The Superbowl Party

Script didn’t get Marigold. First she’d asked him to bring home other men for threesomes, then she’d told Script, after a few session that she didn’t want him to participate.

Really, but to “just watch” which was fine with Script, as it seemed most of the time when there was a three-way.

Marigold did almost all the sucking and attention on the other guy while Script was asked to like, do Weird shit like suck the guy’s balls.

After Marigold had had Script be a voyeur during her fuck fests with the young men he brought home, she sometimes gave him a little loving’ after it was all over.

First she’d have her slave husband Rusk suck the semen out of her clip, and often lick used juices off the other guy’s dick.

THEN she’d fuck Script later in the night….

But after a while Marigold began just telling Script that she was feeling “icky” after sex with other men.

Yes and she didn’t want him touching her, even denying him her glorious breasts, saying hernipples were tender.

At one point, Marigold had asked Script if he would clean her and one of her lovers up, and Script had rebelled, milkly.

Certainly, Rusk was good for that, he’d done that with Script and Marigold when Script had first entered the picture, but Rusk was a slave!

He was Marigold’s submissive, damn it and that wasn’t Script!

Script was a red-blooded man, a former military officer, damn it.

A guy’s guy. What was also distressing about Marigold was that she wasn’t fucking Script anymore at all, even when she wasn’t having her lively nights with other guys.

Marigold had a couple of girls she fooled around with.

Phoebe, and the new one, Kourtney,,,they were her slave girls, and it kept her kind of busy, but still, Script was supposedly her boyfriend and she wasn’t letting him touch her at all.

Script begged and Marigold denied, and Rusk heard their exchanges and gave Script a wistful smile. I’ve been there, the smile said.

As Scrip was now Rusk’s dominant as well as Marigold, this regretful, knowing smile of Rusk’s had enraged him.

Yes and he’d taken out some of the tension and stress by giving Rusk a brutal whipping with a two by four from the back yard.

But Rusk had taken it without a murmur, even when the welfares became bloody. Then, when Script had calmed down, Rusk had said,

“Remember that Disney movie, Pinocchio, when the little donkeys take him in the cart to Pleasure Island, but after some fun, Pinocchio becomes a donkey himself?

Watch and see, Script, your time is coming.”

After some time, Script’s sexual frustration came to a peak.

Marigold’s refusals for naookie just drive him nuts.

Besides she looked so exclusive, her long dark curls setting off the brief camisoles she paraded around in…it was very difficult!

If Script had still been living in his condo, he could’ve just dated other women.

Marigold had implied that she might dividend Rusk and marry Scriptif he bought her a fairly expensive Andy Warhol painting she’d seen on a trip to New York.

Besotted, Script had sold his condo, his Rolex, his sports car and his truck, emptied his Merrill Lynch portfolio.

And his Roth IRA and 401K, divested his company stock options and borrowed 20 K from his grandmother and given her the Warhol as an engagement present.

Marigold had thanked Script for the painting but said she was quite happily married to Rusk, thank you very much, and that she’d been just kidding, though the painting went right on her wall.

“You need a place to live, Scriptor.

Why don’t you rent my furnace room downstairs? Where the boiler is.

My submissive nephew Birdie, the college student has now moved to the potting shed out back, and you can have the whole furnace room for only $900 a month.”

Now of course, Script, renting a room in Marigold’s house, obviously couldn’t bring women back there, and so he was REALLY horny.

One night hewas in the furnace room jerking off and Marigold came in without knocking and all hell broke loose.

“Script what are you doing?” Marigold screamed.

“This is a violation of our relationship, of our trust”

Marigold picked up Script’s copy of “Barely Legal” and ripped it into shreds as she continued to shriek at him.

“Honey, we haven’t made love in over four months.”

Script while helped. “I’m just so horny.”

Marigold sniffed in contempt.

“I keep my husband Rusk in a chatity device because he is such a weak willed baby. But I expected more from you, Script. I really did.”

“Please oh please don’t lock up my dick.” Script begged.

He was still holding his penis in his hand, and felt a little ridiculous.

Script had watched Rusk in his chaste frustration, months and months of having his genitals locked up in that horrible thing, and not getting to cum at all.

When Marigold had her wild parties, orgies.

