The Surprise

Nickelle stretched as she woke up and reached for her robe. It wasn’t there. She sat up and looked around the room confused. She rubbed her eyes to completely wake up, and slowly slipped out of bed. Nickelle had always slept totally nude, so she knew that she had hung her robe on the bedpost before she went to sleep. She searched around the room but it wasn’t anywhere. It was then that she noticed there were little pieces of paper on the floor in a line. She soon forgot about being nude, and stopped and picked up the first piece. It has one word on it.


Nickelle didn’t know what to make of this and started picking up all the pieces of paper. She noticed that there were quite a few and she followed the trail down stairs and into the kitchen. The last one was lying on the table and it was a whole sheet of paper. She laid They were all numbered and she put them in order.

“Hi, if you check your closet and drawers you will notice all your clothes have been removed.”

Nickelle then remembered she was completely naked. She was totally confused to why someone would take her clothes. She kept reading.

“Yes, little one you will have to see what you can come up with for clothes.”

Then she went on to the sheet of paper.

“You will have to make something that will satisfy me in every way. I will be there around 7pm tonight to pick you up and take you with me and have you serve my every wish. You had better be a good girl, and do as I command to make your Master very happy. If not, you know what will happen. Now take your cute little red headed butt and start getting your things together. You will be gone for a couple of days. Master Samuel.”

Nickelle sat and stared at the letter. Her first thought was “How dare he break in my house and steal my clothes. How can he even have the nervous to stay gone for so long and think he can just walk back into my life.”

Samuel hadhave gone for 6 months. He was her Master before he just disappeared on her, no notice, no warning, just one day he quit calling and coming around, and she hadn’t heard from him since, till today. Strangely she got excited.

She missed him greatly, but she was finally getting over him. Her feelings were mixed on him showing back up in her life. It didn’t take long for her to make up her mind. Nickelle could never tell Samuel no.

He did things to her that made her melt. Nickelle looked at the clock; she was up late last night so therefore she had slept late today.

It was already 4pm. Nickelle’s old subservient instincts quickly came back and she didn’t hesitate to hurry to follow her commands given to her on paper.

She jumped out of the chair and was wondering what she could use to make Some type of clothing. She remembered that Samuel loved having her barely clothed, so she didn’t have to have much. She ran around the house looking for something anything to makeSome skimpy clothing out of. Then she remembered her elephant ear plant and walked over to inspect the leaves.

They were big enough to almost completely wrap around her curvaceous body. Nickelle giggled as she thought of an Adam and Eve plot as she clipped four leaves from the plant and ran off to her bedroom.

She was arranging the leaves in front of the mirror trying to get an idea of ​​how to wear them. Nickelle figured out if she arranged them just right she could have a halter and a mini skirt. She started to work and soon had her outfit together the only thing was she had to think of how to keep the leaves on. So she started thinking.

She ran to her closet and took the shoestrings out of her tennis shoes. Nickelle carefully poked holes through the ends of the top leaf to make a kris cross pattern so that when she laced it together it left her back bare except for the laces to hold it around her chest. She then took two leaves, the first one to cover her genitals and the other to cover her bottom. Then using more laces and made the same crus cross pattern to connect the two leaves together on her hips. Leaving her hips bare and showing off her smooth skin.

Nickelle looked admiringly at herself in the mirror. Nickelle is a very attractive woman She was very petite 5′ exactly and 100lbs if that. She has beautiful fire red hair that is wavy and past her waist. She has perfect 32 B tits, which at 30 (though she doesn’t look a day over 21) still stand just as perky as they were in high school.

Her eyes are the brightest green, like emeralds sparkling in the sunlight, and she has the smoothest, pretty olive complexion, that had darkened nicely with her summer tan. Nickelle could have been a model if she was just taller, but she was happy being short.

Her body was perfectly proportioned except her butt was a little on the ghetto side. That was OK with her because she received many of compliments on her round behind. Plus she is the cutest and spunkiest little thing you have ever met, and you just can’t help but be drawn to her.

