The Taking Of Erica Ch. 1

The sunlight streamed in through the walls of the old cabin, catching Erica full in the face.

She raised her head from its former position against her right shoulder and stretched as best she could against the leather cuffs that held her against the antique timber wall.

Her dark hair fell into her eyes and she blew at it irritably. Her muscles were sore.

Except for a quilt that must have been older than the cabin itself, she was naked.

Erica blinked a few times, getting her bearings. Her blue eyes, dark as sapphires, snapped with no little announcement at her prediction.

“Some fucking vacation,” she muttered under her breath.

The cabin door opened, letting in a cool breeze and enough sun to make her turn her head away.

“Well, I see you’re awake,” said her captor Cheerfully. “Are you hungry?”

“I’m a little pissed off,” she replied. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Kidnapping is a felony, y’know.”

“If you’ll stop running your mouth for a few minutes, I’ll think about letting you out of those restraints,” he replied smoothly, crossing over to the ancient cast-iron stove. “How do you like your eggs?”

Erica shut her mouth. Eggs? Eggs? She’d been kidnapped by a man who was obviously a raving lunatic, even if he was devastatingly handsome. The smell of breakfast wafted towards her and she fond that despite her best efforts, she was hungry.

“What time is it? How long have I been here?” she asked.

“Sausage?” her captor asked in reply. When she just stared, he continued. “It’s seven in the morning, and you have been here for about six hours. Your arms must be getting sore, so I do plan to let you out for some exercise after you eat.”

“I’m not hungry,” Erica lied. “Let me out now and I won’t tell the cops.”

The man laughed, long and low and hinting of deep, dark places, and Erica was suddenly afraid.

She knew her captor, had thought she’d known him fairly well. One of the dangersof online acquaintances, she thought now. The meeting had been planned, even, and she had driven up to the mountains herself to see him. Just a friendly visit, maybe a little sex, maybe a lot of sex, certainly a lot of fun. That was the game plan. Having her car forced off the road, being stripped naked, blindfolded and cuffed to a wall was not.

“Nobody will miss you for a week or longer, darlin’,” The man smiled. “And by then you may not want to leave.” He brought a plate over and sat next to her on the floor. “Now, eat,” he said gently, holding a bite of egg up to her lips.

“I could feed myself if you let me out,” Erica said shakily. “Or are you going to kill me?”

“Baby, I would never want to kill you,” the man said seriously, looking into her eyes. For a moment, she thought he looked sane, normal, like the Adam she thought she knew.

“I always take very good care of my belongings. I’m just giving you what you want.”

Starving, and realizing it was usess to argue, Erica ate a little, and drank the strong French roast he held to her mouth, trying to think through her options.

This man, who she knew as Adam but now realized might be anyone, was intelligent and given to humor, but also to explore of dark brain corners. They’d had many long online chats about her desire for submission and fear of it; about his need for control without the trappings of the “leather dom” type they so often met online. “Ninety IQ points, a whip and an attitude do not make a true dominant,” she’d said, more than once, and he’d agreed. Now she knew why.

She realized he was perfectly serious. He wasn’t planning to kill her; neither was he planning to let her go. He hadn’t touched her sexually at all in the hours she’d been there. Erica’s confusion began to clear, and she began to see what was in store for her in the coming week.

“What will you do with me, then?” she asked him, less fearful now.

“Whatever I want,” Adam answered.

An hour later Erica found that the stream water was very, very cold.

Adam had walked her outside, holding her arm gently in his. The spring weather was still chilly, and she’d shivered, but quickly ducked into the small bathroom. He’d took an old outdoor and plumbed it for her, adding flooring and fixtures, but there wasn’t room for a shower.

“The stream will do for bathing,” he’d said. “It’s a bit cold, but the water here is so pure we bottle it and you pay a buck per eight ounces in the city.”

He was right. The water was beautifully clear over the smoothly pebbled bottom. The mountain view was gorgeous, with a few wildflowers beginning to spring up on the banks, and as she looked up she could see the snow that melted into her bath.

Adam tossed her small bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and even soap and a razor. He sat on the bank and watched her clean up, smiling some, even singing a bit.

Adam thought he’d been right to choose this one, and he saw already it was the right choice.

She could have run when he left her in the bathroom. She could be swimming downstream. She could, had she been really opposed, have popped open the razor and done herself in.

