The Teen Bukkake 'Princess

“Brittany, help me clean the kitchen,” her mother called.

Brittany’s eyes rolled to the back of her head.

“This damn woman!”


The eighteen-year-old walked indignantly into the kitchen where her mother stood with a bottle of cleaner and a rag. Sweat beaded on the teen’s body having just finished her workout.

“Mom, I’ve already told you, I was invited to Jessica’s house, and I’m going.” The girl took particular delight in arguing with her mother.

“Bitch,” the teen thought as she walked away.

For some time now, her mother had attempted to curtail her daughter’s behavior. Every attempt to do so was converted by the girl’s father. Her mother would ask her to help out or to behave a certain way, while her father would attempt to convince his wife that their daughter’s actions were only natural teen behaviors and weren’t going to hurt anyone.

Of course she was a daddy’s girl, a princess.

Having recently turned eighteen,e tan, blue-eyed bleach blonde thought her mother’s persistence a bore and insult. She was eighteen and a woman now! Her mother could go fuck herself.

Returning to her room to get ready to go to Jessica’s house, Brittany admired her body in the mirror. She pulled off her workout top and shorts and snapped a shot of herself in the mirror with her smart phone, her slim, hourglass waist contorting to make the girl’s ass look even larger in her neon orange thong. She made a perfect duckface as she looked over her shoulder to snap the shot. She turned to get a shot of her breasts and toned stomach, her little shaken slip peeking out below.

With her petite body, perky C cups, long blonde extensions, and firm round ass, Brittany had become more than conceited. Hers was a world where beauty mean popularity, success, and significance. And in her world, Brittany was at the top of the food chain. She was the young Aphrodite of contemporary America. In other words, a bleach blonde bimbo. A veritable tanning-salon citizen, she was of the stock of conceited teen girl that wears shorts and sweat pants with stupid shit like “Lucky,” “Pink,” and, well, “Princess,” printed on the back just to draw attention to their asses and petite little bodies. Nonetheless, she exuded sex appeal, and with her piercing gaze and beautiful sky blue eyes, she garnered the attention of men of all ages.

She had a Particular hobby, which consisted of subtly seducing the attention of older men with her actions, flirtations and, of course, her dress. During her family’s routine summer cookouts, which she otherwise would have thought beyond boring, Brittany found a special project in eliciting the gaze of the older neighborhood men, men old enough to be her father.

Brittany used these opportunities to taunt her father’s friends with her body, a commodity she thought too precise for them to have. Standing by her family’s pool and patio, it pleased her to wear the skimpiest bikini she could find, and for good reason. Brittany’s unique figure, petite and large assed, made a good bikini hard to find. As it was, her bikini bottom could barely cover her ass and often ended up wedged deep in her crack, revealing her tanned cheeses to her silent admirers. Her parents scoffed, but Brittany insisted. The bathing suit looked good on her. With a smug smile, she always felt satisfied knowing that others at the cookout had noticed her numerous “bikini mishaps” as well.

One particular neighbor had always stoke her fancy though. Mr. Edwards, or Rob, as her father called him, a good family friend. Throughout the years, Brittany had taken specific pleasure in attempting to tantalize him, wearing skimpy clothes and tight workout attire at inappropriate times when he was around. Like her mom was going to do anything about it! Mr. Edwards, a man in his early-forties, Brittany sumised, was tall, handsome, and dark-haired. His angular jaw line was accentuated by stubble. Brittany made sure to pay particular attention to him in his bathing suit at her family pool, his toned, hairy chest somehow installing a perverse pleasure in the girl. He was manly, and she liked what she saw.

Although she’d fantasized about sucking him off and having him dominate her, she never would have considered actually sleeping with him. But he was nonetheless fun to taunt with her body and actions. Brittany felt confident that he noticed her attention and, for this reason, she was especially bratty in his presence.

At the family’s last cookout a couple months ago, the teen had stood with her parents, Mr. Edwards, and some other adults in the kitchen. Her mother asked her to get Mr. Edwards a beer from the friedge.

“He can get it himself,” she replied, as she strutted out the kitchen door onto the pool patio. Brittany just knew that Mr. Edwards would watch her cute ass in her pink bikini as she walked away. This made her feel good about herself.

An hour or so later, Brittany thought the bathroom. She was about to wet herself in her little bikini.

Finding the door to the first-story bathroom cracked open, Brittany pushed forward.

