The Switch Pt. 03: FDom

Kora had scripted the evening very carefully, all scenes with significant symbolism and particular psychological and physical effects.

Now she just needed to buy the last few items herself. Getting an urgent lengthy appointment at the tattoo parlour had been the most difficult thing to organize. It was some work she’d wanted done for some time, but this would take some time and would still be quite sore by Saturday. It was only fair that she too should suffer some pain.

She had avoided writing to Jonathan during the week but had confirmed that she was ready on her part. He had replied instantly.

Nexus: “I will go ahead and email you the guest list as soon as I have it all taken care of. I am looking forward to Saturday, Kora. I have a feeling it is going to be an intense experience for both of us.”

Saturday came at last. Kora had got her last props delivered to the manor and was now ringing the doorbell.

Nexus was waiting by the door for Kora to arrive.He couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous about the game, but he was also excited.

“I’m so glad to see you here tonight, Kora. I’ve been looking forward to this all week. Come in, come in.”

Kora was feeling a little tension herself. For this to work, everything would have to be orchestrated perfectly. And she would have to set the right tone from the beginning.

“Good Evening, Jonathan.” She said formally. “I’d like you to go to your bedroom now where you will wait for me. Do not change clothes, don’t do anything but wait for your instructions.”

Nexus was surprised by her tone, but he followed her instructions and headed to his bedroom as she commanded. He felt his appreciation build as he waited for her instructions, but it was also intermixed with a growing sense of anticipation.

Kora took several deep breaths standing outside of Jonathan’s bedroom door, trying to channel calm and collected authority.

As he waited, Jonathan’s mind was filled with thoughughts and images of what her instructions might be. His reveries were punctuated by the occasional flicker of anticipation when he imagined her opening the door. When she eventually did, he remained still and silent, waiting for her first instruction.

When she opened the door, he was waiting for her. Kora approached him, her voice sombre as she spoke. “You are to spend the time until the scene in quiet meditation. You will be contemplating the concepts of light and shadow. Please knee.”

Jonathan nodded his head in understanding, and he moved to a kneeing position on the floor. Body memory from countless previous meditations took over, as he took several deep breaths and began to move into a place of quiet reflection.

“I will assist your practice by using some sense deprivation. I will now blindfold you.” Kora moved just Behind Jonathan’s kneeing body, allowing him momentarily to lean back against her while she tied the blindfold around his eyes. She could sense quite how much he didn’t want to show his nerves.

The moment of touch sent a surge of electricity through Jonathan’ body. He felt her closeness, and a part of him wanted to lean back further against her so that they could be in even more contact. But he reversed from doing so, wanting to remain distributed for the game. He let her lead and allowed her to blindfold him.

Kora took hold of his shoulders and followed His arms down to his wrists which she brought together behind his back with some soft leather cuffs. She ran her fingers gently over his wrists as she clicked the cuffs shut.

“You are now to wait. I will permit you one question before I go.”

Jonathan was very aware of how she was touching him, taking in her warmth and her presence. He was also slightly anxious about the cuffs, but he was determined to follow her instructions as he was waiting. He took a deep breath, having to think about his question for a moment.

“May I ask how long you want me towait before you return?”

“Your guests will be arrived in 3 hours. You should expect me shortly before that. Time will feel long, I hope you are a good meditator.” She answered formally but not unkindly.

Jonathan felt a twinge of nervousness at the thought of waiting so long, but he also understands her reasoning for wanting him to meditate for that amount of time. He gave a slight nod in acknowledgement.

“I think I will manage, Kora. And I should be able to maintain a good meditation practice for this time. Is there anything else I should know before you leave?”

“Do you trust me?” She deliberately asked him the same question he had asked her on the last night she spent in this house.

Jonathan immediately realized the significance of her question, and he considered it for a moment before answering.

“Yes, I trust you. Completely.”

Kora left the room in silence, she had much to do before the audience arrived. When they did come she would need themfully briefed. She wondered how Jonathan would deal with the sensing deprivation for 3 hours and hoped it would have the desired effect.

