The Taking of Panda Pt. 01

Today was a day like many other days in your life you were thinking. With the exception that tonight here you are laying here in their bed without any clothes on and playing with your pussy, thinking about how his big cock would feel as it stretched your tight little pussy.

They were out for the night and you have asked to come over and use their WiFi for schoolwork. But thinking About his cock made your pussy so wet that you had soaked through your panties.

Nikki had thought he was dressed after his shower, when she told you it was OK to use the bathroom in the masters suite, but she was wrong and as you opened the door he was standing right in front of the door, drying the biggest cock you had ever seen, other than in pictures. You were so embarrassed but you could not stop yourself from looking or turn away either. It still amazes you how it seemed as nothing was going on as he just smiled and was holding it, kinda waving it at you. Then you remember how he just asked”did you come in here for this or something else?” and that broke you out of the trace you had been in. You were so embarrassed you throw your hands up and said “I need the bathroom.”

His response still lingers in your mind that he said “if you say so, but I think you need something else.”

You almost ran into the bathroom to flee the embarrassed situation.

You Remember how you lingered in the bathroom trying to regain your composition. How you were playing with your clip when there was a knock on the door and Nikki told you they were leaving and asked if you were OK. You said “yeah I’m fine, ya’ll have fun.”

As you sat in the living room, you tried with all your might to concentrate on your report but all that keep running through Your mind is how lucky Nikki is, and how much you want to feel that big cock inside you.

They would not be home for hours. You remember Nikki telling you they were going to the movies and out to eat. Before you know what happened, you are laying naked on their bed with 2 fingers inside your little pussy and another on your clip.

As you are really getting into it and coming down from an earth-shattering, mind-blowing orgasm – about your 4th or 5th of the evening – the bedroom door opens and in walks Nikki.

You scramble to get up and get dressed, but to no avail as she pushes you back down on the bed. She yells at you to lay down and is asks you just what the fuck do you think you are doing in her bed? As you try to explain yourself she cuts you off and says “I’ll tell you what you were doing. You were just proving to me the fact that you, like me, are in fact a whore that craves to have our sweet little pushes filled with a big cock.”

At the moment Phil comes walking in the room with that smile on his face that, believe it or not, just made you pussy a little wetter. You notice in his hand is a big bundle of rope and a small amount of fear runs through you. Nikki tells him “look at what thisslut has done to our bed. I bet this mattress is soaked.”

His next actions stoke even more fear in you as he reaches out and grabs her by the hair tells her to calm down, he will handle this and she is going to help.

He then turns his gaze towards you and speaks to you in a voice that makes you understand there are repercussions if you do not follow his commands.

“Get out of my bed,” he orders and you almost jump up when you do you realize again that you are naked. You bend to get your clothes as you are getting out of bed. As you do this, he grabs a handful of your hair. He pulls your head back to meet his eyes, which seems to to glowing with excitement.

“Did I fucking tell you to grab your clothes?” he asked.

You manage to whimper out a no, then drop the clothes back on the floor. You turn your back to him and knee on the floor.

“Put your hands behind your back,” you are told. As you obey, you feel the rope he had in his hands earlier being wrappedaround your wrists.

Next you hear Phil telling Nikki to get the bag and bring it to him. You wonder what is going on, should you try and run or scream, but you remain out of fear or excitement, you’re not sure which one but as you notice the fire hose amount of wetness coming from your pussy, you are quite sure it is excitement

You notice it is very quite in the room, so you turn to see what is going on. He is looking right at you.

“Did I tell you to look around the room? No I did not. What, were you hoping to see my big cock again? Is that what you were looking for?” he asked.

As you go to speak, he tells you “No need to answer that. This wet spot on my bed tells me you were hoping to see it. Too bad that’s not gonna happen tonight.”

As he says this everything goes black as he has put a blindfold over your eyes.

“See it, no you will not, but feel it yes, very much so will you feel it,” he says with a laugh. “but before you feel it, you will feel lots of other things first.”

He then grabs your elbow and tells you to stand, which you do immediately. Still holding your elbow he tells you “Now I am going to help you get on the bed, but you will be kneeing right in the center of the bed. Now do you understand?”

You answer yes. At that moment, your head is pulled back by your hair and Nikki is in your ear, telling you “the correct answer is ‘yes, Sir’ when he asks you something.”

