The Tale of a Harem Maid: Ch. 02

I’m so accustomed to my morning routine that I wake before my alarm goes off. I get up to open the curtains and make my bed, before getting myself ready. I look across at Amber, who is laying still with her eyes closed but I know she is already awake, just staying in bed as long as she can get away with. It’s not long before she will have to get up for her duties as well. I head to the bathroom to clean my teeth and brush my hair in the mirror. Now wake and refreshed, I make my way upstairs, still in my dainty night dress.

The door to the master bedroom is shut. We normally have to knock and wait for permission to enter the master bedroom, but I am allowed to enter unannounced in the mornings to provide my master with his wake-up call. I quietly open the door and glide across the floor in my robe, barely making a sound on the warm carpeted floor. In summer the light breaks through the curtains enough in the mornings for me to tell where I’m going — this duty is much more difficult in the dark mornings of winter.

As I approach, the Master is lying on his back on the closest side of the bed. Next to him, his wife lies on her side facing him, arm resting on his chest. Behind her, on the far side of the bed, is another girl. She is lying on her front, with her face obscured, but nonetheless I know its Chloe. Her petite build and straight brunette hair is distinctive in this house. All three of them are stark naked and fast wait.

Chloe is treated like the household pet; her cute and innocent appearance means she’s adored by all, and often spends the night in the master bedroom. Although being with us for nearly three months now, and living here with her own bed and chores, she is still technically not a member of the Harem, having not completed the initiative yet.

I lean over the bed and plant a kiss on Master’s forehead before whispering a ‘good morning Sir’ in his ear. This gently wakes him up, allowing me to stroke my hands down his chestand towards his groin. If there were space in the bed, I would join him by straddling his legs, with my body over his; but as Chloe is in the bed with them this morning, I am left with no space and forced to knee on the floor to perform my task.

As I rearrange my dress and knee, my Master rolls over on his side to face me, his cock fully exposed and only inches from my face. I start to cares his body with my hands, and slowly bring them closer and closer to his cock. I like to tease him by starting my fingers off below his chest and bringing them down his body in a shallow curve, and as they get close to his cock I slow them down, before changing direction and going back up his body or down his leg. I play this game for as long as I feel like I can get away with, before starting to kiss his body. I like to grip onto his legs as I draw myself in towards him, leaving kisses in the most sensitive areas. Like all the other girls, I’m forbidden from leaving hickeys or any kind ofmark on our Master. There are strict punishments for those who do, deliberately or not.

It doesn’t take long before the blood starts to pump into his shake, and he grows to a size where I can start to properly get to work. I get him nice and wet with my mouth before giving him a nice and slow handjob. When teased and worked like this, his morning wood can quickly turn into one of his biggest ections, and I get to start my day with this thick and hefty cock to play with. My job is to keep giving him a handjob until I’m told to stop or do something else.

As I stroke his cock back and forth, the Wife starts to fondle his chest with her hand, still half sleep. The Master takes her hand and kisses her palm, before placing it back further down his body. I can hear her shuffle down the bed behind him, and then with her hand she scoops his balls and gently starts squeezing and releasing them. The Wife and I stay working away on the floor until we are eventually interrupted. My Master takes my hand in his and guides it away from his groin as he sits up.

“Thank you, Lana.” He whispers as he kisses me on the forehead. Our wake-up call routine often ends with him kissing me on the forehead, just as it starts with me kissing his. I have never considered myself much of a romantic, but that always puts a smile on my face, and I wouldn’t want to start the day any other way. He gets up, kisses his wife, and walks out the door. I get up from my kneeing position and take his place in the bed, waiting for his return. The Wife half heartedly fondles my right breast with her hand, before realising she was too tired and rolling over to go back to sleep.

The Master will now head downstairs to my room and knock on the door. After patiently waiting a short while outside, respecting the privacy of our room, Amber will come out and escort him to the bathroom on that floor. She will then proceed to help him bathe in the shower, and sometimes help him with some otherThings in their too. It’s usually obvious whether they’ve done more than just bath. Usually, the noises she makes can be heard throughout the house, but if you somehow missed them, you can usually tell by how long they take to have a shower.

