The Surprise Ch. 05

I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding. I have finally gotten my computer back in working order although I lost everything and am still attempting to recover some of it. Hopefully, I will be able to. The final Part of The Surprise I will have to rewrite completely as it was lost and I don’t want to ask you to wait too much longer for it. Again, thank you and enjoy.


Part 5

Through his subspace zach thought he heard knocking and then Her words penetrated into the haze of pleasure and pain.

“Ah, my visitor has arrived. Now don’t go away, my pet” She chuckled, ruffling his hair and moving out of his sight toward the door.

Pulling himself back from his euphoria he heard Her talking with a man. “A man? Why is She talking to a man?” he wondered as a feeling of dread that he had disappointed Her gripped his heart. “No not a replacement please no.” His mind screamed in anguish. Then as they moved closer to him, he could hear what they were saying.

“Is he ready?” The man asked, “I won’t do it if he isn’t ready.”

“Oh yes,” his beloved Mistress answered, “he is more than ready. And I think I will have you do two tonight.”

“Mistress?” he croaked his throat raw from his screams. Fear again tightening his insides.

“Two?” The man asked as he followed Her to the table.

“Yes two,” She said. zach groaned as She pinched the skin just at the base of his sac. “The PA and then one here. I have a friend, who works in leather, designing me a special cock and ball ring and a piercing there is important to the design. The PA I want big enough so My cock will be more impressive when I show him.”

“Show me? She wants to show me?” his heart trembled with bliss knowing that She thought so highly of him. His throat tightened as he choked back a sob of joy as tears of happiness slide from his eyes. Oh how he loved Her. He would endure anything for Her, anything at all.

“Ok, what ever you want,” the man shrugged, “The customer is always right.” And he set about laying out his instruments.

She again turned Her attention to Her pet, lying there with tears in his eyes. Moving to him She smiled. “Oh my sweet pet,” She whispered tenderly, “this is the surprise I have for you. I am having you pierced to let everyone know that you are Mine. You belong to Me.” And She leaned over to kiss him Her tongue sliding between his lips and dancing with his. With Her kiss came more pleasure making his cock throb and twitch.

“Is this what you want, Mistress?” he asked softly looking up as She broke the kiss.

“Yes, slutboy it is. Are you daring to question me?” the tender look disappearing as Her eyes hardened.

“No, Mistress, your slut would never question your actions. I just want to know if this will make you happy and pleased with your pet?” he whispered, his eyes pleading on Hers.

Her face softened again, “Oh my sweet pet,” She whispered, “I have always were pleased with you. You have always given me more pleasure than any Mistress could ask for.” She again leaned in to kiss him gently. “Now hush, slutboy. You are mine and I will do with you what I want. And I want to have my cock pierced. Not another word from you or I will gag you. Understand?” He nodded as She moved away from him.

He jumped as the man’s cold latex gloved hand grasped his cock, moving it around while looking at the tip and running his finger around the head, pinching here and there to test the skin response. zach had never had a man touch his genitals before and he felt a blush of embarrassment and humiliation flood thru him. He wanted to close his eyes, to block out the sight of another man touching him but he couldn’t and he felt the urge to cum begin again in his balls as the man’s hand moved up and down. The man looked him at him smiling as he played with zach’s cock. The humiliation deepened when he realized the man wasn’t testing anymore but was enjoying making his cock throb and swell.

Never releasing it the man spoke to Mistress, “This is a nice one, Milady, he is very hard and getting harder, it will be a pleasure to pierce.”

zach moaned and squirmed on the table trying to pull himself away from the man who was slowly rubbing his thumb over the tip sending pleasure through him. “Mistress please,” zach begged his color heightening as the man smiled at zach’s humiliation.

“I know what a nice cock my pet has which is why I want to pierce it but sometimes he is a willful slut and needs to be punished.” She smiled beganly at the piercer and pulled hard on the chain that connected to the ceiling.

zach screamed and humped the air with his hips, suffering further humiliation when he realized that he was fucking the man’s hand with this action.

“Enough,” She snapped, “not another word and keep still or he might miss and we wouldn’t want that now would we? Such a beautiful cock disfigured because you wouldn’t keep still.”

“I’m sorry, Mistress,” he while.

“Sorry isn’t enough, slut. Anymore of this behavior and you will be punished.” She hissed and turning to the man She said, “Sir you may proceed, he will be now.”

He trembled in trepidation as the man seized his cock and slid a urethra sound coated with lubricant into the hole, slowly moving it in and out gently sending more pleasure than pain thru him. Then thrusting it deeply into the hole the man held the top and twisted turning on the vibrating sound. The victory sent zach into wild pleasure frenzy. Bucking, understanding and crying out within his bindings, the man turned off chuckling enjoying his power over zach.

“Like that boy?” He grewled then twisted the top again turning it on full making Zach scream and buck in pleasure once more. He watched zach buck and hump his hips for a little while longer then turned the sound off and removed it. “well I’m not gettin’ paid by the hour so I better get on with it.” He grumbled and turning to his instruments he pulled out what he needed then turned to Mistress Helene and asked, “How big do you want it? I recommend a 10 gauge and stretch it to an 8.” He told Her.

“That sounds perfect, doesn’t it pet?” She asked running Her fingers through his hair. zach just lay there trembling, his eyes wide hoping he wouldn’t disgrace his beloved Mistress.

zach jumped when the piercer began to clean the head of his cock and shivered as he marked where the hole would go.

