The Taming of a Shrew Ch. 02

It had been a week since Jessie’s major spanking from her father, Thad and, yes, even her mother. After Thad had left, her father returned very soon after, with her mother in tow carrying her favorite spanking implementation….her wooden spoon. Of course, Jessie’s mother and father both had no idea that she had gotten the riding crop on top of the belt and had also thought she had 45 minutes to rest her burning massage, so her mother spared her not. By the time she was finished, Jessie was totally and completely exhausted from screaming and fighting her restraints.

She went straight down to the house and lay on her belly in her bed until the next morning. She was stiff for a few days and avoided eye contact with Thad any time he was around, which of course he found quite amusing. She hated him for the pain he caused her and yet, in a strange way, what he had done to her……no words could describe it. As many boys that she had been with, none had ever brought her to climax and she had never experienced an orgasm before what Thad had done to her. As much as she hated to admit it, she was already under his spell. But she would never let him know, no, that went beyond her nature. When she was finally around him and had no choice but to acknowledge his presence, she treated him with more disdain than ever before.

Thad, on the other hand, seemed quite amused by this little vixen’s conflicted emotions, and yes, he could tell she was conflicted. Although she treated him as bad, if not worse than before, she also paid more attention, he noticed, to where he was and when. He actually thought he could tame her after all. Maybe not fully, but he could sure make her submit if he pleased. He already knew what to do to make that happen.

Jessie was on pretty good behavior all week After her thrashing. He even heard Mr. McCormick comment on how good she had been and maybe, after all, she was finally growing up. Thad had his doubts but he didn’t care. The feistier shewas the more fun he would have. Her attitude had not much changed. A week after her spanking, he saw her down at the pond in her silver bikini, doing las. It was hot and he wished he could join her, but he had work to do. That didn’t stop him from admiring her from the field. At one point she saw him and childishly stuck out her tongue… least he thought she did, and she waved her fanny at him, flipped him off then jumped in. He chuckled inwardly. Boy, she was sure asking for it and all he was waiting for was an opportunity to present itself.

The beginning of that opportunity presented itself about an hour later, when he was in the barn shining one of the leather saddles with care. She looked at him, then turned up her nose and flounced past him. He watched her, not able to do anything because her father was there. But as soon as he started out towards the field, Thad surprised her by walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her upper body, around her arms, so thatshe could not move or fight him.

“Hey there, ” he said in her ear as she began to struggle. “Now, where are your manners, young lady? Do you need another lesson?”

She spat at him, or tried to. He smoked her wet bottom with his hand and she gasped. He turned her around and pinned her up against the wall.

“You, my dear, still haven’t learned a lesson, ” he said. She pursued her lips to spit again but he said, “if you do that, rest assured that the way your ass felt last week will put a glacier’s coldness to shame when I am done with you.”

She thought a moment and chose not to spit.

“Now, ” he continued. “Tell me, how does your ass feel?”

She refused to answer so he turned her around and yanked down her suit bottoms, even as she resistant. There were still some faith stripes that he could see on that perfect little butt. He massaged her sweet globes, allowing his finger to move down, in between her cheeks and down into the wet heat below. She began to moan lightly, protesting in a whisper as he stroked her, her red curls in his face. God, she smelled so good, her hair and even the faith cent of her wetness……he couldn’t wait to take her, give her what he knew no other inexperienced teen lover had given her. But, like last time, this was not the time….too many people around. No, he would wait and she would want him as much as he wanted her when it happened. He told her that as he pulled his fingers away from her, causing her to moan in disapproval.

Once she replaced her composition, she pulled up her bottoms, glared at him and said, ” I will never want you.” and off she went before he could say anything more. He went about his work, planning in his mind on what her next punishment would be and when, for she was still being the rude little witch she had always been. After awhile, he decided to take a break and noticed that the door to the barn was locked….from the outside. Only one person would have done that, he thought. Man, she WAS asking for it and he would deliver, he was more determined now. It wasn’t long before Mr. McCormick was back to the barn and he unlatched the door, releasing Thad.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” he said. “Let me guess? Jessie?”

“It’s ok, Sir, ” Thad said. “She didn’t know I was in here.” Like hell! He caught a glimpse of her down the drive from the barn. Again she flipped him off and gave him an evil grin. Oh boy, was she in for it!

“Well, Thad, if you wanna take off early, ” Mr. McCormick said. “You can go ahead and go. The wife and I are going into town tonight about 5. The others will be gone too, so if you don’t mind, maybe later, just looking in here on Jessie, make sure she is staying outta trouble? You know how that child is….”

