The Surrogate Ch. 01

The interview

9 A.M. arrives and my flight has landed. Just a short 4-hour plane ride from me to California!

I exit the terminal and I am greeted by Dan. He’s holding a sign with my name on it. I walk up to him and extend my hand to shake his. He pulls me in for a hug.

“It’s so nice to meet you Jennifer!”

“Thanks. It’s nice to meet you as well. I know we have only spoken on the phone once but I already feel like I know you well.”

“Same here. Shall we go?”

I nod my head, and we make our way out to his truck. It’s a long peaceful drive to his farm. Almost as long as the flight. We talk the whole trip. I even showed him my tits during the drive to his place. Dan had picked the scenario route, pulling over to point out Various sites. It was during one of these stops that he turned to me and asked to see my tits., With no traffic around I lifted my top, pulling my bra down so he could get a good look. My nipples were rock hard.

“Well Jennifer, I can see we’re going to enjoy those. Hopefully, they will soon be full of milk too.”

We pulled into the driveway and stopped to open a gate. Dan tells me the gate is for the cows. The farm sits on 6,000 acres. It has several wooded areas and a creek and a pretty good swimming hole. There are several clearings as well.

“On this farm, we have livestock and wild animals to be aware of. There are bears and occasionally mountain lions. There are coyotes as well, and once in a great while a wolf pack will come through.” The further we go down the driveway the more breathtaking the place becomes.

I see big beautiful shade trees lining the driveway, and rows of fields. Grapes to the left and corn on the right. We go a little deeper and I see what looks like pot. Giant pot plants on both sides of the driveway. I look at Dan and raise an eyebrow. He chuckles.

“Yes, little one. That is pot. I’m a pot farmer. How else do you think I could afford to pay you $10,000 a month? You’re not a pothead are you?”

“No, sir. Pot makes me nauseous.”

“Good. At least I don’t have to worry about that. Do you use any other drugs?”

“No sir. I like to be in my right mind.”

Dan drove past the house and pulled up in front of the shed to park. We arrived a little after 3pm. Briefly I followed Dan as we made our way back up to the house. He pointed out various sheds and other buildings along the way. I could see why they needed someone with farm experience. This place was definitely a lot of work.

We arrived in front of the house about an hour later. It was a three-story old Victorian-style house with a wrap-around porch. It was beautiful. There’s a balcony on the second floor, and a patio area on the third. I stand there staring. It was gorgeous.

“You have a beautiful home Dan.”

“I like to think so. Are you ready to go inside and meet my Pet?”

I take a big breath. “I am. Let’s go meet her.”

I heaven my backpack over my shoulderr and follow Dan inside. Inside, we stand in a beautiful entryway. The walls are wood. Giving the place an old farmhouse kind of vibe. There are three benches that double as coat racks and storage for shoes.

“Shoes off young lady. The only shoes destroyed inside are high heels when requested.”

I sit down on the nearest bench and remove my shoes, short black ankle boots. As I pull the last one off I hear Pet approach…

“Pet, my love, we’re here. Play nice. It’s only an interview.”

My interest is peaked. Does she not want me here? Is this only his idea? Be nice? Why did he tell her that? Is she a bitch? Maybe this wasn’t the best of ideas. My mind continues to spin as I sit there in the entryway and look around. I take a few breaths. Maybe she is just nervous. I know I am.

“Jennifer, this is my wife. You may call her Pet.”

I look up and see a firey redhead standing by Dan’s side. Pet is beautiful. She has short, spiky hair, with soft subtle curves in all the right places. A solid B or maybe C cup sitting high on her chest. They look as if they will be nice and perky. Pet looks like she certainly takes care of herself.

“Well, are you going to introduce yourself, or do you expect Dan to do it for you?”

“I’m sorry Pet. I didn’t realize I had been staring. You are quite beautiful.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere with me.” She then turns on her heels and walks away from us.

“Come on in.” Says Dan with a smile, as if to say I am sorry or please pardon my wifes tone.

I followed him out of the entryway into the great room. To the left is a gorgeous kitchen. To the right is the living room with a giant fireplace. Straight ahead is a pool table and a dinner table. At some point, I stopped Following. I ended up just standing there, mouth wide open looking around these wonderful rooms.

“I don’t know if she’s going to work out Dan, she can’t even follow simple directions. Look at her standing there with her fly trap wide open. If she keeps it up we won’t have to feed her. She will have enough flies to fill her up in no time.” Pet was sitting at the table, shaking her head.

