Thad was a farmhand for the McCormick’s, a family that his father had known for many years. They were a family of 6 children, all of whom were very polite, well mannered and hard working……with the exception (isn’t there always an exception?) of one, the next to last child, Jessica. Willful, disobedient, obstinate, stubborn…..just a few words to describe her behavior. Thad had started at the McCormick farm When he was 18 and Jessica, or Jessie, as she was called, was 10. She was the rudest, means little child he had ever met although her looks said otherwise. With long flowing strawberry curls and emerald green eyes, she was the image of an angel. It didn’t take long for anyone to be around her to realize she was a devil child.
Mr. McCormick had a time with his young, tenacious daughter. It wasn’t uncommon through the years to at least hear or witness Jessie being spanked at least twice a day. Her mother was frazzled by the child. It almost seemed no matter how hard thespanking, although she would scream and kick and bellow like nobody’s business, not even 10 minutes following the conclusion of her butt warming, she was many times into something else that would infuriate her parents to no end. Mrs. McCormick was a fan of the wooden spoon that she kept in her kitchen and Thad had seen her on occasion pick up a piece of board that resembled a paddle and whack her daughter on the seat of the pants if they happened to be outside. Mr. McCormick had a leather strap hanging in the barn, but he used that very seldom, usually just on the boys. Thad had heard tell that Jessie had received the belt once or twice,over clothes, but he had never witnessed it for himself, and it was not at all uncommon to witness Jessie’s spankings, as she probably got more than the other 5 children combined.
Once Jessie turned 15, she became quite promiscuous. She cared not to bring the country boys to the barn, knowing that the farmhands were around. Thad had seen her anda paramour at 17 and couldn’t help but watch. As mean and rude as Jessie had always been, she was indeed a beautiful sight, especially naked. He had envisioned on many occasions turning her over his knee and giving her a good spanking. He had often thought if her father had been brave enough to use something with more singing power, like a riding crop, then Jessie would show a bit more fear. But most of all he wanted to tame her. She was wild, headstrong, and very, very sensitive.
By the time Jessie was 16, her father literally had to chase her around the barn to catch her for her well deserved spankings. She would scream that she was too old, how dare he treat her this way and his retreat was always, act like a child while you live in my house and I pay your bills and you will be treated as such. Her actions would always anger Thad, seeing that poor 55 year old man have to chase his imp of a child, while she mocked him. Once Mr. McCormick threatened to tie her down and Thad thought he just had to see that! But it never happened. Not until Jessie was 18, that is.
It was no secret that Jessie smoked. Oh, sure, she had been caught and dealt with over it but it didn’t sway her. One time, though, when she was 18 she was out in the barn, thinking her father was out with one of the horses. Thad heard the flick of a lighter then the familiar arma of cigarette smoke. Jessie was sitting next to a pile of hay, midriff top, short daisy dukes sporting her tan legs, and hair messily up in half a pony tail. Thad thought she looked absolutely stunning. Out of the corner of his eye he also saw Mr. McCormick lazily walking back up to the barn, pail in hand. Knowing what was about to ensure, Thad moved to where he would be out of sight. He wanted to watch this lovely vixen get her ass beat. He had an intense feeling in his belly.
Almost to the door of the barn, Mr. McCormick stopped and sniffed. Jessie was not yet aware of his presence and Thad watched as she clumsilytossed the still-lit cigarette onto the ground next to the hay pile, stand up and straighten her shirt and shorts. As she began to walk away, a fire leaves up behind her. The cigarette had caught the hay on fire.
“Well, dammit,” he heard her say as she tried to stomp out what she could, but it was useless. It was too big and spreading fast. He saw her take off running, so as not to be caught as the culprit, and she ran right into her father.
“Daddy! There’s a fire!” she said in all innocent. “I came up here and smelled smoke…one of those farmhands musta……” but Mr. McCormick was running into the barn, straight to the fire extinguisher. The fire was still relatively small, but large enough to do some damage. It completely destroyed one stall with the smoke alone and the horses were wheezing…..Mr. McCormick released them to the field, called his wife down at the house to tell her to have the vet come up, then he turned to his wide eyed daughter.
“Young lady,” he started but she was ready for him.
“Daddy, you need to fire those low lives,” she said. “They almost burned down the barn! Good thing I came up here when I did, Daddy, or no telling what would’ve…” it was then that the cigarettes fell out of her waistband, down through her shorts. Again her eyes got wide and her father’s face turned a shade of red Thad had never seen before. And she He knew. Oh yes, she knew, you could see it in her eyes and she ran.
Mr. McCormick was right behind her, letting her know exactly what she was in for and how this was probably the worst thing she ever did, and that she had done a lot of bad things. He finally caught her but she fought him and she fought him hard. Mr. McCormick was a strong man….he was a farmer after all. He wrestled his daughter over to the table where he keep his razor strap. This was where the boys always got their spankings. Bent over the table, with the straw. She realized what was about to happen and with what implement and she fought harder, though she was no match for her dad. Her ponytail had come out in the struggle. There were a couple times where she managed to wriggle loose but he always grabbed her again. Finally in desperation, Thad saw him grab some rope. How he managed to hold down his feisty daughter and tie her, Thad will never know, but Mr. McCormick managed to do it. He had her bent over that table, arms over her head and tied to the opposite end, then he took her feet one at a time and tied her ankles firmly to the legs on the other side. Jessie was still struggled. Then her father did what he rarely ever did…he reached around, unbuttoned his daughter’s shorts and pulled them down. She had a toy on and he considered that a moment, then pulled them down too. Thad could not believe his eyes! That perfectly round little ivory ass exposed. His manness leaves in anticipation and he grasped the riding crop firmly in his hand. How he wished he could touch that perfect ass, rub it then spank it red, until the viper child…no longer a child…the viper woman, screamed and begged for him to stop. For Thad, this was a long overdue ass thrashing.