Today must’ve been one of the most efficient shows he’d had all year, as he was back within a half hour, and Amber definitely wasn’t making her usual moans and screams. As he walked back into the room alone, he didn’t go straight to get dressed as he usually does, but came back over to the bed.

“How did you sleep last night Lana?” He asked me, as he moved the sheet to get back into the bed.

“Not too bad thanks. You?” I reply. He is clearly in a much more casual mood, so I drop the ‘Sir’ to have a normal conversation.

“Not too bad either. What did you two watch last night?” He asked. There’s not much room in the bed with us three girls already in it, so he’s having to straddle me to get in. I’m laying on my back in my night dress still, with my legs together and hands resting on my strepach — he’s kneeing upright, with a leg either side of me.

“We watched the Shining again.” I respond. He’s now carefully lifting his leg over me and starting to straddle the Wife, who’s lying face down on her front.

“I don’t know how you sleep so well after watching that,” he jokes, then pointing to his Wife’s ass, “can you help me with this?” His erect cock is perched ready and waiting over her ass. I roll over and gently spread her cheeks open with my hands, exposing her bald pussy. He places his tip on the open pussy and leans forward, carefully placing his hands either side of her as to not wake her. Suddenly, he thrusts himself balls deep into her, and she jolts and shrieks as she is abruptly woken, starting Chloe too.

“Time to wake up now.” He says to the Wife, as he starts rocking his hips forwards and backwards in a smooth but deep motion.

“Oh my god.” She moans, as her whole body tensesin response. On the other side of her, Chloe’s face turns bright red from the shock of being woken, and she is unsure what to do as she watches on. I slowly get myself involved, starting by kissing his arm as it leans against the bed between myself and the wife. With my left hand, I cup his nearest buttock, and almost subconsciously find myself pushing along with every stroke. I feel every movement of his pelvis, and guide him with each stroke. I’m fixed on the Wife’s struggle as he stretches and fills her with every motion. I like how completely overwhelmed she is, and I start to push harder as if I’m trying to help him get even deeper.

Looking back on this moment, this was when I realized that I didn’t want to just be a submissive anymore…


On Saturdays, I’m the only member of the house who works, as the restaurant does most of its business at the weekend. After my wake-up call duty I have a shower and hang around for breakfast — either I make my own or the Wife makes for all of us — and then I make my way to work in time to prepare for the lunch shift.

I have my own car, and it’s only a short drive to the village. Waitressing doesn’t pay much. Even with tips from the rich old men, I can’t afford a particularly big car, and make do with my little red hatchback. Before I moved in with the Master and his Harem, I could only afford to rent a small and dingy apartment above a dry cleaners one village over. I’ve never been a big spender and would consider myself good with money — I just don’t earn much of it either. I still pay rent for my space in the house, like most the other girls.

Although we have our ‘duties’ and ‘chores’, our roles in the Harem are not jobs, and we definitely aren’t sex workers. We choose to live the lives we do, for our own pleasure. We can just as easily decide that we want to stop and leave, just like any other relationship. To make us feel more comfortable and assure our independence, the Master gives usOur own room, which is our private space just as it would be if we were renting a room or apartment anywhere else. I’ve always thought the rent was dirty cheap given we live in a stunning house in a beautiful part of the countryside, but on the other hand, I do share a room so I’m not exactly renting a lot of space. Furthermore, compared to most landlords the Master is very laid back when it comes to what we do to the rooms and has always made sure we’re comfortable.

The affordable rent in the house, plus the fact that I rarely have to pay for my own food means that I can comfortably get by only working lunch shifts five days a week. I prefer the lunch shifts as the restaurant is less busy, and we get paid the same per hour as the evening shift. It still can get busy at the weekends though, and we are expecting a lot of customers today given it’s nearing the end of summer. When I get into work my first task is getting the restaurant ready with the two other waiting staff, Abby, and Henri. I take the chairs down, lay the tables, and check the reservations. Within a few minutes of being ready and opening, the customers start to arrive.