“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just amazing by your beautiful home. I love it. The setup is warm and inviting. I love the open space. You have a lovely home.” I say as I finally manage to join them at the table.

“Okay, maybe she is not completely off.”

“That’s enough out of you, Pet. Let’s eat.”

Pet had prepared us juicy baked chicken breast, grilled brussel sprouts, and spaghetti squash for dinner. It was delicious. I ate everything on my plate and was instantly tired. Food coma…Pets cooking was good.

After dinner Dan walks me to the living room.

I’m settled on the couch, blanket across my legs, a glass of whiskey in my hands. Dan has built a fire. Sipping my drink I listen to him hum as he wittels a chunk of wood. Pet hasn’t been seen since dinner. I ponder everything thathas happened so far. Should I do this? Should I go? Will it work out between me and Pet? Do I need to stay here for the whole pregnancy? What about if I’m pregnant and it doesn’t work, with me staying here? Over and over again I’m plagued with questions I don’t dare speak aloud.

“Sir, all of the kitchen chores are done.”

I look up started by the sound of Pet’s voice. She stood next to Dan, said her piece, and is now kneeling on her hands and knees at his feet. I watch silently. I don’t dare move. I want to see how they flow naturally. I would give anything to disappear right now and just let this play out. Dan lifts his legs and sets his feet on Pet’s back. He uses her as his own personal footballstool. That has to be extremely humiliating to her, being used like This in front of me.

“Are you sure, Pet? All of the kitchen chores are done? I would hate to have to punish you in front of company.”

“Yes Sir, I’m sure,” Pet said in a rushed breathy voice. “I hand washedand dried all of the dishes and put them away. Washed the table and chairs. Put the table clothes away and I washed down the counters. I swept and modified to sir. I put the leftovers away as well.”

Dan removes his feet from her back. Sits up and spreads his legs wide to where she is kneeing in-between them. He gently strokes her cheek.

“You did good Pet.”

He then reaches down and rubs her lingerie-covered bottom.

“Good girls, get rewarded.”

He leans back on the couch and unbuckles his belt, unzips his pants. Reaching inside the open zipper and looks Pet dead in the eyes and say

“Come get your reward pet.” He shakes his limp cock in her general direction. She crawls the few steps towards him with her mouth wide open. A moment later her head is bobbing up and down on his cock. I’ve got a fantastic view from my spot across the room on the couch.

Pet is wearing a black lace lingerie set. The bottoms are a cross between cheeky shorts and a thong. Thetop is a lacey cruss cross spaghetti strap number. I can clearly see her nipples through the top. She is wearing a black collar with a D ring on the front. She has thigh highs to match with platform high heels. She looks like a sex kitten. I am thoroughly impressed and slightly jealous. I don’t have anything close to her body or her outfit.

Dan has a hand on the back of her head guiding her as she gobbles down his cock. His other is rubbing her ass.

“That’s it Pet. Good girl. Keep sucking my cock. We might just put on a show for Jennifer here tonight. Show her what it could be like for her if she accepts our offer.”

Dan then looks me dead in the eyes.

“I think we should put on a show for her and make her watch.”

I nod in agreement. I want nothing More at this moment than to see the two of them in action. The way she is eating his cock has got me mesmerized…and deliciously wet.

Dan pulls Pet off his cock by giving her short hair a hard pull.

“Pet, I’m talking to you. Don’t ignore me. Would you like to put on a show for our guest tonight?”

Pet looks at him with lust-filled eyes and eagerly nods.

“Yes Sir, I would love for Jennifer to watch.”

“Well, clean up this mess you’ve made and go present yourself for inspection in front of the fire.” Let’s show Jennifer what would be expected of her.

Pet is once again on Dan’s cock. This time she is licking up and down his shake. She is holding it gingerly with two fingers. I watch intently as she licks up all of her saliva. After a few moments, she stops licking and appear to inspect her work. Satisfied she stands up and walks over to the fire. She faces it. Spreads her legs wide, laces her fingers behind her head, and bends forward slightly. This causes her chest to jut out and her ass to be on full display.

Dan gets up and walks around Pet. He does a complete circle around her. Eyeing her body. He stands behind her ass and squats down. He is now at eye level with her pussy. He runs a finger up her slit from front to back.

” Pet, you’re so excited, I can smell you from here. It smells delicious.”

He then moves her panties to the side and spreads her pussy open with both hands. He stars at her pussy intently for several moments.

“Well pet, your pussy looks good. I don’t see any straight hairs. But, will I find Any if I touch you?”

