He opens the door.
She is entirely naked, open, arms tied together, legs bound apart. She is a toy for his pleasure, laid face-down so he can do whatever he wishes while not having to look her in the eyes if he does not wish. But of course, he does at the moment. He wants to see the fear in them. The concern. The false pride and bravado.
He strokes her face with his thumb before moving it to her lips. “Kiss it.” He waits until she does, her soft, full lips grinding over his rough skin before planting the single kiss. She looks as if she’ll say something but then frowns and closes her lips.
“Good girl. I thought you’d have more trouble with the no speaking rule.”
He moves out of her line of sight, heavy steps making echoes like thunderclaps. He can be graceful some other time. Now he’s the thing in the darkness. The eyes behind the veil. He’s invincible, and perfect, and everything he can see, touch, is his.
The slap comes down on her ass cheek so hard and suddenly, her body jerks at all three restraints. She makes a light noise that is answered by another slap to the same spot. When she cries out again the third slap comes down. This time she moans, but muted, stifling it.
“Quick learner.”
As a reward, he strokes her ass, kisses it, give it love and tenderness before swatting the other chef . “Can you believe there are people who use crops? Toys? Something that takes away from the kinetic feel? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for using the right tool for the job but there are some things…” He swats her ass violently. “You just have to do yourself.”
Then he’s covering her body, sliding over her without pressing down—further trapping her. When his hands touch the back of her head she flinches and he laughs, low and easy, into Her ear. “So terrified. Of what? Something that you’re imagining is going to happen? The hardest part for you is over. Agreement. Accepting to do this. To give up some power in order to see my heart.” He pressings his cock against her ass, hard enough that it can easily poke her through the slacks. The poke turns into a rub, the rub into a rhythm.
Then he feels her rubbing back against him. Slowly at first, but then more and more. “You are powerless. You are trapped. You are stuck here beneath someone who could rip you apart. And you’d rather that then admit that this is lovely for you.” He pulls her hair so hard her head tilts back, so that he can whisper in her ear with the hushed tone of assured knowledge. “Darling. That’s love.”
When she makes a jerking motion like she’s going to bite at him, kick him, he simply subdues her with his strength. He pushes her back down into the mattress, runs his hands over her ties and moves his mouth to her ears again. “Listen to me. Listen to my voice. You don’t have to be mine ever again. Not for a second. Just trust me enough to give yourself up tonight, for one hour, so you know that you can.”
The curves of her ass tempthim, nearly draw him in, before he tugs at her hair again. This time he bends forward to kiss her throat, the side of her neck and just under her chin. The little places that spell out danger in any other context. Then, for the first time with her, he bares his teeth.
He draws them over her skin, never scraping and never clamping down. He simply takes a little bit more away from her in the moment, Each moment, that they are on her skin. When he drags them back to her ear he whispers again, cock so hard it feels like it could drive into her through his pants. “You held my hand tonight. You came back to me.” He shunts his cock against her ass as the rest of his body comes closer to her beautiful, gasping face. “The power is shifting. Does your heart feel it? Your pussy does. Has it ever been so wet?”
It seems for a moment that he’s going to dip his hand between them, unzip, pull out his cock and slide in. Instead he simply pushes a finger inside her, slow like thick torture,until it is all the way inside her. Then he makes a few circles, pulls it out and brings it to her mouth. “Suck, up until my first segment. Leave the rest for me.”
Her mouth sucks around him in such a way that he struggles not to moan when she’s reached the first knuckle. Then she stops, rolls her tongues around it, and begins to take it in and out of her mouth rapidly, sliding her lips Just up to the point of demarcation before sliding back again and, even as he pulls it from her lips, her neck extends to keep him in her mouth for just a fraction of a second longer.
He sees her neck twist, her body trapped in the binds that he’s made for her, before he puts the finger in his own mouth and sucks her juices. “No, you haven’t. You haven’t been this wet before with someone else, have you? I don’t need you to answer. We both know the truth.”
This time, the finger slams inside her. She gasps in such a way that he has to bring his hand down on her over and over again. Eachslap, each hit, causing her pussy to clnch, her body to shake. But still, when it is over, she holds his finger inside her like it’s made of magic, even wetter than before.