Mr. McCormick reached over and took the razor strap from it’s nail, wrapped the end around his hand and stepped back. Jessie tried desperately to look back and see but her mounds of thick curls were in the way. He raised it over his shoulder and WHACK! the swish through the air and the strap meeting that blemish free skin was deafening… least to Thad. Jessie screamed and an angry red welt began to form as another WHACK! stung her bare bottom. Another scream. Mr. McCormick paid no mind to his daughter’s dramatics. He continued to pelt her bare little white ass with red and purple welts. All the while lecturing her on how she could’ve burned down the whole barn, killed the animals, and did she care?? WHACK! NO! Jessie wronged and squirmed but she was held tight. Thad knew if she hadn’t been held down as she was, that herlegs would have taken her far away from her father’s wrath. His breathing growing raspy….he could hardly believe that watching this turned him on so much and the fact that it was being dealt out to a very well deserved bottom…..
Finally, the thrashing ended and Jessie was a sobbing mess. Her ass was no longer ivory….there was not a spot of ivory anywhere, just red stripes across her butt and the tops of her legs. Her father throw down the belt and said he hoped she’d learned her lesson this time, that she was too old to be dealt with in this way and she needed to start acting responsibly. He told her he was going down to the house, a 15 minute walk one way, and that he was going to let her stay as she was to feel the burn for awhile. She tried to protest but he smoked her red ass with his hand, making her yelp, and said that was His decision, then he left.
Thad was ecstatic. At least a half an hour, he thought, she was helpless. He owed her too and what better time, what better opportunity? All these years that she had been so snotty….and the audacity to try to blow a farmhand for the fire! He was the only one here today and had she got away with that lie who knows what may have happened to him. He gripped the riding crop in his hand and started towards the upturned ass facing him.
She didn’t notice his presence at first, not until his hand touched the burning glow. She gasped and tried to turn and see, but her wild red hair sticking to her face prevented that. “Who are you?” her voice quivered. Not the brightest bulb, she wasn’t. He was the only farmhand and it definitely was not her father.
“It’s Thad, ” he told her. “I just saw your father light a fire in your ass, darling, and I am going to finish his job.”
“You son of a bitch!” she spat. That was her pet name for him. “You better not touch me or my dad will……”
“Will what, my dear?” Thad asked, rubbing harder, making her whimper and wiggle under his grip. “I heard you try to blow me for that fire, Jessie, and for that you are getting your due from me.” He raised the riding crop. She saw it and cried in desperation, “No!Please, Thad!”
WHACK! Her familiar scream filled the air and he watched a new, different stripe rise on her buttocks. Again he brought the crop down, reducing her to uncontrollable sobs after only a few strokes. God, she was beautiful. He stopped and moved his hand to feel her wetness, my goodness, she was wet! His own sex jumped in his pants as he stroked her slit tenderly until her sobs turned to moans, moans that she could not control. He paid close attention to her body, to her breathing……she wasn’t getting off that easily, no, she was going to be paid fully before he allowed her the release of the orgasmic tension he was going to build inside her. Just as he realized that she was close, so close, he stopped and brought the crop down on her ass with 5 quick strokes. She screamed in shock and pain, wiggling that small ass of hers, the only part of her body, basically, that she could move. He followed the quick strokes with 5 more slow, deliberate ones, allowing her to savor the intense burning he knew she was feeling. Then his hand again, working her “magic button” furiously until she was wiggling in a different way this time, moaning even louder than before, her breathing rough, fast, her sweet ass moving up and down, moving with His hand. Her vocalization became even louder and again he stopped, brought down the riding crop in 5 quick successions while she compromised and cried out shrilly. With each methodical stroke after that, she sobbed loudly. Thad could only imagine the punishment her poor little ass was feeling, and he almost felt sorry for her, but he knew she deserved every bit of it, for all the bad things she had done over the years. For the shabby treatment she gave all the farmhands, especially him. But he also wanted her and he was hoping that after this “taming”, she would be moreReceptive. It was a long shot, yes, but he intended to show her the awesome power pain had on a climax. So once again, his hand moved to find her secret hardness and this time he intended on following through. She tried to hold back ,he could tell, knowing what had happened the last couple of times, but he showed her no mercy and soon she was crying out, moaning, wiggling, trying to escape the intensity sensing but unable to…..
“Come on baby, ” he said to her and dropped the riding crop and used his other hand to push his fingers up into where the wetness dripped, still working her hard little nub and finding that spot directly on the inside and rubbing with vigor…..that did it for her….Jessie bucked and screamed under the most mind blowing, deeply felt orgasm he was certain she had ever experienced. As cum after cum quaked through her body, he nearly exploded himself. He wanted to enter her so bad but knew he had no time. No, that would be saved for another time, as he wassure that Jessie would remember this and in a weird way, still be angry about the spanking but also find that she was addicted to the intense sexual feelings that Thad could give her. When he feel the tension leaves her body, he pulled out his fingers from inside her, gently massed her sensitivity for a minute then pulled back, with a disappointed moan from Jessie, he noted. Good sign, he thought. Her ass was Still red but the stripes from both implements were so intermingled he was sure that her father would not notice. And he knew that Jessie would not tell.
“There’s more where that came from if you don’t behave,” he whispered in her ear then he left to take care of his own need which had grown out of control.
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