The Switch Pt. 01: MDom

Kora was clutching the mysterious invitation letter that had taken her to this place. She was beyond nervous. Getting an invitation from the enigmatic “Nexus” to one of his dinner parties was practically impossible, especially for an obscure writer with no connections. But here she was. She had taken extreme care with her appearance tonight and was glad that she had. She didn’t think she had been anywhere this opulent before, every detail, every piece of furnishing spoke of its owner’s independent wealth.

She entered through the entrance hall to be faced with the man to match the house. He was easily one of the most attractive men she had ever set eyes on. ‘Was that him? Oh my god!’ She had been sure that the descriptions of her host had been entirely overhyped, but clearly she had been wrong.

She did indeed have the right man. Nexus was currently standing in his entrance hall to welcome his guests for the evening in person. He thrived on his own enigma, knowing that his name was spoken in whispers, and he was known for his mysterious ways. He spotted Kora, noticing her immaculate appearance and was struck by her beauty. Her elegant dress hugged her curves and revealed just enough, just enough to excite the imagination. His eyes were captured by her.

Kora met his gaze, trying to appear firm and confident. She stretched out her hand to him.

“Hi’, she said, keeping her voice as even as she could. “My name is Kora, the writer… from Copenhagen. You must be our host?”

Nexus took her hand in his, firmly and confidently, and held it for a moment. Her soft skin was so inviting, her voice as smooth and even as her demeanour, that he was instantly intrigued by her. “Yes, I am Nexus, your host. It is truly an honour to meet you, Kora the writer from Copenhagen. You have quite a reward, I must say. Your talents have intrigued me for some time, and I am looking forward to this evening together.”

“Oh..”, Kora stalled as she realized that he must have read her work, panicking a little about how he might have taken to its explicit nature. She gathered herself and continued lightly. “Oh, how gratifying that you have read my work. We must talk more about that later.”

She tried to tear her eyes away from him. He had the most intense dark eyes. They were magnetic. Beyond that, he was classically tall, dark and handsome. His wavy hair fell to just above his shoulders, and he wore designer stubble of just the right length. Judging by the way he carried his suit, he clearly worked out. She really had to stop staring at him.

Nexus however didn’t mind one bit. He found her gaze captivating, relishing the instant sense of magnetism between them. He was very pleased to have located his focus point for the evening with so little effort. He would not rush things, he enjoyed the slow burn of these evenings. He invited her to move on to the dining room for dinner. He relaxed in the knowledge that his staff had prepared asplendid meal where he and his guest would be able to engage in deeper conversation and begin to explore each other.

Nexus left nothing to chance and Kora had been seated directly across from her host. The feeling of his eyes on her made it almost impossible for her to concentrate on the dinner or the polite conversation of the other guests. He made her feel a little feverish, but she wouldn’t be so easily undone. She clutched her glass of Bordeaux and looked directly at him.

“So, “Nexus”, that is an intriguing name. How did you come by it?”

Nexus was enjoying that she didn’t let him intimidate her. She held his gaze with great composition, and it only served to heighten his desire for her.

“The name Nexus is derived from the Latin ‘nexus’, which means ‘link’ or ‘connection’. It refers to the linking together of two or more things, a connection between things. It is a very suitable name for me, in more ways than one.”

‘Oh yes? Suitable how? What is it you are in the business of linking, sir?” She wasn’t sure what she was doing, picking that tone, but there was something in him that provoked some response in her.

Nexus chuckled at her question, realising that he had perhaps been a bit too vague in his previous answer. “Sorry, I guess it’s not exactly clear what I do.” he laughed a little, deciding to explain better this time. “I am in the business of connecting different Things, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I am in the business of connecting different people. Let me explain…”

“Gladly.” she replied and took another sip of her wine. She knew that this might not be wise as she had been too nervous to touch much of the excite food, but the hell with it…

Nexus noticed that she wasn’t really eating, even though she was doing well to conceal her nervouss.

