

“It was something like The Adventraries With My College Dominatrix, which is damn silly, because the word ‘my’ conveys ownership of the domme. And a woman in a healthy relationship owns the man, not the other way around.” She glanced up at her squirming partner and reached into her bag and put a condom, a big black butt plug and a small via lube on the table. “Go into the toilets, and put that where I want it. Because when we get home, you are going to write that Part Two for me.”

Stephen gulped and grabbed the sex toy from the table; he looked around the pub, hoping that nobody had seen the black plug in open view on the table. She sipped her drink, and he slipped into a cubicle in the gents’ toilets.

It tank, but he didn’t care. His mind whirred as he unwrapped the condom and slide it over the bulbous head of the rubber dong. The room echoed; his nervousness magnified every sound in his eardrums. The bang of a door, or the cheer of a football fan, raised the hairs on his skin as his fingers quivered.

He spread a large dollar of lubricant over the sheathed buttplug, and he put his right leg on the toilet seat and squatted slightly. The kilt offered no barrier, and he pressed the condom-covered bulb against his pumping whorl and applied gentle pressure to his parting bud.

Too much.

Deep breaths.


He gently worked the toy in further and further. He’d taken bigger toys over the last couple of days, and he’d enjoyed it.

Twisting. Relaxing. He added more lubricant to the toy and squeezed the last of the peripheral into his open hole. He closed his eyes and panted as he pressed the plug harder against his opening.

He frozen when someone entered the lavatory and held his breath as the man urinated into the pan on the toilet next to his cubicle.

Gradually, he inched the toy into His hole until it reached the flared base and he exhausted sharply. His cock strained in its cage and as he moved, he felt the fulsome plug rubb inside his rectum.

Stephen washed his hands, shook the creams out of his kilt and walked back to the table where Victoria waited for him.

She smiled as he saw the children’s pizza and a glass of milk in front of his seat; Victoria wrapped her lips around a large double-decker burger and had a full glass of cider. “Is it in?”

“Yes,” he muttered, and she beamed at him. “It’s enormous.”

“Well, sit down and eat up.”

Stephen slipped into the seat beside her and took the undersized children’s cutlery. Victoria giggled. “Is everything OK with your meal?” The waiter asked, and Victoria nodded.

“Burger’s lovely. Is your pizza nice, little one?” Stephen’s cheats burnt as he nodded and sipped the glass of cold milk. Victoria smiled at the waiter. “We’re good thanks.” The plug pressed against his insides and as when they finished, he felt it move as he walked.

A wetspot formed on the inside of the kilt as they moved around the shopping centre.

Victoria took him to a chemist, waited in line, and then in her loudest voice asked. “I’ve had a look at your display of condoms, but you only have regular and magnum sized rubbers. Do you do small-fit at all?” The pharmacist replied that they did not, and she boorishly exclaimed, “Do you know anywhere that does sell small johnnies? We can’t be the only couple that needs tiny condoms?”

Stephen’s burning cheeses and utter humiliation deepened when she made him try on a sheer nightie at a discount lingerie shop; the translucent mesh showed his cock cage, and the teenage domnatrix pulled him into the store to stand in front of the tall mirror. The store staff looked on as he obviously blushed by the public display. Fortunately, the store was empty of customers, and he hurried back to the safety of the changing booth. She forced him to buy it for “sleeping in.”

She made him purchase and change into a pastel pink ladies T-shirt that was too small for him and rode up as he struggled to keep up with her, beforeshe sent him into the toilet with a clear plastic sandwich bag to “remove the plug.” When he came out of the mall toilets, holding the black butt plug in his fist, Victoria was no longer beside the ice-cream stand and he panicked as he had no pockets in the kilt to hide the plug.

It took ten minutes as he strode up and down the shopping mall, looking in shops, with his fingers closed around the big rubber sex toy until he found her. “What do I do with this?” He asked her, as she browser the CDs for sale in a record shop.

Victoria giggled and let him slip the plastic bag into her handbag. Two albums later, Stephen had exhausted the money had brought, and they caught a train back to their commuter town.