“Yes sir, I will do that, sir,” Thad said with absolute delight. Poor Jessie would not know what hit her.

Thad left and went home to shower. Afterwards, he went looking for the perfect punishment toy….he had heard tell that Sally’s beauty supply had the perfect wooden hairbrushes for the perfect little bottom. But if he could, she was going to get more than the hairbrush. Jessie had a tough bottom from being spanked so much growing up and he knew the punishment had to be severe in order to get through. After finding and buying a nice, oval wooden brush, he went to an adult toy store to see what he could find there. He found the most wicked looking instrument. It wasn’t quite a flogger, but was similar. It had a handle, had shreds of leather attached to it, hanging about ten inches off of it. Kind of like a cat o’ nine, but not quite. It was perfect and he bought it too. He intended to spend quite a bit of time with his little snake woman tonight, and he was going to make her slither in more ways than one.

He got back from town just as darkness was setting in. he went straight to the McCormick’s, knowing that Jessie’s parents were already gone. The back door was open, so he gathered his toysand went inside. Jessie was not immediately visible so he stashed the toys inside the couch. The he went searching for his prey.

She was just stepping out of the shower..what luck! When she saw him she shrieked.

“Get out!” she yelled at him but he just grinned.

“We got some business to take care of, Jessie,” he said, stepping forward and snatching the towel away from her naked body. She stood there in all her glory, absolutely gorgeous and shaking. He wasn’t sure if it was from cold or anticipation. “You haven’t learned your manners after last week. I thought that maybe you would, but I guess punishment needs to be without pleasure, huh?” He reached to grab her but she took off. It wasn’t long, though, before he had her in his grip and was dragging her back to her bedroom.

“What are you going to do?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Oh, god, Thad, please don’t use the crop on me again.”

Wow, her acknowledgement of his control surprised him. Maybe there would be time tonight after all for some playing.

“I’m not baby, but you are getting spanked for the way you have been this week. Plus,” he reminded her. “You locked me in the barn in 99 degree weather. That’s not funny.”

She snickered but that soon stopped as Thad sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her over his lap.

“You are kidding me!” she exclaimed and started to get up. He pushed her back down.

‘Don’t make me retreat you, ” he threatened. He pinned her into place and began smacking her ivory globes hard. She squealed and wiggled, but he knew it would take much more than a hand spanking to make her cry or give in. His large hand came down again and again, turning her bottom pink, then dark pink to the lightest shade of red.

After about 100 good, hard spanks, Jessie was starting to desperately try to get off his lap, spitting nasty proveds at him. She began to kick and holler that he better stop, which he did, to her surprise. But he had something moreup his sleepe. He pulled her and her sore bottom to the living room where he had hidden the toys. When he pulled out the hairbrush, she tried to run but he had anticipated her response and caught her. She fight.

“You are NOT going to spank me with that….that thing!” she yelled. He throw her down on the couch on her back and pinned her down with his body, pressing his hardness through his pants into her mound. She lay still while he rubbed, grinding into her, soon she was breathing heavier, starting to moan softly.

“Do you like that?” he asked and she moaned in response. “Do you want what I gave you last week, doll? Do you want what a man can give you?” Again she moaned, her head thrust back, mouth agope with pleasure. “You must, ” he continued. “submit fully to me, Jess, for that to happen. And the only way I know how to get you to do that is with spanking your ass til you can’t sit.” He knew that she did indeed desire control, but would never admit it. That was not her atall. She would never GIVE him control, he would have to take it, but when he had it, she was putty in his hands. His desire was to tame her completely and he intended to do just that tonight.

Abruptly, he stopped the grinding, sat up and pulled her over his lap before she knew what was happening. Immediately she began to fight. He smoked her bare bottom hard, pulled her body to him and picked up that oval hairbrush.

“Not that! Not that!” she cried. “Oh, please, not the brush!” She was still wiggling quite a bit and it was hard for Thad to keep a hold on her. He decided to pin her legs with one of his own, so he adjusted her to where she was over one knee and the other leg was up against the back of her thighs. That beautiful pink ass was right where he wanted it and he gave her a hard SMACK! with the brush. She let out a loud wail, her ass wiggling in his face as he started a steady stream of very hard SMACKS! on her rapidly reddening bare bum.

