‘Oh god, did I really just say that!’ Ever the over-friendly, awkward duck in social settings, this Munch was no exception. My very first time meeting him and I have the nervous to joke that he’s not nearly as good looking as his pictures. WTF? What was I thinking? It wasn’t true of course, because he was, in fact, all that I thought he would be and more. Not overly handsome, not stand out in a crowd handsome, but definitely hold your gaze handsome. The kind of look that would intimidate even the strongest of women. So, naturally, feeling that intimidation and the insecurity that followed, I decided to open up with the joke from hell. It didn’t help that it was my first Munch either. Could things get any worse?
As I stood there waiting for him to say something, smiling way too widely and nervously looking at anything but him, I became cutely aware of his calm demeanor – and the fact that he didn’t respond. Not that I expected him to like the joke, but I was at least hoping forSome sort of ice breaker. Even a reprimand for my behavior would have been better than this. But no, he just stood there. He didn’t even flinch and worse yet, he’s staring at me. Suddenly, I feel very nervous and almost…apologetic. I stop fidgeting. My eyes stop darting and I look at my feet. My smile has faded and I am wishing with everything I have that I was anywhere but here. Just as I’m about to turn on my heels and bolt for the exit, he speaks.
“Would you like to try again, Addiena?”
“Yes, please” I respond, sounding mouseer than ever. Where in the world did this little voice come from?
Release with the silence.
I take a deep breath and look up. Then I calmly extend my hand and say “hi, I’m Addiena, it’s a pleasure to meet you”. My voice has returned to it’s normal octave and I realize that my shoulders have straightened and I’m looking directly at him. He smiles and I instinctively look away.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you as well, Addiena.”He holds onto my hand until I find the courage to look at him again. “Would you like to sit?” he asks.
I smile shyly “I would love to” and I sit down (with the gracefulness of a 2 year old) in the seat that he has pulled out for me.
The first few minutes continue to be awkward. I find myself tripping over my words or using too much sarcasm, and each time I do he does not Respond. He just waits and watches until I collect myself and start saying what I actually mean. After some time my nerves subside and the conversation takes on an ebb and flow of words and smiles and laughs. He asks questions and answers all of mine. He introduces me to the members of the group that he knows and I soon find myself relaxing, generally smiling along and talking with everyone. He leaves my side More than once to go and speak with others, but I am never left alone and he always returns and asks how I am doing. I’m so grateful that he’s encouraged me to attend tonight. I find myself looking atmy phone and wishing the night wouldn’t end.
Sadly though, the room begins to clear and people say their goodbyes. I’ve exchanged numbers with a few from the crowd and made plans to attend other functions. He returns to my side and say his goodbyes to a close friend. I feel him place his hand on my lower back as his friend walks away. He’s closer now, leaning into my ear, and my skin breaks out in goosebumps. “Come, I’ll walk you to your car.”
I don’t speak, I simply follow. He doesn’t grab my hand, doesn’t fill the space between us with empty words. Instead he leads me to the door and we step out. He asks me which way to my car and we begin to walk. I want to take baby steps, to stay in his presence just a little bit longer.
“Did you enjoy yourself Addiena?” he asks. There is no pretentious tone to his voice, just since. “Very much so” I say. “Everyone was so welcome and friendly, I really feel like I made some new friends…and I’m sorry I was such a schmuckWhen I first got there.”
“Yes, that really wasn’t an acceptable approach, but you will learn” he scolds.
“Learn?” I ask, wondering if there was a special Dom greeting that I needed to know.
“Yes. You’re a beautiful woman Addiena, but you lack true confidence and discipline. I plan on giving them to you.”
I stop walking, breathless though I’ve only took a few steps. Giving them to me? He steps closer and it is not until he places his thumb and finger on my chin and lifts my head that I realize I was staring at the ground.
“You, Addiena, have great potential. You are naturally submissive and eager to please. But without true confidence, those are a dangerous combination. Guilt about who you are and how you feel can breed the wrong kind of servitude. I plan on teaching you how to find the confidence you deserve and I plan on giving you the discipline you need in order to keep it. You will learn respect and you will fear disappointment. You will cry, you willscream. I can show you true desire, fear and exhaustion. I can open your eyes to a whole new world Addiena.”
“I want that” I whisper.
“I can’t offer you a relationship beyond the play though. That’s not what I want from you. I can beat you and fuck you and enjoy you and teach you and help you to blowsom into a beautiful submissive Addiena, but a relationship is not What I do. I have no time for it and quite frankly, neither do you. Our times would be scheduled, not spontaneous. We would be play partners. I will adore you when I am with you and I will meet your needs as best I can, but I would be your teacher, nothing more.”
His words ignite a burning need inside me and I again whisper “I want that”.
His look darkens and I can see him fighting some internal battle. Control maybe? I decide to poke the bear.
I step in closer until there are merely inches between us. He is taller than me and my eyes travel up his chest to his neck, to his lips and finally tohis eyes.
“Please, show me” I plead.
He controls his exhale and continues to stare down at me. I’m waiting, expecting him to grab me, kiss me, maybe start to take me up against my car. Instead, though, he smiles. A wicked, slow smile. “What I’m offering you is not like you read in books Addiena. What I’m offering you go much deeper than that. I look at you and see a shy, scared, naive, curious woman. I want to take that woman and shade her in chains in my basement. I want to see her skin swell and redden with the slap of my hand. I want to hear her scream when the cane hits her flesh. I want to smell her tears on my hand from the sting of my slap and I want to see her drool all over her gag while the wand makes her cum uncontrollably over and over; and then I want her to scream when I enter and cry While I cum deep in her ass.”
“There’s nothing pretty about it Addiena. You’ll be tear streaked and red. Your hair will be a mess and your feet will be dirty from the dungeon floor. You’ll look up at me with a hazy, needy, trusting star, and in that moment, I will control every part of you. You will be primary, beautiful and broken. And then we will fix you. With each lesson will rebuild you with strength and confidence. You will gain a natural obedience and respect. And you will feel happier than ever before.”
My mind was racing. He has always said that ‘desire’ and ‘experience’ are two very different things. Could I handle all that? From the feel of my wet panties, the answer would be yes. But if I listen to my logic, it’s telling me to run away.
“Do you think you’re ready for that?”
I don’t know.
“I need it” I hear myself say.
“Good girl” he says. “Now go home”.
I am a little unsteady on my feet as I watch him step away from me and walk to the other lot. Confused and a little hurt, I get in my car and drive away. Why did he leave? I think. What did I do wrong?
I hear my phone ding as I walk in my front doorand I quickly check it, excited to see what he has to say. To my dismay, the text is from my sister. Sighing, I discard my things and go to brush my teeth.
Snuggled into bed, I grab my phone and log onto Fet. 1 unread message.
Sweet Addiena, you were beautiful tonight. Your display of uneasiness was memorizing. So much so that I had to drag myself away from the Thoughts of you kneeing before me with my belt around your neck. If you are free tomorrow I would like to take you to my dungeon to discuss our arrangement and give you your first lesson. You will need to be free for at least 6 hours. Please think about everything that I have told you and do not respond until the AM. Until then…
I read the message and replayed our night over and over, sliding my fingers into my panties, determined to relieve the throbbing need between my legs. I didn’t need all night to think about it, but I would adhere to his wishes and respond in the morning.
I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come.
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