It had taken six days until Stephen unwrapped it. Almost a week of absolute age, waiting for his family to be out of the house. The young man may have turned eighteen, with a bedroom to himself, but he knew the moment he slipped the intimate lubricant against his rosebud, he knew his family would disturb his personal time.
His mother might come in with the washing, or his father might burst into his life bedroom with the laptop grinding to a halt and demand technical assistance. Possibly, one of his sisters would need help with their homework. He didn’t have a lock on his room, and he didn’t trust his family to honour a closed door.
They hadn’t when he enjoyed the company of his ex-girlfriend; his sister burst into his bedroom holding a Mathematics worksheet, and saw Ingrid, naked alongside her satisfied elder brother. The screams brought Stephen’s mother to his bedroom, and after a very one-sided row, he found his partner was no longer welcome at their house. He had weeksof “chats” with his horrified parents. They didn’t know he was sexually active, and the sight of two teenagers, both nude and desperately trying to hide a used condom, was something his mother did not want to see.
Stephen’s youngest sister, a passwordate ballet dancer, had a role in a show at her dance school. Because of demand and limited space, they could only offer a set number of tickets per family, and his parents instructed their son to get his own tea after college.
Stephen’s chance to play with the toy had arrived. For months, he and his best friend traded kinky stories, filthy articles, pornographic videos and explicit images. They explored their bodies alone, and the nerdy young men experimented with rubbing their perineum and soaped fingers as they discovered the joys of the pthora of nerves that lined their anal entrances. Hugh bought an anal toy first; a trip to London with his elder brother had taken him to a sex store, and the Aneros prostate massager had been a revelation. The toy rubbed gently against his P-Spot and after several frustrating attempts, he finally covered his duvet in his seed. He relayed the story to his best friend, who bought a similar device from the Internet.
So, on the day of the ballet performance, Stephen pedalled as quickly as he could to race home after college. He undressed before he reached his bedroom and laid a towel over his duvet as he ripped open the packet hidden at the back of his sock drawer.
The wiry young man turned the cold wavy sex toy made of hard, black plastic with trembling hands, took the tube of lubricant. Hugh gave him instructions. His cock bobbed as he laid on his bed and raised his right foot onto the top of his headboard. Slowly, he massaged a small amount of lube into his hole and started making smooth circles against his ring.
One finger quickly became two. He’d done this before, and it took little for his hand to reach for the sex toy that he did in clear lube.
His arse greedily accepted it. His body swarm in a warm glow as the toy slide against his prostate, and a pool of precum leaked from his cock. Stephen groaned as he flexed his pelvic muscles, just as his friend instructed. The warmth against his insides increased and his dick bobbed with every rhythmic contract.
His mind wandered. It focused on the sex clips and stories Hugh had shared with their small group of friends. The latex-clad sadist giggling evilly as she inflicted more pain against the whipped arse of a quivering man. The stripper with fishnet stockings provocatively teasing and seducing the overexcited punter. The fearsome pair of negative dominatrixes spit-roasting a groaning submissive with thick, black dildos attached to their waists. His cock sparkled and his body sizzled as the toy stroked his prostate.
Deep breaths, dirty thoughts, rhythmic contracts, and a fire glow of enjoyment. The eighteen-year-old man groaned and squirmed on the bed as precum poured from his prick onto his bucking belly. His cock itched, desperate for orgasm. He needed to come. He couldn’t resist. He gasped, grabbed hold of his dick and jerked it for a few seconds before coating his chest in his cum.
After several deep breaths, enjoying the blissful state of calm euphoria, he showed, cleaned the toy and hidden it. He tried every week – he had a one-hour gap when the house was empty on Wednesday afternoons – and could not quite bring his body to climax from anal play alone. He discussed his frustrations and failure with Hugh. The toy took him to edge of heaven, but he could not get an prostate orgasm with it. He needed more, and he needed to use his hands to take him over the broke.
By June, his exams were upon them all, and he pushed the toy to the back of his mind. His chats with his best friend, in person and on private messaging, diminished as they worked to study for their futures. He became more elusive and after their final paper, his mate went away for a couple weeks to London.
Stephen started a holiday job. When something rather unexpected happened, that would change everything.
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