Her wails turned to dramatic screaming as she tried her best to kick, to no avail. He started to focus on that sitting spot, so she would have a reminder for quite awhile about this night. Her poor punished ass began to turn bright red, then crisis, but he did not let up. He continued his reign, enjoying her writing and squirming as she settled into uncontrollable sobs and weeping. But he was nowhere near finished. He brought down that brush again and again, causing her tender bottom to throb with a burning pain. When he finally glanced at the clock he noticed it had been almost 5 minutes. He stopped with the brush, noticing that some blotches were forming where he was sure she would have some bruising. As he rubbed her lovely ass vigorously, she squirmed all the more, sobbing loudly, her laments echoing through the house and through the open windows. He did not let go of her thighs, but released them just enough to where he could spread her open and fit his finger into her wetness, and was she ever soaked! He had a spot on his pants where her juices had flowed and that made his already hard manhood grow even more. He was hard up against her ribcage and he was certain she knew it.

And he used his finger to stroke her, finding the small hard spot towards the top of her mound that caused her to moan and wiggle in a very different way and struggling it tenderly, slowly, then faster until she was no longer sobbing but gasping and squirming on his lap, her sweet aroma reaching his nostrils, her beautiful sounds of ecstasy in his ears. Her vocalizing got louder, her breathing faster and he knew he had to do what he did not want……he had to stop and follow through with the punishment he had planned. He wanted her to know what awaited her, though, at the end of her punishment, wanted her to know that she wanted him, that she wanted him and what he could give her. And, my god, he wanted her too but he had business to take care of first.

He stopped and she gave a loud protest, forshe was almost at her peak….and what a wonderful high peak it was. He gave her bottom a stern smack and said that her punishment was not over just yet; that she was going to learn manners and that, besides, delayed orgasm is the best kind. She did not agree and began to fight him once more. Did the woman ever given in? He was sure his new toy would help that. He pulled it out slowly and watched her grogeous green eyes grow large.

“Oh god!” she moaned, and wiggled desperately. He rubbed the leather against her buttocks. She wiggled even more, knowing what was to come. So he began. And boy, what a wallop that thing made, leaving angry red stripes in it’s wake. Jessie screamed as in excruciating age, crying, sobbing, begging… goodness, she was begging, something he had never heard her do. But she was still fighting and he was going to subdue her. The tails continued their descent and landing on Jessie’s already red and burning upturned ass. She shrieked each time it hit, mAny of the tails overlapping the other stripes and very obvious hairbrush markings, which he was sure caused her intense heat. She bucked, but not seriously as his arm was around her middle, holding her in place, her small crime ass moving frantically back and forth in his face as she tried so very hard to dodge each blow. After only a few minutes, her body relaxed a bit and her loud screaming turned to low, deep sobs . He knew he had her then, he had her completely. He tossed the tails onto the floor and turned her over, laying her on her back on the couch. She lifted her butt off the fabric, her face red and wet with tears.

He stared at her lovely body as he removed his own pants and briefs, releasing his hardness at its full potential. He knelt between her legs, her legs on his shoulders so that her hot ass was not touching the couch, and he stroked her breasts, her belly, down to her neighborly hide her, he leaned over and took one ofThose delicious looking nipples in his mouth, sucking, tugging gently with his teeth, licking until her sobbing moans turned to pleasurable moans. His finger found the hard button once again, awaiting for his return as he kissed her neck, caressing her lovely skin with his mouth and his tongue, then moving back down, licking her belly, his wet mouth engulfing the tender flesh just below her mound, causing her to gasp sharply and moan even louder. His hands grabbed a firey globe each, squeezing, causing her to cry out loudly while he nibbled that hard nub, waiting, just waiting for her built up tension to exploit and exploit it did. She screamed intensely, her hips moving up and down so that he had trouble keeping latched on, but he managed, rubbing her fire, until she quietly, relaxing, as he gave a few teasing quick licks, making Her jump from the hypersensitivity she was feeling. He moved back up her body, kissing lightly, until he was face to face with her, her eyes and his connecting.

“Tell me, ” he whispered. “Tell me that you want me inside you, love, tell me.” Her body told him much, but he wanted to hear her say it, true submission, hear her say it.

“Mmmmmmm,” she closed her eyes, still lost in her ecstasy. “I want you inside me. I want to fall you inside me so bad, Thad, please.” and with that he entered her soft wetness, surrounded by her sweetness, pounding into her again and again, reaching under, grabbing those hot globes once more, sending her into a spiral of overpowering climaxes as he released his into her, both moaning in unison. After catching their breaths, Jessie shyly looked away after the realization that she had just completely given herself to someone, while he kissed her and said, “You’re all mine now, baby. You’re all mine.”


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