The evening wind blew on the coastal town as Julie prepared for bed. Her longtime friend Carl was sleep in the guest room downstairs. Julie decided to boot her computer and send another message to Master Robert explaining why she could no longer consider the trip to Texas to become his slave. Several days had passed since he had responded to her last letter. He was disappointed and little did she know he had made contact with Carl. After permitted monitoring of Julie’s email, Master had acquired Carl’s address and sweet talked him into divulging all he needed to know. Carl was hoping she would sometimes thank him for his lack of discretion and had developed an intense longer to serve Master Robert. It took every bit of Carl’s courage to keep his mouth closed and wait for Master to make his decisive next move.
Julie pressed the send button and turned off the computer.. She climbed under the covers and imagined the look on Master Robert’s face when he opened his e-mail. She hadAlways been a bit pretty and savored the idea of upsetting Master into meting out a punishment not soon to be forgotten. Julie was since in her desire to submit to him but was too shy and complicated to pursue the journey. Still, she could pretend she was in his custody and climax on this idea alone.
A driving rain began to pelt the window and cast a meandering shadow upon her walls.
She bundled the blankets Between her legs and against her body just before realizing there was still a vibrator by her feet from the night before. The ten inch cock had a menuing presence but a delightful, lifelike sensing even in the off position. She reached to grab and place it in the night stand and grasped her nipple in the process. Instead, she clutched the phallus in her humble cleavage and started to fade from consciousness. Julie sat for no more than two minutes before she nodded off. The head of her rubbery shake rested against her lips before she awoke to open her mouh. She had recently managed to suppress her gag reflexes enough to slide the toy entirely down her throat and desperately wanted to show Master. Before she attempted this feat now, she noticed a man’s silhouette in the hall. She sat up started and reached for her glasses. The man’s outlined was just as mysterious except for thewhip he gathered in his hands.
“Carl? Is that you?”
No response
“Who…who’s there?” Julie whispered.
The man remained silent but took a step forward. The disappoint light from the door he passed let her know he wore riding chases with a variety of metallic devices on his belt. He once again grew dark before entering the dusky room. She knew right away it was Master Robert as the rain’s shadow ran down his handsome, chiseled face. Julie was rendered speechless but scuttled the vibrator under the sheets.
With no hesitation, Master yanked the sheets from the bed. Her arms instinctively covered her bare breasts while the vibrator hit the floor in front of Master’s feet.
“On your feet, slave julie!” He commanded.
She stood up from the bed wearing nothing but panties. She grasped a shirt but was ordered to drop it.
“I…I thought you were in Texas,” she said.
“I was. But I’m here to claim my property and slaves.”
“Slaves?” she asked.
Master slowly approached while the his chrome handcuffs lightly jingled.
“Yes,” he grew. “Oh, my beautiful little slut. I’m finally here to give meaning to your pointless life.”
Julie’s adrenaline rushed to her brain and she nearly passed out.
“I am here to bring you to My home tonight but not before you are punished severely,” he whispered.
Julie shivered in the darkness as he gently reached for her face. He removed her glasses and his soft care was followed by his lips meeting hers for a deep kiss as though they were long, lost lovers. A minute into the kiss he brought a leather collar behind her back and claped the hook under her chin. A small lock was put in place while she continued to close her eyes. He stepped away and quietly cleared his throat
“Please give me your wrists.”
Julie began to cry as he clicked the cold cuffs in place.
“Shhhh,” he said reassuringly. “You’re my little whore now, slave julie. I will take care of you.”
He kissed her again and wiped her nose with the corner of her wadded shirt.
Julie’s nipples were hard in the cold evening air and Master felt each with the palm of his hand.
She looked to his sides and saw both whips at the ready.
She hadn’t even thought about Carl until he was escorted into the room by a woman wearing a knee-length skirt and tank top. He was nude except for a pair of Julie’s panties with a long rigid penis clearly visible inside. Carl’s hands were cuffed behind his back and he just stared at the floor.
Master turned and smiled at the two as they stopped in the middle of the room.
