The Surrogate

Prolog: How I ended up here

I sit here for the hundreds time today browsing through help wanted ads, with no luck. I have to get out of this frozen waste land. My uncle wants me gone. Frankly, I don’t blow him. He doesn’t understand me. He feels I’m a waste of space, and all I do is just sit around and run up the utilities. But of course conveniently forgets everything that I do around the place.

I write for a living. I’m 33 years old now and a published freaking author. I write those cheesey romance novels, although, I would say my last book was mostly smut with some romance thrown in. I’d really enjoyed writing it even though it took longer than it should have, I’d found myself getting worked up far too often, I’d found myself playing with my clip when I should have been writing. My uncle calls my work trash, and me, trashy for writing it. I’m single and have been for a while. I get wrapped up in my writing and forget the world. The guys I have dated didn’t really appReciate that much. They could’t get that they were’t the centre of my attention. If only they knew what they were missing if they bothed to take the time.

My uncle is a farmer in Minnesota. He raises animals for slaughter. He’s got that whole mountain man look going for him right now. He is the youngest of all seven of my uncles, and the closest to where I used to live. At 47 years old, I imagined if he’d shaken, then he would look more like a 20 something. He’s in great shape, but he’s also a grumpy ass. The two of us don’t really click. Of course I’m grateful to him for letting me stay here, but really I can’t take it any more. Something’s got to give.

Today it’s expected to be balmy -31 degrees outside. It’s much colder than that right now though. It’s almost one in the morning. My brain won’t turn off. I’m starting to feel like this place is like quicksand, almost impossible to escape. Two months ago my apartment complex burnt to the ground. I’d lived on the beach in beautiful South Florida where the beach was literally my backyard. I would sit for days on my balcony and watch the waves roll in while I hammered out my latest story. But now I sit in the front of the fire in my uncle’s living room in the middle of a giant meat popular stand, where I have to get as close to the wood burning stove as I can get without setting my blankets on fire.

I’m expected to be up in 4 hours to feed the animals. I get up and refill my glass of wine. I’ve decided that masterbation is the only way I’m going to sleep anytime soon. I run back to bed before my feet freeze, dive under the cover and click on the internet. It’s the only way I can keep in touch with the outside world. I log onto my favorite porn story website. I settled on a story. 30 minutes later my hand slipped down between my legs and was furiously rubbing my clip. I see the scene vividly in my mind.

A woman, red hair, large breasts, is on her knees in an outdoor shower. One cock in her mOut and another in her hands. She’s sucking and struggling both. Water beating down on her. A woman standing in front of her flogging her torso and pussy. Eyes closed, I can imagine the sting of the lash. Every time my pussy is flogged I’d scream. Anytime she doesn’t have a dick in her mouth someone grabs the chain secured to her nipple clamps and give it a sharp pull. Being pulled to the next cock waiting to use her open mouth

I cum so hard imagining I’m her. I’m whimpering as I imagine the feel of the crop on my skin. I want it so bad. The water beating down on me. The struggle for air as I deep throat the closest cock, while grabbing another to stroke. Gagging as it goes deeper so I choke on the hard flesh filling my mouth. I can see it all in my imagination. I pinch and pull on my erect nipples, needing to feel the bite of the nipple clamps on my flesh as they are viciously pulled. The warm sensing grows from deep in my core and take over me. My body convulses as I cum hard.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my uncle banging around in the kitchen. He bellows “Get up lazy ass it’s time to do some work.” I heard the coffee pot bang on the stove and groan. It is going to be a long morning. I put on three pairs of socks, a tank top, a t-shirt, a long sleep shirt, two pairs of fleece lined leggings and a pair of sweatpants. I make my way to the front door and climb into my coveralls. I feel like that kid from the I’m going to shoot your eye out movie. I slip on my rubber boots and make my way to the barn.

