The Table

“Yes, it will be ready, I know…I know. I need to let the programmers know that we found more problems but like I said, it will be ready. Okay, thank you”

She set the cel phone down next to the key board, thinking, how are we going to make the deadline? The roll out was only three weeks away, shaking her head as she scanned the specs from the current spread sheet. The frustration mounting at a Particular line of directives and codes the team was struggling with.

After a few minutes of staring at the screen, she went to the kitchen to get more coffee. Working at home certainly had its perks, not only could she take a break whenever she wanted, the peace and quiet allowed her to actually get things done. Also, being able to take care of the house and family was much easier. Making sure the children were ready for school, being able to take them and pick them up after was certainly a perk she held high. Spending time with her children was very important, she hated when they went to day care. Another plus was she didn’t have to rely on her husband as much either, he was a good man but he frustrated her with his lack of attention to details, now she could take care of matters herself so things were done right. Yes, working from home had its define advantages but she still missed the office environment, her business attire, and the people.

The afternoon was just beginning as she sipped the coffee, being deep into a project was where she flourished, loving the pressure and responsibility. She had proven her reliability time and again with her time and money saving management expert, she had put together a highly efficient team and system. The current project was more involved than the usual marketing campaign or sales pitch, it was a total structural change that effected everyone in the company, this project had been going for months. She hated when the company purchased new software or decided to change platforms, the corporate heads never understood the testing or the time required. Their idea was “Just plug it in, we will love it, our customers will love it and we’ll make tons of profit…”.

The victory woman her from the deep thoughts of the intense testing, immersed in the project her eyes turned from the spreadsheet on the screen to the phone. Looking at it as it buzzed again with a text message from ‘him’ For a moment she simply starred at it as if trying to wake from a deep sleep. Touching the screen, she opened the text message. It simply read,

’10 minutes’

She turned off the monitor with the single button leaving the machine on carefully saving the work. She stood from the chair and went into the bed room. She had to be properly attired, the heat building between her legs, and her nipples were hardening already.

She stood at the mirror looking, fear crept in, this was her home the one place she vowed would be out of bounds for her unorthodox desires, but here she was naked, except for the white lace panties, waiting for him. Looking at herself with wonder, who was she? How did she get to this point? She had everything, loving husband, children, a career. Success, the things she was ‘told’ that would make her happy. Arching her back as she brought her hands to her breasts feeling, cupping, pinching the nipples. She knew there were other things that would make her truly happy and satisfied. A hand went down into her panties feeling the shaken public mound, feeling the smoothness, freshly shavled this morning. A single finger went in, feeling her wet desire. She closed her eyes, touching for a moment. Her mind wandered to her submissive needs, the need to follow, to serve, to give, to be directed, this is what she had discovered in the farthest corners of her mind, the darkest places is where she found the glimpse of her need, her darkside was where she found her password, strength and her true freedom.

Entering the living room she stopped, started by his presence, he wasHere sitting in the chair. Thinking he was going to ring the doorbell, he must have let himself in. She immediately knelt to her knees, lowering her head and eyes.



“S…S..Sir, welcome to my home.”

His reply was silence as she felt his eyes on her. Why didn’t he says anything? The disappoint seemed to always to be there when he simply watched her, she feel vulnerable, out of place. Her knees played slightly as her hands claped behind the small of her back, causing her back to arch slightly. She could feel the juices starting to flow slowly within her. She desperately wanted, needed his approval, she would do anything for this man, a man she was growing ever closer to. Though they had known each other for many months she still felt an unknown element in their chemistry. This man wielded power over her like none she had ever known. After what seemed an eternity he spoke softly.

“Crawl to me…slowly, my little pet.”

She leaned forward slowly as she began to crawl. Sensally, swaying, trying to please him as she knew he was observing her closely, she was trying to keep her head low and as high as she crawled to his feet. If any of her family, friends, or work associates learned of this they would not believe it. This woman that exhumed power, authority, and initiative was crawling on the floor to a man for his gratification. Humiliating, perhaps, but she craved his control and authority. This is where she knew she belonged, it gave her warm feeling of belonging, security, and safety.

She leaned her head down raising her as higher yet, kissing his shoes, one then the other before raising to her knees. Looking up, he brought this hand, palm down to her as she grasped it with both hands, kissing the top, feeling his skin and taking in his scent.

