Legal disclaimer ****All characters are over the age of 18****
Sunday morning came and Mike woke up in his favorite position between his two beautiful girls.
He kissed Cassy wake and said “it’s your turn to make the coffee.”
Cassy groaned and stumbled to her feet, grabbed her pursuit and keys and walked out the front door barefoot and bottomless.
She made quick run to Starbucks and returned triumphant with coffee.
She entered the bedroom and Gina was still sleep on Mikes shoulder. She set Gina’s coffee on her nightstand and slide into bed handing Mike his coffee.
Cassy blushed “It’s the only coffee I know how to make.”
Mike smiled and kissed her, “I didn’t intend for you to go out, you should have gotten dressed first. Now, take off the t-shirt.”
Cassy stared into Mikes eyes and removed her t-shirt, “I had more coverage today than I did yesterday, did you want me to show off more than my little black panties?”
Mike smiled at Cassy’s body and said “The barista at the drive through would have loved this look.”
They laughed and sipped their coffee
Gina stirred “Is that coffee I smell, do I get coffee?” as she reached for Mike’s coffee.
Mike smiled “you can have mine, but I would rather you drink yours on your nightstand.”
Gina smiled and stretched as she rolled over “Thanks Cassy, I love Starbucks.”
“How did you know it was me?”
Gina laughed “Mike would never pay Starbucks prices for coffee, he is a Dunkin’ man through and through.”
They all laughed and enjoyed their coffee.
Gina asked “What do we have planned today?”
Mike responded, “we need to get Cassy moved in today and get Her setup for her first day of work as the Junior Vice President of Project Management. What time do you plan to go in tomorrow?”
Cassy smiled at the title “I want to get in early, probably 7:30.”
Gina responded “I’m so excited for you, what time would youlike breakfast?”
Cassy looked at Gina “You don’t have to make me breakfast.”
Gina urgently responded “Oh yes I do, you are moving in here for us to support you in your new role which means I am like your wife to take care of you. I know you like coffee, what else do you have for breakfast?”
Cassy smiled “I usually make myself a spinach and egg white omelet with my coffee. I have some egg whites at my place.”
“I can do that, I will put your coffee in a cup and make one to take to the office. Gina continued “How about you two go to Cassy’s place and grab her things she will need for a week or two and I clean out the spare room closet and dresser so she will have space to put her things?”
Mike nodded “I like that plan, Cassy?”
“Good for me, I would like to hit the gym this morning, Gina do you want to join me, we can get you added to my membership.”
Gina got excited “Sounds good, we can take some time and you can show me more routines.”
Mike joked “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”
The girls giggled and Cassy rubbed Mikes cock and said in a sultry voice “You would love our gym, we are going to do naked yoga, make out in the steam room and swim completely naked.”
Mike was completely hard in Gina’s hand and he let out a groan thinking of the activities. “Gina, show me Downward Facing Dog.” Mike ordered
Gina moved into the yoga position facing away from her husband.
Mike corrected her “Naked yoga baby, naked.”
Gina laughed and got out of bed to slip off her t-shirt, then drop her panties and said “It would be easier for me to do the poses on the floor., would that please you Master?”
Mike scoocched to the side of the bed to get a good view, “Sounds good to me.”
Gina faced away and reassumed the Downward Facing Dog pose.
Mike admitted her pierced shawed pussy from a different angle as Cassy started sucking his cock. Mike directed Cassy to join Gina on the floor”Do a few poses for me.”
Cassy Joined Gina and they moved from Downward Facing Dog to Upward Facing Dog to Warrior 1 and Warrior 2, they kept repositioning so Mike would have the best view of their bodies. Mike was struggling his cock.
Gina could tell Mike was ready to come so she moved into the Camel pose Cassy moved closer to Gina, their bodies were touching.
Mike stood in Front of the girls and came, shooting ropes of come over their chests, one glob of come hit Cassy in the face.
Mike sat back down on the bed and Cassy guided Gina to suck Mikes cock clean as she licked his come from her body.
When Mike was clean Cassy swatted Gina on the ass and said “Let me dress you for the gym, where are your gym outfits?”
Gina opened a overstuffed drawer and Cassy sorted through it looking for something for them to wear and pulled out a set that was still in the package. White spandex half tank top and matching booty shorts, “put this on.”
Gina blushed at the small garment, “I bought these when I was two sizes smaller, I don’t think I will fit.”
Again Cassy smoked her ass and grew, “STRIKE ONE PUT THEM ON!”
Gina squeezed into the tiny outfit, the top was so tight, it compressed what boobs she had and made her look flat. Her rings were prominently on display.