I feed the turkeys, horses, pigs and cows. I then hook the cows up to the milking machine. My first day here I stuck my finger inside the milking tube and now I wonder what it would feel like having it hooked up to my own tits. The thought of it makes me groan. It won’t ever happen though, it’s way too cold for me in this barn. If it was summer I’d love to find out how it felt. I shake my day dream and continue working. Some hours later. The animals have been put out to pasture and the barn is cleaned. The animals all have fresh bedding and I am starving.

I head in the house and start striping as soon as I enter it. I am butt naked by the time I hit the bathroom. I crrank the hot water up and proceed to warm my soul with it. After my shower, I make myself some breakfast. Sitting down with my plate hoping today is the day I can find a job that will get me out of this icebox and allow me to write. I open my laptop and find the web browser open to the same story I read last night. I smile and save the story to my favorites. If I had more time I’d read it again, but I know I’d end up on my bed, legs spread rubbing my clip. It would be so good but it wouldn’t find me a job. I start browsing the web site and come across a help wanted section.

I read the titles of the ads looking for anything that catches my attention. I don’t expect to find a real job here but maybe someone needs a story editor or something like that. Something I can do for now.

I see offers for:

Sissy boy wants man to dominate me


Wanted pictures of women’s feet

Woman wanted to financially dominate me



Wanted housekeeper


Couple seeking surrogate and family toy

That last one caught my attention. I opened it.

We are a married couple searching for a surrogate for our married son. The surrogate will be compensated nicely. Our son and his wife want a child of their own but she doesn’t want to be pregnant. nor does she want to adopt and raise another man’s baby. Surrogacy is the option we agreed to. The surrogate will be expected to conceive a child and pump breast milk while staying in our home until three months after the child is born. We will provide everything. Once the surrogate is pregnant my wife and I would like to use you as a toy sexually. We are into bdsm and some other fetishes. You will not be with us and our son at the same time. We are serious about this. It’s now or never to produce a child for our son. If interested please respond to this ad. Please no hate or SHAMING messages.

I read the ad several times. I’d forgetten all about being a surrogate. I’d done it once for my best friend. I’d had a child of my own but she passed away with her father in a car accident. Could I really do it again? I’m not getting any younger that’s for sure. What about the other part? Could I be a couples sex toy? They are into BDSM which is great. I haven’t had a dom since my husband died 6 years ago. All my fans have been about being dominated by a man. Maybe it’s time. No harm in messaging them right? Just the thought of something to get me out of this frostbite farm made the decision easy.

My reply:

I read your help wanted ad. I am interested in the position but I have lots of questions. Where are you located? What kind of BDSM things are you into? Parading me around town and letting a bar full of strangers screw me is not what I imagine for bdsm. I am, or, was a sub in the past and liked it. I’ve been alone for a while. I’ve also been a surrogate before so I know what to expect. I am a writer. I write romance novels for a living. Relocating would not be an issue for me as long as I can continue writing. What are you and your wife like? Would you be willing to exchange pictures? I’m 5’6. I have strawberry blonde hair and blue/green eyes. I’m a bigger girl. Well I feel like I have bombarded you with enough questions for one email. I will be waiting for your reply. Looking forward to hearing from you.


After I sent my reply I checked the local jobs again without finding anything as Interesting as the one I’d answered. Bored, I called my editor. She has been very understanding with the changes I’ve had to go through lately. I do my best to keep her updated. Today she was pushy. She needs me to have a new book out by the end of summer. It’s currently November. I really need to get a book creded out for her. I’ve got several books started but none I feel I want to complete. Maybe I will get a response to that ad and could use that as a story. The idea of ​​that gets me a little excited. I’d make a start today. I could flesh out an idea and maybe give my pussy some more attention. I realize I’m already wet. The thought of being a couples playing has really got me turned on. Maybe the writing could wait a little longer. I almost ran to my room, striping in anticipation of some naughty fun under the sheets. I wouldn’t even need the help of a story. I already had one of my own running around my head that would make me cum, maybe more than once tonight.

