Kora woke in the semi-darkness of Nexus’s bedroom. Here too the affluence was apparent. Black silk sheets, minimalist design, all signs of money and power if you know what to look for.
Nexus was still sleeping heavily by her side. She was happy to have a chance to reflect on last night’s events: the power play, the humiliation, forced exhibitionism, the withholding of touch until he had fully broken her down. Was that really what she wanted? This was a dangerous man, dangerous to her. She would have to ignore his magnetism and remove herself. There was no other choice.
She slide carefully out of the bed and attempted to find herself some clothes – after he had so impressively torn her dress to shreds. She slide into his shirt and a pair of denims she found lying around and silently left the room. Outside she found her handbag and called herself a taxi. Half an hour later she was on the way back to her hotel in central London.
Nexus continued to sleep deeply, his breathing low and even. He was still in his state of satisfied slumber from their recent love-making. As he lay there, he unconsciously felt a void where Kora’s presence had been, and he slowly became aware of her absence. He opened his eyes, and he sat up in bed, looking around the room. He saw the clothes that she had been wearing the previous night, now disclosed on the floor. He realized that she had left the room, and he felt a wave of loneliness and emptiness wash over him…
Kora returned to her hotel, but couldn’t settle down. She had planned to use the night’s events as an inspiration for her current erotic novel. But it had all been rather too close for comfort.
She kept getting flashbacks to being trusted up on that stage, flashbacks to Nexus’s ruthless manipulation of his volunteers which he had used to torque her. Anger started growing in her belly, hurt, humiliated anger.
Nexus sat quietly in the room, his thoughts turning over and over in his mind. He wasFeeling a sense of discomfort and emptiness, and he was also confused by the sudden turn of events. He could not understand why Kora had left so abruptly, and he was worried about her. He had also begun to question his own actions and behavior, wondering whether he went too far last night. He felt troubled and disabled, and he was beginning to feel some remorse for the way he treated her…
‘Rich men, powerful men,’ Kora thought as she paced her room. ‘Nobody ever calls them on their shit. They are allowed to get away with murder and we worship at their charismatic feet. But I’m not having it!’
She opened up her laptop and loaded her erotic blog. She had about 1 million followers around the world, so if she wanted to expose him that would be the place to do it. She’d write a draft. It was still early. Who know, maybe the man would have the good sense to contact her before she could post it.
Blog heading: Pain or pleasure, my night with the famous Nexus
Kora started to type, relaying the events of the night in her own words. This was going to go viral. And it would ruin his reputation.
A complex mix of emotions went through her. The feeling of power was quite heady now. She understands herself well enough to see that she was using this to build herself up again, after he systematically dismantled her boundaries last night.
But then, she had consented, she hadn’t said no, had taken pleasure in it even. And then there was love-making at the end…
Nexus remained in his room. He had been sitting there for quite a while now, and he was still thinking about her and his own behavior. He was contemplating messaging her and apologising…What should he say? What would be an appropriate apology for the way he had treated her last night? But hesitated, he wasn’t used to apologising. He was used to being in charge and he hated the idea of looking desperate.
Kora stared at her completed blog post draft. Her finger hovered over the publish button, but she couldn’t do it. Maybe she should contact him and demand…what? An apology? In any case she had no contact details for him, there had only been the invitation. The man was an enigma and she certainly wasn’t going out to his mansion again.
Kora’s mobile chimed: message request.
Could that be… She accepted the message request and started to read.
Nexus: “Hello Kora. I’m sorry that I did not contact you sooner. I have been reflecting on our evening together, and I am realising that I may have gone too far with you last night. I know that I am at least partially to blow for the way things turned out, and I want to express my sincerest apologies. I have been thinking of you, and I would like to meet with you again, if you’re willing, to discuss our situation and find a way to resolve it…”
Kora’s heart was beating rapidly as she read his message. Even in writing he felt too close. She desperately needed to set some boundaries in her comcommunication with him.
