Sorry about the long wait for this installment of “The Teacher’s Pet”, but here it is, and I hope you enjoy it. I have already began work on Chapter 4, so look for it to be posted soon. Thanks to everyone who has sent me feedback, I really do appreciate it, so keep it coming.
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Denise watched her slave struggle against her bonds through a slight haze. The orgasm she had just experienced was one of the strongest she had ever had in her life. She rested on the bed for a moment, trying to gather her composition, trying to slow her breathing to normal.
“You…handled that…well…slut,” she said at last, her breathing still a little short.
“Th-th-thank you, Mistress,” Amanda said, her own breathing still short from her own orgasm. She was still trying to hold her burning as high, fighting the urge to just start humping the bed. She was still very horny and wanted desperately to cum again.
“And I think I will…overlook…the fact that you came without my permission. But only this once. You are never to cum unless I allow it. Do you understand that slut?”
“Y-Y-Yes, Mistress,” Amanda stammered, fear gripping her heart at the thought of displeasing her Teacher.
“However, I don’t think I liked your use of profanity either,” Denise said as she looked at the thin line of blood on the young girls ass. She felt her pussy twitch at the thought ‘I did that.’
“Therefore, I feel that you should be punished for that,” Denise said, rising from the bed.
“Y-Y-Yes, Mistress,” Amanda said quietly, fresh tears forming in her eyes at the thought of the lean again.
“Your punishment for the use of such language is that I shall not give you the reward promised for the good job you did in eating my pussy earlier,” Denise said as she unlocked the shadowles from Amanda’s wrists.
“Yes, Mistress,” Amanda said, disappointment in her voice. “Thank You, Mistress. I deserve that. I will do better.”
“I’m sure youwill, slut,” Denise replied, unlatching the chains from the collar and attaching the leash. “Get into position, slut.”
Amanda moved quickly, kneeing on the bed with her hands behind her neck and her knees apart. Her pussy still itched and she was die to finger herself, but dared not to.
“I think we have had a productive night, however,” Denise said gazing into Amanda’s pale blue eyes. “As long as things continue in this way–you remembering the rules, pleasing me, and so on–then I think you may pass my class after all.”
Amanda gazed back into her Mistress’s piercing green eyes, a small, loving smile touching her lips. “Thank You, Mistress,” she said quietly.
“Now, it is starting to get late, and we don’t want to get your mother upset until I have had a chance to talk to her. So, What do we do now, slut?” Denise said, slipping into her “teacher mode.”
“It is time to bathe you, Mistress,” Amanda said quickly.
“Very good, slut, you remembered. Toobad you can’t answer that quickly in class,” Denise said tugging on the leash.
“Yes, Mistress. Thank You, Mistress,” Amanda replied, crawling off of the bed to follow her Mistress.
Denise led her into what Amanda assumed was the “Mistress’s Bedroom.”
“Take a good look around, slut. I will expect you to clean the house, top to bottom, on the weekends. This room–IF you continue to please me–may also becomes a big part of your life. Now, follow me.”
Denise led her through a door on the far side of the big room. As they walked through it, Amanda looked around. The bed was at least a queen size, four-poster bed. On either side of the bed stood a nightstand, each with two drawers and a closed door. An elaborate dressing table with a large mirror stood at one wall, next to a large window covered in dark blue draws. There was the soft sound of music coming from a radio somewhere, but Amanda could not see it, and the sweet smell of potpourri was in the air.
Denise opened the door and led Amanda into a much larger bathroom than the one they were in before.
“Fill the tub, slut,” Denise said. “Not too hot, not too cold. I want to be comfortable. You will find a bottle of bubble bath in the cabinet and a towel in the closet.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Amanda said as she moved to fill the tub. She kept testing the water, trying to find the right temperature. When she was satisfied, she plugged the drain and added the bubble bath, getting the cent of lavender from the soap. As the tub filled, she went and retrieved the towel from the closet and laid it on the counter next to the sink. When the tub was full, she turned the water off and returned to her slut-position.
