Part 2 – She Submits
Nearly two days have passed since she landed on this desolate world. Escaping the horror of her slimy “captor” before he was able to put his hideous paws on her, she’d soon escaped arrest and the certain fate of being sent back by providing favors to the trooper who’d caught her. That last bit should have horrified her more, but the feelings that trooper had awakened in her left her confused.
Not wanting to leave anything to chance, she’d taken his “free-pass” offering and fled to a lesser-populated city. The public transport left a lot to be desired, but the destination was much quieter. The local pub provided some much needed income. Dancing and fetching drinks without needing to provide even a kiss was nice. The bit of income was almost enough to pay for passage to another world in the quadrant.
Her feet a bit tired, she stumbles back to her room at the local hotel. Entering the room she arched her back and leaned against the door. She retired the thought of a third night with the peace and quiet that had been so missing from her life recently. Her body started to relax as she thought once again how thankful she was that she’d escaped the terror of her enslaved homeworld and the horrific beast who’d purchased her.
Suddenly, her eyes fly open as she senses she is not alone. Her heart races.
“Got that ID replaced?” he Asks, the almost knowing smile evidence in his deep voice. Leaning against the wall of her room, arms crossed, the trooper lets his eyes rake her form from head to toe.
“I . . . I have . . . no, not yet,” she hangs her head and whispers.
“Well I can’t say I am disappointed,” he grins at her. “That little taste you gave me the other day has been on my mind. I’d like Another.”
Pushing himself from the wall, he moves closer to her and boldly slides his hands over her breasts, pinching both nipples before yanking her strapless top down and exposing her to his gaze and fingers.
“So very naughty of you to run away as well,” he whispers into her ear as his fingers pinch harder. “Made me waste hours tracking you down. And, still no ID . . .” She cries out softly as his fingers twist and pull at her nipples. “I think you’ll pay dearly for that infection.”
Gasping for breath she manages to whimper “I wasn’t trying to . . to . . run from you.”
He leans down, licking, sucking softly and finally biting hard on one nipple before trailing his mouth back up her neck. Pulling her closer to him, he squeezes one of her breasts and she feels his breath hot against her ear as he whispers, “Oh yea you were . . . and that makes this all the more fun,” he grins. Why don’t you show me why I shouldn’t take you straight to headquarters.”
He sits on the edge of the bed, motioning at her. “Dance for me.”
Blushing at the hot desire in his eyes, she nods and starts to dance the native dance of her people.
Shaking his head, he says, “Oh, no, little one, your huge tits aren’t all I want to see. Lose the rest of the clothes.”
Swallowing hard, she falsers for a moment. He clears his throat loudly, making her jump. Knowing she has no other choice, she unfastens her skirt and lets it fall in a puddle at her feet.
Unhooking the top that he shoved down below her breasts, she drops that on the floor next to the skirt. Unable to meet his gaze, she begins to dance again.
“Is that better?” she says quietly.
“Yea, much.” He grins. “Now look at me as you dance. I want to know that you know whom you are pleasure.”
Blushing she forces herself to look directly at him, his eyes burning through her. Unable to stop, she lets her body move sensitively as she keeps her eyes locked on his. His hungry gaze awakening molten feelings inside her.
“That’s better. Damn, remembering that pretty little mouth of yours and that tight ass has been driving me mad. My dick needs a little poisoning, if you know what I mean.”
Blushing as he places his hands on her shoulders and gently pushes her down onto her knees she nods.
Her hands slide up his thighs and unfasten his pants, his hard cock bouncing free of its prison in front of her face. Instinctively she slides her lips over him, her tongue flicking against his cock head as her lips slide down his shake. Hearing him groan and feeling his fingers entwine in her hair she begins to slide up and down on his shake. Once again she savors the velvety feel.
“Oh yea, baby, just like that” he growls, “Oh how I love fucking your sweet mouth. It’s even better than I remembered.” He holds her head in place and thrusts respects as she lets her tongue dance on his shake.
Not sure what magic he holds on her, she gives in to her own feelings of arousal. She slides her hands up his thighs and gently squeezes his balls before wrapping one hand around his shaft. As he flinches and thrusts, he removes his hands from her head and braces them on the bed. She slips her mouth down between his legs and lets her tongue play against his balls before sucking softly, taking one and then the other into her mouth. All the while letting her hand slide up and down his shake.