“Oh, fuck!”

Brittany had walked in on Mr. Edwards pissing.

She closed the door quickly, her face blushing.

“Oh, shit,” she said to herself. “Oh, my god!”

“Doesn’t Even apologize,” Mr. Edwards thought, shaking his head as he zipped his pants up having just shook the last drops of pee from his penis.

A couple of weeks after her little tantrum in response to her mother’s request she help clean the kitchen, Brittany’s parents decided for a few days vacation to visit family out of state. Her family bored her to tears, and Brittany was in no mood. Besides, she had turned eighteen a couple months ago and should be allowed to stay home by herself. Her mom insisted she go but, as usual, Brittany appealed to her father.

“It can’t hurt, dear,” he told his wife. “She’s mature and grown-up now. It’ll be a good learning experience for her, staying here on her own for a week.”

Her mother frowned but relented.

Brittany could only roll her eyes at her mother as the family left the house for their vacation on a late Thursday afternoon.

“She can eat a dick,” she thought.

That Saturday, Brittany slept in a bit. An hour or so after getting up, the phone rung. Watching her favorite Saturday cartoon programming, she reluctantly answered.

“Hey, Brittany, this is Rob.”

“Oh, hey, Mr. Edwards.” Brittany felt her heart rate speed up a bit, completely forgetting the program on TV.

“Brittany, would you like to come over to the house? I know you might be feeling lonely with your folks out of town, and I have some friends who would like to see you as well. Maybe you can watch the big game with us. I don’t know if you like football or not but, just in case, we’re willing to let you have a sip or two of some wine or beer.”

Brittany couldn’t help but giggle.

“Maybe if you promise me a glass or two instead.”

“Sure, thing, Brittany. It’ll be our little secret,” Mr. Edwards laughed.

“Okay, well I’ll be over in a bit.”

“Good. Oh, and Brittany?”

“Yes, Mr. Edwards?”

“Make sure to wear something pretty for us.”

Brittany thought Mr. Edwards’ last comment particularly odd but, of course, she was going to make herself look pretty. That’s what she always did. And besides, this might just be another chance for her to “show off” a bit for Mr. Edwards and some other neighbors.

She opted to go with a “sporty” look for the game. Dressed in a loose-fit black tank with cut sleeps that revealed not only her shoulders and neon pink bra but also a good portion of her sides and upper waist, Brittany descended the stairs of her house on her way out. To accompany her strategic top, sexy torn jean shorts with the pockets exposed below the hemline barely covered her thick butt cheats, which attemptted to play peek-a-boo from time-to-time. She stepped slowly down the stairs in a pair of cute white tennis shoes with neon pink highlighting the edges of the shoe seams. A slanted straight-bill ball cap set atop her long blonde hair that nearly fell to the top of her waist.

“I’m a straight up gangsta,” she playedfully thought looking in the mirror right before she opened the door and stepped outside.

A couple of blocks later, Brittany arrived at Mr. Edwards’ house. The mailman had nearly had a stroke upon seeing her on his route. Walking past him, he could hardly speak. He just passed by her, making some sort of inarticulate animal noise. Brittany laughed to herself. And although it didn’t quite register to her in these exact terms, she was pleased by the power she seemed to possess over men.

The girl hit the button to sound the bell. She had only recently started drinking at parties, and it pleased her to think that Mr. Edwards was going to give her some booze and treat her like a woman.

“I’m gonna get my drink on,” Brittany thought.

A few moments later, Mr. Edwards opened the door and invited her in. The two stood alone briefly in the opening hall. Numerous male voices sounded from the living room, some shouting urgently about the game.

“You look beautiful, Brittany,” Mr. Edwards told the girl, a certain look in his eye suggesting he admired her and her presence.

“Of course I do,” she laughed. “So, what’s up, Mr. Edwards? Who’s winning?”

“State. Let’s go into the living room and watch.”

Brittany followed the older man.

Upon her entrance, the room’s attention turned from the game to the young, beautiful “princess,” who had just graced their presence.

A hush fell over the room, which was full of men, maybe 15 or more, ranged in ages from their mid-thirties to early-fifties. Brittany was familiar with some, although the majority were strangers. The teen couldn’t quite shake a slight feeling of awkwardness being the only female but immediately accepted the wine offered to her. Besides, she enjoyed the company of men, and they were careful to provide her with a cushioned office chair that allowed her to spiral around in her place, her motions amusing the men.