“Thank you Sir.”

A wave of warmth coursed through her body, already dripping with desire, at this immediate feeling was euphoric, a wave of pure happinessss and bliss.

He looked at her, smiling, the crowds feet gave evidence of age and with age comes experience.

“Now my little pet, what’s this having difficulty with climaxing about?”


The table felt hard and she felt unusually exposed as she lay upon it. A brief thought ran through her mind of the dinners, the discussions, homework, projects, the activities that had taken place on this very table, she recalled choosing the color, the deep red and the painting project and decorating the dining room, now she was the center piece.

She looked up to the ceiling as she felt his hands grip her waist and pull her bottom to the edge, before slipping his finger into the elastic waist band of the delicate panties. He gently pulled them off after which she played her legs, opening for him, nothing hidden. He brought the panties to his face as he drew a deep breath, taking in her lucky scent before discarding them. Her legs high and wide slipped over his shouldersas he sat in the chair. Dripping with desire, being the main course the attention was not to her usual submissive self, this was certainly different but he desired it and what he desired, she desired. He wanted to taste her, feast upon her, to devour her.

Feeling his lips and mouth gently cares her inner thighs, one then the other moving slowly down to her shame folders, her back arched as his hands squeezed her waist, Feeling her skin as his head diplomad between her legs.

“Oh, sir please…” A whisper issued from her mouth as his tongue brushed her outer labia.

Her taste was exhaust as he began exploring her delicate folds with the tip of the tongue. He was slow, methodical, exploring as he licked. Up and around the outer petals before the member explored deeper. Her body responding, with a tense contraction of her core muscles, at that very moment she wanted him to take her forcedly, fast, in an angry fashion. She desired his body to slam into her without mercy,Relieving the pressure building within her. She felt the grip of his hand as he stopped for a moment.

“Relax little pet, relax and enjoy this, ease your mind.”

The words caused her tension to abate slightly, as she felt the tongue return to its exploration, digging deeper, a hand moved from her waist to the flat of her stomach, feeling the soft flesh of her belly

“Oh my god…” She murmured at the sensings, her body began responding involuntarily, heat, flush, her heart began to race as her hands moved to his head, feeling, pushing, pulling subtlety as her hips began to understand to his hungry mouth.

Suddenly he stopped again, he looked up from between her legs, her juices dripped from his lower lip, running down his chin. She began coming back to reality for a moment wondering why he stopped.

“Keep your arms over your head, my little pet. You have no control here. I am eating you because I want to taste you, I want your reactions, your hands do notbelong on me at this moment. You do not guide or direct this, your pleasure is present because I want it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

She was beginning to feel the torment, God she just wanted him to continue his eating. Slowly she moved her arms over her hear, arching her back trying to entire him to her. His eyes did not move from her as his tongue slowly lowered, touching her clip, slow circle movements. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her nipples hardened from the quick scolding. She murmured…

“God, please..Sir!”

She felt the tongue glide easily down her wet swollen slit, the member worked as his hand moved lower on her soft stomach, his thumb paid slowly to find her swollen clip, rubbing ever slow as his tongue glided lightly down, savoring, tasting.


This was all she could muster to the slow deliberate movements, the combinations of his mouth, lips breath and tongue was getting to her very being. He took his time, savoring,tasting, licking, sucking her flesh. A gentle bite and pull could be felt from time to time, and the suction of his mouth to her folds drew the blood out, pumping the flesh. She was feeling the heat as her whole body began to respond to the attention. His hand moved slowly to the back of her knee pushing her up and farther apart as he slip his tongue down tasting every part of both her holes without reservation. Her body arched in response. He drew his hands down her inner tighs to her pussy and lower leg, he slowly slipped the fore and middle fingers, palm up. Feeling her wetness and the buck of her hips at the invasion. The fingers began a slow ‘come here’ motion as his tongue found her clip and licked attentively. The wetness coating the fingers, which he slowly pulled from the slit. Rotating his hand, palm down he pushes the thumb in, immediately completing the wetness of the entire hand. Pushing in then out several times, feeling her wet tunnel as her body bucked to each thrust. Finally pulling out he moved the thumb to her pumped ass hole, slow yet sure her simply pushed it into her tight ass.