“Oh, shit”, he cries out and she instinctively knows what he needs. Nibbling gently again on one of his balls, she releases it and once again captures his cock between her lips. Stroking faster with her hand, she licks and sucks and moves her mouth faster and faster up and down his shake. Finally, unable to stop, he grabs her head and thrusts deep into her mouth and lets loose. His cum blasts across her tongue and against the back of her throat as he cries out in release. Swallowing as fast as she can, she lets him move her head as he needs.
She almost chokes as he keeps his cock buried deep in her mouth. Continuing to suck softly, she hears him moan and finally he releases his hold on her hair.
Collapsing back on the bed, he whispers, “Come lay next to me.” He reaches for her hand and pulls her up onto the bed.
Lying still for a few minutes as he catches his breath, he finally turns onto his side and slowly lets his hands wander over her–squeezing and playing with her breasts before slipping one hand down her stomach and sliding it between her legs. “Mmmmmmm, your body betrays you,” he chuckles. “You liked sucking on my dick didn’t you, little one.”
She moans as his hands tease her and she nods.
“Yea, I could tell.” His voice mesmerizes her as he dips one finger deep into her tight pussy, teasing her clip with his thumb. “I liked it too.” His thumb rubs harder and she squirms.
“Does that feel good, baby?” He croons softly in her ear and all she can do is nod. “Want more?” Again she nods.
She feels his smile against her neck as his fingers continue to tease her clip.
“I’m still thinking about that tight little ass of yours. And I do intend to take it again tonight.” One finger slips down for a minutee and presses lightly against her asshole. He grins as she gasps and blushes.
Leaning over, he catches one of her hard nipples with his mouth, swirling his tongue around it as he sucks. He makes her squirm and moan, softly at first and then louder as he slides his mouth to her other breast giving that nipple the same treatment.
Letting his tongue trail down her stomach, he catches her clip in his mouth as he sucks on it and nips lightly with his teeth. Still nibbling, he drags his tongue along her sweet cunt and slips a finger back into her pussy. Her moans have nearly become screams and he listens to her as she cries out her need.
Grinning as she begs for more, he speaks. “Oh I’ll give you more,” his fingers tease her wetness lightly, ” . . . but not yet.” Hearing that she whimpers.
“First we need to get a few things straight.” He removes his hand from between her legs and sits up. “I want to know why a virgin would give herself to me like this.” His eyes penetrate her. “And look at me, no more hiding.”
“Please don’t send me back.” It’s all she can manage to utter.
“Back? Back where?” His dark eyes seem to peer through to her core. He pulls her up to sit next to him.
“I . . . . . I can’t go back. Please, I’ll do whatever you want.” Her voice barely a whisper.
Staring quizzically at her he reaches over and slips one hand under her chin, turning her face up to look at him. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he’s puzzled for a few moments.
“Slave?” It’s the only word he utters. His eyes staring into hers.
Tears finally streaming down her face, she nods.
His gaze softens. “It all makes sense now. Why you let me have you instead of just a simple arrest. A night in detention is nothing compared to what you offered me.”
He reached up and wipes away some of her tears. “Tell me the rest.”
Gasping for breath, she tries to tell her story, her voice subdued. “My homeworld. We were a peaceful people. Visitorsfrom the sky came. They fought war, they killed our men, they raped our women. Then others came. And they ‘saved us’, or so we thought. Those that survived were forced into indentureship but with no hope of freedom. It wasn’t called slavery at first, but it soon became evidence. I . . . I was taken. The one that took me had many depraved and illegal habits. He . . . oh,” unable to Continue, the tears came harder.
“Tell me.” Though his fingers continued to cares her face, his voice turned to steel.
As her body shook, he wrapped his arms around her. “Tell me.” He waits few moments, “Tell me, NOW.”
Feeling almost safe in his arms, she shuddered at the coldness in his voice. But she knew the cold wasn’t for her. Whispering softly, she tried to Continue. “He took several of us to his ship and we headed for here. I heard the screams of the others. I tend their wounds . . . after. His tastes were violent and,” her voice trailed off as the tears started to flow again.
“Enough.” He holds her for several moments before pulling back to look at her.
Wiping again at her tears, he turns her face to look at him. “I will take care of him–that filter will never find you. In fact, I’ll make certain he never bothers another ever again.”