Although a complete bit to her peers and everyone in her family, with the obvious exception of her father, she tended to be a bit more disarmed around older men; she enjoyed their confidence and ease. Her biggest game was simply teasing these men. She anticipated having fun, drinking, watching the game, and tearing a little.

“Come on, State!”

“That pass was shit.”

“Our QB is just crap.”

“Your QB? What about our’s?”

Halftime finally came, and the tension among the men relaxed momentarily. They turned their attention to the little teen in their presence.

“Brittany here puts us all to shame,” Mr. Edwards claimed, referring to the girl’s outfit.

“This is just my casual outfit. I can do better than this,” she said.

Mr. Edwards looked around at the group of men.

“So humble, isn’t she?”

“It is a cute little outfit though,” another man offered.

“Yes, it is,” said Mr. Edwards. “Hey, Jake, why don’t you get Brittany and us some music playing.”

Taking his cue, Jake put some rap music on the house stereo. The sounds vibrated through the house and through Brittany’s body.

“Ya’ll be chillin’, huh,” Brittany said playfully, swaying her hips sensitively and briefly mimicking the hip hop performers she had seen on TV.

The men laughed.

“Have you come to impress us, Brittany,” Mr. Edwards asked.

“I always impress. Didn’t you see my booty shake?”

“Yes, I did. Why don’t you start dancing some more for us?”


“Yeah, why don’t you do a little tease for us? Or show us more of that cute little pink bra you have on. You are a tease, aren’t you?”

Brittany suddenly felt very uncomfortable. What was initially a playful action had seemed to get her into trouble. She enjoyed teasing older men, but she had never been spoken to like this and certainly would not think of actually exposing herself to any of them. It was merely a game for her.

“Um, I’m not really comfortable with that, Mr. Edwards,” Brittany stammered. “I was just playing around.” She looked nervously at the men surrounding her, some standing neary, others watching her intently from the couch and adjacent chairs. The majority were handsome men, but she had no intentions of doing what Mr. Edwards was asking of her.

“Sure you are. We’ve all seen how you act around us. Wearing sexy clothes. Bouncing your ass around as you walk by us in that prissy little bikini you seem to show off so much. Why don’t you show us that pretty pink bra you have on or give us a good look at that thong?”

“Excuse you!”

“Brittany, don’t play coy now. Here’s your chance.”

“Um, I really have to leave now, Mr. Edwards.”

The girl made an attempt for the exit, but found her path blocked by a few men. Mr. Edwards approached from behind, placing his strong hands on her shoulders and massaging them.

“Brittany, Brittany.”

Mr. Edwards turned the attention of his hands to her wait, running them down further to her exposed upper thighs. His hands gradually made their way to her pussy, caressing it through her jean shorts. Brittany gasped in shock, attempting to break his hold.

“Isn’t there a reason why you dressed like this for me and these men” Mr. Edwards asked as he kept petting her little pussy.

Brittany was terrified. Here were these men, much older and much bigger than her, and she was so helpless. She couldn’t think about anything else than this. She was just a girl, and Why couldn’t they leave her alone! Her mind was becoming a big blank. She panicked. A feeling of abject helplessness, a feeling that daddy’s “little princess” had never recognized before, swept over her.

“Come on, Brittany,” Mr. Edwards said, turning the girl around. “Get down on your knees.”

Compelled by some force that seemed beyond her will, Brittany descended to her knees. She immediately saw that Mr. Edwards’ penis was growing in his pants.

“If you’re going to act like a bratty little slut, Brittany, then you’re going to get treated like one,” Mr. Edwards told her, as he unzipped his pants.

“I’m pretty sure she’s sucked off half the neighborhood. She’s just acting like a prissy little bitch to play shy,” a man exclaimed from behind her.

“Well, we’ll take care of that,” Mr. Edwards responded.

Pulling down his pants and underwear, Brittany was exposed to an enormous penis. Mr. Edwards’ cock had to be at least eight or nine inches long and was as thick as her forearm. She had never imagined that his, or any man’s, penis could be this big.

“You like what you see, don’t you?”

“Um…I…I really have to go. My parents are going to be backsoon.”

Brittany remained on her knees, almost as if in a position of worship before Mr. Edwards and his exposed prick.

Although claiming she needed to leave, she was making no attempt now to get off her knees.