“No, Sir,” Pet excellos. Her arousal was evident in her voice.

“If I do, I’m going to punish you Pet. Five swats to your delectable ass.”

“Yes Sir, you won’t be disappointed.”

Dan takes his index finger and ever so lightly grazes Pet’s pussy with it. First up and down the outer lips. He squats down and continues to run his fingers along her folds and finally along the inside of her hood. He grabs Pet by the hips and pulls her harshly against his mouth.

Burying his face in her pussy. He rubs his nose in it. He licks it up and down. He pulls her away from his mouth and tongues each surface. Finally, he probes the inside deeply a few times. He releases a satisfied moan. Then abruptly stands up and walks back to the couch. He grabs his whiskey and take a sip.

Very good pet, you have passed inspection.”

Dan then slides the ottoman into the center of the room.

“Pet assume the position, you were rude at dinner to our guest. I will be right back. When I return you had better be face down.”

“Yes Sir.”

Dan returns a brief moment later with a paddle. It’s thick and it has some kind of writing on it. Pet is kneeing on the ottoman. Her knees are on the cushion and her face is on the floor. Her legs are spread slightly and her ass is in the air. As Dan turns to face her, I can see a flogger hanging out of Dan’s back pocket. It’s black leather, several strands of leather hanging down, and looks to be about ten inches long. I shift my weight with anticipation of what’s to come. I feel the mood begin to pool between my thighs.

“Now Jennifer, this here paddle was given to me as a gift from Pet several Christmasses ago. It’s made of solid oak and on one side has the words bad girl written in raised letters. Each letter has a series of bumps and notches on it. Please run your hand over the letters. Do you feel that?

I nod in agreement. I’m already imagining how it will feel on my bare ass.

“Those bumps and raised letters are going to leave quite the impression on her ass. Don’t worry, I’m not going to cause any harm to Pet. I’m simply going to remind her of her place.”

Dan reach over and give Pets right ass cheek a solid slap. He briefly cares the area.

“Pet, what are your safe words?” I want Jennifer here to know you are safe and that you are in control of everything that happens here tonight.”

Quietly pet murmurs “red, yellow, green, just like a stoplight.”

“What was that pet? I must be going deaf in my old age. I didn’t hear you.”

“Red, yellow, and gren Sir, just like the stoplight Sir” Pet shouts into the floor.

“And what do those words mean to me Pet?”

“Red means, stop! I can’t take it anymore. Yellow means something is wrong. Either I’m reaching my limit, I need a moment, slow down, I’m scared, take a moment and talk to me. Green means everything is great, keep going Sir.”

“Good girl Pet.” He says as he grabs both ass cheats and roughly squeezes them. He leans down and bites the left one. “Can’t have this side feeling left out can we now? Pet you were rude to our guest tonight. Such behavior will not be tolerated. As punishment, you will receive a spanking tonight with six swats. I want you to count them out. If you should lose your place Pet, I will start again on a different part of your body. Do you understand me Pet?”

” Yes Sir, I understand” Pet replied like a child who had just been scorned.

I watched and listened as the scene in front of me started to unfold. I already noticed my panties werea little damp. Pet’s ass is on full display and it is a lovely ass. The lingerie looked great against her soft soupple skin. I imagined how I would feel to be in Pet’s shoes. On display for a stranger. Knowing I’m fixing to get my ass spanked and God knows what else while someone watches. It must be so embarrassing. She’s a trooper though. She’s following Dan’s orders to the letter. I hope I can be as obedient as her one day.

“One Sir.” Pet yells out as Dan comes down on her ass hard with his hands… one on each chef. He gently cares them both for a moment after the strike.

“Beautiful Pet, your ass is already turning a beautiful shade of pink. I love watching it change colors for me”

“Two Sir.” Pet shouts out a little breathlessly. This time Dan used the paddle. Instantly the area that was hit by the words turn bright red.

” Three Sir.” Pet shouts again as the paddle comes down in the exact same spot as before. The area is bright red now and you can cleary see the words bad girl on Pet’s ass. This time Dan leans down and gives pets inflamed ass cheek gentle kisses and cares. He trades out the paddle for the flogger and continues to assault Pet’s ass.

On the final strike, Pet is shaking and everything she says comes out in a sultry breath. I am mesmerized. Pets ass has red lines cruss crossing from one side to the other. There’s not one place left untouched on her ass. The words bad girl are still present on her right ass cheek.

“Pet, please stand.”

