The Surprise Guest

We sat facing each other in the small coffee shop, sipping our lattes in silence. Neither of us felt the need to engage in idle chit chat for the last few minutes. Perhaps we were both reflecting on the evening to come. Anticipation was what it was all about.

The sunlight poured in through the naked floor to ceiling windows, bathing me in its bright light. My partner, however, was cast in shadows. I thought that was Very fitting.

John was darkness and light. He was the type of dominant partner that made you feel good about yourself even while you were being used. He made you long to submit to anything and everything he wanted.

We had been meeting every two weeks, unbeknownst to our respective spouses, for long sessions of hard, intense sex. As the days passed and our time drew near, my excitement level soared and I was barely able to concentrate on my work each day.

“How was your day today?” he asked me.

I took another long sip of the latte, jolted byIts sweetness, and revealed in the feel of the hot liquid travelling down my throat. Like a conditioned response, all five of my senses tuned in sharply whenever John was around. I felt the itchy material of my polyester blouse rubbing against my skin, yet I had not noticed this earlier in the day. All my nervous endings had sprung to life and I felt completely alive with him.

“It was alright.” Truthfully, it had been an awful day. It seemed like the moment one problem was resolved, another popped up. I knew I could sit there and tell John about it; he would listen to me and offer advice and a shoulder to cry on like a true friend would.

That wasn’t what I wanted tonight, however. Right then, I wanted to forget about reality.

“I’m not so sure you’re telling me the truth, but I’ll settle for that,” he smiled gently. “Are you ready to head over to my place?”

Though we had been meeting up for these little rendezvous for quite some time, neither of us had ever been inthe other’s home. This week, however, John’s wife was visiting family out of state and he was alone in his house.

I felt a little uncomfortable with fornicating with a man in his own home, in the bed that he slept in with his wife each night. Just not uncomfortable enough to turn the offer down.

“I’m ready.” I gave him a wink and a smile. As I moved to rise from my seat, John grabbed my hand in his, halting my progress.

“Are you really ready? For anything? Because I have a surprise for you today.”

He’s cute. He always had some kind of surprise for me. The last time we were together, in addition to wine, flowers, and a few souvenirs he brought back from a business trip, he gave me with a brand new butt plug. He’d used it to fuck my ass while simultaneously slightly fucking my pussy with his cock, and he had made me one satisfied lady.

“Bring it on,” I whispered to him, and we both laughed and headed to our vehicles.

Blindfolded, I lay ass up over the side ofJohn’s overstuffed, oversized arm chair. My hands were tied tightly behind my back with the maroon silk tie he had forgotten earlier.

Though I was expecting it, I had no warning when the first soft blow caressed my ass cheats. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning out loud, but my effort was futile.

“Yessss,” I whispered as the whip descended once more.

Having experienced this whip before, I knew what to expect. The multiple soft leather strands created a most pleasant burn. The sting was just enough and never too much.

“How does that feel?” He whispered close to my ear.

Oh man, it felt incredible. It felt as though a million tingles of sweet sensing exploded on my red ass each time the whip came down.

As my brain scrambled to string together a coherent sentence, the whip descended once more, harder this time.

“Answer me young lady,” he demanded. “How does this feel?” His voice had gone all tough and dominant on me. He knew how I loverved that tone. It made my pussy start to weep.

“It feels so good, so so good. Please. PLEASE! Please don’t stop. Please.” In a dark corner of my mind, I knew I was begging. I knew how it must sound. As a proud person, I should have been utterly humiliated at that moment. Instead, I felt hot, wet, and exposed.

My ass was pointed straight in the air, my legs spread a bit and dangling over the side of the armchair. My cheek rested against the roughly woven material of the seat of the chair. My hands were tied behind my back. I knew my pussy and ass were on display as he paid me, just how he liked. He was probably looking his fill, enjoying my embarrassment. He knew that I hated to be exposed this way, and yet I loved being exposed this way. As I first walked into his living room, I had noticed how the sunlight filtered into the room through the sheer draws. For all I knew, he may have turned on some of the lights after he’d stripped and blindfolded me. Luckily I felt very comfortable with him, otherwise I would have been mortified.

“Whap!” the whip made contact with my inner thighs, brushing lightly against my exposed pussy. The pain pulled me from my thoughts. I could feel motivation gathering on the lips of my sex. I didn’t fear his reaction to my obvious arousal; I knew how much he loved my wetness.