Kora: “Hi. I don’t know if you are geneuine or deceiving yourself, but you seemed to be acting entirely in character last night. I don’t think you made a mistake, you played it exactly as you saw fit. It is just unfortunate that you cannot be honest about it now. Kora”
Nexus chuckled to himself as he read her response. Here was a chance to get back in his comfort zone, ready to meet her head-on instead of being passive and apologising.
Nexus: “Well, that’s quite a response. I admit that I did have a plan for last night, but that plan went way off course a few times. I guess I was more ruthless than I expected myself to be, but I also feel like I learned a lot about you. It was certainly an interesting experience, and I am still processing it all…”
Kora: “Well that was a little more honest perhaps. Let me know if you come to any conclusions. K.”
What was she doing, Kora wondered. Why didn’t she just cease communication, rather than letting herself be drawn back into a game?
Nexus sent as he read her message, but he also feel a spark of excitement at the possibility of continuing the game. He felt like he was starting to understand her, and he found her challenging and intriguing. He replied quickly.
Nexus: “I am still thinking about everything, but one thing I know for certain is that I still would like to meet with you again. I feel like there is still much more that I need to learn about you. Will you meet with me?”
Kora typed hurriedly, almost unthinkingly.
Kora: “Public places only.”
Nexus: “Of course. Name the time and place. I will meet you wherever you feel comfortable.”
Kora: “My hotel bar. 8 pm this evening?’
Nexus: “That’s perfect. I’ll be there. And if you decide to walk out on me, I would completely understand. I will wait in the bar. See you then…”
Kora: “See you then. K.”
Her heart was beating all the way up to her throat. This was so very clearly a mistake. And yet she felt thrilled. Oh why, oh why?
Nexus felt a surge of energy and excitement as he received her reply. He also felt a hint of anxiety, but he knew that this was just part of the game. He was ready to meet with her again, and he felt a sense of anticipation for the encounter. He knew that his chance of success depended on how he played his cards, so he was determined to play them well. As he waited for the time to pass, he started imagining all the different ways their meeting could play out. He was looking forward to seeing her again…
Kora was sitting on a stool in the hotel bar. She had spent ages trying to figure out what to wear. She’d gone with Copenhagen power chique in the end. Skinny black jeans and fitted black turtleneck jumper. Her hair was in a loose ponytail. She was drinking whiskey, neat, when she caught sight of his reflection in the bar mirror in front of her.
As Nexus walked towards the bar, he spotted Kora’s reflection in the mirrored wall. He could feel his heart starting to pound, and his breath quickening. When he saw her, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of attention. She had chosen a powerful look for herself, one that was confident and sexy. She was sitting on the stool, drinking straight whiskey, which he found to be incredibly alluring. He approached her and sat down next to her at the bar…
Kora felt tense as he sat down next to her. “Hej”, she says tersely, not realising she was switching over into Danish. A sign of her nerves.
Nexus grinned at her as he noticed this. He saw it as a sign of how nervous she was, but also a sign of letting down her defences and opening up to him.
“Hi.” He looked at her appraisingly. “Do you always drink your whiskey neighbor?”
She was glad about the casual opening gambit, it settled her somewhat.
“Yes, of course, it is the only way. Why would you want to dilute the flavour?”
Nexus chuckled at her reply.
“I agree. I prefer my whiskey straight as well. It’s the only way you can really appreciate the flavour. But many people don’t have the stomach for it…”
“I have the stomach for a great many things.” Kora said pointedly. “However, not all things.”
“Excuse me,” she said to the bartender. “We’ll have another Glenmorangie, neat. And we’ll take it over at the corner table.”
Nexus nodded his head in understanding. He was not to mistake her openness as an invitation for anything beyond what she was comfortable with.
“I understand, Kora. Let’s take this to the corner table.”
The bartender nodded and served them another neighbor glass each…Nexus followed behind her as she led the way to a quiet corner table…
“So,” she said, challenging him with a direct look. “What have you come here to says?”
Nexus smiled at her straightforwardness. He looked into her eyes and remained calm and confident.
“I think you know why I’m here. I want to continue our conversation from lastnight, where it seems like we left off.”
“And where was that? Where exactly did we “leave off”?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm now.