But no. Erica was shaving her legs in the stream. Adam suddenly felt a raging desire to take her, but calmed himself. “just a few more minutes,” he whispered, “and her training will begin.”

“Do see that you shake everything, please,” Adam called over the water, and Erica looked up.

Of course he knew she shaken her entire body from the neck down, she’d sent him pictures of it.

But if he wanted to be sure she shacked everything, that means.. oh.

Little fingers of panic, and desire, and heat ran up Erica’s spine. She had to admit she found him incredibly sexy, or she’d never have agreed to come. Maybe fucking him would chill him out, and he’d tell her it was all just a D/s game, and they’d roll around in front of that grogeous old fireplace for a few days, she thought, and obliged his request.

When she’d finished, Adam held out a large towel for her as she walked out of the stream, making sure all the girly-stuff bottles were in the bag he’d brought. Erica began to wrap up, but he stopped her.

“Before I dry you, I’ll need to check your skin for razor cuts,” he said. Erica felt it best to humor him for the moment, and let him look over her carefully.

When his large, strong hands brushed over her nipples, she witnessed.

When they slide between her thighs, she bit her lip to keep from whimpering.

Adam noticed her reaction, sliding a finger between the folds of her lips and across her suddenly warm, wet clip, and smiled evilly into her eyes.

“You like having your pussy touched, don’t you, baby?” he grinned.

Erica stood stock-still, not moving, as he shooled her off and brushed her long, dark hair into his hand. He then pulled it, wrapping it around his fingers, and guided her towards the cabin.

The heat from the slight pain in her scalp caused Erica’s eyes to glaze and her lips to part, her breath quickening in a combination of pain, fear, and arousal.

He walked her into the cabin and sat her on the bed, pulling out the four-point restraints and quickly buckling them onto her wrists and ankles, then attaching them to the four posts of the bed frame.

Erica had not expected to be restrained again so quickly, and gasped.

“What are you doing?” she cried, trying not to panic.

“I’m making sure you stay where you are for awhile, love,” he said. “You just stay there, and let me clean up the place a bit, and then your training will begin.”

She waited, anticipation building as he cleared the dishes and swept the floor and tidied the large one-room cabin and went outside to bring in wood for the fire. She realized this must be the cabin on his family’s land, so that there truly would be no hope of escape if he decided to keep her here. His land stretched for miles, she knew. At least, she thought she knew. Suddenly everything about this man was called into question in her mind.

The fear returned, and so did Adam.

* * * * * *

“Lesson One, ” Adam said.

“You are mine. To do with as I please, when I please, where I please. These arrangements have no expiration date. You belong to me now, as you have Since we first talked, and will continue to belong to me until I tell you otherwise, which will not happen. Do you understand?”

Erica nodded blankly as his fingers began a slow trail up her right leg. She was scared, more frightened than she could ever remember being. She was also very aroused, and she knew that when his hand moved between her tights he’d find her wet and ready for him. The adrenaline rush was heady, and Erica inhaled sharply as his fingers found her.

He leaned over her and began to explore her pussy with one hand while struggling her nipples with the other. Erica began to relax and whimper softly.

Adam leaned in closer and kissed her lips, and she responded, sliding her tongue over his mouth and between his lips, arching into him as he stroked her, fingers running lightly over her clip, smoothly in and out of her cunt. He trailed his mouth down her body, over nipples, pausing to bite playfully and lick gently.

Erica’s desire was heated, and she wanted him to fuck her, wanted his cock in her mouth, wanted to be untied to play with him.

“C’mon, lover, let me up so I can fuck you,” she murmured teasingly.

The pain hit her like a lightning bolt. Adam had her nipples between his fingers and was twisting hard enough to bring tears to her eyes.

“Lesson Two,” he grew. “You will not ever tell me what to do. You may ask, you may beg, and if you are a good little slut I may give you what you want, but you never tell me what to do, is that clear?”

Erica nodded through her tears as she felt him release her nipples and stand up from the bed.

He glared at her darkly for a long moment, turned on his heel and walked out of the cabin, leaving her there, tied to the bed, alone.

Her fear and her sexual frustration mounted as she heard his car start and drive away. Her ears told her he was heading down the mountain, past where her car had been left.

