Nora stared at the reflection looking back at her. Her eyes fixed specifically on the black leather collar locked around her neck, which stood out against her pale white skin. Her fingers reached up and touched the padlock; it not only secured the collar in place but made her feel safe. She appeared to look calm and content, even happy as the sides of her mouth turned up into a slight smile.
While many on the outside would see the collar simply as a sign of her imprisonment. She did not. She saw it to resemble a wedding ring, which signed the love and commitment between her and her Master. It was something which she had earned and wore with pride. It took dedication and effort, it was more than just a simple gift, it was her life.
She turned around to check the time on the clock. 5:28pm. She removed the silk robe, exposing her bare body to the breeze coming in from the open window. She ran her fingers through her hair and with the corner of her nail wiped away a bitof smudged lipstick. By 5:30pm she was knelt completely naked, with the exception of her collar, before the door, eagerly waiting for the return of her Master.
One Year Earlier
With a flick of her wrist Nora sent the long thin tail of the whip striking across the bare back of the chained submissive. The screams of pain which echoed throughout the dungeon bought a smile to her face. Nothing managed to please Her more than listening to the screams of a vulnerable submissive.
The whip in her right hand made her feel powerful. Not many people would dare defy a person who had such an instrument of torture at their disposal. Though not many people on the scene were willing to disobey Nora anyway. Even a number of her fellow dominants found themselves kneeling at her feet just to avoid her intimidating and cold look of disapproval.
Nora Grant was considered to be a great Dominatrix, infact that was an understanding. Her report was well known by just aboutAnyone on the scene. She was seen as a bit of a celebration, Submissives wanted her to Dom them and Dom’s wanted her to train them. Though Nora never entered a scene with any intention of starting a relationship, she was here for the play and enjoyment.
“I don’t hear you counting.” She said with a hint of fake announcement in her tone, which caused Nicky, the naked submissive to whimper even more. She stopped her rhythm with the whip and placed her hand on her hip. The gesture was pointless. The poor scared submissive was blindfolded and chained to the wall, her back facing Nora and the crowd of spectators, who crowded around the viewing window.
“S-sorry Mistress.” Nicky whispered, her words even more muffled by the sobs she tried so hard to withhold.
“Your apologies mean nothing to me.” Nora raised the whip and stricked the naked female across the back, watching with satisfaction as the body tried to squirm away. “You forget to count, so now we must start again.”
“B-but please Mistress. Please I promise I-I won’t do it again.” The submissive begged. Nora let out a loud laugh, and walked over to the sub. She ran her fingers along the new marks with her gloved hands, and watched as Nicky tried to avoid her touch. Nora had to admit to herself that these marks were already coming along quite nicely.
“You disobeyed me and now you are arguing against my word.” Nora whispered into Nicky’s ear. “My word which if you remember, is law in this dungeon. You are just a worthless submissive who obviously must be reminded of her place. Aren’t you?” Nicky nodded in agreement, feeling broken. Nora finally got what she wanted. “Now you are going to count these strokes, otherwise my arm is ready to go all night.” Nora began to reminisce of a scene she had done just a few months ago, where she had literally spent the night whipping a masochist middle-aged man. Those circumstances were very different, he deprived pleasure from pain, and Nora who possessed slightly sadistic tendencies, managed to find pleasure from it too. But now while it was a very overdue punishment for Nicky, Nora had always known and understood Nicky’s hatred to pain.
Nicky was a regular playmate/submissive of Nora’s and by far her favorite. Though it was the recent cheese, along with the frequent reports from other Dom’s about Nicky’s disrespectful behavior that made Nora realized Nicky not only deserved to be punished, but was practically becoming for one. Nora knew deep down Nicky enjoyed the punishment, but she was determined not to give her any chance to enjoy it. This time she wanted her to learn. She wanted the pain to be remembered. Punishments were meant to be a bad thing, not something to be begged for.