“I can see how much you’re enjoying this,” he taunted me. “Tell me what you want.”

I just couldn’t think anymore, reason elded me. I opened my mouth to answer him, but all that came out was a long, low moan.

“Whap!” harder this time. “Tell me!” he shouted.

Oh dear God. “My pussy!” I cried out. “Please, please touch my pussy!”

I imagined his smile at that moment. I knew he enjoyed this as much as I did. He loved when I was reduced to talking dirty.

“You want me to stick my finger in there? You want me to test your wetness? I don’t need a finger for that. I can tell you right now. Your pussy is soaking wet. I can see the juices glistening on your flesh and dribbling down your legs. Can you smell this room? It smells like hot, wet pussy.”

However, he accepted my request. Starting at the base of my spine, he slowly ran his hand down the crack of my ass. Down, down, until he came to that tightly closed rear hole. He paused.

“Mmmmmm” he whispered, close to my ear now. “Guess what sweetheart? You’re gonna get fucked here tonight too. Good and hard. Do you want me to open up your ass for you tonight?”

Yes Yes Yes!!! I did!!!

“Ooooooooo” was all I could manage.

“Yeah, I know. I know all about it” he whispered, circuitry that tight hole for just a moment.

He proceeded down to my saturated vagina. His finger slide in and out easily.

The room filled with the squishy sound of my wetness. “Honey,” he began. “Ready for that surprise?”

He always asked if I was ready. He always looked for my acknowledgement and willingness to participate, and it made me respect him even more. I knew he would never give me anything I couldn’t handle. I couldn’t help but wonder what he had in store for me though.

I felt my excitement rising and couldn’t prevent my ass from wiggling a bit and teasing him.

“Smack!” He scratched my ass with his bare hand this time.

“Answer me!” He said. “Are you ready?”

“Yes!” I shouted, and I was so damn ready.

“Okay. I need to ask you one thing. Do you trust me? Do you trust me completely? Do you know I’ll never allow any harm to come to you, never put you in any danger?”

Holy shit. I was getting freaked out thinking about what this surprise might be. I thought on this for a moment. The truth was: yes. I did trust him completely. I knew he cared for me, would never put me in harm’s way. He would never give me anything I wouldn’t thoroughly enjoy.

“Yes,” I whispered. “I do. I do trust you.” I feel tears start to form in my eyes. These scenes always made me emotional.

He gently stroked my hair for a moment. He really was a true sweetheart.

“Good baby, good.” I loved the way he called me “baby”. “Okay,” he continued, and his Dom voice returned. “Brace yourself.”

I braced myself for anything and everything.

Only, nothing could have prepared me for this surprise.

My heart literally stopped dead in my chest as he swiftly untied the blindfold. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the light.

Oh my God. There, sitting in the armchair opposite mine, was a stranger, an older gentleman, staring at me.

“Hi Beth,” the man greeted me with a small smile. “Mind if I stay and watch?”

Shock spiked through my bloodstream, and my jaw dropped involuntarily. All I could do was stare at this other man in John’s living room. I had not heard him enter the room, but then again, I had been more than a little preoccupied. Absently, I noted that he looked friendly and unthreatening.

Something about him reminded me of John. His eyes were warm and kind, which was kind of odd since he was obviously there to participate in some form of deviant sexual act. For just a moment though, I sensed the new man’s kindness and experienced a brief reprieve. I felt calm.

He held my star for quite some time, and then his eyes travelled leisurely down my body, down to my exposed bottom. The look in his eyes gradually turned hot and steamy and he grabbed his crotch. Apparently he needed to make an adjustment.

Oh God Oh God Oh God!! It was all too much for me, and I couldn’t help but squeeze my eyes tightly shut and burrow my face into the seat of the chair in shame. Holy shit, what the hell was I doing? Yes, this had always been a fantasy, and yes, John always made my fans come true, but just … wow!! A stranger, in the same room with me while I’m getting fucked, seeing EVERYTHING?!

Before meeting John just a few months earlier, I was a complete innocent, never having tried anything other than vanilla sex. Going down on each otherwas the height of kink for my husband and I. This scene tonight was like nothing I had ever imagined.

