The Tattle Tale
Chapter Six
“I didn’t lie to you,” she told me when I put the car in park in the driveway.
I looked at her strangely.
“The moment we walk in that house, he will have every opportunity to ask my permission to touch me. As soon as he has it, you will be following my direction, Understood?”
I nodded.
She leaned over and pressed her lips against mine and placed her hand on the back of my head. When I moved to return the gesture, she pulled me closer and wrapped her other arm around me. We were soon making out like teenagers. In the middle of a flood of lustful thoughts I had about my new lover, I felt a tinge of love beginning to root in my soul. I could tell by the Passion she displayed, that same seed had begun to grow in her.
We got out of the car and headed inside. Joey was finishing housework when I announced our presence. I went to the fridge and got all three of usa beer and took them, along with Melissa out back to relax on the patio furniture. Melissa and I sat in the lawn chairs, while Joey sat in the locker.
“So,” he started, unscrewing the cap from the bottle, “what did you two ladies get into today?”
When I didn’t speak immediately, Melissa kicked my foot.
“Answer him,” she told me.
“I’m sorry,” I responded quickly, looking at her.
“Don’t apologize to me. He’s the one you disrespected.”
I didn’t. I knew I didn’t, but she was training me to be obedient on demand and without question.
“I’m sorry, Joey,” I said, locking eyes with him.
I could see that Melissa was watching him closely. I didn’t know much about the lifestyle before Melissa took me as her own, but I’d learned enough to know that she was waiting to see if he would conflict her. I’m glad he didn’t. She looked like she was happy with him as well.
“We talked a lot about our new arrangement. Melissa told me,” I started when Melissa cut me off.
“I have a new rule for you,” she told me. “You will call me Mistress from now on. Understand? You called me that before and I didn’t think much of it, but it fits now and will even more so later.”
I nodded and said, “Yes, Mistress.”
I turned to Joey and continued my story, “We set our rules for each other, and she told me that collaring me so early could be seen as premature. To ensure neither of us would ever feel that way, we decided it to be symbolic. Instead, she let me pick out a decoration that she will hopefully one day adorn my collar with which will be permanent. I have to earn her wholehearted trust, though.”
“That sounds nice,” he said. “I couldn’t help but wonder while I cleaned up how I fit into your new world, Kelly.”
I didn’t like how he said that. He made himself out to be some kind of victim or outsider. I dismissed it for the moment but intended to be on the lookout for indicators that he might very much feel that way. Iwent to speak but Melissa stopped me.
“Everything is as you suggested and as we have already discussed. When she is out with me, I will be sure to note her translations and bring them, and her, here to you. While she is out with me, she obeys me and follow my rules. When she is here alone with you, she obeys you and follow your rules. When we are both here together with her, we will work in concert to ensure we don’t conflict each other and confuse her.
“I hope I can put you at ease by telling you that I readily agreed to all the rules she told me that you two set out. You and I just have to ensure we are on the same page.”
Joey looked her in the eyes as he responded, “I can understand that, and I hate to be so direct, but do you intend to have sex with her?”
“Of course, I do,” she replied quickly, “and you if that’s something you’re interested in. I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear from the start. I intended to have sex with her the other night beforee things went bad. She came over yesterday, and we resumed where we left off.”
“You just apologized. Here I was thinking I wouldn’t get anymore of that out of you,” he said with a smile on his face. I noticed right away that he didn’t make a gesture regarding her admission that she and I already had sex.
Melissa narrowed her eyes at him, also smiling. Something about how Everything was turning out seemed right in that moment.
“I guess I did,” Melissa said, “but you didn’t tell me what you think about my intentions?”
“I’m interested in starting such a thing, but I will not commit to a long-term relationship. I have to ask, though, does this make you our girlfriend?”
I watched them go back and forth, happily anticipating a solid relationship between the three of us as the outcome.
“I would say it does and I agree with getting started cautiously. In that spirit, I will remind both of you that no matter what I am to you,” she said, shifting her eyes from him to me then back to him, “I demand you always ask permission before touching me in any manner that is outside the bounds of casual necessity.”
Joey looked at me and replied, “Of course. So, the conversation and the collar decoration were the extent of your outing today?”
I needed to test the boundaries.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
Melissa, stepping into her role at the tattoo-tail, addressed that lie immediately.
“It seems Kitten doesn’t want to tell you what she did in the restaurant,” she said.
“What did you do, Kelly?” Joey asked me with that familiar tone of his.
“You’re already getting paid for leaving it out, Kitten. You may as well tell him,” Melissa told me sternly.