The clientele are typically mature and affluent couples and families either from the surrounding villages or on holiday nearby, and are usually very pleasant and polite. Occasionally though, we get some pompous and unbearable people, and today started with one for me. The restaurant has a main dining area plus a smaller annexe out the back where the restaurant was extended a few years ago when Emmanuel took it on. Although there is no official layout, Abby, Henri, and I work well with Henri greeting the customers at the door and serving the tables at the front, myself serving the tables in the back half of the main room, and Abby serving those in the Annexe.

Early on in the lunch shift, Henri seated a couple over in my half of the restaurant, and as he walked away from the table gave me this sassy and shameless face, and I only realized why when I took their order. They were of similar age, and dressed to impression — more than most people would for lunch here, but the issue wasn’t their appearance or status. Since they had sat down, the woman hadn’t got a word in and her male partner had been going on and on, bragging about something or other.

When I went to take their drinks order, the man continued his monologue to her, and I patiently wait for him to finish. They’re sat on the same half of a round table facing into the room. He’s fully facing her, leaning forwards with his arms out and waving around, expressing every word. She on the other hand is almost curled up in her chair, hands on her lap and occasionally brushing her hair away from her face. Where he is almost staring her down, she is darting between occasional eye contact and fixating on a spot on the table. After he shows no sign of stopping for me to take their drinks order, she locks eyes with me, with a look of despair and embarrAssment. Being fed up of waiting politely, and already disliking this man I hadn’t even spoken to yet, I politely interrupt him to take their drinks order.

“We’ll have a bottle of the house wine.” He mutters in my direction before thrusting the wine menu in his hand at me and continuing to overwhelm the poor lady with whatever story he was telling. I collected their wine menus and made my way to the bar to get their drinks, giving Henri a scolding look on the way for seating this obnoxious man in my half of the restaurant. I don’t understand what this woman is doing with this man, she is clearly an attractive lady, and could easily get a nicer, and better looking, man. Relationships like theirs baffle me.

Whenever I get distasteful and unpleasant customers, I can’t help but draw the stark comparison to when I first met the Master and his Wife at the restaurant almost a year ago. They used to come regularly on a Friday evening, just the two of them. They don’t come to the reStaurant anymore to respect my privacy at work, and they have their Friday date night at home, but I still get to serve them…

As the shift goes on, the customers come and go until finally I get to make my exit as the last lunchtime customers leave.

When I got home, I let myself in through the front door, kicked my shoes off on to the rack, and headed straight up to my room. When I came up the drive, I had noticed that Amber’s car was gone, so I knew I had the room to myself. Still in my work clothes, I got my headphones out, put my favourite music on, and collapsed on my bed. I have a few hours to relax before I have to think about getting ready to serve Master at dinner.

It wasn’t until about half an hour later that I bothered to get back up. I changed out of my work clothes into a much More comfortable tank top and baggy shorts, and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink. As I entered the kitchen, my music still playing through my headphones, our Master was stood in front of the sink, facing the other way. He was wearing nothing but his trousers, and was filling a glass of water. He heard me enter the room and turned round. I took out my headphones.

“Oh, hi Lana. I didn’t hear you get back,” he starts, turning round and making his way out of the kitchen, “can you do me a favour and track down the cards and bring them down into the basement please?” he casually asks as he wonders out.

“Uh, sure.” I dazedly respond. He smiles and makes his way out into the hallway and down to the basement. I open the fridge to grab my drink and my mind starts to overthink — why does he want the cards? The cards he were referring to were our ‘punishment cards’. When one of us subs misbehaves or forgets our duties, the Master, or sometimes the Wife, punishes us. Usually, he has something in mind that he can get pleasure from. But sometimes he doesn’t have anything in particular that he wants to do, so he has a pack of cards that we call the’punishment cards’. Each card has a different type of punishment on the front, and the backs are colour coordinated by severity. Cards with green backs are for little misdemeanours or forgetfulness and the punishments are light, red cards are for deliberate misbehaviour and are the most extreme punishments, while amber is somewhere in between.

