Stephen had an awkward night in bed; he felt throughout the night with a painful pressure in his cock as the cage gripped his shake and prevented his nightly ections. He had read on the Internet that this was possible until his body adjusted to the prison encasing his prick, and his lack of sleep was proof that it would take a few days to be comfortable in the transparent prison.
Stephen overslept his alarm, and Only just got to work on time. The cage was a constant reminder of his prediction, and every time he knocked his genital jail on his desk or caught it with his hand, it reminded him of Victoria. Worse was when he had to visit the lavatory; Stephen had to sit on the toilet to urinate – something he had not done since he had been potty training.
At lunchtime he met up with Hugh, in a traditional workmen’s cafe on the ring-road. Stephen nodded as his friend sat at the same table with a tray of food. The Coronation Chicken on his jacket potato smelt delightfully fragrant, and Hugh gave his friend an awkward smile. “OK,” he said. “I’ll tell you everything, but you have to show me you’re on the level.”
“Sure,” Stephen replied and loaded the WhatsApp application on his phone and showed Hugh a message from Victoria. He showed dramatically and rubbed his nose as he digested what he saw.
“She’s a monster,” he said. “I’d heard rumours. We all had. But she’s sex on legs too, so I asked her out. We went to the cinema, and I touched her. She just played hard to get, but she slapped me and caused a ruckus. I got thrown out, and I didn’t know, but in the scuffle, I’d dropped my phone. And she had access to everything. My messages, my bookmarks. Everything.”
“Didn’t you have security on your phone?”
“I do now! She had all my secrets, and she put a letter through my door. We met at the Maccy-D’s in town. And she had printouts of stuff I didn’t want anyone to see. Said I could have my phone back if I came that night to her house. She was having a girls’ garden party.” He gulped and took a deep breath. “They stripped me. They spanked me. They stuck a dildo up… up…”
“Up the arse?” Stephen blurted out.
“Yes, up my chuff. Bloody woman. And she made me jerk off in front of them all, and then she kicked me out of her house naked. I lived two miles away and the Police nearly picked me up. She made other demands too. She’s evil. She screwed me in so many ways. So, when I say avoid her, I mean it. She’s… twisted.”
Stephen told. “Is it not like that story you sent me – The Student Dominatrix. That’s about a University student who enjoys cracking the whip and…”
“No!” Hugh interrupted. “This shit is real. It isn’t some fantasy I can whack off to when I have a spare five minutes. This is… degrading.”
Stephen nodded. “I s’pose your fansies aren’t something you enjoyed.”
“No. It was out of order.”
“But you tried to touch her at the cinema,” Stephen reasoned. “After she told you not to. Perhaps she was showing you the error of your ways.”
“It was too intense. I went from being… touched to being sod… sod… sodomised.” He gulped. “It made me feel… dirty.”
“She’s a woman, and she makes me feel fantastic,” Stephen replied. “How did it end?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Hugh snapped. “But it went on for too long. I should have gone to the police, or her parents, or whoever. She’s a predator.” Stephen stared at him. “OK, I shouldn’t have gropeed her in the cinema, but two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“I can handle it,” Stephen replied. “She’s a bit crazy, but this is the most fun I’ve had with a woman since Ingrid said she’d go down on me when we cut through the golf course. Victoria makes me feel alive. And I have This mix of fear and excitement about our meetings. I’m seeing her after work.”
“Don’t go. Drop her now. She’s not girlfriend material. She’s ‘crazed psycho, I need a restraining order’ material. Abandon ship, mate. Run, don’t fucking walk, fucking run like the fucking clappers. Get away from her like she is a ticking unexploded landmine. I don’t know how else I can tell you to get out. It will not end well.”
Stephen chuckled and shook his head. “If I did that, I would regret it for the rest of my life. I need to experience this to the end. And don’t forget, I didn’t fondle her when told not to. Perhaps what I am going through is only a microcosm of what you went through because you sexually assaulted her.” Hugh recoiled at those words and picked at his lunch.
“Don’t says I didn’t warn you when this ends in tears. And they’ll be your tears.”
“I won’t,” Stephen promised, downed his drink and said goodbye to his friend. Victoria had messaged him to state she was due at his house that evening, and Stephen returned to work, before racing home four hours later to cook and clean up before the teenage dominatrix arrived.
“I’m meeting my family on Skype in twenty minutes. Can I get you a cuppa? Or cider, I got your favourite.”
“Dealing with family. Cider, definitely,” Victoria snapped. “Although all this booze you keep buying me. I’ll be an alkie soon.”
“I can do tea or coffee.”
“You’ll do cider,” she replied. “Families and all that.”
“What is your relationship with your parents?” Stephen absentmindedly asked as he opened the fridge and passed her a can.
“Don’t ask that,” she said in a low voice. “And I know you don’t know, or else you’d not think of asking that question.”
“Right, sorry, I didn’t mean to… here’s your cider. And sorry.” She nodded and sat with him on the couch as he dialled his family. Victoria said nothing as his two excited younger sisters answered the call.
“Mummy, Stephen’s got his new girlfriend there again,” the younger girl shouted, and both Stephen and Victoria blushed.
“Victoria is not my girlfriend.”
“She looks like your girlfriend. And she’s much nicer than Ingrid,” Sandy replied.
“That we can both agree on. But for Victoria to be my girlfriend, I would have to be her boyfriend. And that’s not the case.” His younger sister scowled. “Stop doing your Outnumbered impression, Sandy. You’re not Karen.”
