The Tale of a Harem Maid: Ch. 01

On a beautiful summer’s evening, my mind wondered as I stared out the kitchen window onto the expansion of woodland out of the back of the house. The sun had set behind the trees, and the final feint glow of light was only just still weaving its way around the bottom of the trunks, darting in and out, making its way through the forest. The window over the kitchen sink framed the scene beyond perfectly like a masterpiece in an art gallery. I could star at the view every day and it would still bring me a childish sense of awe. I had to stop myself from getting too distracted; I finished filling the glass in my hand and picked up the champione flute to take them both through to the dining room.

I work most days as a waiter at my local restaurant, it’s a fancy, yet cosy, establishment in the local village. Ran by a famous French chef Emmanuel, whose restaurant shares his name, it attracts the wealthy city-dwellers who come to the countryside in the summer. I’ve worked at the restaurant for a year, finding the job soon after moving to the area. My job mostly involves providing a smartly dressed pretty face to serve the fancy clientele their lunch. I only ever work lunch shifts, in the evening I’m waiting for a more important table – my Master’s.

My training as a waiter is put to good use at home. As I’m carrying through the two drinks, I take care to check my posture as I walk into sight in the dining room. I’m wearing a different uniform to that at work. The heels are the same; black with covered toes and moderately tall heels, but that’s where the similarities end. My black skirt is incredibly short, only covering the top half of my ass, and leaving my naked pussy uncovered. My white shirt fakes the appearance of a normal working shirt, but instead is unbuttoned down to my breasts, which are held on display by a push-up bra. Lastly, I’m wearing a thin black collar tight around my neck, and my shoulder-length black hair is tide back tight into a ponytail. This strict, sexualised uniform is set by my Master’s wife, a stunning hot blonde woman a couple of years older than myself, and of similar age to my Master. Although she plays the role of his wife, she is still subordinate to Master, fulfilling his desires and coordinating us other submissives. She has an intimate understanding of Master’s pleasures and desires, and thus sets the roles, tasks, and uniforms of all the subs in the house. She explained to me when she set out my uniform that the short skirt and open shirt fed a basic male appeal for ass and breasts, but the heels and collar were more personal.

“Our Master is turned on by the sight of a woman in a good pair of heels, and the shouter shows off the neck while acting as a symbol of submission.” She carefully explained.

When I asked her what his definition of a ‘good pair’ of heels were, she gave a lengthy and difficult to remember description of the good features and bad features, but at the end reassureed methat the heels I wear at work will do fine, and she’d acquire any other pairs I’d need. Our Master gave her a monthly budget with which to buy lingerie, heels, and any other forms of appealing clothing for herself and the other girls in the house.

But tonight, I was just in my standard sexy uniform for serving Master and his wife their evening meal.

My Master had finished his dinner after coming home from work, and I was just taking through his and the wife’s drinks as they continued their conversation. He was still wearing his dark blue suit, his tie removed, and top button undone. His wife was wearing a pleasant red and white floral dress she had been wearing for the day.

“Thank you, Lana.” my Master said as I placed his drink on the table in front of him. As I go to put down his wife’s champione flute, she turns her head to face me. “Yes, thank you Lana,” she said with a polite smile, “why don’t you tend to your duties under the table now?”

“Yes miss” I respectfully respond. She was referring to one of my many ‘sexual duties’. I carefully get down on my hands and knees and get into position under the table. The dining room is the second largest room in the house, and contains a large oak table centred in the middle, big enough for every member of the house to sit at at once. For most meals the Master sits at the head of the table, but as he is having a more intimate meal with just his wife, he sat at one side of the end of the table, opposite her. His position at the table is not only an important symbol of status, but also a practical choice. The table surface overhangs at either end by a few feet, making it easy for anyone to get underneath without having to get around table legs. As he was still sat at the end of the table, he could still sit opposite his wife and it would still be easy for me to position myself at his feet underneath the table.