Her eye flew open as she gasped!


Her chest heaving now, as he slowly pushed then pulled the thumb in small strokes as he slipped two fingers into her pussy, working simultaneously as his free hand found a breast, the finger and thumb gripped the hardened nipple as his tongue once again began massaging her clip once more.

Her body began convulsing as her eyes rolled back from the waves of the orgasm. Her body continued convulsing as the tongue worked savagely.

“Oh, Please…fuck!…Sir…Fuck!”

Her hips bucked and her legs closed tight on him as she convulsed, yet he continued licking savagely while using his hand in both holes. He could feel the retractions in her ass as each wave hit her. Waves of lust ran though her body. He slowly pulled his thumb out of her ass hole, each contract was as if the tiny muscle was trying to grip the digit, feeling it she moaned as the orgasm began to subside. He eases from the licking and slowly pulled the fingers away from her now soaked wet pussy.

He stood up slipping his hand to the back of her knees, he lined his hard cock to the wet slit. One easy firm thrust, he entered her to the hilt as he leaned over her. Her body responded by the invasion and an audible gasp. He slowly pushed his hips deeper then retracted slightly, pushing again as he watched her, he dipped low and kissed her exposed neck, whispering.

“Good little pet, you cum quite well. Hmmmm.”

He felt her wetness coating the shake and balls as he pushed deep into her. A wet mess, the table had their juices on it yet it didn’t matter. He pulled back slightly allowing the erection free, her head rocked back and forth in a semi consciousness fashion, dazed. Feeling the cock at her ass hole, the natural luxury of her pussy and his saliva let his enflamed member press into hertight bud. He was slow and mindful, careful not to hurt his precious property yet he needed every part of her.

“Ohhh, Sir.”

Her body tensed yet, willingly giving herself to him. She didn’t care, she needed to serve him in any way she could. He began rocking his hip pushing in then out, sodomizing his little pet. Pushing her legs open and back he could see her pussy was wet, her juice flowing out. His muscles were tensing the orgasm building. He slowly pulled out of her ass, he did it all so very slow. Pulling away from her he released her, his body was tense and ready as he went to the edge of the table where her head was rocking back and forth in state of ecstasy her eyes slowly opened half was as if drugged, gripping her neck and jaw, he moved the tip of the swollen, precum coated cock to her mouth, which opened involuntarily. Her limits were being crossed but she didn’t care now, her only mission, her soul purpose was to please him. She desired nothing more than to drinkk him, to serve her master.

She wrapped her lips around the head of the delicious member, suckling, tasting. His hand grapp her neck and jaw again, controlling her as he thrust gently in, then pulled away. Stroking himself he pulled the erection up, exposing the tests. She knew what to do as her tongue and mouth bathed the sac, he moaned slight at the attention to the sensitive jewels. He continued to stroke and cares her bare neighbor as she licked and gently sucked his balls. He gently thrust into her throat as both his hands now grazed her neck gently, pushing deep as she opened her throat taking him all in. He pulled out so she could suckle the head.

“I’m going to cum now.” He was calm as if it were a mere off hand statement.

“You may feed…” The member pulsed as the thick semen began shooting into her hungry mouth wave after wave. She was careful not to lose any of his gift. After a few moments their eyes met and he whispers to her.

“My little pet, thisis your purpose. Everything else is secondary.”

No reply was needed, she knew he spoke the truth.


“I would like to thank everyone for this award, it was a team effort.”

She returned to the table where her workers were assembled, the company had met and accelerated all the year end goals. The clients were very happy and everyone was patting her on the back for leading the team to success.

Looking at the others as she spread her legs slightly, letting her pussy air. She enjoyed the ‘no panties’ directive on her big award night, it reminded her of who she really was. Her husband leaned over and gave a congratulatory hug and peck on the cheese.

“Good job honey, I’m proud of you.”

Looking down at the table. Ah, “The table” she thought to herself as Everyone faded into the background. Her hand laid flat upon it, feeling the hard surface. Her mind wandered back remembering his eyes looking down at her, his hands on her neck, his cock deep in her throat. She could feel the juice running down her inner thigh as she shifted in her seat. She smiled to her husband and looked down at her hand on the table, after a few moments she whispered softly…

“Thank you Sir.”


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