Anne-Marie glared at the two teenagers as they ambled up the driveway towards the house. “Inside, now.” She glanced at her watch in the bright afternoon sunshine and slammed the front door as they trekked past her and into the dining room. “I have just spoken to one ofYour friend who came to this house, and I want answers. Sit down, both of you.”

Stephen and Victoria traded glances as they sat next to each other on Anne-Marie’s long dining table. She stood and leant on the back of a chair opposite. “What’s up?” Victoria asked in a sickly sweet voice.


“Hugo’s not a friend, he’s a …”

“Have you been blackmailing Stephen?” Anne-Marie interrupted. Victoria said nothing, and her aunt stared at her victim. “Has Victoria was coercing you into BDSM or else she will reveal intimate photos?”

“That’s making it sound worse than it is,” Victoria complained. “We’ve had a bit of fun, but you don’t disapprove of that and …”

“Safe. Sane. Consensual.” Anne-Marie spat. “What does it means?”

Victoria surprised. “And it was consensual. We just had some play time over a few days. I was so bored and he sort of fall into my lap. That’s it. Don’t be a prude.”

“Did you, or did you not, have compromising photosand recordings of Stephen? Did you tell him you would release them unless he did what he was told?”

“It was just a …”

“Answer the question!” Anne-Marie shouted and Victoria nodded. “I thought so. Hugh told me. You did it to him too, didn’t you?”

“Oh, no!” Victoria squealed. “He touched me and kept touching me even when I told him not to. He deserved what happened to him.”

Anne-Marie’s eyes widened at the candour of her niece. “So you penetrated Stephen, spanked him, made him drink your piss, forced him to buy you stuff. What else did you coerce from him? You even set up that scene with Simon, didn’t you?”

“That’s… private.”

“It’s against the law. You could go to jail and end up on a register if it goes to court.”

“It’s not going to go to court, Miss Braithwaite.” Stephen muttered and rubbed the back of Victoria’s hand. “I’d never make a complaint. I knew Victoria would never really release those pictures. Just role play, right? Just exploreing. It’s messing with my mind.”

“Stephen,” Anne-Marie purred. “Coercion is abuse. No consent, no fun. We can see how my niece likes it. You can take her upstairs to my dungeon and give her a hundred hits of the cane until she has learned her lesson. Or else I cancel her ticket to go to Amsterdam with me.”

“No!” Victoria squealed. “That’s not fair. You know I’ve been looking forward to the sex fair for months.”

“You don’t deserve to go,” Anne-Marie spat. “What we do is playing with fire. I keep telling you that and I thought you understand. If you don’t do it right, you will get burned. And you cause hurt and pain and misery. It’s abusive. Is that what you want?”

“Of course not!”

“I don’t want to cane or whip Victoria …” Stephen replied, and Victoria whooped in delight. “But I want to take her to the cinema to watch a film. And then go to a restaurant. If she gets changed now, into a nice summer dress, we’ll catch the 5pm sittings.”

“Changed? A dateat the cinema? No. No, no, no. Absolutely not. No-no. I’d rather have the cane. The whip. The flogger. The paddle. The fucking machine with a twelve inch dildo. Not a date.”

“Amsterdam, Victoria,” her aunt reminded her.

“Not a date.”

“I mean it, Victoria.”

“Oh … I hate you,” she spat at her victim and pushed her chair back as she left the table.

“And Victoria, please go bring all the copies of those photographs down here now. I have a firepit going in the back. You can burn them before you go. Delete any others that you have. And please give Stephen his clothes back, as I am sure he didn’t go out like that. And if he is still locked up, unlock him. And anything else you have done. I am so, very, very Disappointed in you.”

She left the room crestfallen and Stephen said nothing until his date re-entered the room, attired in a risk, short white PVC dress. She tossed an envelope onto the table and he filed it away in his pocket. “I think I’ll keep them, if that’s OK? Memories of a wild summer with an amazing girl.” He smiled at his date, got up from the chair, and held out her hand. “Shall we?”

“If we must,” Victoria moaned. “If we must.”


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