Dan helps Pet to her feet. He makes sure she is steady on her feet and then he leaves the room for a brief moment. Pet’s face is moist with tears. Her lips are red and puffy from crying. For a brief moment, I think she didn’t enjoy her punishment and wonder why she allowed it to Continue. Dan returns with a bottle of lotion. He sits on the ottoman facing me.

“Pet lay across my lap.”

Pet does what she is told. Dan starts to remove Pet’s panties. He slowly slidees them down her raw ass. He pulls them halfway down her thighs. Pet whiles briefly as the material rubs her sore bottom. Dan takes the lotion and begins applying it to her ass. He is being very gentle. It is soothing me just watching him work.

“Pet”, he says. “Do you understand why I paid you tonight?”

“Yes Sir. I do.”

“Why did I pay you, Pet?”

“Sir, you paid me because I was rude to our guest. My behavior was unacceptable and I am sorry Sir.”

“You are sorry Pet?”

“Yes Sir, I am sorry.”

“Pet, it is not me you should be apologizing to.”

“You are right Sir. Jennifer, I am truly sorry for my behavior. I was rude to you. You are a guest in our home and I should have watched my attitude. Please forgive me. I will not make that mistake again.”

“I forgive you Pet.” I say with a kind smile.

Dan picks that moment to insert a finger into Pet’s warm wet pussy. He has been toying with it during our conversation. Pet moans softly as he slides his finger in and out.

“Very, good pet. I’m going to fingerprint you until you cum. You took your punishment and apologized like a good girl and I am very proud of you.”

“Mmmm thank you, Sir!”

Dan slips a second finger into pet’s pussy and begins fucking her with his fingers he pumps in and out of her faster and faster. Pet squirms in Dan’s lap trying to get More and more of his fingers inside her. Dan chuckles a little as he knows what she wants. He slips one hand underneath her and begins to rub her clip. Pet arches more, causing her ass to stick out in the air and giving Dan more room to move his hands. She is on her knees now. Head down against the ottoman and ass in the air. She pushes back against Dan’s hand, trying to take more of him. Dan smiles at me and slips in a third finger. He pounds Pet’s pussy with his fingers and starts to tug on her clip.

“So sexy Pet, so beautiful. Cum for me pet. Cum for me right now.”

Pet lets loose and gushes all over Dan’s hand. She pants and moans and gasps for air. Her body withers in the air as her climax subsides.

“That’s it. Good girl. You have earned an orgasm. I know I was rough on your ass. You will feel it tomorrow. You will also hopefully remember your manners and I will never have to punish you for this offense a second time.”

Dan slips his fingers out of her pussy and holds them up for me to see. Clear strings of fluid are stuck to them. Clearly, Pet had enjoyed what happened here tonight. Come to think of it, I’m more than a little wet myself.

“Pet, my fingers are a mess. You made a mess all over them. Who is going to clean this mess up Pet?”

“I am Sir.”

Pet sits on the floor between Dan’s legs and begins to lick and suck her juices off Dan’s fingers. I sit in silence and watch with lust in my eyes. Any doubts about whether I could do this have been removed from my mind. Any doubt that she did not enjoy tonight has been erased.

It’s beenSeveral years since I’ve had a dominant man of my own. I know there will be lots of punishments to come. It seems like Dan is a firm but fair man. He punishes and provide the needed aftercare. I could do this. I could stay here and write and be this man’s sex toy. The only question in my mind at this point is could I be Pet’s toy as well?

I’m so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even notice that Pet had left the room. She had picked up the paddles and lotion and cleaned up the room. I only came back to reality when the couch diplomad as Dan sat down beside me.

“Jennifer, a penny for your thoughts.”

I looked at him for a moment trying to process just when I had zoned out and lost track of reality. Pet enters the room. She knees on the floor right next to Dan and rests her head on his knee.

“That was incredible. I’m a little embarrassed to say I am aroused. At first, I could tell Pet was in pain and thought she was going to need her safe words. But she held on. You changed your technique and soon I could tell Pet loved everything you were doing to her.

The way you took care of her afterward was so sweet. You truly are a dom. I kept telling myself that this was going to end badly. I didn’t want to get my hopes up for accepting this job. After all, I did find your ad on a sex site. But I am thoroughly impressed by what I saw tonight. The way you loved and cared for her and rewarded her for taking the full punishment… was perfect. I have no doubt in my mind that I could be your sex toy for the duration. My only concern is could I be Pets? I’ve been eating out by a woman one time in my life. I’m not sure if I could please her the way I could please you, or even if I would like eating her pussy.”


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