I felt John moving around behind me as I continued hiding my hot, flushed face in the seat. Suddenly, my arms were released and I was no longer restrained. I moved swiftly to sit on the chair, pulling my knees up to my chin and wrapping my arms around my legs. I would have crawled into a hole if I could. I kept my eyes squeezed tightly shut. Like a child, I thought that if I couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see me. Silly!

John knelt down in front of me, his warm breathing caressing my cheek. He gently stroked his hand through my hair and down my back. His touch was warm and soothing. I knew his touch well, his scent, the feel of his breath on me. Many lonely nights, I lay in my bed longing for the feel of him.

He said nothing and minutes or maybe even hours passed. My heart still pounded, but I could feel my breathing return to normal. Still, John said nothing, just stroked me and trailed kisses down my shoulder and arm.

He brushed my sweat dampened hair from my face and eyes, kissed my cheek gently, and whispered, “Baby. Open your eyes for me.”

Oh no! No, I didn’t want to!!! Then I’d have to face the fact that there really was another person in the room. I couldn’t do it!

I heard John shift slightly, and after a moment I He heard the other man’s footsteps retreating. “Babe, it’s just you and me. Just the two of us. Come on, open your eyes now.”

I opened one eye and took in the room. We were alone. I looked into John’s eyes. He was right there in front of me, and had wrapped both arms fully around me as he ran gentle fingers up and down my spine.

“Listen to me,” he began. “That’s Jack. He’s a good friend. We’ve known each other a long time. He’s a nice guy, would never harm you in any way. He’s only here to watch. He enjoys watching. He won’t touch you, so you do not have to worry about him.”

“I don’t know if I can do this.” My voice sounded foreign to my own ears, shaking and scared. I couldn’t remember sounding this way before.

“You don’t have to do this. Say the word, and he’s gone.”

I thought about that for a moment. “You wouldn’t be angry with me?” I asked hesitantly.

“No, baby. This is your fantasy.”

John is so sweet and giving, I realize that I didn’t even have to ask those questions. I knew him, knew he wouldn’t fault me ​​for not having the courage to proceed. I launched myself at him, my arms around him as I spread sweet little kisses all over the face that I adored.

I looked into his eyes once more. The feeling of his bare flesh touching mine gave me comfort. And then a thought occurred to me.

“Are YOU really okay with this? I know you love making these things happen for me, but is this what you want too?”

He smiled. “It is. I promise you, we wouldn’t be here if this weren’t what I wanted, too. But more than anything, I want you happy, aroused, and stimulated. Not scared to death. A little appreciation is a good thing, it can make the scene hotter and more intense. But if you’re truly not into it, I don’t want it either.

And right there I made up my mind. I wanted it.


John reached his hand around me, gathering my breasts in his hands, and gave them a gentle squeeze While pulling on my nipples.

“Ooooooooooo That feeeeeeels sooooooo good…” I moaned, almost incoherently.

We were in John’s guest bedroom. John was sitting back against the headboard, reclined with his knees up and bent. I was on top of him, basically sitting in his lap with my legs bent over and on the outside of his. My feet and hands were flat against the mattress, and I was working myself up and down over his hard cock as it shuttled in and out of my ass.

“Yes!” John shouted. “Harder, fuck me harder sweetheart.”

I increased the pace as I looked up at my new friend Jack. He had not spoct another word since John had called him into the room a few minutes earlier. His eyes were riveted on the debauchery in front of him.

John and I had never tried this particular position, but I think he felt that it would allow Jack a bird’s eye view of the action. If a bulge in a man’s pants was any indication of his excitement level, I could see that Jack was excited. He had been slowly inching his chair closer to the bed, probably thinking I wouldn’t notice. He was attempting to get a closer view of the action.

I panted loudly with the exercise as I slowed my pace a bit and rubbed myself all over John’s cock in a circular motion, undulating my hips. John released my breasts and turned my face to his for a long, hot, wet kiss.

I picked up the pace again, gaining the leverage I needed, and began riding his cock like there was no tomorrow. My small breasts bounced up and down furiously. Up and down, I pushed myself higher and faster. Each time I lifted my hips allthe way up, I could feel the giant head of his cock coming almost all the way out of my ass. Then I slammed myself down, feeling the head break through my sphincter muscle once more.

The feeling was exhaust and I knew my pussy was sopping wet. I was sure my clip was standing tall and proud and probably appeared ruby ​​red from all this action.