“I, I had an orgasm at the lunch table,” I admitted quietly.
“Were you masturbating in public, Kelly?” he asked in that familiar tone.
“Yes, sir.”
“Did your Mistress tell you to?”
“Yes, sir.”
It was the usual back and forth, but the exchange was turning me on.
“I see,” he said. “Is that all?”
I looked to Melissa for guidance. She gave me a single nod.
“Mistress gave me instructions on what to do when you fuck her tonight. She told me everything that I will be expected to do from the moment my clothes come off until you cum.”
“I see,” he told her, shifting his attention to Melissa. “I’m Not one for delaying punishment and it seems she needs to be taught a lesson about lying through omission.”
“Neither am I,” Melissa said, looking at my husband expectedly, “and I agree, she does need to be taught a lesson.”
Joey stood up, looked down to Melissa and asked, “I find your punishment would suit just fine. With your permission, I’d like to get started.”
She stood and faced him. As she stared into his eyes, she commanded me, “Go to the room and get ready.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
I hurried away from them without a care of what they did outside of my presence. With our agrement, I knew I needed more of the game Joey and I used to play. It had gotten to the point where I needed it in my life all the time. I also knew that since Joey and Melissa both were going to be a part of it, I knew they would have to be close. I was ready and happy for them if they wanted to have sex. I felt it almost necessary if they were to work in perfect harmony to keep me where I wanted to be.
I knew There would one day come a time where the love Joey and I shared would spread to our new love. I knew I would fall in love with Melissa one day. It was already in progress. I stood in the middle of our bedroom and thought about the idea that one day Joey would also allow his heart to wrap itself around Melissa. I smiled widely at the idea. I probably looked stupid standing in the middle of my bedroom by myself Smiling like a child who was just told they were going to Disney World. I was at peace with everything that was happening and was ready to be punished for the evening.
I was in such disarray that I couldn’t recall if there was a consensus about how I would present myself when both of them are around. I decided to go with a hybrid of the two ways. I folded up my clothes the way Melissa wanted me to and put them on the bed, four inches from the bottom and side of the mattress. I stood where I would normally be on my knees waiting for Joey. My fingers interlaced over my tummy as I waited for them.
They both walked in and quietly observed the choices I made. Joey seemed impressed with my adaptation, but Melissa had questions.
“Is this how I told you to present yourself?” she asked me.
“No, Mistress.”
“Is this how he told you to present yourself?”
“No, Mistress.”
“Did Kitten decided something on her own?” she happily asked me.
“If you aren’t going to be here when I have questions, I have to make the best of what I have to work with,” I explained with more confidence than I should have had in themoment.
A smile crept across her face, and she told me, “You’re learning, Kitten. That doesn’t free you from the punishment you earned, though.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Well, get busy,” she directed me.
I gave her a single nod, affording that I heard and understand her instructions. I approached and began undressing her.
“You’re learning fast, Kitten,” she told me softly. “I’m proud of you.”
Her words excited me. I wanted to hug her tightly, but I remained focused. Instead, I allowed my fingers to linger in certain places longer than was absolutely necessary. She watched my every move and knew what I was doing.
“Watch it, Kitten. Your punishment doesn’t involve being sneaky,” she informed me with a wink.
I grinned and continued disrobing her. When I was done, I moved to my husband. He also spoke encouraging words to me. I told him how happy I was that he was tolerant of me pursuing what I knew then to be my dream.
“We’ve been on many adventraces, Kelly. We did them together. As long as we remain together, I’m happy to go on another adventure with you.”
As his last word left his mouth, the head of his cock was between my lips and moving into my mouth. Melissa got on her knees next to us and took a handful of my hair in her fingers. I expected her to begin coaching me through the process, but she watched instead. Only a few minutes went by before she took charge.
“That’s enough,” she told me.
She tugged my hair until I was standing, and she guided me to the edge of the bed. She looked deep enough into my eyes that I was sure she was searching my soul. She kissed me softly and lay back on the bed. I got on my knees and glided my fingers up the outside of her legs from ankles to tights.
She hummed with delight as my lips pressed softly on her mound where her labia started. My tongue slithered over my lips and onto hers. She curled up and watched me as she placed a hand behind my head, holding me steady and close to her. My tongue danced all over her, lightly against her skin and hard into her hole. She moaned and grunted her constant approval. She showed no signs of allowing the night to progress until Joey intervened.
“Step aside, Kelly, or she’ll cum before I even get a chance.”
