The Switch

“Please goddess,” he looks up at me with deep brown eyes set in an older but pleasant face.

I care to much thinking to myself about all the men that I lay under with that same wanton face. I had given power on days when I could barely muster breath. Now I was exploring the new and this man was along for the ride completely open and maybe even a little needy.

I press my toes into the taunt fabric of his crouch. There is no second guessing here. He knows that I am pure strength. Even weak I am above him. I find his lips now and star eye to eye. Moaning into him and through him. I am above him.

“You may touch me,” I say releasing something in him that allows fingers to find my wait.

“You are beautiful, “he fuels flames long dead.

“I know,” I respond taking his finger to my lips and sucking.

My teasing motion tenses him. He pushes hips into my groin.

“Don’t move,” I whisper to his ears commanding a freeze that is so instantaneous that I almostFall off.

I love all of it and I’m soaking through my panties my needs are being met in a way so different than I had ever expected. He is like a knight to my queen the way he pulses into me. He is not weak because I am not weakness.

I stand pulling panties away and revealing myself. I drag my soaking wet peak along his tummy until I find his crotch. A little bit of spitt plays Against his lips and corners of his mouth. He begs with eyes and he tries to beg with fingers, but I stop him.

I slap his face and feel his flesh within my paws. My claws go to his neck and chest, but I am careful not to mark what is not mine to mark just yet. I am frenzied and I am horny. I am horny. I can say it now inside my head. I don’t have to be that good little girl I was before. I am woman hear me as I roar like thunder in the ear.

Tidal wave of energy flows over my skin and into his as I press myself against his harden cock. It isn’t a movie cock, but it is my cock. It is a perfect cock because it was chosen by me. I press ever so gently splitting myself open and feeling every single drop of me make way for it. My property.

I grab around the shoulders and push down all the way. He moans and I feel his back arch like water to my waterfall.

“Don’t cum!” I say loudly.

The reality is written across his face. He will do anything but lose this moment with me. He will do anything not to lose me. I love the way he has to think where I do not. Instead I press and rock and move until I am slicker than I’ve ever been on a cock.

“Feel me,” I say biting along his flesh.

“Want me to cum on you?” I say ignoring his answer.

I slide my hands along my own body where he cannot touch.

“You are my toy,” I say slapping him again, “You are nothing but to me you are everything.”

“Please goddess,” he says his face so configured and he looks as if tears will gush if I gush in this moment.

“No,” I deny any thought of lettingup.

I press down more and more deeply into the bed. I am almost into the bed I am pushing so much onto this cock that I now own.

“Don’t cum,” I tell him, “be still.”

He moves his hips and I can’t tell if it is on purpose, but it makes me cock my head.

“Did you move?” I ask with a Cheshire grin.

“No goddess, “he says but we both know the truth.

“I know you just moved your hips. You aren’t even going to tell me the truth?”

“No goddess, please, please I’m sorry,” he says over and over.

“You are sorry but that’s besides the point. I said don’t move,” I thrust downward.

His head flies back yet again and he can barely breath.

“Oh god, god, please, please,” he is trying so hard to stop the words escaping the mouth that I own as well.

Looking down at him I feel so at peace. I release. My body is quivering and shaking all over him and there is liquid drops raining over both of us. I can’t catch my breath. I can’t move. I don’t want to stop. I don’t want to get up. I just want to eat this power forever.


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