She wondered if she could get out of her bonds, find her clothes and her keys and get out of there, but beyond that was a feeling of extreme sadness. Adam was mad at her. She’d made him angry, and now he would never love her the way she had known she loved him from the first day they’d talked.

In the year Erica and Adam had been online lovers, he’d never been really angry at her, not even on the phone during their many long-distance calls. That he was upset with her made Erica’s chest hurt. She bit her lip and tried not to cry, but a few tears slide down her cheeses, and she lost the will to even try to get out of her bonds. She wanted to be his, had always wanted to be his. Her heart felt broken as the hours passed.

Erica did off and on, and would wake hungry and thirsty and sore through her shoulders, and there was still no sign of Adam. She watched the sunbeams on the wall drift lower and lower and felt the room temperature drop. Soon it would be nightfall, and she was naked on a bed with no way to get up. Would she freeze to death? she wondered.

Then she heard it; Adam’s vintage car pursued up the hill, and she saw the headlights through the small window as it crested and parked. Erica felt tears welling up behind her eyes again in relief at his return, but she chased them back. She would not let him see her cry, she would hold her chin up and ignore him, the monster, she thought. Or maybe she’d grovel and beg and he’d forgive her. Or maybe ….

The door swung open and two men entered the room. Erica’s face flooded red with embarrassment at being seen in such a state, naked and tied. Judging by the erection in the jeans of theyounger one, her body was completely visible, even in the low light.

Adam stood with his friend and watched Erica blush. He lit the gas lamps as the sun went down, and walked silently over to the fireplace and lit the logs he’d placed there earlier.

Erica didn’t speak, didn’t cry. He was secretly proud of her, but she was a stubborn little toy and needed to be broken a bit. He left her naked, lying there, while he went about his business, making drinks for himself and his companion, pretending he did not see his darling slut just a few feet away.

He knew she’d be muscle-sore from her bonds, and tired, and in need of food and water and exercise, but those could wait another few minutes.

The fire warmed the room quickly and lighted it well so that Erica could see both men clearly.

Adam had shown and changed clothes, and his friend was tall, and at least ten years Adam’s junior – probably close to her own age, she mused – and reasonably attractive, if notas beautiful to her as Adam was. She was still uncovered, still blushing and embarrassed, but curious, at least, about this new man’s presence. He’d be a witness, anyway, if anything should happen to her.

Adam nodded and the young man stood up and walked over to the bed.

“I hear you’re Adam’s new toy,” he drawn. “Mind if I have a look attack?”

His eyes traveled over Erica’s naked body, and she felt cold under his glinty gaze. A prick of jealousy stalled at the base of her skull. New toy? That implied an old toy, which implied that Adam sometimes discarded his toys when he was finished with them.

She wondered if she wasn’t the first girl to be tied to this bed, and her eyes found Adam’s across the room. She forget to be afraid as she stared at him, looking for Any answer on his face, ignoring the young man leering next to her.

Adam stood sphinx-like at the foot of the bed, still silent. He’d caught the implication of his friend’s remark, saw the hurt lookin Erica’s eyes. He wanted to go to her, to reassure her, but she had broken his rules, and ignorance of the law was no excuse. Even so, he noted the time and decided they’d better get on with it, as his pet was going to need some care before long.

“Ethan,” he said, “Are you going to fuck her, or just stare at her all day?”

* * * * * * *

“Oh, I’m gonna fuck her all right,” Ethan leered, drawing his hands over Erica’s body.

“But I think she oughta suck my cock for a little while first, don’t you?”

He reached for his button fly and popped it open, one brass button at a time, revealing a large, thick cock with the barest hint of a circuit cumcision scar. It was as dark olive as the rest of him, and rapidly taking on a purplish-rose glow as it hardened Further.

Erica licked her lips involuntarily, unaware of her own reaction. All she could think was that her captor, her Adam, was watching her. He would want her to suck Ethan’s cock, and to do a good job at it. She was hungry, she was exhausted, she was horny, and she wanted that cock.

She tried to reach for it, but her leather bonds held her fast to the bed posts.

“Look, Adam, she’s a regular little whore, trying to get at me,” Ethan laughed. Erica came back to herself at the comment, and lay still, glancing over at Adam for further instructions.

“I think, my dear, that you should do what the man wants,” Adam said, still standing at the foot of the bed. “I want you to make him cum, and I want to see you swallow him, and I want you to be well fucked.”