Nickelle was just one of those people that everyone loved to be around. Everyone knew she was beautiful, you couldn’t miss it, but Nickelle never let on one bit that she was pretty or ever acted like she was any better than anyone else. Everyone in her eyes was just as beautiful as she is.

People often laughed and commented that she had to have either been a fairy, sprite, or pixie reincarnated as a human.

She couldn’t help but admirer her own body in her new outfit. She carefully took off her homemade clothing so she wouldn’t ruin it while she was getting everything else together. She packed a small bag of essentials. She once again checked the clock it was already 6:45.

Nickelle quickly put back on her Garden of Eden clothing, and anxiously waited for Samuel to arrive. As she sat on the couch she started to think about Samuel.

God he was beautiful. He was6’2 and thoroughly dwarfed Nickelle. She felt even tinier than she was next to him. He was built like a god, every woman’s dream man, tall, dark and handsome. Every muscle in his body was ripped to perfection, his family was mainly from Italy, but his mother was from America and refused to give her son an Italian name, so she named him after her father.

She could clearly picture his dark forbidden eyes as he looked at her with lust, his full lips as they connected with her body. She was starting to remember everything about Samuel, and she could feel herself getting wet and turned on. Gah he did it to her every time. Just then she heard her door open. He didn’t even both to knock.

“Well little one did you miss your Master?” Samuel asked in his deep sexy voice.

Nickelle looked at the floor; afraid to meet his eyes for she knew the power he had over her. “Yes sir, very much.” She replied.

“Good, I missed you too little one, you served me very well. I see you followed my orders. Now stand up and turn around for me so I can see what you have come up with.” He commanded.

Slowly Nickelle stood up; her head still bowed to the floor and did a circle for her Master.

“Mmmm I forget how tasty you little body is. Very good little one and very creative. You remembered how much I like you in very little clothing. I’m very pleased. Now we must be going collect your things” he grew at her.

Obediently Nickelle grabbed her overnight bag and headed towards the door. Samuel grabbed her and turned her towards him before she reached the door. Nickelle quickly sucked in and held her breath and waited to see what he was about to do.

Samuel picked her up and pulled her body to his, then leaned down and placed his lips upon hers in a deep lustful kiss. Nickelle moaned and melted against him. Samuel released her and she slid to the floor her knees weak and he led her out the door.

Nickelle quickly got in Samuel’s car and waited for him to take her wherever he wanted to. She then felt a blindfold being put over her eyes.

“You will not be seeing where we are going little one. It is a surprise, the reason why I have been gone for so long. I have a question for you before we leave, and I expect it to be answered truthfully. You know what happens when you lie.”

Nickelle nodded in agreement.

“Have you had anyone else since I left?” he asked.

Nickelle Shook her head no. ‘How could I after you?’ she thought to herself.

Samuel removed the blindfold and looked deep into her green eyes. “Answer me out loud, so I can see your eyes. You know I can tell when you are lying to me.”

“No sir, I have not sought out or been with anyone else since you left.” She said in a small voice.

“Good girl, I’m very proud. I will not leave you again my precious pixie; I missed you more than you will know. Now lets get going.” He replaced the blindfold and got in the car.

“Drink this.” He handed hera bottle; she was curious to what it was but didn’t dare ask so as not to make him mad.

Nickelle did as she was told, and was soon sound wait. When she wook up she was still clothed in her leaves and the blindfold was still on. She tried to move but it was impossible she had been tied to the bed she was laying in.

“Ahh good little one I see you are awake.”

She heard his deep voice say and she turned her head in the direction that it was coming from. He began to cares her hair away from her face and slowly slip his fingers down her arm.

“Mmm still as soft as ever.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead, as he began to run his fingers over her tight stomach and made her muscles jump in reaction.

“Oh you did miss me little pixie.” He commented.

His fingers made a slow torture all over her body, but not touching any sensitive spots. Samuel slowly untied her from the bed and lifted her to him. He carried her out of the room, and she heard voices getting closer and closer. He removed the blindfold and she blinked to adjust to the light.

“Gentlemen this is my little pixie, that I have told you about.” He announced to the men in the room. He lowered her to the floor and she quickly looked around and bowed her head and stared at the floor.