He then asks you again do you understand and you reply “yes, Sir.”

You are then helped onto the bed and you notice the bed is very, very wet where you are kneeling.

“Stay on your knees and lean forward until your head is touching the bed,” Phil tells you.

You do this and you hear a swish of air and a loud Crack, then a singing pain across your ass and realize that something has just left a stripe across your ass.

“We don’t say things over and over,” Phil tells you. “You have been told how to answer, have you not?”

“Yes, I ha-” you began but about that second another swish of air, a loud Crack, and the singing pain in the exact same place. Your mind is racing, thinking why are they doing this? Then another and another. Phil then leans in to your ear to speak.

“This can go on all night, or you can just say ‘yes, Sir’ like you were told to say,” he whispers.

Then another Crack and the pain.

“Yes, Sir,” you blur out, but deep inside you wish you had not because you realize the wetness between your tights is greater now than before.

Although you are blindfolded and not sure who was smacking your ass, you are positive it is Phil who is now rubbing his hand over what has to be marks on your ass as you can tell from the size and roughness of them. Nikki then leans in close and asks you if you like the way his hands feel and you find your self struggle because you do like it, but deep inside you are wanting the pain more. Your hesitation proved well, as this time you aresure it is Phil’s hand that smacks your ass so hard the whole bed shakes. Then again, and you blur out “Yes, ma’am, I love the way they feel and I also love the way sir smacks my ass.”

Then nothing.

You feel them both get off of the bed and all is quiet. You feel your hands being untied. You are told to put your hands out in front of your head and to keep your head on the bed. Then silence, and your mind starts to wonder yet again, did I do something wrong? Why did they just stop and leave me alone?

After what feels like hours but in all actuality was only minutes, you are told to crawl back til your feet were at the edge of the bed.

“Yes, Sir,” you respond immediately and realize that this move has your head right in the wet spot you had made much earlier and that you had just been contributing to.

You then notice Phil is back to rubbing your ass and working his way ever so close to your pussy, but making sure to not touch it. As this is happening, yourhands are grabbed and pulled out in front of you, wrapped in rope, and then pulled tighter. Then rope is wrapped around your ankles and then some sort of strap across your lower back that forces your butt up and out.

Then finally you feel it, his cock, but he is rubbing it right beside your pussy, on one side and then the other, then right across your clip and down the other side, then back across your asshole, stopping there just to tease you, then real quick, as if flicking a pencil, the head of his cock slips right down between your lips but not entering, just a quick swipe through your lips.

“Please, Sir, fuck me!” you beg desperately.

Instead of that, you get his big hand right across your ass.

“You will get what I give you and you will talk only when instructed, do you understand?” he tells you.

“Yes, Sir,” you reply, then your hands are untied. Each hand is brought along your side and the ropes are tied to the same ones on your ankles.

You notice the bed moving and can tell someone is in the bed laying in front of you. Your head is pulled from the bed by your hair and Nikki tells you to open your mouth and stick out your tongue. As you do so you can feel the heat coming from his cock as he taps it on your tongue, before pushing it into your mouth. You then feel someone else get on the bed and the cock in your mouth is taken away from you and is tapping you in the face again.

You notice you can hear Nikki moaning, talking about how good it feels.

“Damn Panda he eats pussy so fucking good I’m gonna cum on his tongue,” she tells you. She is panting and you feel the bed shaking as Nikki cums hard.

“Oh my God, I’ve got to have that big cock right now. Please, Sir, will you fuck me?” she pleads.

Then there is silence again and your hands are untied. You are told to prop on your elbows, then you are re-tied that way, so you can not move or touch yourself. After that the bed is moving again and you hear themas Nikki says “damn that big dick stretches my pussy” and him telling her how good her pussy is.

The bed is rocking and you hear the slapping of their bodies and the intensity building. At that moment the blindfold is taken off and you are face to face – or actually face to pussy – with pussy filled with a big dick . He is laying on his back and she is riding it,. All this is less than a foot in front of you. You notice that Nikki has several big orgasms, then Phil tells her to get off because he is gonna cum. She jumps off and he jumps up. Nikki pulls your hair tilting your head back in perfect location at the same moment Phil releases a huge load and it lands right on your face and in your hair and on your tits.


This is the end of part one there may be a part 2 but that depends on the actions of Koolaide’s dirty little sluts…


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