Once I had got into my position, kneeing between his legs, I undid his belt, and slideHis trousers down slightly. I gently started running my hand up and down his cock through his underwear, teasing it until it grow harder. I had built up a bit of a routine when it came to pleasure my Master under the table. I keep teasing him in his underwear until I can start to feel the pants getting wet from the precum – it gave me a strange satisfaction to know I ruined his underwear, even it would come out in the wash. I then proceed to pull down his underwear, taking care to not catch his now quite solid cock, and pull it out of the way with my left hand while slowly wrapping the fingers of my right hand around his firm shake. Now I’ve got everything out of the way, I slowly rub his own precum down from the tip to his shake, using it as a natural lubricant as I slowly start a handjob. By now he is fully erect, and I can get the most pleasure out of him. I tilt his cock towards his abs, grip his tigh with my other hand for support, and move in closer to suck on his balls. I take on one at a time at first, until moving on to both at once. I take care in sucking with a good consistent strength, while maintaining a good rhythm with the handjob – this took a lot of practice to master at first!

All the while, he is continuing his conversation with his wife. I could not see above his waistline, so other than his firm cock – which was clearly enjoying the attention – I had no way of telling how much he was enjoying my service. I was disappointed that while I was giving it my all down here, he was still able to hold a normal conversation. I was hoping for a bigger reaction, perhaps a little increase in his breathing rate or at least some sign of struggle, not being able to hold a seemingly normal conversation! I clearly had to up the ante. I tilted his cock as towards me as it would comfortably go and teased the head with the tip of my tongue. His cock throbbed and tensed in reaction – clearly that did the trick. I wrapped my lips around the tip and started sucking, slowly going from gentle to rough. As that wasn’t getting as much of a reaction, I started working my way up and down the shake, giving a nice wet and sloppy blowjob. I had to be careful, I mustn’t get to ahead of myself and make too much noise, after all I’m only meant to be here to serve and pleasure my master now, not distract from the evening with his wife. Even so, it frustrated me that I Couldn’t get a bit more of a reaction out of him. I knew that he was enjoying himself, and if I carried on as I was, I’d get plenty of prayer, but I had one last trick up my sleepe. I wouldn’t dare try to take his cock balls deep, as I knew I couldn’t without making too much noise. Instead, I took it as deep as I dared took it, and grabbed his balls in my free hand, squeezing them as much as I Thought I could get away with. I felt his legs widen as he tensed his cock, and finally I got the reaction I wanted. I had got too distracted to keep track of what they were talking about, but theyhad definitely stopped talking for a second. With a sense of pride, I released his balls, loosened the grip with my lips, and eased back to a gentle blowjob. I was taken over by an overwhelming feeling of fulfillment; although I knew my duty was to pleasure my Master without distracting him from what he was doing, I couldn’t help but seek some sort of reaction from him.

However proud of myself I may have been, the joy was short lived, as it was suddenly replaced by a sense of shock. I felt the bottom of his wife’s shoe press against the back of my head. She was pushing me further down his shake, making me take him deeper. At first, I went with it, but soon had to push back against her to make sure I didn’t make a noise by gagging, and I caught my breath. Almost immediately she was pushing my head back down with her foot again. I was flustered and had been caught completely off guard. On the one hand, I was trying desperately not to make a noise and wanted to push back when his cock was too deep down my throat, but on the other I didn’t want to appear defiant. Although she is subservient to our Master, the wife is the highest in the hierarchy of ‘subs’ — the ‘Alpha sub’. She can instruct and punish me as she sees fit, provided it is in the Master’s taste and does not conflict any of his orders. But I’ve learned that she can have a dominant streak, and that was on show today. She pushed my head down harder this time, and pushing back was clearly not an option; she wanted me to push back, so that she could push me for being disobedient. So, I tried to go with it. Master was clearly enjoying this, his cock was rock hard, and was rubbing up against the back of my throat. All of a sudden, I felt his wife’s other foot lifting what little there was of my skirt and resting the toe on my ass. She then pushed down with the heel of her foot, rubbing the long, thin heel against my bare pussy. It wasn’t pleasure, it was uncomfortable and threatening, knowing that shecould push her sharp, dirty heel into my pussy at any time. I was completely at her mercy. She kept one foot on my ass as she held my head down with the other until I could take it no more, I couldn’t hold my breath any longer, and instinctively slammed my head back, hitting it against the bottom of the table in the process. The wife stood up and walked towards the door to the kitchen, “can I speak to you in the kitchen please Lana?” I get up from underneath the table and take a second to brush myself down and compose myself, “yes Miss” I reply.