Nickelle was disappointed. She thought she would have her Master to herself. He had gone for so long that she wanted to be with just him, but then she remembered just before he disappeared, he had told her that he wanted to see her with other men. To see them enjoy her, and she was very turned on but this idea. She just never thought it would happen.

“We will return in just a moment gentlemen.” He grabbed her arm and led her to another room.

“This is why I have been gone. I told you right before I left that I wanted to see you pleasure other men. I have been arranging that. I would never let just anyone touch your perfect little body. So I have been scouring everywhere looking for just the right people.

“I also knew you would not have anyone after I left waiting for me to come back, because you knew I would never just leave you without returning at one point. So I knew when I returned to you, you would be more than ready to receive the attention of these me. Do you understand little pixie?”

Nickelle finally looked Samuel in the eyes as she nodded. He could see the fire in her eyes and how turned on she was by the idea. He smiled and pulled her close to him and brought his lips down roughly on hers, telling her in that kiss how much he really did miss her.

“Sir?” she asked tenatively.

“Yes” he answered.

“May I ask why you took all my clothes?” Samuel began to laugh.

“That was a joke my dear to see if you would follow my order, or if you had found another to serve. I wanted to see if you could be creative enough to make some kind of clothing that would please me.”

Nickelle flushed red and started to beCome angle, but quickly settled herself down. She knew what would happen if she was to show her temperature. Samuel leaned his head to the side and looked watched her quickly control her temperature.

“Did I see you just start to get angle?” Nickelle lowered her head to the floor and knew she was caught. Samuel grabbed her by her shoulder and bent her over his knee.

“I see now that I have been gone to long and will have to show you how to control that temperature of yours again.” He raised his hand and came down hard on her behind.

Nickelle cried out and his hand connected with her tender flesh. Again and again he his hand came down on her little bottom each time a little harder than the last one. Nickelle cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Samuel grabbed her makeshift clothes and Easily ripped it from her body. She had nice red handprints welted up on her tiny bubbled bottom. As Samuel was punishing Nickelle she could feel him getting more and more turned on, as heswelled against her breast. He picked her up and placed her back on her feet.

“Will you need anymore reminding on how to behave?”

Nickelle quickly shook her head no.

“Good, now before we join the rest of the group again. We are going to have some time to ourselves. I will be the first to enjoy my little pixies favors.”

Nickelle began to get excited.

“Now down on your knees. Remove me from this clothing with only your mouth.”

Nickelle got on her knees, placed her hands behind her back and leaned her body towards her Masters zipper and brought it down with her teeth. She then tugged at each side of his pants with her teeth pulling them down bit by bit till finally his hard cock was fully exposed.

Nickelle had to Raise herself off the floor to be able to reach her Master’s member. Samuel was ready for this, before Nickelle could reach it in time with her mouth he leaned down and placed her belly down on top of the counter.

He then placed thehead of his dick between her lips and she eagerly open her mouth to receive him. Samuel was well hung, nine inches long and 3 inches around. Nickelle had to open her mouth as wide as she could to take him all the way in her mouth. Still it was hard to do.

Samuel grabbed her hair and fucked Nickelle’s mouth, pushing himself all the way down and throat holding himself there as he felt her throat muscles swallowing his cock. He pulled back out of her mouth and slammed back in and could feel Nickelle’s moans vibrate his manhood.

God it had been too long since she felt her sweet little mouth devour him. He bent over her tiny little body and starting rubbing her still sore red bottom as he fucked her mouth. She moaned louder onto his cock.

Samuel had to pull away from her mouth knowing he couldn’t take much more. He turned her over and around on the counter and scooted her bottom to the edge, where she was almost falling off.

“God I almost forget how beautiful you are.” He told her. “Now open your legs for me little one so I can see if you’ve taken care of what is mine.”

Nickelle opened her legs for him, and he inspected her thoroughly. “Good girl, still very smooth.” Samuel commented as he inspected her with his fingers. Feeling every little crevice on her pussy.

Nickelle leaned her head back and moaned as he teased her. God she Missed his touch.