Jack’s face was about three feet from ground zero now, and I tried to picture this scene from his point of view. It must have looked pretty sexy. I was still feeling a great deal of nervousness, but the nerves were morphing into excitement. I was feeling hotter and more aroused than ever before.

I paused briefly again, taking another break and rubbing my ass all over John’s cock. I felt John’s hands run down my thighs, down to the backs of my knees.

Grasping the back of my knees in his hands, he whispered, “Jack, do you want to see her gaping asshole now?”

I gasped loudly and looked at Jack’s face. He was flushed andHis eyes appeared a bit glazed. Wide eyed, he nodded his head. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Yeah I’d like that.”

I gasped again and turned my head in embarrassment as John lifted my ass up in the air. I felt his cock break free and the cool air invaded my hot asshole. John held my knees up against my shoulders. Again, I was imagining Jack’s point of view in my head, and I knew my ass must be pretty dilated at this point.

“Look at him, baby. Look at his face.” John whispered to me. I gathered my courage and opened my eyes. I could feel that little hole quivering, muscles moving involuntarily to attempt to shrink down to their normal shape and size.

Jack’s hand was once more stroking his cock through his pants, his eyes trained on my ass, still suspended in the air. “Damn, John. You opened her up real nice.” Jack whispered, almost repeatedly.

“Yes indeed,” John replied. “See how she loves having her ass fucked?”

Jack nodded his head. “Oh yeah. She’s loving everysecond of it, I can tell.”

Their talk was making me so hot and turned on, I couldn’t help but squeeze my eyes shut again. My whole body was flushed with arousal and I was not sure how much more of this I could take. I had felt close to orgasm for about a good hour now.

John lowered me down on his cock once more, and I knew my asshole has tightened and shut by this time. His cock bumped against that closed hole, and I reached one hand down to align him as I pressed my ass downward. His cock broke through gently and I was on precipice of pleasure and pain once more.

I throw my head back against John’s shoulder and closed my eyes in ecstasy. We stayed like this for a moment, still, and I felt John run his hand up my chest, gripping my chin and bringing my gaze around to his.

“Let Jack touch you,” he whispered. “Let him just feel your pussy. That’s it. That’s all I will allow him to do.”

I gasped, shocked once more, and could only stare at John. I hadn’t considered this!!

I took a deep breath. My pussy WAS feeling a little empty and lonely. I looked to Jack, who appeared to be smoking and more excited than ever.

After a long moment of deep introduction, I whispered, “Okay.”

John placed his hands on my wait, encouraging me to begin riding him again. I began pushing myself up and down on his cock, much more slowly this time. I felt rather than saw John gave a little nod to Jack.

Jack moved in closer to the bed, and leaned in slowly towards the spot of our union. I could tell he was giving me the opportunity to say no if I was really not comfortable.

He reached his hands out and placed them both on my knees. His touch was nice, though not nearly as nice as John’s. I noticed his digits were big and thick, much like John’s.

He trailed his fingers lightly down my thighs, very slowly, until he reached my pussy lips. With thumbs only, he opened them a bit wider and rubbed his thumbs up and down the outside of my soaking wet lips.

“Oh God!!!” I sobbed, and I knew I sounded like I’d lost it. Truthfully, I could feel my mind start to drift, slowly losing touch with reality.

Jack did not take his eyes off my cunt, and I didn’t take my eyes off his fingers, which were driving me mad. I did my best to continue the slow pace I’d set.

Jack extended his middle finger and I felt it makes slight contact with my wet hole. I moaned loudly and obscenely.

His finger slowly tuned into my pussy. I know from sticking my own fingers in there during anal sex, it becomes extremely tight. There was a look of concentration on Jack’s face as he began moving that one finger in and out.

“She’s so tight, John,” he whispered.

“Isn’t she?” John replied, and I felt him lightly kiss the back of my head. “Is she wet, Jack?”

“Hell yeah, she is,” Jack responded, moving his finger a little faster.

“Give her another finger,” John commanded as he began nibbling on my earlyobe.

This was so erotic, so hot, so fucking amazing, I thought I was about to exploit. My nipples were standing at attention, my legs were quivering with the effort to support myself, and my pussy and ass were both clamping down on the welcome inviters.

Jack made eye contact with me, and brought his middle and pointer fingers to his mouth, enveloping both. He closed his eyes for a moment, and I knew he was tasting my pussy.


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