“This is my partner, Mistress Jo and with her is my new whore number two – the gentleman formerly known to you as ‘Carl’” Master exclaimed.
Julie watched in disbelief. She stared at her stretched panties and wondered why Carl was looking so docile.
Carl was led to the edge of the bed and gently guided to his knees. His cuffs were released and his arms were brought in front of him. Now was his chance for resistance but he meekly offered his wrists and the cuffs were replaced. Mistress Jo pushed his upper body to rest upon the bed. Julie had not noticed the black leather bag Mistress had set just inside the room until she headed for it and removed a whip and strap-on dildo. Carl was in for a lot of pain.
“Please! This has nothing to do with him. Please let him go!” she pleaded.
Master Robert slapped her hard across the face.
“Shut your mouth, whore. There’s no one in this room who doesn’t want to be here!”
Mistress Jo looked towards Carl as he faced the other direction. Instinctively he turned to acknowledge the truth in Master Roberts assertion.
Julie stood agope as the silent woman pulled the panties off Carl’s tight buns. The familiar article was snagged on his hard cock and she remedies the problem easily by pulling it up and out. Now it hung low against the bed.
Carl had given Master Robert all the information he needed in order to board a plane and be in Julie’s house to claim her as his slave. Carl had always had a secret crush on Julie and had unexpectedly read her saved files and letters while using her computer. He was turned on by the thoughts of Julie in bondage and had recently discovered his own need to be dominated. Master Robert had agreed to take Carl in servitude in exchange for Julie’s address – an exchange Carl was more than willing to make. Oh, and the condition he would be entitled to Wear Julie’s undergarment when not required to be nude. Another revelation to the already overwhelmed Julie.
“Okay, slave. It’s time,” he whispered.
“No, Master. Please show mercy on me!” she pleaded.
There was an unspoken understanding as he shook his head. She stopped her unsupped her unsupposed behavior.
“Bring your hands over your head,” he coolly demanded.
Julie obliged and locked her fingers together behind her neck.
Master swiftly yanked her panties down to the ankles before she stepped from the moist garment. Master shamelessly brought the crotch to his lips and paused. Without asking he parted her teeth and stuffed the satin item in her mouth. She nearly gagged at first but bit down and waited for His instruction.
“You’re turned on, aren’t you, slave julie?” he asked mockingly.
She remained silent but nodded in approval.
“What if I decided not to punish you? What if you were never to be whipped?” he asked.
Master walked behind her and very gently tapped her ankles apart. Julie was soon in a widestance and waiting.
“Now that would be real torture for you, you little slut.”
She jumped at the sound of the whip landing on Carl’s back. He remained silent as Mistress Jo wound up for a second blow. She was vicious as she delivered the lash without abandon. Carl was gritting his teeth as his veins became visible on his forehead. Mistress Jo flexed her tone arms while handling the lash. Her boobs moved about freely without a bra but it did not seem to both Mistress. Julie could not bear to look as the lashes continued to snap across his skin. She turned to look out the window.
She could see the neighbor’s homes in the normal evening darkness but realized she was going to be lashed right there in her own bedroom. She had fantasized so many times of this scenario and now was going to be punished beyond belief. Master closed the window then turned to uncoiled the larger of the two whips. The thumb of leather on the hard wood floor was the first of several wake up calls during the night.
She tried to bellow at the first sting of the lash but was muffled with my gag. Master had given her buttocks the first sting. The next one landed with the accuracy of a pro and soon there was nowhere on her buttocks the lash had not touched. Master began to work his way up her back with increasing intensity as she cried in vain. He circled to her front side and delivered the blows across her breasts. The erect nipples were not spared and she understood in pain. Julie’s nipples ached but returned to the hardening arousal of before. She wanted him to finish her off but he had his own schedule. Her skin burned with each lash – especially as the lash landed on previous welts. She nearly hyperventilated and spat out the panties.
“You’re a brave little slut,” he said as he winded up for another blow. He had worked his way to her thighs and shins before setting down the whip.