“Let me explain what I do more clearly. I am a broker of sorts, a connecting force for different people who might be looking for connection. I also am a matchmaker of a kind, a facilitator for different relationships. Let me know if you understand.”

“That sounds somewhat… Shall we say illicit?” She looked at him with a glint in her eye. “I wouldn’t have thought you could afford a house like this by running a dating service?”

Nexus laughed lightly at her reply. “No, my dear, I am not running a dating service, although I have been known to match people together occasionally. I am more of a matchmaker of people whom others may not readily expect to connect.”

“Intriguing.. and your dinner parties.. are they a part of that scheme? Do you mix business and pleasure?” She was feeling a little risqué now.

Nexus chuckled again, feeling more playful now as well. The wine and the conversation were beginning to loosen them Both up a bit, and he was enjoying her playful side. “Of course, my dear. Mixing business and pleasure is the name of the game! I use these dinners to bring interesting people together, to createnew connections and new opportunities. But I also use these dinners to create new sensings and experiences, and to explore the depths of password and desire.”

Kora’s breath caught at the back of her throat. She hadn’t expected him to be so open about it. She felt a small thrill course through her body.

“And what in my portfolio made you think I would benefit from being matched? You said you’d read some of my work?”

Nexus could not help but give her a sly grin at her question. He felt that they were making a connection, and he was getting an idea of ​​how this evening might progress. “Well, my dear, I came across some of your work a while back and I was quite intrigued by it. You have a unique blend of password and sensitivity in your writing that I found very exciting. I thought you would fit in perfectly here tonight. Does that surprise you?”

Kora did in fact feel a little surprised at that revelation. “Yes, frankly. My writing is a little niche and not that widuly known, so I admit I’m feeling flattered.”

He could not help but grin at her honesty. It was intriguing to see her blush again, and he could not help himself from pressing a little more. “My darling, there is nothing more thrilling to me than matching up people like you with new experiences and opportunities. Let me ask you a question: Have you had many relationships before?”

Before? Before what? What a question! And when did he think he could start calling her darling??

“With respect, I fail to see how that is relevant here.”

He was finding her to be quite the defiant one. He could not help but lay a little playfulness in his response, as his hand slipped over to touch hers ever so softly. “My dear, I am just trying to get to know you more. Have you not enjoyed being intimate with people? Have you never let yourself go with someone?”

Kora blushed furiously. There had been someone once, with whom she could fully let go. She tried not to remember him, if she could avoid it. “You’ll find I have had a very satisfied sex life, thank you, although I still fail to see how that concerns you.” She was feeling rather heated now. That man was definitely overstepping.

He could tell now that he was pushing her limits, and he was tempted to take things even further. He loved the fire and password that he could sense in her, even through the subtle and confident exterior. He could not help but continue a little more.

“Well, my dear, I’m just interested in getting to know you a little bit better. Is it not reasonable for a man to ask such questions?”

She collected herself again, trying not to sound as flustered as he had made her.

“Well, Sir, how about a quid pro quo? Why don’t you tell me about your… preferences? And I might relay some of my history. What is your opening gambit?”

He liked the fact that she wanted to play this game with him. It only increased his interest and excitement for the evening ahead. He took a sip of his wine in consideration of her question.

“My dear, I can tell you that I am drawn to the password and the spontaneous. I am a man who enjoys the intensity of life, who enjoys exploring new things and new experiences. I have not had many serious relationships before, although I have been intimate with a fair number of partners. What about you?”

His words pique her curiosity in so many ways – she wondered what he was implying.

“I have a long standing partner who is rather generous in his view of relationships. We give each other total freedom to explore. I have used that privilege as I saw fit to different degrees over the years.”

Nexus couldn’t help but smile as she responded. He had a very good idea of ​​what she means by a “long standing partner,” but he would not say anything More than that for the moment. Her attitude was already inspiring so many thoughts and emotions inside him, but he had to keep his composition, and chose to reply with a leveltone.

“Oh, I can see that you have been very open about your relationships, and I can tell you are a very liberated and open-minded woman. May I ask you one more question, my dear?”