Those where Rusk’s mOut was kept busy on the crotches of men and women, and his asshole constantly rammed by lively bisexuals…

Yes, and having to watch Marigold, his wife and everyone else have numerous orgasms fucking various people…

And at the end of the night, poor Rusk was sexually frustrated, jaw cramped after all that sucking, and Script would hear Rusk crying himself to sleep…

Marigold gave Script a severe lesson about onanism and self-abuse.

Script took a cold shower and went to bed, trying to keep his hands above the covers. But it didn’t end there.

The next day, at the property brokerage company, Script’s secretary, Ms. Finch, a shaped but sixtyish lady, accosted him.

Script was always a little freaked out by Ms. Finch, as he’d heard that she had a Weird relationship with the partner who had been her direct boss before him.

Ms. Finch apparently used to take the guy’s pants down and whip his ass with a wooden hairbrush once a week!

Finally he’dretired, but Script worried sometimes that Ms. Finch missed having that kind of deal going on…

But what she said to him was even weirder.

“Give me your bathroom key, Script”

(that’s right. She called him Script and he called her Ms. Finch).

It turned out that Marigold had told Ms. Finch that Script spent too much time in the bathroom and was “wasting water” Of course she suspected he was jerking off…

“You know Mrs. Ruskin is a partner’s wife, Scriptor, and we must indulge her whims.” Ms. Finch said with a grim smile.

Ms. Finch began timing Script in the lavatory, and accompanying him when he showed properties, ensuring that he didn’t spend too much time in THEIR bathrooms, either.

And then she told Script that Marigold required that Script be home within ten minutes, and had the bus scheduled memorized…

Ah because of course Script had sold the car to pay for Marigold’s painting!

At home Script still complained bitterly about “not getting any” which Marigold critically grammatically as a sentence fragment, but oh well.

“What you need is something to distract you, Script. More housework?”

But of course that wasn’t enough.

And then she caught him again, beating off in the shower, and Marigold went nuts. She told Script she would throw him out in the street if this kept up. “I have an idea Though…”

Marigold had Script over a barrel. He didn’t want to be a slave like Rusk was, but on the other hand, his bank accounts were empty and he had nowhere else to live.

He didn’t see his old pals or his family any because he’d became so obsessed with Marigold, and without those old contacts—

Yes, and the truth was, even though his parents probably would have taken him in, he loved Marigold and would do anything…she was just so hot!

Looking at her shouting at him, wearing a tight white and red striped sweater-dress…

Ah he knew, he just knew eventually she’d let him lay her again. It might just take time. So he probably should humor her.

It really hurt him. He didn’t want to wind up like Rusk, whose cock never could achieve full erection in that little lock-up deal he had.

Marigold spent much time teasing and driving Rusk mad.

Yes, and recently she’d tied Rusk naked to the floor and put a sort of board with a hole in it across his legs, with his penis and balls sticking out of the hole.

Marigold had then used her high heel to jam his penis against the board, sprinting at it as if it were a cigarette butt on the sidewalk…

And then she reversed the board so it was behind Rusk’s legs with the penis and balls sticking out back…and Rusk was forced to stay on his knees.

“You like this little board thing, Script?”

Marigold asked coquettishly once, while putting Rusk through his paces.

“It’s called a Humbler.”

She paused and tapped the Humbler, which was locking poor Rusk’s balls behind his legs as he croouchedon all fours.

“The humbler consists of a testicle cuff device that clamps around the base of the scrotum, mounted in the centre of a bar that passes behind the thighs at the base of the buttocks.

This forces the wearer to keep his legs folded forward, as any attempt to straighten the legs even slightly pulls directly on the scrotum, causing from considerable discomfort to extreme pain”

Marigold had laughed as she described what poor Rusk was going through.

“I sometimes leave Rusk in the Humbler for entire weekends, though I’m not sure how good it is for his back.”

Marigold smiled.

“See how I lock it with the bolts and all?

Tight as anything.

And then I can whip his ass, and my cane hits his balls too, and he can’t get far, because of course he’s hobbled by the damn thing.”

Marigold had then whacked Rusk’s balls and cock, sticking out of the Humbler as they were.

Then he began trying to get away, and she whacked again and again, and Rusk burst into tears and attempted to scuttle away on his knees.

But when she paused, Rusk paused too and looked up at her adoringly, clad as she was in super tiny shorts and white boots, and a brief tube top.

Script could see that Rusk’s dick was trying to harden, but it didn’t have a lot of room to, as half of it was trapped in the two boards that were locked together.