Cassy inspected her, she made Gina bend over and Cassy could see the purple gem of her butt plug through the stretched fabric. “Perfect, you will always wear this to the gym, get a couple sets all light colors, do not change the size.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Gina was humiliated.
Cassy went and got her clothes from yesterday, “I will wear this as your tops won’t fit over my boobs. Pack us a gym bag with towels, I will fill our waters LET’S GO!”
Cassy looked at Mike, “I don’t want to wear my collar at the gym as I am only submissive to you, is this acceptable?”
Mike agreed and she headed to the car with Gina on her leanh.
In the car Cassy pushed Gina’s legs apart and placed her hand on her pussy. The shorts were stretched so thin Cassy could feel every detail for Gina as she stroked her between the gold rings.
Gina was close to coming when they arrived at the gym, she had a visible wet spot in her shorts.
Cassy parked the car, hoped out, opened Gina’s door and said “Let’s go pet.”
Gina presented Cassy her leash and reluctantly got out of the car.
Cassy got close to Gina “That’s strike two.”
Gina knew it when she did it “I’m sorry Mistress.”
Cassy led Gina into the gym and added her to her membership.
The girl led Gina to the office and directed Gina to the wall and snapped front, back and side pictures for her membership profile.
Gina was embarrassed as her belly, ass and tights were spilling out of her shorts. She was fat and she knew it, Gina started to cry.
The girl held Gina and asked “What’s the matter?”
Gina blubbered “LOOK AT ME, I’M FAT”
“It’s OK, we don’t judge here, and if you work hard and eat right, you will be fit in no time.”
Gina sobbed “I can be pretty like you?”
“Gina, you are beautiful, you just need to lose a few pounds so you feel good about your body. You are in the right place, women love to work out here, I think you will love it too and become a regular gym rat.”
Gina hugged the girl tight and said “Thanks.”
Gina rejoined Cassy and they headed for the locker room. The gym was empty as they walked through to the locker room. They put their bag in a locker and headed back to the gym.
Cassy showed Gina another longer circuit. “If you are short on time, you do the circuit once, if you have lots of time, do it four times.”
“How many times are we going to do it today?”
Cassy smiled “I am gonna wear you out, we are doing four.”
Gina grumbled “FOUR?”
Cassy grabbed Gina’s lean and bent her over a benchmark press bench.
“You have to learn tocontrol that grumble!”
“Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress.”
Cassy glared “Oh you will, it’s just a matter of how much pain are you going to endure before you learn.”
Gina was squealing, squirming and outright bawling. “PLEASE PLEASE STOP!”
Cassy looked down at Gina crying face down on the benchmark “If you disrespect me again, I won’t stop until you are a blubbering mess.”
“Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress I promise I will be better.”
Cassy pulled Gina up by her lean and held her, “I’m sorry baby, but this is the only way you will learn.”
“It’s all my fault, you gave me Two warnings, I’m sorry for making you do this.”
Cassy kissed Gina on the mouth “Lets get to work.”
For the next hour they worked out with intensity, Gina learned from Cassy and gave it her all. By the end of her workout ladies started filtering into the gym. Cassy led Gina by her lean to the locker room.
Cassyremoved the leash and the girls undressed. Cassy looked at the wall clock and said “hot yoga is in about an hour, lets cool down in the pool first.” Cassy took Gina’s hand and headed for the pool.
Gina noticed a couple women staring at them, not a bad star, she felt they were admiring their piercings.
Cassy said “No matter how much time you have, you will swim for at least twenty minutes of freestyle a day seven days a week, understanding?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“You can swim longer to do different strokes, but freestyle is good for your body shape.”
“Yes Ma’am, I understand.”
They picked adjacent lanes and started swimming, the flow of the water over Gina’s nipple rings stimulated her and she started to get turned on.
At twenty minutes Cassy switched to breast stroke, Gina copied and they swam for another ten minutes before Cassy sat up on the pool deck to watch Gina. Cassy admitted how hard she was trying as she finished her last lap.
Gina noticedand swam to Cassy and pushed her legs open and kissed her pussy. Cassy leaned back on her elbows and brought her heels up to the deck, opening her pussy for Gina. Gina pulled her head back and admired Cassy’s pretty pussy.
“These gold hoops make your pussy irresistible.” As she lowered her mouth to pleasure Cassy, she kissed her vulva and noticed it was slick, Gina lapped up Cassy’s juices as she moaned.
“Oh yeah, lick my pussy, I have been so horny all morning”
Gina kissed and licked her and then moved down and licked her asshole.