In the kitchen, the wife confronts me about what happened.

“You seemed to be struggling with your duties today, didn’t you?” she says judgementally. I bite my tongue fighting back the urge to snap back at her, telling her that it’s her fault.

“Yes Miss.” I manage to calmly reply.

“You made a bit of a mess of things, didn’t you?” she probes. She’s testing my obedience, she knows she put me in an impossible position, and wants to see if I can remember my place and not snap at her.

“Yes Miss.” I refuse to give her the satisfaction of making me angry. I feel the back of my head, I had hurt it a fair bit when I hit it against the table, but there’s no sign of swelling or bleeding.

“I’m going to have to punish you to make sure you learn from this mistake. Bend over and place your hands against the counter.” As I turn around to get into position, I hear her walk off, most likely to go and fetch something to punish me with. There is almost an endless supply of toys and equipment in the house, so I had no clue what my punishment would be. The wife’s favourite punishment was the riding whip, but she enjoyed receiving it more than using it. We all had our favourite gyms and punishments. My favourite was being spanked, but I consider myself very open-minded and willing to try most things. Every woman in this house enjoyed kink and punishment to some extent, that’s partly what would have brought us here. That’s why I didn’t get angle when she brought me into the kitchen to punish me for something that clearly wasn’t my fault, she wasn’t being vindictive or cruel, she was just enjoying herself, and she knew that I was enjoying myself too. That’s why we’re here.

As she comes back, I can hear the wife’s shoes tapping against the solid tiles of the kitchen. I’m bent over with my legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart and my forearms resting against the counter next to the sink, a position I had been taught to practice since back when I moved into the house. I look up at the window, hoping to get a glance at whatever she had brought with her in the reflection, but can only make out that she was holding something small — no whip then. As she gets to me, she places her left hand on my back, softly arching it further. The next thing I feel is the sensing of her sliding a small, rubbery toy into my pussy. It glides in almost effortlessly; I had not realized how wet I had gotWhen trying to distract my master. The toy hugs both the inside and outside of my pussy, resting perfectly on the clip and the G spot. The wife had chosen a remotely controlled vibrator to punish me with. From her phone, she could control the intensity of the viruses on my clip and G spot, giving her the power to relentlessly tease me or set my body shaking from orgasmic pleasure whenever she fancied. At the moment it wasn’t on; it lay dormant, ready to torture me whenever I least expected, and given how she took pleasure in forcing me further down Master’s cock earlier, I didn’t doubt for one second that I was in for a long evening of sexual punishment.

As I remained bent over waiting for my punishment, the wife removed my collar, and replaced it with a thicker one. In our household, the collar, or picker, a sub is wearing is a symbol of their sexual status at that time. Around the house, we wear a thin and pretty picker to represent our submissive and subservient nature. It’s a reminder that we are all members of our Master’s harem, and are willing to please him should he desire. When a sub is to be punished, or has taken on the role of the Master’s toy for the day, she will usually wear a thicker and more aggressive collar. In the basement, there are even collars with rings to which ropes can be tied and leads attached for the subs who are to have all control stripped of them. I have only forgotten such collar once Before, as part of my final initiative into the Harem, a story for another day…

“Keep holding this position.” The Wife instructs, as I hear her walk off again. I fully expected her to have turned the vibrator on by now, but she has either chosen to wait or forgetten about it as she goes off, likely to fetch another toy. Given the mood she was in, I wouldn’t put it past her to use multiple toys to punishment me with this evening. My pussy is tight, but I had got so wet serving my Master and anticipating my punishment, that it was struggling to stay in as I stood bent over. I quickly managed to push it further back in before I heard footsteps coming back my way. I knew that if I was caught out of position, I would get paid, but also knew that if the toy fell out I would likely be paid as well, even if it wasn’t my fault.