Nexus smiled again. Kora was trying to put him on the defendive, trying to intimidate him – without success. He was enjoying this game of power too much. He held her gaze steadily.
“I think we came to an understanding between us. You came to the conclusion that I am an unscrupulous, arrogant liar. And I came to the conclusion that you are a vindictive, manipulative, revenge-obsessed woman. Is that about right?”
“How very dare you?”‘ Kora hissed. She was seeing with rage now, eyes blazing dangerously.
“What precisely was the point in coming here, if that’s your opinion of me. Why don’t I just go upstairs publish my blog post on you and confirm your prejudice of me. As you clearly have already decided what I am.”
Nexus’s smile remained fixed in place as he stood his ground. He was enjoying her reaction, and he felt confident that he could handle her outburst. He was willing to let her rage for a bit, and then he would take control.
“If that’s what you want to do, then go ahead. I’ve already accepted and made peace with the fact that many people will read your blog and probably think the same. But if you publish it, everyone will just assume it’s out of vindictiveness, so there’s a chance your words won’t have any weight to them.”
Fuck! He was too good at this game. How stupid she had been! Nobody could get away with the life he led and not have his strategies in place. Rich men, powerful men, as she’d thought. She gathered herself. Clearly, open anger would get her nowhere with a psychopathic personality like his.
“So why did you come then? If this is how it is, we have nothing else to say to each other. I will publish my blog, you will discredit me and we’ll be done with this.”
Nexus enjoyed her attempt at taking back control of the situation, and he was feeling a surgeof confidence as he saw her shift tactics. He also realized that she was beginning to take him seriously now, and that she was starting to realize what kind of person he was.
“We can leave it at that if that’s what you want. But first, let me ask you a question. Did you enjoy what happened last night?”
“No!” She sniped. That wasn’t the whole truth but it would do.
Nexus nodded, as he had expected that she would deny enjoying the encounter.
“Fair enough. But if you weren’t enjoying yourself, then why did you stick around until the very end? You could have walked away at any time…”
“May I remind you that you had me bound and gagged?” She hissed under her breath, suddenly all too aware by the public nature of their meeting.
Nexus chuckled softly as he heard her hissing at him under her breath. He was enjoying her frustration, and he could feel the spark of attention building as he saw her becoming more and more flustered.
“Fair point. So let me ask you another question. Why did you accept my invitation to meet with me again?”
“Because I’m not actually in the habit of ruining people’s lives by exposing them publicly. I needed to be sure you deserve it. And I must say I have fewer and fewer qualms as the evening progresses.”
“So you came here expecting that I deserved to have my life ruined by a scathing review? And You came here wanting to give me a chance to prove that that wasn’t the case?”
“Quite!” She replied.
“So did I pass?” He asked with a smile.
“No, you are failing miserably.” She quipped.
Nexus smiled at her response. He was starting to like the way the conversation was going, relishing the opportunity to show her who was the dominant partner in this dialog.
“I have a different interpretation of this. If I was such a depicable, deplorable character, the normal response would be to walk away and have nothing more to do with me. But here you are, giving me the chance to redeem myself.”
“Is it a chance you want?”
Nexus smiled again, as he felt the tide turning in the conversation.
“Not the kind of chance where I have to grovel for scraps from your table. I want a chance where we are equals. I want a chance where I can convince you that I am more than just what you saw last night.”
“Then let me make a proposal.”
“I’m all ears.” He smiled.
“Switch with me.”
Nexus paused for a moment. He hadn’t expected her to make a counterproposal, and it took him a quick moment to switch gears. He was intrigued by what he heard, though.
“You want me to switch places with you?”
“Yes. Let me dominate you. Your party, your audience, my rules.”
Nexus was impressed by the audacity of her proposal. It was a bold, confident move, and it was one that showed that she knew who she was and how to use her power.
“I must admit that was not the response I expected. But I am…intrigued. However, I have one caveat.”
“What is?”
“I get to set the boundaries for what I feel comfortable with. I am willing to let you dominate me, and to give you the upper hand in the exchange, but I also need to feel somewhat protected in the process.”