Gina licked and probed Cassy’s asscircling her butt plug with her tongue. She teased Cassy and pulled the butt plug halfway out and let it pop back into her anus.
Cassy grabbed Gina by the hair and grew “Lick my cunt, I need you to make me come.”
Gina didn’t hesitate, she moved back to her pussy, but kept moving the butt plug in and out.
The sensing of getting butt fucked on the edge of thepool and Gina’s mouth on her pussy pushed Cassy over the edge.
Cassy purred “OHHHH YEEEESSSSS, THAT’S IT BABY MAKE ME COME” as the waves of her orgasm washed over her.
Gina popped out of the pool and laid next to Cassy and kissed her. “I love you Mistress, you make me happy.”
Cassy smiled and said “You just made me happy, let’s go make out in the steam room.”
The two ladies recovered to their feet, grabbed a club towel and walked to the steam room.
The steam room was empty when they walked in, they grabbed a top bench in the corner and started kissing. A few minutes later a pair of ladies entered the room chatting away, they quietly when he saw Cassy and Gina kissing.
Gina notice the ladies watching them, they both had towels around their necks so they were submissive. She whispered in Cassy’s ear, “they are watching us.”
Cassy whispered back “Let them watch.”
Cassy sat up and turned Gina away from her, displaying Gina’s body to the voyeurs. Cassy called out “Do you like what you see?”
The ladies hung their heads.
Gina said “I’m talking to you, sit closer to us and finger each other while I finger my slut.”
The two repositioned themselves for a better view of Gina and reached over to their friend and started rubbing.
Cassy kissed Gina from behind and touched her tender nipples and gave her large rings a tug, Gina moaned “ooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeessssssss.”
Cassy’s hand trickled down to Gina’s pussy as Gina spread her legs. Cassy rubbed her wet slit and Gina’s moan got louder “OOOOOOHHHHHH YEEEEEESSSSSSS”.
Cassy looked at the two girls and said “Have you seen her pussy piercing?”
Both girls meekly said “no”.
Cassy demanded “Kneel between her legs and get a good look.”
The two girls stopped rubbing their pussies and knelt between Gina’s legs.
Cassy moved her hand back so the girls could get a good look.
They were so close Gina could feel their breath on hervagina. Gina craned her neck back to Cassy and whispered “Please make them lick me, please let me come.”
Cassy grabbed one of the girls by the hair and jammed her face into Gina’s pussy “Lick her cunt you fucking sluts.” The second girl forced her face into Gina’s wet pussy and they both licked her.
Gina was close and felt she needed permission to come, “May I come mistress, please let me come.”
Cassy kissed Gina and grabbed her nipple rings and pulled them straight out. “Come if you can slut!”
The pain and the pleasure of her nipples being pulled pushed her over the edge, Gina squirted on the girls licking her, she shot three times and the girls kept licking. Gina collapsed onto Cassy and kissed the side of her face. “Thank you, I have never squirted like that before, that was incredible.”
Cassy sent the girls away to another benchmark to pleasure each other in the 69 position. She held Gina for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of her skin.
“Are you ready for hot yoga?”
“Yes Mistress.”
Gina stood on wobbly legs, kissed each of the girls on the cheese and said “Thank you” as they exited the steam room. The hallway was cold in comparison to the steam room, Cassy grabbed Gina’s hand and they hurried to hot yoga.
The room was warm and about half full of participants, most of them were clothed. Cassy grabbed two mats and lead Gina to the front of the room. They rolled out their mats and they started chatting with their neighbors.
A younger woman approached Gina and introduced herself “Hi I’m Amy.”
Gina Shook her hand and responded “Hey, I’m Gina.”
“Your piercings are really sexy and I wanted to ask, did they hurt?
“I had them done yesterday, she displayed her Princess Diana’s and explained these didn’t hurt too much as they don’t penetrate the clip, the belly button was the same. The Nipples hurt like hell for a short minute, now the pain is offset by the pleasure. What are you thinking of doing?”
“I want my nipples pierced, but after looking at your pussy, I want mine done like yours.”
Gina added “My pussy rings rub my clip all the time, I am always horny.”
Amy dropped to her knees to get a closer look, “May I touch you?”
Amy opened the folds and pushed her hood back and got a good look at her piercing, She gave Gina’s pussy a kiss and a lick before standing back up. “Thank you, can we talk more after the class?”
Gina loved the yoga session, a few times in harder poses, her butt plug almost fell out, she would have been so embarrassed. Although everyone in the class clearly saw her butt plug and piercing. A few times the leader corrected her pose, it seemed like her fingers lingered a little longer than normal.
