The Teenage Dominatrix Ch. 10

Victoria cut Stephen’s daydreaming short as he made breakfast with a text.

Did you enjoy your humiliation? You had bookmarked several femdom sploshing stories, so how did reality do?

If Victoria had uncaged him, he would have masturbated when he got home; the entire evening had been an incredible adventure and had been everything he wanted. The humiliation had burnt deep, but every thought and memory he had of the three hours in the garden caused his cock to bump against the plastic prison. His horniness doubled when she sent him photographs from his experience, of which she assured him the girls had taken copious amounts of.

He replied almost instantly.

It was everything I thought it would be. You’re amazing.

Five minutes later, his phone vibrated once more.

LOL. See you at college, numbnuts. Good luck! Victoria.

The text was a reminder it was ‘A’ Level Results Day and the final Thursday of August was an annual ritual for all those who hadsat exams. He was confident. The papers had gone well, and Stephen had spent the summer satisfied that he had understood the questions. The beauty of science and Mathematics was a lack of subjectivity; a student of English or Art must hope that their examiner sees value in their creative output, whereas scientific disciplines have a right answer. It is binary, and there is certain. Stephen was certain he would gather the grades he needed to get to Exeter University.

East Anglia was his “insurance” offer, but he preferred the sound of the West Country over Norfolk. His phone was abuzz with his friends; Hugh was nervous, Terry had flown into Heathrow the night before and Iain stated that he already knew he was St Andrews bound as the exams had been “a piece of piss.” He responded to them all and Before leaving his house, he had a final message to send to his torturer.

You too. I’m sure you’ll do well. You were always so good at Maths.

His confidence waned as he walkedto his college; the tricky question on the second Maths paper that he had dismissed all summer as “irrelevant worry” came back to haunt him. The discussion in the grass quad after the exam as the students dissected the questions with scientific precision played on his mind, and all of Physics Module 4 made him nervous. He needed ABB to get into Exeter and two days previously he was confident of three A grades; now he wasn’t even certain about the B’s.

The college had divided the large hall into five queues and he nervously joined the middle one. “Surnames K to M,” the sign read, and the thoughts in his head distracted him to hear a voice in his ear.

“Thirsty, are we?” He jumped in fright, and Susie chuckled as he turned to face her. “You look much better in a skirt!”

“I…” Stephen stuttered, and the bubble Londoner poked him in the ribs to take a few steps closer to the table as the queue moved. “What… is Victoria here?” He looked across the large hall, but Susie shook her head.

“Vics really has you wrapped around her little finger,” she replied, and poked him to move once more. “I haven’t seen her, but she’ll be here.” Susie studied him for a moment and waved at a footballer in the adjacent queue.

“Next please,” the exasperated voice repeated, and Stephen called his name and received his envelope. His hands felt clammy as the women passed the white package, which held His future, into his palm. He thanked the teacher and moved into the bright morning sunshine.

“What’ve you got?” Hugh’s voice excitedly called, waving a piece of paper in his hand. “Oh, you’ve not opened it. Open it!” Stephen looked at him and he told; his hands trembled as he ripped the paper between his fingers. “I got BBB, which is what I need for Aston. Andy’s only got CCD, so he ain’t going to Warwick, but he’ll get into Reading. And Terry wouldn’t tell me what he got, but he was with his parents, bawling his tits off, so I reckon it ain’t what he wanted.”

Stephen slide the results out of the envelope, took a deep breath and unfolded it. His eyes focused on the white paper.

Mathematics, A. Good, he needed that.

Physics, A. Unexpected. He smiled as his eyes scanned down the page.

Computer Science, B.

Relief. He showed his page to Hugh and exhausted sharply. “Oh, thank fuck for that!”

“Stephen Morris,” a voice boomed from behind him and he turned to see Victoria, flanked by Niamh and Susie, standing with her arms crossed underneath the covered cloisters. “Come here.”

“Don’t go,” Hugh muttered to him and looked at the girl who had tormented him. “He’s with me. Piss off, Victoria!”

“Quiet Tiny!” The girls giggled as Victoria smiled. “Stephen. Here, now!”

“Sorry mate,” Stephen murmured and trotted across the green to his tormentor.

“What’ve you got? I’m deffo going to Exeter. AAB.” She said nothing and pushed open an unlocked black door to a classroom.