Taking in her shocked look, he continued.
“There is no way for me to get an ID for you. I would if I could, but it is not possible.” He pauses for a moment. “However, I will place you under my protection. As a registered slave you must serve a specified time and I cannot change that.”
He watched more tears well up in her eyes. “I will take over your bond. You will answer to me alone, and see only to my needs. And I will see to yours. When the requestite period is up, I will release you if you wish.”
His dark eyes penetrated to her soul and all she could do was nod.
“Then you are willing to do all I ask?”
“I admit, the idea of you under my control excites the hell out of me. I’ve never wanted that before, but you drive me to distraction. And if I do this, then you WILL serve me.”
Looking at him, she pushes herself up off the bed. Standing naked in front of him, she nods and whispers, “Yes, I understand.” Dragging her eyes up to look at his face, she takes a deep breath, “and I agree to your terms.”
Her eyes on his, vividly seeing the raw desire in them, she leans forward and places both hands on the bed. “You said earlier what you wanted. My ass is yours, as is the rest of me. Use me however you wish.”
She hears him catch his breath as he stands slowly and moves behind her. Expecting a care from his teasing fingers and cock she yelps in shock as he brings his hand down hard on her right ass cheek. “That’s for making me Worry.”
His hand delivers two singing swats to her left ass cheek. “And that’s for making me have to come find you.” She gasps at the sudden sharp pain.
Letting out a sight he sits back down on the bed. He pulls her across his knees, placing one hand firmly on the middle of her back as she struggles to get up. “And this,” his other hand descends sharply, “is for not telling me the truth in the first place.” Alternating between cheats, he gives her five hard spanks on each. He ignores her as she squirms on his lap and pleads with him to stop.
“Now,” he pauses, “are you still willing to give yourself to me for protection?” He rests his hand gently on her burning ass. “If you want to go, do so now.” He feels her tense. “If you choose to stay, then I WILL finish this lesson.” He removes his hand from her back. “Which is it?”
Tears fall to the floor as she goes limp and quietly whispers, “finish.”
Nodding, he continues. She feels his hand land hard five more times on Each of her reddening cheats. Crying out, she instinctively tries to cover her ass with one hand. He grabs a hold of it and she feels his other hand crash down hard on her ass.
“You agreed to let meprotect you. I will do that, and you’ll learn I’m true to my word.” He keeps her hand trapped with one of his.
“That means you don’t try to stop me,” he punctuates that with a hard smack to her right ass cheek. “Whether it’s as I take you,” another smack on her right cheek, “or as I punish you,” a similar smack lands on her left cheek. As she kicks and squirms, he Deliver several more stinging swats to each chef before he finally stops and cares them gently.
“There was no way you could have remained hidden.” Dropping one more hard smack right across the center of her bright-red ass he says, “I think you know that.” Resting his hand on her once more, he pauses to listen to her soft cries for a moment.
Finally, he helps her up and watches as she rubs at her sore ass. “Things would have been much easier for both of us had you simply come and told me.”
Gazing down at the floor in shock and in shame, she nods.
He stands. “Alright then. I need to go take care of a few things. Get your stuff together and be ready to leave when I get back.” He tilts her chin up and gazes into her eyes. “Do not be afraid. I DO protect what’s mine,” he wipes some of her tears and smiles at her.
Her knees weak she’s barely able to remain standing before he leaves the room. As the door wooshes shut, she collapses in relief. Her mind is reeling. She’s finally safe? Knowing she won’t completely believe that until his “ownership” is official, she still breathes a little easier as she tries to comprehend all that just happened.
After a period of time had passed, she realized she hadn’t done as he asked yet. Gulping, not wanting to feel his hand again quite so soon she jumps to her feet and hurries to get dressed and pack.
That task finished, she sits down on the bed. Imediately She shifts her body a bit as two things happen. The first is the uncomfortable reminder that her ass is quite sore. The second is the renewed wetness that flows between her legs at that feeling. Blushing, she remembered how it felt to squirm on his lap. And after the initial shock of the pain, she also remembered the butterflies that started churning in her stomach at the feel of his strong hands. She was ashamed that she’d caused the spanking by her carelessness. She knew that was the lesson he was trying to teach her. Perhaps if it wasn’t actually a lesson that was warranted, the experience would be a bit More . . her face flushed very hot at that thought.