Script could tell that in a way, Rusk was experiencing an ecstasy that escaped Script…

Oh, but he wanted no part of this. And God, how cruel Marigold could be…

“And you see, Script, after a few hours in the Humbler, with me attending to his cock with my nasty little cane.

Rusk loses his observation with cumming, and as you know, he’s not cum in three or four months—

Hey, but it’s better to be chaste and not in pain, than having his balls and cock whipped when I thrash his buttocks with my nice little rod.”

And it was true.

Without the Humbler, Rusk could hideHis balls with his legs during a whipping, but with the Humbler, his cock and balls were trapped in the unforgiving wood just ripe for Marigold’s cruel cane.

Now, Marigold ordered Script to remove his clothes. “We’re going to teach you about controlling your urges honey. You can obey me, or leave.”

And Script, his cock hardening, began undressing.

Marigold tapped her foot and Rusk smiled to himself as he scrubbed the baseboards in the kitchen…

After Script disrobed, Marigold called Rusk over and told him to shake Script’s legs, chest and public hair .

“What?” Script’s jaw dropped. He’d hoped they were going to fool around a little, or something. Even if she’d hit him with her cane…but this?

And Script had to stand there, hands on his hips as Rusk knelt patiently and held Script’s legs with a pink lady razor.

And oh God, just having someone stimulating his legs and then closely shaving his crotch was um……

As after all that time not cumming…he became somewhat erect.

Rusk smiled but didn’t say anything as he carefully held Script’s scrotal sack.

Rusk knew of course that after you’ve been denied, you’ll be attracted to almost anything…

Marigold had gotten Rusk to orgasm just by ordering him to rub his dick against a thorny tree branch…

Script’s excitement was quite normal.

But Script was mortified by his erection, and wondered if Marigold would think he was gay. But maybe she wouldn’t notice it.

Marigold, of course, noticed.

“Oh look—Mister Pervert is all excited. Now he probably wants to screw Rusk!

How disgusting, disgusting it really is.”

Marigold laughed and went to the bedroom, and when she came out, she had stockings, pale white, and a garter belt, and some distressingly large high heeled black pumps.

Script was quite chasted after Rusk’s shaving of his legs, when he now had to put on the garter, the stockings and the pumps, but no panties of any kind.

“What the hell’s this about, Marigold?” he pleased.

“I don’t—have no interest whatsoever in being a fucking tranny!” ] Marigold looked exasperated.

“Baby, you are so caught up in what your dick wants to do. I need to get your ego in place.

This is the only idea I’ve come up with that might really work well.

And besides” Marigold walked up and stroked Script’s cheek with a long red nail. “Don’t you want to please me…so I am more attracted to you?”

Marigold gave Script a deep hug and kiss, and rubbed her crotch against Script’s hard cock, and plunged her tongue into his mouth…and of course she rubbed her full breasts against Script’s chest, and it had been a good little while since he’d touched them.

“Mommie just wants you to be a good boy” Marigold breathed huskily in Script’s ear.

“Don’t you want Mommie to love you again, and maybe consider taking you back into her bed…so Mommie might suck your wee-wee again, she likes obedient boys,you know.”

Script’s dick got harder, and he kissed Marigold’s neck but still tried to argue with her, and Marigold pulled away from him abruptly.

“If you want me, and you love me, you’ll do what I ask and wear the stockings and the garter belt…what do you want?”

What could Script do?

He walked around all evening like that, watched TV and then when it was time for bed, Marigold, who didn’t let him sleep in her bed anymore, tied his hands to one of the boiler pipes in his room.

“If you have to pee—hold it. I can’t have you jerking off all night long.”

That had been a horrible night, Script had been so worried, bound as he was to the radiator, that there might be a fire, and he wouldn’t be able to get loose.

He suspected quite strongly that Marigold wouldn’t think about him if she had to flee, she’d take the Warhol painting first.

An possibly the painting was worth more than an idiot that allowed Marigold to dress him up like this!

And then the next evening, when Script came home, Marigold put out the panties and garter belt and heels and again, he had to put all that on.

And then she had Rusk pull some of the straight hairs out of Script’s crotch, which of course stung a bit.

And this went on night after night, till Script almost didn’t recognize it…

This meaning he got used to the feeling of air around his cock and balls, Since he was naked between the garter belt and the stockings.