Surprisingly he slipped the panties up her thighs and around her hips again. The wet crotch had cooled off and rested snug against her pussy lips. Master gathered his whip again.
“Are you ready my little bitch?” he asked.
For a moment she didn’t know what to be ready for but whispered an uneven “Yes!”
Mistress Jo stopped momentarily to watch Master and the humiliation was almost as bad as the pain.
The sound of the whip was soon followed by the burning pain in her pussy. The whip snapped the shiny fabric and brought her complete ecstasy with unbearable pain. Her knees were locked together as she buckled from the firey sensing. Julie didn’t know he could be so cruel. He slapped her bottom with his open hand and demanded she stand up straight again. Master’s hands began to rub a cool salve on her raw skin. The lot burned initially but then had a cooling effect. He unabashedly rubbed her cliporis and buttocks with the lotion and she closed her eyes. She nearly came but was interrupted.
“OH!” Carl burst out. His first scream came as Mistress Jo began to sodomize him with the dildo. Even MasterRobert stopped to look as the hard rubber shake descended into Carl’s upturned buttocks. He was breathing heavily as the fake balls pressed up against him. The shake had gone as far as it could. Mistress Jo grabbed him by the wait and thrust into him repeatedly.
“Fuck me, Master! Please take me now!” she begged as her throbbing crotch ached for release.
Master Robert grabbed Julie’s hair and looked in her eyes. “On your knees, slut!” he said with a hint of desperation.
She dropped to her knees only to be greeted by Masters bulging codpiece. He was obviously enjoying this and with a quick pull, his pouch collapsed revealing an erect cock. He grabbed her cuffed wrists and guided her head to his waiting cock. She opened her mouth as his shake forced its way down her throat. The throbbing member slide in and out for a minute before pulling out. Mistress Jo and Master nodded to one another and she, too, pulled out of Carl.
Julie watched in disbelief as Master appropriatehed Carl and caressed his welded skin. Master’s cock was standing as rigid as she had ever seen and when his fingertips stopped moving over the blisters, Carl turned his head slightly. The salve still coated Master’s hands and was used to slather his glistening cock. The stiff cock was gripped and guided making contact with the burning bottom. Carl clnched his virgin butt cheats out of surprise and reflex. Master paused for a moment Before Carl relaxed and offered up his most private treasure. Master’s head quickly disappeared into the tight hole and soon his entire length was descending.
Carl breathed heavily and grunted with great resttrain as Master’s big balls came to a rest against his.
“You may scream, slave. I want you to scream like little girl!” Master demanded.
Without a moment’s pause, Carl began to shriek and cry as Master’s pumping resumed. Julie had knelt staring at the curious sight and didn’t realize Mistress Jo was looming in front of her. slave julie’s eyes starred straight ahead and then glanced up to see an angry and expecting set of eyes peering back. Mistress Jo unzipped her skirt and shimmied the fabric down her hips in time to step forward and introduce her pussy to Julie. The new slave starred at the variety of rings hanging from Mistress’ stretched labia and offered her lips to the sweaty jewels. The sound of Master finishing off the squealing Carl combined with the flavor of Mistress Jo’s perfumed pussy made everything seems right with her newly chosen world. Master removed his spent cock from the exhausted hole and cleaned himself off. Semen had stained the side of her bed as Carl had involuntarily came from the stimulation. Julie was left craving orgasm as she was pulled to her feet.
“Please fuck me,” she whispered pathetically to Mistress Jo. “Just for a moment…please,” she continued.
Mistress ignored her while zipping up her skirt.
“Shut up, cunt! You belong to Master and me and we’ll decide when and where you’ll climax,” she snapped.
“You won’t be coming until you’re well into training.”
Slave julie looked down and held still before replying, “Yes, Mistress.”
Both slaves, devoid of any personal effects, were led from the room to a waiting car while Master Robert searched the bedroom and laundry room. He was true to his word as he gathered all of slave julie’s intimates and underclothes to help Carl’s transition to slave and slut. But mostly, they would not need possessions as they, too, would become possessions themselves.
NEXT: The Texas initiative
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