Laying back on the bed and lost in her musings, she jumped as she felt a hand slide across her stomach and slip under her top to squeeze her breast. “You have no idea how tempting you are just laying there, but we have no time to waste. The sooner we leave, the sooner I can get those clothes off you and finish what I started earlier.”
Pulling her to her feet he grabs her bags and, with a light tap on her ass that makes her squeak, he ushers her out into the hot evening air. “We’ll need to take a public transport, and if we don’t worry we’ll be stuck here for far longer than I can keep from filling you with this.” He grabs her hand and slides it over the bulge in his pants, enjoying the flush that covers her face as he holds her hand there for a moment.
Tickets purchased and making their way onto the shuttle, they move past a few others and find their seats. Relaxing back into the seat, her mind finally realizing that this is real, she sights happily. Suddenly her eyes pop open in shock and she lets out a startedled gasp. Several people turn to look at her quizzically before returning to their conversations. Trying hard to remain still, she grasps the seat as she feels his finger slide deeper into her pussy, his thumb violently teasing her clip as he stars at her in amusement. The man sitting two rows up winks at them and grins, leaning back to watch the show. Squirming, she’s helpless as fingers tease her, slower and then faster as she tries not to moan. Unable to control it, she whimpers softly as lips cares her neck and he slips another finger inside her pussy.
“Oh please,” she whispers.
“Of course, little one,” he whispers in her ear.
Letting out a saved sight, thinking he’s going to remove his hand she gasps again as he steps up the pace. Her fingers dig into his leg as waves of pleasure ripple through her. “There’s a good girl,” he whispers, “come for me.”
Her head back, begging for him to stop with her eyes, he just chuckles. Grinning at the man who’s watching, he slides his other arm around her and he pinches a nipple. Feeling her squirm, he holds her tight as his fingers tease and taunt her slit. Unable to to hold back she throws her head back and bites her lip as her body tenses and her pussy walls tighten around his two fingers, the juices from her orgasm flooding out over his hand.
His arm around her keeps her from slumping over as he slips his hand out from under her skirt and nips at her ear.Turning her face towards him he rubs his fingers over her lips, knowing she can smell herself on them. “Lick,” he whispers, enjoying her shock as much as the sight of her pink tongue lapping as she tastes herself.
Growling, he looks at the time. “You’re lucky we’re so close to landing. Otherwise I think I’d fuck you right here and now,” his breath hot against her ear again. Smiling, he feels her shift in her seat. “Soon, little one, and I’ll have you all to myself,” he smiles. “What luck I have, all mine–I can do whatever I want.” He chuckles again as her face turns hot again. “Mmm, yea, you’re in for a long night.”
He leans back in his seat as he feels the shutt descend, the landing seeming to take forever.
Squeezing her tender ass as they move towards the door he leans down and whispers in her ear, “I can’t wait for you to bend over for me again. I promise this time you’ll get what you expected earlier.” He smiles as she catches her breath.
It took every ounce of strength for him to drive her to his home. Several times he almost stopped. Finally, after ushering her in the door he pushed her down, bending her over the first thing he could. Tearing at his pants he breathed a sight of relief as he released his throbbing ection. Yanking her skirt up to her wait he slides his cock between her legs, rubbing it against her wet cunt, letting the mood from her pussy see out over him. The heat and the moisture were driving him mad. Slipping his hand between her legs he rubs, quickly covering his cock with her pussy juices. “I’m sorry, baby, I can’t wait any longer,” his breath ragged he spread her cheeks with his fingers and pressed the head of his cock against her asshole, hearing her gasp as she felt him poised to enter.
Grabbing her hips he’s unable to stop as the need to bury his hard cock deep inside her take over. As he pushes forward, the heat of her closing around him is too much. He forces himself all the way inside and holds there, trying very hard to remain still and let her become accustomed to him before easy back out. She squirms and it’s too much. He starts to thrust in and out, groaning as her tightness envelopes him. His play on the shuttle had served to loosen her up and she was wet enough that the natural luxury was just enough. His balls slap against her still-burning ass cheeses as he drives in and out, faster and faster. “Oh FUCK!”, he cries out as he shudders and his hot cum spurts deep into her tight ass. He remains there, buried inside her, for as long as he can.
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