“Ass!” she announced loudly as I retired. I wasn’t attempting to bring her to orgasm but it seemed she was close and a tad miffed by his interruption.
My tongue was quickly replaced with his dick. Melissa changed her tone quickly.
“Oh! Nevermind,” she said, relaxing again.
As he pressed himself deep inside my friend and our new lover, he reminded me of my place.
“You know what’s missing here?” he asked me. “I bet if you had behaved yourself, you could be sitting on her face right now,” he said without allowing me to answer the question. “I’ll bet you behave yourself now, won’t you? At least in the near future.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Are you wet, Kitten?” Melissa asked me.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Tell me about how you feel right now,” she said, keeping her eyes locked with my husband’s as he fucked her. “Tell me how you feel about your husband having sex with me.”
“I’m wet, Mistress. It started when I sucked his cock. I knew I was getting him ready to fuck you. Then, when my tongue was in your pussy, I felt the first drop leak from my vagina and run down my leg. Watching him fuck you now has me gushing like a waterfall.”
“Put some on your finger and feed it to me,” she told me.
I dipped my finger inside my pussy and leaned over to touch the tip of my finger to her lips. Her tongue leak from her mouth and lapped up my juices.
“So good,” she whispered. “Where is he going to cum, Kitten?”
“You’ll get on your knees, and I’ll watch his cum fall into your mouth and watch as you push it out with your tongue. It will slither down your chin and fall onto your tits. I’m dripping still in anticipation of seeing that, Misstrain.”
“I might cum the moment his seed touches my tongue,” she while in return.
If I knew my husband, he was going to hold off and make her wait for that. I watched his face as he fucked her. His fingertips roamed every inch of her body. I knew he was learning her body just as he did mine years before. He was an artist when it came to pleasure women. Sure, he was fucking her, but I knew in my heart that he was changing his approach to that act as he learned.
“She’s very much like you, Kelly. She receives me well and responds how I like whether she realizes it or not,” he said without looking at me.
I remained silent. She had her eyes closed the entire time. Her face told me everything she was feeling. Her hand clutched his biceps as he pounded himself in and out of her.
I watched them move together and feel nothing but happiness for all of us. In the midst of my mind wandering, Joey announced the impending conclusion to their coupling.
“I’m gonnacum,” he grunted.
Melissa quickly slide off the end of the bed and got on her knees. I took hold of my husband’s cock and stroked it slowly. I knew the slow and deliberate strokes would cause his cum to slip out the tip into her mouth instead of launching into it like a rocket. Sure enough, the first batch spurted gently onto her tongue as she held it out. Once the second spurt joined the first, she extended her tongue and slowed the small pool of spunk to slip down onto her chin and drip down to her tits.
I took one of them in my hand and positioned it until it was covered in semen. After his third and fourth spurt, I took her other tit in my hand and repeated the same motion. Both her nipples were covered in my husband’s cum. Joey stepped back and observed his handiwork.
“Fuck, babe, that is a sexy as hell sight if I ever saw one,” he said.
His cock was still sticking straight out but was slowly softening. I took a moment to ask Melissa for a treatment.
“Mistress, I know I deserved to not be fucked like you did. If I have behaved myself well since my last transgression, would you allow me to taste my husband off you?”
“Kiss me first, Kitten.”
I leaned in and she met me in the middle, pressing her lips against mine. Her cum soiled tongue slipped into my mouth and I could taste my husband on her. She fed me all the cum that remained in her mouth and released me.
“Now, clean my breasts,” she ordered.
I knelt in front of her and did exactly as she asked. My tongue bathed every inch of her skin. First, the flesh of her left title was licked clean. I took that same nipple into my mouth and sucked all the remaining cum off it. I repeated the same steps on her other title until I inspected her and saw her to be free of my husband’s spunk.
“Beautiful, Kitten. No, wait! Beautiful Kitten!” she said happily, her whimsical personality coming back.
I knew she was happy with how the evening went. Moreso, I was confident she was happy with me and Joey and the arrangement we had but I wanted to talk about it. I held my arms out for a hug and she embedded me warmly.
“I feel good about this, Melissa,” I told her after she released me.
“Me too,” she said with thoughtful expression. “I was still a little cautious when we pulled into the driveway, but I very much enjoyed that. Can I sleep with you two tonight?” she asked.
I looked up to Joey and he nodded his approval. I turned my attention back to Melissa and smiled widely, telling her we would love to have her.
“We sleep naked, is that okay?” I asked.
“Is there another way?” she responded with a wink.
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