“Is this where you want it, Lady Helene?” the piercer asked Her and She stood next to him cocking Her head to one side visualizing what it might look like.

“Yes I think that will be fine.” She answered.

The piercer turn and opened Another sterilized package pulling out a receiving tube then lubed it up before sliding into zach’s pee hole.

“Ok then boy, Brace yourself.” The man said as he inserted the need into the receiving tube. “this might hurt a bit.” And he chuckled to himself.

Zach began to feel pressure then a sharp pain as the needle pushed thru his tender skin. Zach gasped and bit his lip although the pain wasn’t as bad as he had thought and he breathed a sight of relief.

The piercer then pushed thru the bead-ring working it a bit to stretch the hole to the recommended size. Zach again bit his lip almost crying out as the pain in his cock Heightened. This was worse than the actual piercing and he panted for the few seconds that the man worked the ring. Then it was done.

“There, Lady Helene,” then man said. “How do you like that?”

Zach lifted his head a bit to see the silver ring that proclaimed to all that he was Mistress’ property and his heart swelled with pride and happiness.

“Yes, yes,” his Mistress sent looking with delight at the shiny new ring. “it makes My cock even more beautiful. Now for the other please get on with it. I have other things to do before the night is over.” And She shivered with anticipation at the thought of Her cock with its new ring pressing against Her g-spot. Her pussy throbbed again and She moved to the head of the table. Bending down She kissed zach gently and moaned into his mouth.

The piercer had already cleaned and marked the spot where he knew Lady Helene wanted the second ring and as he pinched the skin to insert the needle, zach was drowning in his Mistress’s kiss. Felt the sting and then the insertion of the bead-ring as the man stretched the hole to the right size, his body tensed and he groaned softly against his Mistress’ lips.

Helene broke the kiss and moved towards the toy table, picked up Her strap on and slide into it gracefully. She then picked one of the larger sized cocks She had purchased especially for this occasion. At 10 inches long and 8 inches at it’s widest with all the ribs and veins to drive him wild with excitement She knew he would be screaming his pleasure and She smiled as She slipped it into the waiting hole in Her strap-on before tightening the straws. Adjusting Her specially made midnight blue chiffon skirt so that the cock with soft pliable balls jutted obviously from between the soft folds She turned back to the piercer who was gathering up the used paraphernalia.

“Oh, that’s a nice one, my Lady, but are you sure it will fit in his small ass?” He asked with a laugh.

“Yes, I’m quite sure it will but if you would like to stretch his asshole for me then be my guest.” She smiled back at him.

“Thank you, my Lady; I would be honored to stretch your slut’s asshole.” And he spread zach’s cheats wider. “Oh yeah, this is one nice ass. I wouldn’t mind fucking it myself.” He mused as he placed his still gloved finger on the wrinkled rosebud and roughly pushed into it, moving in and out quickly until his finger was buried in zach’s anus to the hilt.

zach whimpered and begged. “Please Mistress.” As the tears rolled down his cheeks. A Man finger fucking his ass! Thethought made zach sob in complete mortification.

The man moved his finger around finding zach’s prostrate and massaged it making zach’s cock throb uncontrollably. “Oh yeah, this is one tight ass. And hot.” The piercer told Her moving his finger in and out brushing the prostrate each time. Zach on the edge of cuming tried to think about anything that would take his mind off the pleasure that he was receiving from This stranger because he knew if he came without Her permission he would suffer the direct consequences.

“Hush slut,” She snapped, “you know you love it. Admit it. And remember you are taking all this for me, because it pleases me to allow anyone I choose to fondle and fuck you any time I choose.”

zach looked up into Her eyes, ‘Yes Mistress, I am your toy to do with as you see fit. I love you and want to please you, always.” He panted his hips thrusting as the man finger fucked him.

“Oh yeah,” the man commented as he moved his finger in and out of zach’s pulsing ass, “He is really tight, I think I will need to use another finger, if I may, Lady Helene?” and at Her nod he slide another finger in roughly making the pain slice through zach. In and out, in and out, hard, strong, rough, making Zach pant and sob as tears of shame, frustration, pleasure and pain ran down his face.

She leaned over him kissing the tears away, licking them from his cheeses. “Suffer for me, pet.” She whispered. “You love it all and you would cum if I let you, wouldn’t you, my slutboy?

“Yes, Mistress.” Zach groaned his cheeses red with shame and desire. “Your nasty slutboy needs to cum, please.”

“No my sweet. We are not done yet; you will have to wait a bit longer. But soon, it will be soon.” She laughed then turned to the man. “Alright that’s enough. I think you have stretched him to accommodate my hard cock. I let you have your fun, now it is my turn.” She snapped Hr fingers imperiously as She moved closer to where zach lay moaning in ecstasy.

The man chuckled and gave him one more hard thrust before sliding his fingers from zach’s sore anus. “Yes ma’am and thank you, the pleasure was all mine. Sure would love to fuck that ass though. Oh well guess I’ll head home and fuck my wife. She loves a good ass fucking.” He moved to his bag removing the gloves and strowing them away then picking up the bag he headed towards the door. “Have an enjoyable evening and I will leave the care sheet with you, My Lady. If you let him cum make sure it is cleaned well. Don’t want to get an infection in that nice fat cock.” He grinned back at zach with a raised eyebrow. Mistress Helene ushered him out the door and zach heard the door close and lock then all was quiet. He wondered where She was and he shivered in anticipation once more as he contemplated what else was in store.


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