It was fun in a way, because he’d pass Marigold in the hall and she’d stroke his cock and ticket his balls…

But she still wasn’t fooling around with him.

Well sort of.

Sometimes she’d sit down with Script to watch television, and stroke his dick during the commercials, while commanding him to sit on his hands.

He’d spend the time that the show was on, hoping that the commercials would start soon, so she’d start the stroking up again, which means he really missed his favorite programs.

If he did off, Marigold would use an old lawn dart and poke him in the balls…

Sometimes she used a knitting needle!

Other times she’d quiz him on what he’d watched, and if he couldn’t remember cruel details of “The Office” or “Parks and Recreation”

Marigold would punch him lightly in the balls…

Once, when he couldn’t remember the contestants on “Dancing with the Stars” Marigold locked Script in the garage for the evening, freezing cold in his garter belt. Jesus Christ.

And once or twice Script had to answer the door, and this was extremely upsetting, as once some Girl Scouts were outside.

Right and he had to stick his head out the door without them seeing the rest of him, which was of course half naked (and really the wrong half).

Marigold also liked to take swings at Script (and Rusk, who was entirely naked) and it hurt his bare butt when she connected the rattan with his thighs. She really was an unpredictable woman!

Bu Script alost forgot he was wearing the stuff for a time…he got used to it.

But then came the Superbowl party.

The Superbowl night that so stunned poor Script should have been expected.

Marigold was a woman of surprises, she really was. Marigold knew how to get your attention.

Marigold knew she had to get to know Rusk’s maternal grandfather better!

One day Marigold had gone to Gramps’s farm with Rusk on a visit.

She flirted with the old man heavily, and Rusk had been jealous and pouty for part of the weekend.

This until Marigold had gotten annoyed, and had taken Rusk out to the woodshed.

“What the hell’s wrong with you, Rusk?” Marigold had demanded.

“You’re behaving like a child just because I’m being nice to our host, your Gramps.”

But Rusk just stomped his foot, and then Marigold had demanded that Rusk took down his pants for a whipping.

They’d only been playing femdom games now and then at that time, and Rusk had protected, but Marigold had ripped down Rusk’s pants and underpants and began whipping his naked bottom with a piece of kindling.

Gramps had approached, and said “What’s going’ on here? Rusk, you letting’ this girl hit you like that? What kind of sissy are you, anyway?”

Marigold had then told Gramps about their female dominated relationship.

Gramps had laughed, but then got angry.

“What the hell’s wrong with you, son?

Are you some kind of pervert?

I’ll beat it out of him, darlin’.

Take every stitch off, Rusk, and grab your ankles.

We’re going to see what kind of a weirdo you really are.”

Gramps had thrashed Rusk as Rusk had wriggled in Gramps’s strong arm, screaming “Please, Sir, no more Sir!”

Marigold still got wet remembering Rusk’s betrayed eyes when this experience had happened.

And almost every time they visited, she’d ask Gramps to do it again to Rusk.

Gramps got too old to do it, Marigold had Rusk’s younger cousin 20 year old Roscoe do it, and could he whip Rusk until he was welded and crying!

It had been such a horrible surprise for Rusk that Marigold would degrade him in front of his family, and get his family to degrade him as well…

Marigold loved surprises!

Marigold also had planned surprises with other friendly dominant women.

Marigold’s cousin, Cheryl was divided from her first husband, happily living with her young lover.

But she still keep Godwin, her ex, in a chatity belt, and put him through his paces once a month when he came to give Cheryl her alimony check.

It seemed an odd situation, but Godwin was still deeply in love with Cheryl, and this had been the situation that had happened.

Godwin’s mistake was, of course that he’d started getting Cheryl to cuckold him and keep him in chatity.

Oh, and finally Cheryl had realized that she actually enjoyed her boyfriend more than poor Godwin!

Normally when Godwin showed up, Cheryl strippedhim, and used her bullwhip and her Spencer paddle on poor Godwin.

Yes and then gave him a good strap-on ramming, some fisting (she had big hands) and then a cold enema before finally allowing Godwin the chatity key…

Godwin would unlock his belt, masturbate for the first time in thirty days, clean it up with his tongue,

Yes and get locked up again, for the next month, until he brought the check again.

Sometimes Cheryl would have Godwin suck off her boyfriend, Craig, but generally it was pretty tame stuff…


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