Nora fell back and allowed herself to sink into the large plus sofa, that was one of many positioned to one corner of the clubs main room. She rubbed her right wrist trying to ease the pain from the whipping session that had just taken place. Ithad been a while since she had done a proper session like that, and she had begun to fall out of practice. From her seat she was in the perfect position to keep an eye on Nicky. The whipping hadn’t been the end of the punishment. With barely a moment to recover Nora had sent Nicky off the grab a white maids apron from behind the bar, and join some of her fellow submissives in serving drinks to the members. She had tried to protest, arguing that she was in too much pain, that she was tired, that she needed some aftercare, Nora quickly stopped these protests in the form of a ball gag. Part of her felt slightly bad sending Nicky off to prolong her punishment, especially when all she wanted to do herself was taking care of her play toy, but she couldn’t resist the possibility to make the punishment worse. Plus she enjoyed having her play toy of the night serve her drinks after a session. She carefully followed Nicky’s every jolted step and stumble, laughing to herself a couple of times. Playing waitress for a couple of hours was far too easy, even after a whipping session. Instead she decided to make it all the more fun for herself and her fellow spectators to watch. Nicky’s ankles had been cuffed together with a 5inch long chain, her wrist cuffs both attached to an even shorted chain, and one which linked them up to the ankle chain. She was left helpless and vulnerable to anyone who wanted a go. With a black marker Nora had written,’Hello my name is Slut. I have been a very disrespectful sub recently, and am now paying for my actions. I have been ordered to be on my best behavior and show the highest amount of respect to both Dom’s and subs. If I fail to do so please feel free to discipline me.” Which covered the majority of her front. She had also been told to recite these words to each person she was to serve tonight.
“So that was quite a scene you put on there Nora.” Rob, the owner of the club said as he took a seat across from her. Nora turned to face him andfrom the corner of her eye saw his naked submissive, Katie follows behind. Her eyes were concentrated on the floor before she knelt by her Dom’s feet. “Nice to see you putting on a proper scene again.”
“Well we can’t have people thinking that I’m going soft now can we.” Nora laughed. Much like herself she didn’t believe Rob looked like a Dom, especially one who owned one of the most known BDSM clubs in the country. He held the appearance of what she would describe as a mid-twenties office worker. He was about the average height for a male, slightly on the skinny side and had a attractive look about him. His appearance was almost nothing when you compared him to some of the other Dom’s in the room, that stood at a threatening 6ft average, with broad shoulders and a muscle build. His sub however Keep the classic view for her role. She was a small petite and naturally pretty woman. In her mid-twenties and devoted her life literally to Rob. While Nora never really believed in the existence of ‘natural’ subs, she would probably describe Katie as one. Katie would do anything Rob asked her to without a moment of hesitation. Nora had never heard Rob complain ever that Katie had misbehaved and needed to be punished. She was as perfect as a sub could be.
“Sub find Nicky and tell her I want a drink.” Nora ordered dismissively, “She knows what I’ll have.” With her eyes still staring at the floor, Katie crawled over to Nora and stopped right next to her feet.
“Miss Nora, I will be more than willing to get you a drink myself.” Katie was also always one to try and please everyone around her, perhaps that was what made her such a good sub. Everything she did appeared to be something to prove how much of a good submissive she was, and Nora hated it.
“Katie she did not ask for you to get her a drink, she asked you to go and tell Nicky to fetch her one. Once your done with that you can grab a tray and get serving to, if your so willing to please. On your feetand off you go.” Rob interrupted. Katie shot up to her feet and nodded her head, before weaving her way through the seating area to find Nicky.
Less than five minutes later Nicky returned. It was the sound of the small chains closing together that first alerted Nora to her arrival, but she carried on a pretence that she hadn’t noticed she had arrived. As she carried on her conversation with Rob, she watched Nicky from the corner of her eye, trying to stand as still as she could. While she only held a tray with a single drink on it, there was obvious signs of her struggle as she fought against her chains for freedom.