The next morning

I wake up and go Through my normal routine of feeding the animals. Showering and breakfast. Today we have to prepare for a snow storm. It seems we are expecting at least a foot of snow by the end of the week. Before I moved here I can’t remember the last time I saw snow. God I miss the beach. I put on a pot of ham and beans and then I help bring in firewood. Check the water struggles throughout the property and board up the windows on the north side of the house. My uncle being his rude grumpy self saying things like keeping working like this and your fat ass might actually get a shape to it the entire time. Humiliating me in the wrong way. I have got to get out of here. I’m all for some humiliation and being degraded to a point, and have enjoyed it. But not the way he’s going about it. By the end of the day I’m sore and tired and fed up with his grumpiness. At least he was pleased that everything was ready for when the snow came.


My wife and I are into BDSM. I do not know if our son is or not into BDSM, once you’re pregnant you can continue to have sex with him if you want. This will be allowed only if his wife doesn’t object. I am a dominant man and I do love to show off my property. However, parading you around town wouldn’t exactly be legal here. On the other hand we do frequently a BDSM club. I do show my wife there and would like you to be displayed for others’ pleasure too. This may include having sex with those I allow to use you at some point. Of course we would go over your limits and ours too before we started doing anything like that. I enjoying praying my subs when they are naughty. Bondage is definitely incorporated into our relationship. But again everything would be discussed beforehand. I’m not into causing pain and suffering just for the sake of it… I am into correcting bad behavior and you would be punished, so that in the future you modify your behavior and act according to the standards I expect from a sub under my control.

My wife is my sub. My pet. She serves me. She is also bi sexual and loves pussy. She wants a woman to be around for a while, she has her needs too, as her dom I like to provide what my pet wants. That’s why we are trying to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. She can be demanding and jealous. I imagine it will not be easy to please her. It will be worth it though. My wife has some medical problems and is often laid up in bed. She worries about me on the days she can not perform her duties. You would fill in for her on those days. We will go over what those duties are supposed you accept the position.

You will be expected to become pregnant by our son in the first 30 days of being here. You will get paid $10,000 a month for each month you are pregnant and additional $5,000 a month for each month you produce breast milk. The milk will be frozen and given to our son for the child. We live on a very large farm and we would like you to help on it. Things like collecting eggs and watering the animals. Helping with the household chores will also be a part of your duties, since you would be staying here with us. Everything is negotiate though, and can be discussed during an inperson interview.

We would bring you here for the interview. Show you around the farm. Spend a day or two getting to know you and then send you back home. This is to give you space to think. If you accept the position we would take you to our doctor and confirm that you are fertile and healthy enough to carry a child. You will not be paid for time you are not pregnant. My son will visit you on my property, whether his wife accompanyings him and may want to play an active part is open to discussion with him. I have no idea what their sexual proclivities are, but be aware of the possibility that this may happen and at no further cost to myself.

We would be happy to exchange pictures and even video chat with you before you come up to your interview with us. I am 6 foot 198 pounds. My hair is mostly grey now but it was light brown. I have blue eyes and a decent build. I am 52 years old. I’m reasonably sized as far as sex goes. My wife is 5’2. She’s 190 pounds. She is 48 years old. Has red hair and green eyes and a firey temperature. She is 42 B. We are both white. It doesn’t matter to us about race but we know it does to others so we try to be mindful of that. We both like our women to be curvy. No skeletons for us. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

If everything I have said so far is satisfaction,

Please send us some pictures of yourself. Clothing is optional. We will send ours to you and match what you send us. If you are still interested after all of that we will move forward with video calls where you will be expected to be nude, as would we. If after pictures and video chat we are all happy, we can move forward and set up the in person interview.