Jonathan began his meditation. At first he was able to focus, but as time progressed, he began to get anxious, questioning what he had let himself in for. The blindfold and the cuffs were a constant reminder of the fact that he was completely at her mercy. But he knew he had to trust in her and her plan for him.

The time had finally come. Kora crossed Jonathan’s now dark bedroom in total silence. He was kneeing as she had left him, his body quite still. Kora approached him silently only to put an unexpected finger under his chin.

The sudden touch from Kora took him completely by surprise, and he felt a momentary flicker of fear. But then he realized that it was her finger Touching his chin, not anything more alarming, and his body relaxed slightly. He remained still, keeping his chin up lightly against her touch as he allowed her to lead him.

“Stand up.”

Jonathan obeyed her command and stood up, doing as he was told. His body felt stiff and shaky, having kneeeled for three hours, and he had to fight to keep his balance, but his mind was surprisingly calm.

“Do not move!” Kora started to peel the clothes off his body, her hands gentle but precision, until he was left entirely naked.

Jonathan felt both exposed and vulnerable as Kora slowly undressed him, but at the same time he couldn’t help getting aroused by her touch.

Kora attached the leather chas to his waist. These would leave him almost entirely exposed, on both the front and the rear of his body. She searched the pocket of her cloak for a tiny bell, which she pressed into Jonathan’s hand. ‘With any luck, Kora thought, ‘his senses should be Heightened now and he should be feeling at least a little vulnerable.’

“If at any time you need this to stop, then drop the bell! I will gag you now. Open your mouth.” She said with a calm determination.

Jonathan experienced a mix of emotions, feeling both nervous and aroused, unable to separate the feelings in his mind. He took the bell from her hand and nodded his understanding. As she pushed the ball gag into his open mouth, he almost panicked after all. He had no idea how helpless he would feel being unable to speak.

She sensed it in him then, sensed that she was pushing him outside his comfort zone.

“You will follow me now.’” Kora put a hand on the small of his back and led him out of the room to the theatre, the stage and the awaiting audience.

Jonathan was taken aback by just how exposed he felt, as Kora led him out of the room and onto the stage, realising that the audience was waiting for him. The exposure from his outfit had heightened his senses in a way that he couldn’t have put into words. He could feel the air flowing over his body, increasing aware of eyes that were fixed on him.

Kora guided him onto the stage, where she let go of him leaving him standing alone in the space. Her footsteps continued for a few steps. Then all was silent.

The silence was deafening, making him aware of the tiniest sounds from the audience. He felt a slight tingle of fear, but also a growing arousal.

“On. Your. Knees.” The authority in Kora’s voice was absolute.

Jonathan immediately obeyed her command and dropped to his knees. His body was trembling slightly, and he was feeling a deep sense of surrender as he was completely at her mercy.

Kora gestured to two assistants, Josephine and Lorelei. “Remove the blindfold and the gag!”

At the same time she wordlessly waved at the guy in charge of the lighting.

As the blindfold and the gag were removed from Jonathan’s body, he was left in the blinding light of a spotlight, completely unable to see. He felt the heat and the glare of the light on his body.

“Dear audience!” Kora’s voice reverberated through the large room. “Brought before your mercy is Jonathan, although you may know him under another name. Jonathan has fallen under the spell of darkness. Power and wealth have poor him, yet there is still hope for him,” Kora announced theatrically, before she stepped forward into the circle of light, so Jonathan could see her.

Jonathan’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he realized what she was doing, not only putting him on display but practically putting him on trial in front of the entire audience. He had expected that she might take some sort of action against him in front of them, but he could never have imagined that she would reveal his true identity.

Kora approached him. She wore nothing but a leather corset and G-string of pure white. Her back, shoulders and arms are entirely covered in one impressive tattoo: angel wings.

Jonathan was mesmerised by the sight, finding himself staring at her body as she approached him, his mind filled with a mixture of emotions: arousal, fascination, fear and admission. He was unable to take his eyes off her as she moved closer towards him. He felt completely at her mercy.

Kora moved in very close, so close he could almost feel her warmth. She lifted Jonathan’s chin with her finger, so all could see his face.