“Quid pro quo. I believe it is my turn.”

Nexus enjoyed this level of tension and the playing of games between them. He was excited to see this night progress further. He agreed that it was her turn first on the condition that he would have the opportunity to get his question answered sometimes later.

“My dear, I am curious to know what you are expecting from this evening? Are you hoping to meet someone interesting? Are you expecting to make a connection?”

“My question first, then I will answer. Do you ever bring yourself into the bargain? Are you the nexus of your nexus?”

“A very interesting question. It is astute of you to ask this. I am a man who is willing to go the extra mile for those who interest me. I have been known to participate in such negotiations when the timeis right and the conditions are favourable. But let me ask you this: For someone like me, who is already in possession of an immense amount of power and wealth, what more could I want?”

“You tell me!”

“You are a formidable woman, Kora my dear, and a formidable match for me. And what I want is you. I am drawn to your boldness and to your intelligence. I am drawn to your spirit and to your sensitivity. You are an intoxicating combination of strength and vulnerability that fuels my desire.”

She couldn’t breathe for a moment. He had completely taken her aback. “I.. I didn’t think to presume..” she stammered.

His words had connected directly with her body. Heat was pooling deep in her belly, as she wondered where this evening was leading her.

Nexus saw how Much his words had affected her, and it only increased his desire for her. He could not help but lean in towards her ever so slightly.

“My dear, don’t you see? You are exactly what I have been looking for. I have been searching for someone as unique as you, as intelligent as you, and as sensitive as you. So let there be no more presumption between us. Let us just enjoy this evening and this connection we are building.”

Oh god, how was he doing that, she wondered. It had to be his voice, dark and rich with a deep victory that resonated directly with her body. A small wave of pleasure washed over her.

Nexus saw the effect his voice had on her. He knew it to be indeed quite deep and expressive, and he had often been told that it could have a sensitive and hypnotic effect on people. He was enjoying this.

She tried to refind her composition.

“I believe I owe you an answer to a question?”

“Yes, my dear, I believe you do owe me an answer.”

“You asked if I was looking for a connection in coming here.The answer is: not precisely. I believe connections cannot be sought, but they can be discovered. And in that sense I am open to what this evening has in store forme.”

Nexus smiled at her answer, finding her level of insight highly attractive. He could tell that she was not the sort of person who needed someone else to fill a void within. She was complete on her own, open to whatever possibilities the universe had in store for her. This was a very healthy and powerful attitude.

“I believe you are absolutely right. I too am open to seeing where this evening may lead us. Shall we see what opportunities await us?”

“That we shall.” The dinner part of the evening was coming to an end. The other guests clearly seemed to have a better idea of ​​what was happening, as they left their seats and moved to the door at the opposite end of the dining room.

As he offered up his arm, she accepted graciously and they moved to the door together. She could not help but notice the effect This close physical contact was having on them both.

The other guests seemed to sense the tension between them, intrigued by what it was that was unfolding between their enigmatic host and his new guest.

Kora felt a little unsteady from the wine and his proximity. She held on firmly to his arm and sensed the muscle flex under her touch.

‘Desire is a filthy mistress,’ Kora thought, knowing that her desire was betraying her to him. She was finding him to be magnetic, unpredictable and undeniably powerful. It was a heady cocktail and one that was hard to Resist. His most dangerous weapon was perhaps the instant intimacy he created in their conversation, making her feel as if he could see straight through her and down to all her deepest, darkest desires.

Nexus felt it too. He was enjoying the way she held onto him, the way her body felt, pressed against his. He felt like he wasn’t just speaking to her – he was feeling her desire, her needs, her emotions. He was reading her like a book, and was determined to bring this connection to its full potential.

They stepped through the door to a small theatre space. It wasn’t what Kora had been expecting at all. But she had some ideas about the kind of performance he might be titillating his guests with. The middle front row places were reserved for the host and his partner for the evening.