“Very good, slut,” Denise cooed. She had been fingering herself the whole time, watching the young girl move, especially Amanda’s delicious looking ass, still red from the spanking. “Now, take my boots off so that I can bathe.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Amanda replied, moving quickly to obey her Mistress’s wishes. She almost reached for the zipper with her hands, and then thought better of it. Instead, she leaned in and took the zipper tab of the left boot in her teeth and slowly slide it down. She slipped the boot off and set it aside, kissing the toe as she did. She then repeated with the other boot. When she was done, she returned to her slut-position.
“You like those boots, don’t you slut?” Denise asked after the girl was done.
“Yes, Mistress,” Amanda said, looking deep into Denise’s eyes, a small smile on her lips. Her Mistress was now completely naked in front of her. Amanda’s heart beat a little faster at the site of her Teacher, and her pussy was longing to be touched by her.
“I really liked the way you took them off. Very erotic,” Denise said as she reached out and caresed Amanda’s cheat.
“Thank You, Mistress. I am trying to please You, Mistress,” Amanda replied as she ran her cheat against Denise’s touch.
“I know you are,slut,” Denise said as she climbed into the tub and settled into the warm water, letting the bubbles surrounding her. “You are learning. It just takes time, slut. Soon you will be able to please me all the time.”
“Thank You, Mistress. I will struggle to meet all of your expectations, Mistress,” Amanda said as she gazed at the beauty before her.
“Oh, I know you will, slut. Is Your pussy still wet, slut?”
“Yes, Mistress. I am still very horny, and humbly ask that I may finger myself in front of you so that I can cum before you,” Amanda said shyly.
“I am pleased that you remembered to ask for my permission, slut. But you are being punished for your bad language, remember?” Denise said, her eyes closed as she leaned back in the tub, trying to relax and not let Amanda know that her own fingers were rubbing her own pussy under the water.
“Yes, Mistress. Please forgive me for asking, Mistress,” Amanda said, disappointment in her voice.
“I forgive you,” Denise said. “But, unless you can give me another punishment to give you, I must deny you your self-pleasure.”
Amanda thought franticly. There had to be something. Her pussy was itching for attention so bad, she would do anything for the chance to cum. She looked around the room and saw several things that might be painful, but she was so new to this sub-servant role, that she did not know what would be the right thing to say.
“I-I-I don’t know, Mistress,” she said at last.
“Well, I have an idea, but I’m not sure if you will like it,” Denise said, opening her eyes and looking at her slut.
“I’ll do it, Mistress. I need to cum sooooo bad. I’ll do anything You command. Please,” Amanda pleaded, her eyes wide as she looked back at her Mistress.
“You already said that you would do anything for a better grade in my class,” Denise retorted. “So that is not much of a bargain. I know you will do anything I command, because you are my slut. If it pleases me to watch you masturbate until you cum before me, then I will allow it. But at the same time, you must learn discipline. Without that, you are just A slut and not MY slut. Is that what you want?”
“No, Mistress,” Amanda said, her eyes wide. “I love You, Mistress. I belong to You. My pussy, my ass, my tits…my heart…are all Yours to do with as You please Mistress.”
“But how are you willing to prove that to me, slut?” Denise asked, her fingers working over her clip.
“I-I-I don’t know what You want, Mistress,” Amanda replied, tears running down her cheeses. “I wish to please You, now and always, Mistress.”
“Then prove it to me, slut. Use your imagination with the items in this room, and show me what you would be willing to do to let me let you cum. If you come up with something, I give you permission to move and try it. However, I may stop you at any time if I don’t like what you are doing.”
Amanda looked around again. She saw several bottles of different sizes and shapes.She saw make-up and wash clothes, cotton swabs, and then she saw what might allow her to get her way and it made her stomach tighten. There, by the sink, next to the towel she had gone after earlier was a white candle. Next to the candle was a book of matches.