After yoga Amy approached Cassy and Gina, “Hey, what a wonderful session, did you enjoy it?”
“I loved it, you should try it without your clothes next time, it is so freeing.”
“I might.”
“Amy,I want you to meet my Mistress Cassy, Cassy, this is my new friend Amy.”
Cassy extended a hand “Nice to meet you.”
Amy looked a little shocked at the title Mistress “Nice to meet you.” and shook her hand.
Cassy exhausted herself, “I’m going to hit the shower, don’t keep me waiting.”
Gina responded “Yes Ma’am.”
Amy beamed “You really have a Mistress? What is it like? Does she spank you?”
Gina responded “I do, I love it, it turns me on, she spanks me when I am bad, I am submissive to both Cassy and my husband. If you want to see me get spanked, keep me here much longer and follow me to the shower, I guarantee she will whip my ass.”
Amy asked “Just one more question, how often do you come to this gym, and what time?”
“I will be here every day until I lose some significant weight, we can meet here in the morning, how about 9:30?”
Any smiled “See you tomorrow at 9:30.”
Gina walked off, “see you tomorrow.”
Gina dropped off hercollar, grabbed her towel and headed straight to the shower, Cassy was showing with Gina’s crush Cindy. Gina entered the shower and turned on her shower head. Cindy looked at Gina, “I hear you have a little gym girlfriend, that didn’t take too long.”
Gina blushed and looked down “She isn’t a girlfriend, we just talked for a minute about my piercings and are meeting here tomorrow morning to work out.”
Cassy shrieked and laughed “A gym date? You have been a member for less than a day! You little slut!”
Amy walked in to shower and turned her water on and gave a perky “Hey.”
Cindy looked her up and down and smiled. “Gina, come over here and wash me.”
Gina frozen, completely embarrassed.
Cassy grabbed her arm and walked over to Cindy and smacked her ass with her bare hand. “You heard Cindy, wash her”
Gina dreamed of this day, she later he hands and started soaping Cindy’s neck shoulders and back. Her muscles felt soo good.
Amy was watchingGina soap this butch muscle girl when Cassy put her hand on Amy’s hip, “are you enjoying the show?”
Amy whimpered a meek “yes.”
“Would you like to worship Cindy’s body like Gina is?”
Amy gave the same weak “yes.”
Cassy reached around Amy and cupped her breasts and kissed her neck.
Amy moaned “ooohhh”.
Cindy washed her way down to Cindy’s ass and toke her time washing her glutes. when she moved into her crack, Cindy said “Make sure you get me nice and clean.”
Gina went down to her knees and held Cindy’s ass cheeks open and moved in to kiss and lick her anus.
Cindy compiled “GOOD GIRL.”
Gina held Cindy’s hips and pulled her asshole to her mouth, toguing her tight sphincter.
Cassy moved one hand up to Amy’s neck and the other down to the folds of her slick pussy. “Are you going to be a good girl and lick Cindy’s asshole?”
Amy responded with a breathy “yes.”
Cassy squeezed her neck and rubbed her pussy, Amy was pantiting.
Gina stopped rimming Cindy and continued soaping her legs and feet. Cindy was flexing her legs, giving Gina the full experience.
Cindy turned around and grabbed Gina’s head and guided her mouth to her huge clip. Gina took it in her mouth and started sucking it like a cock.
Cindy grew “That’s it baby, suck my big clip.”
Gina held her strong ass and pulled Cindy to pump her clit in and out of her mouth.
Cindy growled “I love fucking your face, time for me to come.”
Gina felt Cindy’s whole body flex and she quietly came. Cindy lapped up Cindy’s cream from her pussy. When she stood, she continued soaping Cindy’s body, getting a good feel of her abs, chest and arms. Finally kissing Cindy on the mouth for a good minute.
Amy watched the whole thing while being mauled by Cassy, when Amy started to come Cassy squeezed her throat, choking her for a short time as Amy writhed in her silent orgasm.
Cassy held her until she was stable enoughto stand on her own, she smoked her ass and finished her shower.
Gina finished her shower and with a look from Cassy, knew it was time to leave. Gina followed Cassy out of the shower and looked back at Cindy, “are we still getting lunch this week?”
“Not this week baby girl, I am out of town for work, don’t worry we will get together.”
Gina continued out of the shower and caught Amy’s eye and just smiled.
Gina dried and dressed Cassy and then took care of herself. She hooked the lean to her collar and handed the lead to Cassy. Cassy took the lead and walked her out to the car. They drove home with the top down and Cassy’s hand on Gina’s pussy the entire ride.
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