“Brittany, I know and you know that’s a lie. They’re not going to be back for some time, and you have your chance to perform now.”

“Um…ah…I really have to go.” Brittany’s eyes were beginning to moisten from the trauma of the experience. She had fantasized about sucking this same man’s cock numerous times, but she was scared and shocked now.

At that instant, Mr. Edwards’ open palm slapped Brittany’s face hard.

“Listen, you little, bitch! You’re a slut, and you better do what a good slut does.”

Panicked and afraid, Brittany heard herself begin mumbling words together incoherently. She seemed to have no control now. She was just strrewing words together, and they made no sense to her.

“Now, are you going to suck this cock of mine?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes…yes, sir.”

“That’s a good girl. We’re going to teach a little whore like you some manners. Whip that smug little bitch grin off your face,” Mr. Edwards retired.

“That’s right,” some of the others enthusiastically chimed in.

“Then maybe she’ll be fit to date our sons,” laughed another man, old enough to be Brittany’s father.

“Be a good little whore and put my big dick in your mouth. Service me. I know you’ve been wanting to.”

Brittany hesitantly reached for Mr. Edwards’ cock, grabbing the top of his shake with her hand. She could barely cup his penis it was so large.

“Now start stroking.”

Brittany killedly proceeded, an effect that did not please Mr. Edwards very well.

“Come on, you little whore! I know you can do better than that. Stroke me and suck me like you do your little boyfriends.”

The teen had given some boys at school blowjobs, and she had even fucked one guy, a freshman at State College, but none of them possessed a member like Mr. Edwards’.

Mr. Edwards spit on his cock and showed the girl how she should jerk him. Brittany started working on his cock, stroking his length. Working now more vigorously, the girl placed the man’s head into her mouth. It was extremely large, and Brittany had to take a little time to familiarize herself with his size.

Around the two, the other men had started pulling off their pants, some of them masturbating. All eyes were on Brittany. All eyes on her in her attempt to please Mr. Edwards’ cock. The little attention-whore was certainly receiving plenty now.

The men watched the girl’s head, her long blonde hair under her cap, working frantically in an attempt to please her neighbor. They noticed how she could hardly fit half his cock down her throat. Most of the men were now fully erect and jerking themselves, making declarations of Brittany’s character.

“Come on, we all now you’re a slut!”

“You can get more of that big dick down that precious little hatch.”

“Hey, Rob, I think she’s starting to take a liking to you now.”

While Brittany continued to work on Mr. Edwards’ cock, another man approached from behind.

“Craig, you want to get in on this,” Mr. Edwards asked.

“Fuck yeah. I’m going to get this little girl’s clothes off. Have us a naked fallatin’ bitch in here.”

A resounding laugh echoed through the living room as Craig slid Brittany’s tank down her shoulders. It now lay at her waist, her bra the only article of clothing protecting her slim upper body. Craig then pulled her bra cups down, exposing her perky teen tits to her audience.

The men cheered at the sight of her perfect round breasts and pointy nipples, which had been darkened somewhat by her tanning. Her brilliant blonde hair only increased their pleasure.

“Come on, princess, stand up,” Mr. Jones, a family friend, demanded, as he knocked the girl’s ball cap off herhead playfully.

As a group of men raised her up, someone pulled her shorts down pass her ass with so much strength and eagerness that the fasting button broke loose. Brittany’s pink thong was now available to her suitors. The men grabbed at her waist and ass, pulling the thong outward and running their fingers through her crack and revealing her privates.

Finally, one of the group, an attractive Forty-something with a toned body, ripped her thong down and violently forced her to the floor by cupping the back of her neck. Brittany’s little pink butthole looked so pretty as it welcomed him. The man slapped her big ass flags with heat. Unable to keep his composition, he spread the teen’s cheeses and immersed his face in her ass. She moaned in frustration, unable to understand why these men were so mean and hoping she might be released. He kissed her pumpered hole almost as if he were attempting to make romantic love to her face. Brittany’s asshole was soon made wet, and the man made every effort to plumge his tongue down the hole. He inserted his finger into her rectum and explored. He punched her asshole with vigor. Another finger widened the hole, while the young girl began to moan in age. Reluctantly, he had to relent. The girl’s ass was too tight and too unexplored. This was not the time.

“Don’t reckon’ that little butthole’s going to take these dicks,” another observed.


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