“In here.” Susie sniggered as he followed her into the small study room that overlooked the quad. She leant against the wall and slung her backpack on the desk in front of her. Stephen reached into his rucksack and passed her the schoolgirl outfit from the night before in a plastic carrier bag. “Hi. Freshly laundered and ironed. I got some funny looks, but nothing too bad.”

“Shame. But if you want to Know my grades, it’ll cost you.” Stephen gulped. “Take your top off.”

“What? Here?”

Victoria rolled her eyes and crossed her arms once more over her black T-shirt. “Of course.”

“But anyone could come in. A teacher or…”

“Yes, I know,” Victoria replied. “But you will do what I want, won’t you?” Her voice was firm and uncompromising, and she looked down her nose at her squirming prey.

Stephen unbuttoned his white shirt. He kept his gaze fastened on the three women as he pushed the hem of the shirt back and slide the short-sleeved garment from his body.Victoria was unmoved. She had seen his torso many times before. “I got a B in Biology.”

“What about Maths?”

“Impatient, isn’t he?” Susie giggled.

“Very.” She hummed in thought and pointed at his belt. “Lose the trousers.”

“But…” Stephen protested and paused as Victoria gave his churlish expression a withering look. “Then will you tell me?”

“Take them off,” she barked. “I don’t negotiate with little boys.” Stephen looked down at his navy blue trousers and felt the scorching white heat of disapproval from the ladies only a couple of metres from him. He unclipped his belt and kicked his shoes from his feet without undoing the laces.

Victoria smiled as he hung the blue garment over the back of the same chair as his shirt and he stood, shivering with excitement and fear in the small study room. He could hear the excited chatter behind him as students called out to each other to discuss grades and further education choices.

“I got an A in Psychology.”

“But what about…” Stephen protested, and Victoria raised his eyesbrows at him as she stared at his bright red Y-fronts. “You don’t want me to… in college?”

“I do. I told you, I do not negotiate with boys. Underpants on the chair and then we’ll discuss.” He looked at the Londoners alongside her, the cheeky Susie and the acid-tongued Niamh, and then at his torqueor. “They’ve seen your little dick in its little cage already. And they’ve laughed at it. How badly do you want to know?”

“And then I can put them back on and get dressed and go to work?”

She hummed. “When I am done with you,” Victoria purred. “Your choice? Think of this as one of your tasks.”

Susie giggled and Stephen, feeling that they were about to humiliate him, slid his underwear to the floor and bent down to pick it up. Victoria nodded towards his clothes, and he gingerly put his red briefs on top of his trousers. His hands covered his cock cage.

Stephen stood in a study room thathundreds of students use every week in just a pair of dark grey socks as three of his classmates giggled. Outside, the excited chattering voices permeated the tension and stillness in the room. Victoria paused and smiled. “And I got an A in Mathematics.”

“Three A’s. Wow!” He looked at Susie. “What did you get? Still off to Bristol to do Nursing?”

Susie nodded. “Yeah, ABC.”

“Congratulations! You’ll be a fantastic nurse. And Niamh, what did…” Her expression soured.

“I don’t need these grades,” she replied coolly; her ambition of joining the Crystal Palace Women’s Football Team was not dependent on her A Level results.

“I’m going to get dressed and go to work, now, as…”

“Not so fast,” Victoria interrupted him and gestured to her two friends. She lean forward and slid his clothes from the chair, onto the table and in front of her. Fear and anxiety covered his face as she took his garments.

“Come on, I have to be at work in an hour and…”

Susie and Niamh approached him from either side, and he turned his head in turn to look at them. Niamh pushed his shoulders forward, and he fell against the desk in front of him.

A firm smoke against his buttocks made him jump and wriggle, but Victoria’s friends held him against the wooden desk as his tormentor’s shoes sounded in the small room. “C’mon Victoria. Please.”

“Oh, I love it When boys whine and plead. It gets me all hot. Their pathetic pleas make me even more bitchy.”

Stephen groaned as he felt a cold, solid implement pushed against his reddened bum. Wide, like a paddle, but stout and cold. He guessed the wooden one that he saw hung on the wall of Anne-Marie’s dungeon.