“So next Thursday then, 8 o clock.” Nora clarified. Rob had came over requesting her help for a rope play scene. Rope play definitely want Nora’s area of expertise, but Rob believed that the best person to teach all the newbies was to have someone who had only just learn the basics themselves.
“Yes. I know its a bit awkward, but less people are willing to show up for a lesson before the club opens on Fridays.” Rob replied, “Anyway I’ve got some socializing to do, and you have a punishment to finish from the looks of things.” Rob gave a quick smile to Nicky and a pat on her bare ass, before walking off.
“Your drink Mistress.” Nicky said, placing the glass of diet coke in Nora’s outstretched hand. She still said no word to Nicky, and instead chose to simply wave her hand, dismissing her.
Now once again alone, Nora went back to her enjoyment of the night, watching Nicky. She was a few tables from where Nora sat, she knelt by the feet of what appeared to be a Dom and Mistress couple with a naked male sub sat on the floor between them both. Nora watched as Nicky’s lips moved, recalling the words written on her body. She then bent her head and offered the tray up to the couple.
“I must say Nora, I would of found your subs punishment much more pleasant if you were the one being whipped.” Nora heard the familiar voice of Lucas, a fellow dominant says as she turned around to face.
“Unfortunately the chances of me subbing are next to none. You on the other hand would do anything with the offer of a sexy woman at the end of it. Or so I’ve heard.” She replied, trying to hide her distaste in her voice. Lucas nodded his head in agreement before taking the seat which Rob had just occurred. Nora attempted to ignore him, and Turned her attention to an amateur rope play scene going on. The Dom looked as if he was struggling to successfully tie his submissive to the apparatus properly.
Nora had only a few encounters with Lucas before. He often traveled between London and Manchester for work, so rarely had time to visit the club. During those few encounters she learn very quickly to loathe everyone bone in the mans body, one in particular. He was what she called a ‘typical lad’; he loved the sexy, attractive and skinny blondes, he loved control, he loved sex, but he loved himself more than anything.The only thing she actually liked about him, with the exception of his undeniably good looks, was that he was poorly skilled Dom. She had seen a few scenes that he had put on, and each was more erotic and kinky then any she had seen before. He appeared to be a natural at dominating, just everything about the way he acted during a scene made his play partners bow down to commands without a moments hesitation, an actual rare site on the scene. Nora herself often found his scenes lingering in her mind for days, if not weeks later. His voice, the way he commanded, the way he touched, everything about him when in Dom mode just added to her addition.
“I’m sure you would let out such sweet screams of pain, as that whip sliced through your skin.” Lucas said, a hint of amusement appearing in his eye, as he watched Nora’s jaw clnch.
“Ha!” Nora replied, she turned to look at him, instantly regretting her decision as she felt her body quiver with lust. “As if you have any chanceof making me scream. I’ve seen you handle a whip and it’s hardly anything to boast about.”
“Give me a chance to prove what me and my whip can do to you then.”
“I don’t sub for anyone, even the almighty Master Lucas.” Lucas stood up from the sofa, and croouched infront of Nora. His hand reached out and stroked the side of her cheek. Her body became stiff and her breathing hard, as she Debated whether to slap him or kiss him.
“Those words sound so beautiful coming from your lips.” His finger ran down her cheek and across her lips. She felt herself moving closer to him. She felt nothing but desire to be touching his lips with her own. “Plus we don’t want people thinking your a chicken now do we.” He said, as he pulled away last minute, a smile on his face. He knew he was the one in control.
“Ok.” She said, her face turning a shade a vibrant shade of red. “Next Friday night. A ten minute session where you can do whatever you want to me, within my limits.”
“AndWhat do I get if I win?” Nora shrugged, “If I make you scream, cry or beg for mercy, then you will be my submissive for the next month.”
“Ok.” Nora nodded, “But if I win then you never return to his club.”
“Deal.” They both said in unison. They shook each others hand, both feeling equally as determined as the other to win.
“I’ll be seeing you next weekend to claim my price.” He turned at her. His hand moved up her leather clad leg. Her clip yearned for his touch.
Then he was gone.
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