Erica watched Adam’s eyes, hoped he saw her pleading silently with him; but if he did, he paid her disappoint no attention. She turned to Ethan, hoping to see something approaching warmth in his eyes, but there was only the cock at her lips and the grin on his face. She did the only thing she could do. She closed her eyes and sucked Ethan’s cock deeply into her mouth, letting it fill her even as she felt her pussy grow wetand hot with need, her nipples hardening in the firelight. Ethan moved his hips and steadied her head with his hands, fucking her mouth.

His motions were slow at first, not too deep, moving in and out of her hot velvet mouth, her nimble tongue swirling over him, pressing on the sensitive underbelly of his cock before circling the head and sucking him in deeper.

Erica had always enjoyed fallatio, and Ethan’s moans of pleasure and muttered oaths only heated her desire to please both him and the man who was holding her there, forcing her to service his friend for his own pleasure. The idea excited her, and she began to move her hips gently against the resistance of her restraints, opening her throat to allow Ethan’s cock deeper access. He groaned heavily and began fucking her mouth harder, shoving his cock deep into her throat and all the way out again before slamming back into her mouth. Erica feel her lips beginning to swell from the pounding and even choked a few times as Ethan rushed into her with all the force of a speeding train. Before Erica could clear her head and continue some control of her mouth, Ethan pulled out and came, hard, all over her lips and face, groaning and whimpering and cursing his luck at not holding out longer.

“Fuck, man, she is incredible,” Ethan gasped. “You gotta come try some of this, dude.”

“Oh, I will, eventually,” Adam answered his friend, looking directly at Erica. “My slut does look good with cum dripping off her.”

Erica licked her lips, trying to clear some of Ethan’s ninely cum off her face. He tasted okay, but she had so hoped Adam would play, too. It didn’t appear that he’d do so, now, even though she could clearly see the outline of his erect cock through his pants. Her muscles ached, and she dared to speak.

“Adam?” she asked, careful of her tone and volume, sounding really much younger than her twenty-eight years, “May I please get up for a little while?”

“Why do you think I should letyou up, little one?” Adam asked in reply, sitting on the bed next to her, but not touching her.

“Because my muscles hurt, and I’m very thirsty, and I’d like to go to the bathroom and clean up a little,” she said, not daring to look into her captor’s eyes. “I promise I won’t run, or fight, or try to get away, I’m too tired to go anywhere,” she added.

Adam looked over at the recovering Ethan and back at his expensive possession. By his watch, she’d been restrained for over eight hours without a break, much longer than he’d intended leaving her. He’d lost his temperature somewhat, and by the time he’d cooled off and gotten Ethan, it had been later than he’d expected when he got back. She appeared to have learned her lesson, and she was a delightful little cocksucker. He did want to have some of her energy left over after Ethan left.

“All right, love, but you must be still while I help you up, or you may fall,” Adam said, gently.

He carefully caresed her wrists and anklesWhile unfasting the thick buckles of her restraints, and helped her sit up tenatively, rubbing her upper arms and shoulders to help loosen the tense muscles there.

Without thinking, Adam leaned over and gently kissed the pearly lips, tasting his friend on her sweet skin.

Erica felt tears well up behind her eyes in relief. He wasn’t angry anymore, and he was going to let her up! She impulsively throw her arms Adam started at the sudden affect, but he turned his head over hers so she would not see him smile.

He helped her to her feet and took each of her hands in his, rubbing at the wrists to make sure of her circuit. “Ethan, please go out to the car and bring in the cooler for dinner,” Adam said sternly, and Ethan nodded and slipped out the door.

Adam slipped an arm around Erica’s waist and bent gently to her.

“I’m proud of you, Slut,” he whispered, close to her.

“You did very well today. Have you learned your lesson?”

Erica looked up at him, eyes wide, bewildered, but with a small spark in the dark pupils.

“Yes, Adam, I have.”

“Whose are you?” he asked.

“Yours,” she replied through slightly swollen lips.

“Very good, Slut,” he said, smiling.

Ethan slammed back into the cabin with a large metal cooler, the kind that plugs into a cigarette lighter for power. Erica realized that this is what Adam used for refrigeration up here, as there was no electricity in the cabin. As Adam wrapped her in a blanket and slippers to walk her out to the bathroom, she noticed a large cast iron canardron sitting outside the door.


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