Amanda crawled over to the sink, reached for the matches, and lit the candle. She then brought the candle over and sat it in front of her and returned to her slut-position.
Denise watched all of this with awe. She had an idea of what the young girl had in mind, and it made her nipples grow harder than they already were with excitement.
Amanda waited patiently, fear and excitement growing inside of her as she watched the flame, waiting for the wax to soften and melt. She truly wondered if she would be able to go through with what she had in mind, and her pussy answered for her but growing even more wet.
“Amanda, you don’t have to do that,” Denise said, her fingers feverishly working her own pussy, part of her hoping that the young girl would do it, and part of her fear for her student’s safety.
“Yes I do, Mistress. I love You with all my heart, and I really do wish to prove it to You. I must do this. And my name is not Amanda, Mistress. My name is slut.”
Amanda picked up the candle, gazing into the small pool of melted wax that had formed at the top. She breathed deeply a few times, trying to prepare herself for what was about to happen. She blew the flame out, looked up and directly into her Mistress’s eyes and poured the wax over her stiff and sensitive nipples. She hissed as the hot wax hit her skin, but did not cry out. The wax dried quickly, but she did not remove it. She simply looked at her Mistress. She then relit the candle and sat it down again in front of her.
Denise could not believe Her eyes. Her pussy spasmed around her fingers at the site of her slut sitting there with the cooling wax on her breasts, looking almost as if a man had just shot his load onher. At that moment, she looked more beautiful than anything Denise had ever seen before.
‘She truly does love me’ Denise thought. ‘I was going to wait until after she graduated to use candle wax on her, but she bore it well. A little hiss, some flinching, but well.’
Amanda waited a few more minutes for some more of the wax to melt, then repeated the pouring, this time between her tits, so that the wax ran down her flat stomach. She then relit the candle and sat it in front of her again. It surprised her that each time the hot wax hit her skin, her pussy would grow wetter and wetter. She began to wonder if she could cum from this.
Denise had a small orgasm as she watched her slut torture herself, her fingers delving deep into her own pussy and rubbing furiously over her clip.
“That’s enough, slut,” Denise said as Amanda reached for the candle a third time.
“But I still have one more part to pour it on, Mistress,” Amanda said, looking over to her Mistress.
“No, you don’t,” Denise replied. “When it comes time to pour hot wax on your pussy, it will be for my pleasure not yours. I can see how much you are enjoying it.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Amanda said, looking down.
“However, because you bore the hot wax on your nipples so well, I will allow you to now finger yourself in front of me until I tell you to stop. When I say stop, you MUST stop, even if you have NOT cum yet, understanding?”
“Yes, Mistress. Thank You, Mistress,” Amanda said, a glint in her blue eyes.
“All right. Lean back and open your legs so I can watch, but don’t start until I tell you to,” Denise said as she moved to the edge of the tub.
Amanda did as she was commanded. The cool tile felt good against her sore ass. She spread her legs wide, allowing Denise to see everything she had to offer.
“All right…begin,” Denise said, watching closely.
Amanda plunged her fingers deep into her wet pussy, her thumb rubbing hard against her swollen,sensitive clip. Her hand flew as she tried feverishly to cum before her Mistress denied her again. As her right hand worked her pussy, her left hand moved up to pinch and roll her nipples. Her breathing was becoming short as her orgasm built, sweat glistening on her body, her eyes closed.
Denise watched all of this with lust in her eyes. She counted off the seconds in her head, her own hand pleasure her pussy as she felt yet another orgasm building. ‘This little bitch has no idea what she is doing to me,’ she thought.
Amanda started to moan, her hips rising off the floor as she tried to fuck her own hand. She was almost there…her orgasm building as she alternated from pinching and slapping her clip to thrusting her fingers deeper and deeper inside of her…she was so very close…
“STOP!” Denise commanded, denying Amanda her orgasm.
To be continued…
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