This time my Master was coming in too, the sound of his shoes and his Wife’s heels both distinctive. I could hear them moving around on the floor behind me but didn’t want to be caught singing a peak at what was going on in the reflection on the window. Instead, I stared directly at the counter in front of me, waiting to find out what happens next — were they both going to punish me? Still maintaining my bent over position, I felt the touch of the Wife’s silky hair pushing against my ass. It took me a while to figure out, but She must have been kneeing or squatting behind me facing the other way, with the back of her head resting against the vibrator and my ass, preventing the toy from slipping out. I was a little confused as to what was happening at first, but what happened next explained it.

“We are ready for you, Sir.” The Wife says in her seductive voice.

“Perfect.” Our Master replies in a deep and commanding voice. The next thing I feel is the vibrator starting to tease my G spot, getting stronger in a rapid crescendo. Going to such an intense setting so quickly causes me to tend and a shudder is sent down my legs, but I manage to keep my composition. My Master grabs either side of my wait with his hands, and I feel his Wife’s head pushing back against me harder. Instead of fucking me as I’m bent over the counter, he’s got his cock in her mouth as she’s got her head against my ass. He’s treating her mouth like my pussy. It doesn’t take long before he’s getting rough; I can hear her struggleling to take him as he rams his cock down her throat, and as her head is forced back onto me, the toy is rubbing against my clip and G spot with every thrust. Suddenly, thetoy starts vibrating against my clip, erratically jolting from weak to strong vibrations. Master has his hands on my wait, so his Wife must still be controlling the toy from her phone. But she won’t be able to see anything while he’s throatfucking her like this. She must be tapping away at the screen randomly, causing the vibrator to go haywire inside me. It’s starting to become impossible to hold myself up in these heels while I’m being thrust against and my pussy being tortured by the toy. The Wife must be struggling too; he hasn’t stopped thrusting his cock down her throat for what must feel like an eternity now, and I can hear her starting to gag. All of a sudden, she falls forwards away from my pussy, gasping for breath as he pulls out of her. The toy is promptly removed from my pussy, still vibrating vigorously, and with no time to recover, my pussy is immediately refilled with my Master’s cock. With no warning he rams it all the way in, stretching me out and hitting every spot. I let out an “Oh my god” and my body trembles as I cum. He ferociously pumps me from behind until he stops, and I feel his cock throb. He’s cumming. The warm, tingling feeling of his semen gushing up my pussy puts a smile on my face. After making sure he had finished, he gently pulls out. I stay perfectly still in my position and his Wife moves herself back underneath me. She opens her mouth, sticks her head out, and tilts her head back. She waits patiently underneath my pussy, ready to catch his cum in her mouth as it gradually drops back out of me. Once most of it has fallen, she licks any last drops out from my pussy and stands back up.

“Thank you, Sir.” The Wife says as she licks the cum off her fingers.

“Yes, thank you, Sir.” I Follow, being the good sub I was.

After washing up the dinner plates, I had a bath and relaxed in my room before heading to bed. I share a large room with Amber, a feisty redhead who, despite being quite different from me, I get on with very well. We both love horror movies, and have spent many nights watching classes in our room while the others have been out.

Although I share my room, it is our own personal space, where we can relax and separate from our Harem lifestyle. We can decorate our rooms however we like — although Amber and I have had many arguments over this. Our beds are single beds, symbolising that we sleep alone in them — our Master or any of the other subs cannot come in our rooms and expect sexual acts from us in our beds, and we cannot have people not from the house stay in them with us, symbolizing our commitment to our Master and the Harem.

After watching a film together in our dressing gowns, Amber and I get ready for bed. I set my alarm nice and early for my morning duties…


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