“Jonathan, do you confess to a gross abuse of your power and status?”

He found himself completely unable to speak as he was confronted with Kora and the audience all around him. His mind filled with endless justifications and excuses, but as he looked into Kora’s eyes, he couldn’t get any words out and found himself nodding his head in acknowledgement.

“Good, Jonathan.” She smiled, aware that he might yet regret asking her to use his name throughout the scene.

“Do you wish to be redeemed, Jonathan?”

Jonathan looked into Kora’s eyes and felt a spark of defiance spark inside him. He realized that this might be his only chance to get out of this situation, and he decided to act on it, giving a firm nod of stability.

Kora stroked his cheek, then held his chin in her hand once more.

“Do you swear to do exactly as I say for the duration of this scene?”

For a moment, Jonathan was tempted to refuse her, not sure that he wanted to give so much control over to her, but then he heard his own voice saying hoarsely: “I swear to do exactly as you say, Kora.”

“Good boy! Josephine, Lorelei, reapply the blindfold and the gag.”

Josephine and Lorelei stepped forward and began to reapply the blindfold and the gag to Jonathan. As they did, he felt a sudden rush of emotion as he began to realize just how truly powerless he was in this situation. His mind was clouded, even as he tried to understand why he didn’t put a stop to this.

“Stand up!”

He felt completely isolated from the outside world, but he didn’t hesitate to obey the command to stand up. He rose to his feet and tried to maintain his composition.

Kora instructed the red-haired man she knew from her own scene to attach Jonathan’s bound wrists to the ceiling.

“Then let us begin!”

Jonathan felt his muscles stretch and his arms being pulled up high, leaving him completely exposed to the audience. The strain on his arms was intense, and his shoulders and back started to ache, while he struggled to stay standing. His mind was filled with a mixture of fear and disappoint, but underneath that he was Also beginning to feel a deep sense of surrender. He was completely in her control and he could not resist her in any way…

Kora stepped close to him, realising that she hated seeing him in that much disappoint. For a split second she felt like dropping the whole idea. She put her hands on his shoulders, massaging and stroking his tight muscles. “You are going to be ok.” She whispered. “This will all be ok.”

Jonathan felt a wave of relief sweep through his body as her hands started to massage his tight muscles. Her touch felt so soothing and calming, that he began to relax under her hands. He let out a soft breath and nodded his head slightly as he allowed himself to be comfortable.

“Are you ready for more? Remember I’m here every step of the way. I have got you.” She said it so quietly that no one else could hear. Just him and Kora.

Jonathan responded with a slight nod of his head. He felt the strength of her assurance, and he trusted that she would guide him through this experience. She was his comfort and his support in this situation, and for now that was enough. He swallowed and nodded his head again, a bit more sufficiently.

Pain. This would start with pain.

And she would start it herself, building it up slowly.

Kora chose the thin riding crop from the table of implements and started struggling his chest with it. His body tensed – it was his own crop and he knew very well what it could do. He felt a wave of fear and appreciation, but he also understands that this was what needed to happen. He tried to relax and let Kora’s touch lead him towards the pain…

Kora gave him the tiniest flick with the crop. Square on the chest. He felt a sudden jolt of pain. He had been expecting it but still he winced and felt a slight ripple of shock running through his body. At the same time there was a spark of defiance and a surge of pride as he realized that he was able to withstand the pain.

She returned to stroking him with the whip, sensitively all over his torso.


Jonathan felt every flick as it landed on his body, and each one sent a sharp jolt of pain through him. But he also felt an erotic thrill that accompanied the pain, and he started to get used to the sensing. He tried to relax and allow Kora to lead him deeper into this experience.

Stroke and flick. And stroke and flick. The chest, then the nipples where he least expected it. Then the back, at last the buttons. Stroke and flick, the frequent getting faster now, but still light.

His entire body was awash in sensing. The strokes and flicks of the whip felt both painful and erotic. He let out a moan of frustration and pleasure as the strikes landed in rapid succession, covering every inch of his torso and his backside. And he found himself unable to resist Kora’s control as she took him to greater heights of sensing.