Victoria sniggered, and Stephen put his hand on the top of her thigh, and rubbed it affectionately as they spoke. She noted the dry looks of skepticism that Stephen’s parents offered when they asked what their son had done over the previous four days, and he admitted to spending most of it with the girl that not seen before, and who he password carefully claimed he was not in a relationship with.
They sent Stephen’s sisters away from the screen and his mother addressed the two teenagers sat on their couch in Surrey. “You’re both adults now, so we trust you, but make sure that you are careful and…”
“Mrs Morris,” Victoria said before Stephen could reply. “I, 100%, guarantee that your son will not be putting anything between his legs into any partof me. We just don’t have that kind of… relationship. He might as well take a vow of chatity.”
“Oh…” She muttered. “I just…”
“It’s fine,” Victoria soothed. “If he had any ideas of that sort of thing, he can totally forget it. I promise you. There is no way, your son is going to get anything like that from me. I’m not like Ingrid. He is merely enjoying my company.”
“Oh good,” Stephen’s mother cried. “That’s quite a relief to hear.”
Stephen, red-faced and embarrassed, closed the laptop and Victoria sniggered at him. “Really? Did you have to say that?” He asked.
“Yes. And why are your folks so uptight about shagging? Getting a good seeing to always puts me in a great mood.”
Stephen smiled. “Well…”
“And you can forget that, right now. You do not have the equipment to do that. I saw to that yesterday. How is the chatity cage?”
“Not nice,” Stephen moaned.
“Excellent. Because I am in the mood to hurt someone. And it’s your luckyday, so you can get your clothes off now. I want to have some fun.” Stephen stripped and stood naked in front of the dominatrix. “Your little cock looks so good in its little cage,” she teased, and beckoned the naked teenager to come closer. She stroked the plastic cage and ran her nails over his balls.
“Ahhh!” He cried in pain and she smiled at him.
She opened her large handbag and took out a metal chain. He squealed as she fastened the chain to his nipples, using the clamps at either end, and slowly tightened the screws as she looked into his eyes.
They watered, and his twisted face was a picture of age. Stephen had never encountered nipple play before, and the overwhelming sense of sharp, exciting pain flooded his sensitive teas. “Please,” he begged. “It’s too much.”
“The more pain you give me, the hornier I get. And then I might want to give you pleasure,” Victoria whispered in his ear, as she tugged on the chain, and then subtly loosened the screws.”You do want to make me happy, don’t you?”
He nodded and gulped as she gently pulled on the chain once more. “It’s…”
“You must be getting used to it now,” she whispered as she loosened the screws another half-turn. “It’ll come.” Stephen took a few deep breaths, as Victoria pulled out a leather paddle which she slapped against her left hand. He whimpered. “Hands on the coffee table,” she ordered.
The first strike landed abruptly on his bare buttocks. He shrieked and Victoria hooked a weight on the dangling chain. “Ow,” he howled. “It hurts so much.”
“Good. And every time you make a sound, I’m going to add another weight. And another. You will take your paddling without crying like a little baby. Or else, I might use chilli oil for lube and get the biggest dildo Anne-Marie has.”
Stephen gulped and closed his eyes. He steadied himself for the onslaught from the teenage domme and relaxed his mind. Slow, deep breaths. The thoughts of the sadistic dominatrix rembodied from his psyche.
He was floating through clouds, swimming among the calming mist. The burning sting of the leather paddle striking his bare buttocks drove him from his trace-state. He bit his lip as the pain spread and his muscles instantly tensed. The weight swung underneath him, and his tender nipples panged painfully.
Victoria waited for him to make a sound and then launched another strike against the exposed skin. Stephen took deep breaths as the sequencing throbbing pain engulfed his singing flesh. Desperate to concentrate on something else apart from the age across his arse and the excruciating torque in his nipples.
Victoria built a steady rhythm; every smack of her paddle caused Stephen to lurch forward and the weights on his chain to move. He didn’t squeal, cry or moan and his silence impressed and disappointed her.
She flung the paddle to the seat, and with his body kneeing on the floor and bent at the waist, she slowly moved her right footfrom her trainers and brought it into his groin.
Softly and gently.
But still unbelievably painfully and unexpected. Stephen yelled in pain, falling forward as Victoria kicked him in the balls. The weights smoked against the wooden table and Stephen panted as his body processed the rush of extreme age she had caused. “God, I love kicking boys in the nuts,” she sniggered as Stephen’s eyes streamed. “Yet, some men love it loads.”
“Not this one,” Stephen cried. “Please don’t do that again.”
Victoria laughed and sat back in her seat. She stretched her feet outwards and put it on Stephen’s back, treating him like he was a piece of furniture. “Stay still.”
She said nothing more. Victoria picked up her phone and texted her friends. His torquer opened and drank Another can of cider, and she kicked him when he understood.
The position was uncomfortable. The pull on his sensitive nipples had made them raw and inflamed. His knees hurt. His joints pained, asshe kept him in a stressed position for almost an hour. He wanted to move, or he wanted to be tormented. He didn’t want Victoria to ignore him. It was a far worse torture.
Stephen was relieved when she got up to use the bathroom and ordered him to stand up. He groaned as he moved his stiff muscles and she tugged his nipple chain free. He squealed once more, as his nerves screamed with the pain. “Be at my house tomorrow after work. You will cook Anne-Marie and myself some dinner. And then I am going to have some fun.”
Stephen nodded, and she got up from her seated position. She reached the door, turned to face him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her. She smiled back and then brought her knee up to his crotch. The shock, more than the pain, floored Stephen.
“Do. Not. Be. Late.” She warned the prostrate teenager and left his house, with him squealing on the floor. “And don’t forget to practice on the dildo!”
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