Nexus had planned the entire evening in immaculate detail and he knew that this room would be the perfect setting for what came next. He was feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity as he led the way towards the reserved seats. As they stepped inside, he looked around the theatre space and he couldn’t help but notice the intimate vibes that were already filling the air, excited to see how this evening would unfold.

Kora’s leg inadvertently touched his, as they sat down together. His hand did not leave her elbow but slip smoothly down to her forearm. He was clearly not giving up the physical contact, nor did she wants him to.

The light in the room started to dim and she wondered what we were about to see. Nexus was feeling the heat of desire courses ing through his veins, and he could tell that she was feeling it too. Even just the slight touch of their legs was sending a wave of electricity through him. The dimmed lights had made the atmosphere even more intimate, and Nexus could not help but feel like a predator ready to pounce on its prey. He leant over to her.

Kora shivered slightly under his touch. His hand was smooth and warm, the movement of his fingers Very precise. She couldn’t help but imagine those hands touching her elsewhere. Why did she feel like he was about to make an outrageous proposition?

Nexus could see the effect that his touch was having on her, and it only increased his desire for her. Her body was so responsive to his touch, and he had no intentions of restraining himself, nor of holding back. He wanted to take this evening to the limit, and he wanted to take her with him.

He leaned in closely. The moment was pregnant with potential. Whatever it was he was about to ask her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to deny him. Their faces were mere inches away and she could feel the heat of his breath on her neck. “Do you trust me?” He asked, as his fingers trailed up the bare skin of her arm.

Oh god, there it was. Did she trust him? She didn’t know him at all. So why did it feel like she wanted to say yes, to give herself over to him? “Yes, I trust you.” She answered against her better judgement.

“Good…” He answered back, his voice soft and sensitive. And in that moment she was giving herself utterly and completely into his hands.

Kora had never been able to explain it, that wish to give herself over fully, the thrill it gave her and the safety it offered. Her thoughts became calm, her body soft and sensitive, no more decisions to be made, letting him decision. She I intend to make this evening one of the most memorable of your life. Are you ready to take thenext step?” he asked so only she could hear.

“I am ready.” she whispered…”sir”.

Nexus found it intotoxicating to see her let go and to feel the power he had over her in this moment. He was ready to take control, to take her to the next level. He was not interested in playing games, not interested in teasing her. He was interested in taking her to a place of ecstasy so intensity that it would shake her to her core.

Kora knew he had something in mind for her, here and now. She internally begged that he would act soon, because it was unbearable not to know. Even though she was a natural submissive, she could never quite give up control, still needing to know what was about to happen to her. And once aroused, as she was now, patience was not a vitamin she possessed. But she pulled herself together and focused on his hand on her arm and his breath on her skin. He was in charge. He would guide her.

He could feel her impatience and I could not help but be aroused by it.He had no intention of keeping her in suspension any longer than necessary. His hand travelled up and down her arm, his breath soft and subtle as it touched the nape of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Kora whimpered quietly now. “Please”, she whispered without knowing what she was asking him.

“You are sure you are ready?” He asked quietly, his voice velvety. “Are you ready to explore my desires and your own? Are you ready to let me take you to places you have never been before? Are you ready to surrender to me, completely?”

Kora could feel everybody’s eyes on them, sending adrenaline course through her veins. She couldn’t bear the way he was dragging this out, it felt torturous. The fact that a whole theatre audience was waiting for their next move, made it excruciating.


He grabbed her hips and pulled her into his lap, pressing her closely against him, murmuring into her ear. “I have been waiting for this moment, for you. Would you like to know what I have in mind?”

His dominance almost sent Kora over the edge, the throbbing desire she is feeling almost off the scale. “Yes,” she squeezed out, almost as if the admission pained her.

Nexus was relishing the audience. He knew what a sight they must be, know that everyone was waiting for something to happen. “I have been imagining this very moment, when I have you completely in my hands. I want to take you somewhere beyond yourself, beyond your limits, a place of pure ecstasy. Are you ready to step into that place with me?”


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