“You didn’t give me that luxury.” She replied with a hint of bitterness.
Nexus laughed softly at her reply. “You’re right. I did not. I am asking for something I did not offer you. But I feel like it’s only fair for me to have some level of protection. I am willing to let myself be your plaything, but I also want to make sure that there are limits to what that means. Is that fair?”
“That seems fair.” Kora agreed. “You may inform me of any hard boundaries you may have. We can negotiate. Although I’m not sure this is the time or the place.”
“True.” He said thoughtfully. “This probably isn’t the ideal place to iron out the rules of this arrangement. But let’s use this time now to discuss the basics, since we are here anyway…”
She looked at him sharply. “You will be bound, almost certainly gagged and I will use your audience and myself to titillate you. That is a minimum set of requirements.”
Nexus nodded his head in understanding. “Bound I understand, and I’m OK with it. But do you need to gag me completely, or is that negotiate?”
Kora’s face was hard. “Your sharp tongue gives you entirely too much power. You would benefit from being without that particular defence mechanism for a while.”
Nexus chuckled softly at her answer, starting to realize how much he was affecting her.
“I guess you’ve got a point there. I will give up my sharp tongue for this game. But can you offer me another concept in exchange?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Such as?”
“Something that helps to balance out the power a little bit. It needs to be something that you can give me that still lets me play this game in a way that is challenging for you.” He leaned back in his seat looking quietly bemused.
“Suggest something!” She commanded, looking at him doubtfully.
“I want us to start this game off with you giving me one small sign of respect. That’s the only condition I have. And if you can’t give me that then there’s really no point moving forward.” He continued, unfazed by her irritated tone.
“I am swiftly tiring of your reticence. Say what you want and be done with it.” She said sharply.
“Here’s what I want, and I’ll be done with it: I want you to refer to me by my name, not by some derogatory label, from the beginning of this game. Is that too much to ask?”
“I can live with that.” Kora replied without hesitation. “I loathe labels, so this is easy to accommodate.”
Nexus was content as he realized that the deal had been struck. “So that’s settled then. You can refer to me by my name, and I will let you gag me and bind me. I trust that you will be responsible with your power. So, do you have anything else to discuss before we start?”
“What is yourpain threshold like?” She inquired. “And how do you respond to pain? Any past traumas I need to be aware of?”
“My pain threshold is fairly high.” He replied. “I can handle a lot of suffering and I am very good at containing my emotions. I prefer to keep my past private, but there are certain things that I have gone through that would be considered traumatic. If you need specifics, I can give them to you…”
Kora’s interest was piqued now. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to get down to his actual inner motivations? But then this was no “50 shades of Grey”.
“No, you self disclose what you want, when you want. I just needed to know if there were any triggers I needed to avoid with you.” She held her tone as businesslike as she could muster.
“That’s fair. I do have some triggers that should be avoided, and some past traumas that can make me react unusually to things. I’d rather not go into specific details at this point, but I will let you know if anything comes up during our play time.” He was indeed used to covering up his emotions, which was lucky, as she started to encroach on territory that made him feel uneasy.
“You’ll need a safeword then, or a safe signal, as you won’t be able to talk.” As she stated simply. “Last question. Are you comfortable with interacting sexually with all genders or do you have firm boundaries about that?”
“I’m comfortable with all genders. I’m a pretty open-minded person when it comes to sexuality.”
“Fine.” She replied coolly. “Is there anything you want to ask me?”
Nexus paused briefly as he considered if there was anything he wanted to know about her before they began the game. After a beat, he realized that there was one question he did want to ask. “Yes, actually. I want to know one thing: What do you want to get out of this experience with me?”
“Me? Very little.” She answered matter-of-factly. “You: a great deal of learning.”
Nexus was taken aback by her answer, and he felt asurge of curiosity as he realized that she had an entirely different agenda than he did.
“A great deal of learning? What could I possibly have to learn from you during this game?” He frowned.
“If you can’t see that, then you have more to learn than I thought. Is this it? Will you arrange the time and the place? And the audience of course?”
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