He knew what was coming. He steadied himself for the hit. His mind focused on the nerves on His skin, waiting for Victoria. Nothing else penetrated his attention or his psyche. Nothing mattered. The world was still and quiet, as a scorching hot strike and a burning pain replaced thecool sensing. He squealed and swore as his left buttock erupted into a searing heat.

Victoria leant over his body and smoked the paddle against his right cheek. He was defenceless. He couldn’t fight her power, and he could not move. Stephen took the ten strong swats on his buttons. His misery was Victoria’s delight; she revealed in his squealing and crying, and laughed when he rubbed his tender, burning bum. She walked back around the desk and flung his scarlet Y-Fronts at him. “Get dressed.”

He lifted his left leg, but as he slide the garment up his shin, Victoria throw his other two items of clothing to her friends who had inched towards the door.

He cried in announcement, and Victoria called him, drawing his attention back to the dominant teenager. “Put your underwear on, put your shoes on properly, Take your bag, wave at your audience…” She pointed to the dozens of faces pressed against the window that opened onto the quad behind him, and Stephen whimpered andPulled his underwear over his cock cage as quickly as he could. “And go meet us at the college gate.”

“Victoria, that’s mean.”

“Oh, did you expect anything else? And I saw your cock straining as I thumbed your arse. And then when I told you that half our year had seen me pump your backside. Some of them used their phone camera. Not that they saw your face, but all the same. How does that make you feel?”

Stephen squirmed at the thought, and Victoria smiled as he hurriedly untied his shoesaces. She left, pushing past the gossiping voyeurs when Stephen glanced through the window.

Shoes on and fastened. Underwear around his crotch. If he ran, nobody would notice the solid cage underneath. Rucksack fastened across his shoulders, he pelted out of the room. He had to brave it. He had to own his own humiliation. He had to run through a small green where 150 students, plus teachers and parents congregated, and make it to the front entrance. Stephen knew he would have to end laughter, ridicule, derision, jeering and scorn as a man, dressed in just his underwear, ran across the college campus.

His cock stirred at the thought. Already, his antics would mean he would be the subject of gossip, with those pictures and videos shared wildly. He knew that. Emerging into the sunshine would magnify that by a hundredfold. He glanced at the window, smiled at the dozen students, and opened the door with the confidence he did not have.

And then the motivation started as he ran. Along the covered walkway that lined one side of the quadrant, containing grass, a fountain and benches. At first, only a few noticed.

“Nice one, Stephen. Great dare!” A female voice called as he ran past them.

“Ew, that’s disgusting,” cried another. His mind stirred at the rejection. He kept running. Stage by stage. He broke his journey to freedom into four steps.

By the time he reached the end of the cloisters, he was in bright sunshine. He could no longerhide in the shadows, and he sprinted across the back of the quad, past the English classrooms towards the science block.

The murmur of excitement rose as an eighteen-year-old student darted, half-naked, in the dazzling daylight. It was like a lighthouse had focused its beam on the fleeing man as dozens of people looked at the movement. Some laughed, some yelled, some called out with maniacal cries. A few gave Chase.

Between two English classrooms was a narrow passageway that lead up a winding ramp to the Library. Stephen slipped between them, sprinting up the quiet space. He stumbled across a lesbian couple kissing, who looked up at him. He apologised through his panted breaths and flung himself at a fire door. Footsteps at the base of the ramp behind him showed he had been following, and he hurled himself over the handrail on the outdoor metal stairs.

They rattled and clanked as the eighteen-year-old dashed down them to reach the driveway to the college. He spotted Niamh and Susie by the college sign, but dozens of parked cars lined the drive as parents waited for their offspring.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he tore across the tarmac, exposing his half-dressed body to dozens of parents. Niamh turned to face him as she heard the running steps, pounding on the pavement, and laughed as he reached him. “I s’pose you better have them back,” she muttered, and pushed his clothes into his chest. “By the way, nice pants! Shows your tiny cage very well.”

They giggled as Stephen, feeling a thousand eyes on him, slipped behind a bus that lined the path to haphazardly redress before he could get into trouble.

In the pocket of his trousers was a letter.


You gave the story “Evan Expeded at School” five stars on your sex stories site. How was it, you fucking pervert?

Come round at five. We’ll feed you. I have a job for you.


And it wasn’t until he got to work that he remembered he hadn’t phonedhis parents to tell them about his grades. Something more important had distracted him.


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