Kora heard him moan, his breath quickening. She could see that he was surrendering to sensing. She stopped and brought her head close to his ear. “Are you ready for more, Jonathan?”

He gave a quick nod of his head as he felt the intensity of the sensings growing inside him. The pleasure and the pain were beginning to become intertwined, and he found himself submitting to her lead.

“Then ask for it Jonathan. Ask nicely.” She said, as she briefly removed the gag.

He struggled to speak, his mouth slightly dry and drooling from the gag. He took a deep breath in and out and then made his request. His voice was a little shaky, but he did his best to speak in a clear and firm tone.

“Please, Kora, I would like more…”

“Well done Jonathan”. She gently stroked his hair, moving a sweaty lock from his browser, and reattached the gag. She had thought to let others administrator the pain, but she felt close to him now. He was hers and she would do this for him. She chose the cat-of-nine-tails and moved around to his back, while he waited in anticipation.

Jonathan’s body was trembling and tingling as Kora stepped away. He was filled with a deep sense of anticipation and a slight touch of fear. He was unsure of what was going to come, arousal pulsing in him, as he waited for the pain to begin.

Kora raised her arms in the air and brought the flogger down on his back with some force. Thwack!

He gasped and jerked forward with the first strike of the flogger, and he felt a sharp surge of pain throughout his body. His muscles tightened and he moaned with pleasure and pain, and he could feel the sensing of blood rushing through his body. It was a sharp pain, but also a sensitive arousing pain, and he was completely surrendering to it.

And again, thwack!

The second strike hit and he felt another sharp jolt of pain. It pierced his body and he felt his muscles twitching and tensioning in response. The sensing moved through his body, cursing through his veins and filling him with a rising sensing of euphoria and arousal.

She targeted his buttocks now. Thwack!

Jonathan let out a sharp groan as one of the strikes landed just right on his buttocks. The sensing was pain and pleasure all at once. He felt the sharp sensing of pain, but at the same time he felt a surge of arousal rising inside him. He was totally exposed here, exposed to Kora’s touch and her control, and that sensing added to his excitement.

Kora finally found herself getting aroused, not by the pain or the control, but the involuntary pleasure she was causing him. She had never seen him look soglowing, so close to abandonment. He was beautiful!


The strike to his buttocks feel even sharper than the others. It connected just right and sent a deep jolt of pleasure through his body. He let out a sharp groan as he feel the sensings of pain and pleasure combining together. He could feel the arousal building in him, and he gave in to feeling utterly exposed and defenceless letting go fully into the experience.

When Kora moved around his body, she could see the telltale sign of his arousal. He really was a glorious sight.

Every time the whip struck, it stirred a surge of sensings within him that was both painful and erotic. And as Kora continued to move around his body, he could not help but feel more and more exposed to her gaze and her touch.


The Sensation got more intense with each blow, and he felt a surge of adrenaline flowing through his body. He gave out another sharp moan, and he could feel his body starting to tremblewith excitement.

Kora suddenly stopped. He was left alone in his riot of sensing, not knowing why it was stopping. His body was trembling and tingling in this intense mixture of pain and pleasure. It felt like a sea of ​​sensings, swirling around him, overwhelming him, and he didn’t know what to do with himself as he waited for it to start again. Frustration and anticipation rose in equal measure as he waited for her return.

Kora meanswhile had gestured to the audience to form an orderly queue. This had been agreed in advance and Jonathan could see none of it. He had no idea what was happening.

It was an agonising few moments as he waited. He sensed something going on behind the scenes, but was eager for her to continue what she’d started. He tried to keep his mind open and to be ready for whatever was to come, his body trembling with anticipation.

Josephine was the first. She ran her hands over Jonathan’s chest and back, stroking and gently titilling.

Jonathan gasped in shock at her touch, a spark of excitement igniting him as he felt her hands touching him. He leant into the sensing, eager to let himself be fully affected by the touch and to surrender himself to the sensing. Unable to see anything, he sensed a second pair of hands now starting to fondle his buttons. His body’s response was immediately, the sensing both thrillingly arousing and curiously comfortable at the same time.


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