Most of the girls in the house enjoy punishment, and will sometimes act out with brattish behavior just to enjoy the pleasure of being punished and put back in their place. I personally don’t see the appeal. The Master and I have this unspoken recognition that impact play and punishments aren’t one of my kinks, and consequently as long as I keep being my usual hard-working and respectful self I don’t get punished. But as I searched the living room for the cards, I started to worry Whether I had gone too far this morning. It was so unlike me to get pleasure from seeing another so overwhelmed, had I crossed a line as a subordinate by tryingto push my Master deeper and deeper into his Wife’s pussy? Maybe I would’ve gotten away with it if he were fucking another sub who wasn’t supposed to be dominant over me? Did my actions make me look like I was trying to be dominant over the Wife?

I eventually found the cards on a side table in the dining room. They were placed out neighborly in their three decks, separated by colour. He hadn’t specified which set he wanted so I grabbed them all and made my way to the basement. Chances are if he’s in the basement with the big toys he’s likely to be using the red deck. It feel unnatural going into the basement in my casual clothes. I’d only been down either in my maid uniform or appealing lingerie.

The basement was used by the previous owner as a wine cellar, but had been renovated by the Master and his Wife into a modern-day sex dungeon. It wasn’t dark and dingy like most basements or ‘dungeons’, but more resembled a very big bedroom with some odd furniture.

The room was well lit despite the lack of windows, with received lights in a grid on the ceiling. The smooth white marble floor covered the whole room, and was heated from beneath in the winter to keep it warm. In the middle of the room was the grand centrepiece, the bed. Away from any walls, the king size bed was freestanding and supported a frame with silky white curtains above, allowing the occupations to screen themselves from the rest of the room should they desire. But the Most striking feature of the bed was the cage beneath. As long and wide as the bed above, but with a height of only two feet, the cage forced any occupied to be crawling, and with nothing but the hard marble floor beneath, was very uncomfortable.

The basement also sports multiple hooks, rings, and pulleys for bondage and suspension, three St Andrew’s crosses, enough padded benches for the whole Harem to be tied down at once, a throne, a stockade, a couple of chairs, a full-length mirror, a couple of specialist bondageigs, a fuckmachine, a specialist chest of drawers to hold all the ropes and smaller toys, a wall length wardrobe of shared outfits, and an en-suite bathroom. The basement was a palace in which one could explore any of their wildest gyms and fans.

When I make it to the bottom of the stairs, drink in one hand and cards in the other, I walk in to see the master, still just in his trousers, next to the Wife and Chloe. Their clothes were in two piles on the floor. Except for their chefs and the Wife’s heels, they were completely naked. They were both blindfolded and restrained at the wrists with their arms held up in the air, suspended by rope to the ceiling, with their feet just touching the ground. They were between the bed and the doorway, facing towards the bed. A sense of relief rushed through me as I realized that I wasn’t the one being punished, and that if I had crossed a line this morning, I had got away with it.

“Ah, thanks Lana.” Master says as I walk over tohand him the cards. Now I’m close enough, I spot a mark on his side which is poorly a bite mark. It’s not much of a stretch to realize that either the Wife or Chloe had bitten him and that’s why he’s punishing them. What’s not clear is why he’s punishing them both, as there is only one mark. They were home all day, so it probably happened while I was out at work.

“Are you free to give me a hand?” He asks so casually, as if he were talking about the most mundane of things. He walks over to the chest of draws and places the cards down on top.

“Yes Sir.” I reply in my sexy sub voice. I’m starting to get excited, especially now I know I’m in the clear. He pulls out three collars and a magic wand vibrator from the draws.

“Here, put this on,” he says as he hands over a thin lacy choker, then handing over two thicker chokers “and then put these on them.”

“Yes Sir.” I walk over to the draws to put my drink down and then put my choker on in the mirror. I go over toChange the other girls’ chokers. The two he handed me were much thicker, and better described as collars rather than chefs; they were made of black faux leather and had a metal ring on the front to attach ropes and leashes. Their collars were a symbol of their punishment, and degraded their status. The choker I was given was dainty and elegant in comparison.


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