Thank you so much for your time and for responding to our ad. I hope you have a wonderful day and look forward to hearing from you. Dan

I read the email over and over again. This is really real. I think I can do this! Fingers crossed I will be out of this popsicle stand beforewinter gets really bad. I do a happy dance at the thought of that. Pictures… They want pictures. Hopefully I still have some naughty ones. If not I’ll have to figure out how to take some with so little privacy. I scroll through my phone and find some good head shots and a few body shots. I go to the bathroom and use the mirror and take a bra and panty shot. Trying to get as much as possible of my body as possible. I debate going further and letting Dan see everything on offer, but maybe I will wait and see how things go. Satisfied with the pictures. I sent five right away. One of my face, a normal every day picture with friends….who I crop out. I also sent a clothed full body shot that I took today. I include a bra and pantie shot front and back. I told him that a video call would be great but I wouldn’t be able to find the privacy needed. I put my clothes back on and try to watch some TV.

Less than 2 minutes later I have a new email from Dan. I smile and open the email. Danhas also sent 5 pictures of each of them. Dan is fairly good looking given his age. His wife is attractive as well. I don’t see any physical issues with the two of them or any reasons to make me not want to have sex with them. At the end of the email is a phone number. My hands shake as I dial the number, I’m really doing this! No more than a couple of minutes later my phone rang. I had to worry into my bedroom for some privacy before answering.

Me: Hello, this is Jennifer. Is Dan available?

Dan: Hello good looking. How are you doing today?

Me: I’m cold but otherwise fine.

Dan: We would most certainly warm you up young lady. Pet, come say hello to Jennifer

Pet: Hello Jennifer. You have very nice breasts, very nice indeed.

Dan: You do indeed. So tell me… what are you into sexually? I’ve told you what we like already.

Me: Well, I’m submissive but only sexually. I like control of everything else in my life. I like to be tied up or down. I enjoybeing spanked. I love my nipples played with, they are very sensitive. I like toys, using them on myself or a partner.. Being called names like slut and whore is something I enjoy too. I like to dress up or down if the situation calls for it.

Dan: That all sounds lovely. Have you ever been with a woman?

Me: I have had a woman eat my pussy one time. But that’s it. I like the idea of being with a woman though, Pet is perfect for my first time.

Pet:You have never eaten pussy! Oh, this is going to be so much fun! I’m going to enjoy you in so many ways.

Dan: What about anal? What are your thoughts on the subject?

Me: Um, well, I haven’t had anal in many years. My husband was huge and it hurt so he only got it for very special occasions. I want to like it. I want to enjoy it like the women in porn films do. I’m willing to try again even if it hurts.

Dan: We can work on that. Do you have any issues with being naked?

Me: No, not really.

Dan: WellIt seems like we are good fit sexually. We both find you attractive. Would you be willing to do an in person interview? We will fly you out here of course. It will probably include a threesome at some time, are you OK with that. Think of it as part of the interview process

Me: Absolutely. You both seem great so far. I have no problem with a threesome if it will help with the interview. I’m eager to please you both.

Dan: How soon can you come out here? How many days would you like to stay?

Me: I’m free whenever. There is a big snow storm heading our way tomorrow though, so any time after that the airport may shut down. So as soon as possible really. A couple of days, maybe three days would be fine.

Dan: I will email you the information and ticket.

About 30 minutes later I received an email with a plane ticket attached. It seems I have a plane to catch at 6am. The flight was three and a half hours and Dan was going to be waiting for me in the arrivals hall.It was about an hour’s drive to the ranch, I informed my uncle I will not be here in the morning, and just got a grunt as a reply. I’m going out of town for a few days for an interview, he showed no interest at all. I scheduled a ride to the airport and packed my things. Everything I own currently fits in a backpack and a suitcase. I will only be gone for a day or three so I just take the back pack and my laptop. I’m guessing clothes won’t be an issue as I won’t be wearing anything often. I’m so excited. I’m going to feel the Sun and warmth of the coast on my body again!. I can barely sleep. Luckily I have a sure fire way to help me sleep. I open my legs and play with my erect clip, eyes closed picturing Dan and Pet and all the wonderful things they will do to me.


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