“Already nice and we for your Master I see.” Samuel began to run a fingerprint up and down her slit coating it with her pussy juices.

Nickelle moaned and tried to move her hips towards his fingerprint, to get him inside her.

“No my pet, you must sit very still. I will let you know when I want to put my fingerprints inside you.” He continued to tease her till he felt it was time to let her have a little more pleasure.

Samuel grabbed her small breast and kneaded it with one hand as he suddenly jammed a finger deep inside her. Nickelle let out a loud moan and shivered.

“Oh yeah your nice and tight for me baby girl. I like that. Squeeze my finger little one show me those muscles still work.”

Nickelle contracted her pussy muscles around his finger as he plunged it in and out of her. He added another finger to her hot little twat. Nickelle was having a hard time holding still. She had to fight to control the urge to rock herself on his fingers. She was so wet it was dripping down the crack of her ass. Samuel used this to his advantage and slipped one finger up and down her pumpered little neither hole. Nickelle couldn’t hold back anymore, she started rocking herself against his fingers.

Samuel suddenly stopped what he was doing.

“Do you want this you little slut?”

Nickelle slowly nodded yes.

“Then you will do as you are told and hold Still.”

“Yes sir.” She answered in a whisper.

Samuel replaced his fingers inside her pussy. He started banging them in and out of her harder and harder. He plunged another finger into her asshole, and Nickelle screamed out loud.

“You ready to feel my cock inside you little one?” he asked in a sultry voice that made her cream on his fingers more.

“Yes, please Master please, I want to feel you inside me.” Nickelle moaned.

“I don’t think your ready yet. That wasn’t convincing enough for me. You’ll just have to wait a little bit longer.”

Samuel leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hard, as he gently rubbed it between his teeth. Nickelle was going nuts. His fingers continued to pump in and out of her tight twat and ass.

He could feel her muscles continue to contract around his fingers. He moved from her nipple to the other and continued the same sweet torture. He then leaned down and quickly took her clip in His mouth and sucked hard. She took in a quick breath and squealed in delight. Her little clip was nice and hard already sticking out of its hood. He sucked on it harder and flicked his tongue across it. He felt her beginning to orgasm and pulled his fingers out of her pussy and ass. He quickly replaced them with his hard cock.

Slowly he entered her. Inching him self little by little into her. After six months of no sex she was tighter than normal. He slowly slip all the way inside her burying is cock till he felt his balls push against her ass. Nickelle screamed as he plugged his hard cock in and out of her hot wet pussy.

“Oh baby you’ve gotten tighter. I like that little one. Your pussy feels hot.”

He plunged deeply in her making Nickelle trembled in pleasure. Harder and harder he slammed his cock deep into her. Then he slowed down.

“My little pet I have something else for you.”

He made a motion and a beautiful full figured blonde came around the corner.

“I want to see you please her my little pixie, as I fuck your pussy and make you come I want to watch you please another woman.”

He made another motion and the woman went and grabbed something out of the freezer. Nickelle couldn’t see what. She then handed it to her Master.

“Nickelle this is Aimee. Aimee I want you to climb up here and place that hot box of yours on my little slaves face.”

Aimee did as told. Nickelle could smell the musk odor of the other women as she lowered herself over her face. Nickelle wasn’t sure what to do. She had never been with another woman. Instinct kicked and she did to Aimee what she liked done to her. She reached out with her tongue and flicked Aimee’s clip. Aimee moaned, as she felt Nickelle take her clip into her mouth and suck on it.

“That’s right you little slut suck my clip, make me like it” Aimee moaned.

Samuel was slowly sliding his cock in and out of Nickelle’s pussy. Watching as his little pet pleased another woman. He grabbed Aimee’s head and forced her down to suck on Nickelle’s clip as he pumped his cock in and out of her. Nickelle moaned loudly into Aimee’s pussy. Nickelle ran her tongue up and down Aimee’s slit, and thenshe began to plumage her tongue in and out of her pussy. Aimee began to grind her pussy down on Nickelle’s face. Nickelle went back to sucking on Aimee’s clip and she wiggled a little hand between herself and Aimee’s pussy and pushed in a finger.


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