Her cum is applied like a balm to the most reddened parts of her ass, and she jumps and shifts as it is. While our hero soothes the marks he caused with the cum that came, he dips into his back pocket, pulls out a wallet and single handedly retrieves and opens a condom. Then he rises off the bed like he has no weight and, as opposed to before, slides over to the front of her without making much of a sound at all. “Make an O shape with your mouth.”
She does and he puts the condom in, pinches her lips so that they are too tight, small, and just barely open around it. Then he pushes his cock forward, just the tip, and slides the plastic wrapping over. Then, clenching her head in place like a vice, he slides his cock all the way in until he’s used her like a machine to wrap himself up.
And, simply because he is there and she cannot move, her fucks her face for a few strokes before moving back behind her.
It’s only his cock that’s out, hard as it. The rest of him remains clothed as he slides over her naked body to cover it once more, aligning himself behind her perfectly, bringing his cock to the entrance of her pussy while his lips reach her ear once more. “You love me. And that’s harder for you to hear than anything else. You love me and it scares you and you cannot rid yourself of it and you know it’ll hurt when that love stops.”
He pushes the tip of his cock into her easily, opened and accommodating as she is. His hands move through her hair, stroking gently, like playing a harp, as he slides just centimeters of himself in and out of her. “And every part of you wants to run. Love means run away. But I’m betting that every part of you wants to find out what’s next, too, and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. You want me to beat you into submission? Bite you until youare raw? No. You really want to experience torture, then listen to this.”
His cock moves all the way into her as she simply gasps, shudders, in a way that echoes in the only way that bare honesty in an empty room can. Then, when he is all the way in, the words fall out of him like confession. “…I love you, too.”
There is silence for a moment. The sputtering, almost starting of her words. The heat of her face starting to radiate so much that he can feel it from the side. Her pussy in turmoil, both clenching and shaking. She seems like she’s on the verge of tears. She seems like all she needs is softness and understanding.
And that’s when he starts fucking her like he’s never fucked anyone before.
The contours of her body, the restraints holding them in such rigid demand, make it easy, almost Impossibly easy, for him to glide in and out of her. It is long, full, hard strokes without much effort at all. The condom isn’t just a precaution, it’s to delay the one thing that could stop him from truly torturing her—how much he loves her pussy. How perfect he finds it. How easily it ends him.
Hands stop caressing, start choking her neck from behind, binding her hair to keep even her face still. To keep her as in place as possible. One he designed. One he knew.
One that the monster knew too well.
Already it was pressing for him, from the back of his mind. Taking control of his hips so he could swing easily back and forth. It growls, begs, beckons. “Let me have her,” the voice speaks and, when he does not answer it, the monster roars again. “You can’t break her without me.”
It’s just a moment. Just a night. Just the time between them. What’s the harm?
Our hero lets the monster that is inside him out and the first thing it does is clnch her throat so hard that she gasps. It’s only when she does that it starts to slam in and out.
She shudders as it builds and the monster only fucks her harder for it. Everything fromThis point on is wrong. Everything is punishment. Letting the word love out, knowing this could be her final night, it is too much to bear for him. But the monster can take it all in stride. Walk with rhythm. Take without remorse.
The girl is starting to pant, she cannot help it. The tell-tale clenching in her pussy, the slight pushing back of her ass against his thrusts, the curve of her back only being pushed down by the weight of his chest. She’s close.
The monster does not care. This means so little to him, her orgasm. He has a vision for her. One that involves fucking her until the point that she cannot live without him. One that involves never questioning if the bird takes flight when the cage is empty. So he continues to fuck her with long, full strokes.
When she starts to cum, he is inhuman. He does not shift at all. He fucks her through the nearly mute orgasm, continues on as she whimpers, as she puts up with the pain of being fucked too much through it. And,it’s only when she struggles with the tethers, chokes at the binds, that the monster roars aloud for the very first time.
“You were supposed to be silent and still.” His voice takes the oxygen out of the room and her body stops squiriming immediately. For a moment there is only the sound of his cock moving in and out of her, the faith squeaking from the bed it causes. Then he hears her breathing resume. Panting being begin.
That’s when he starts fucking her faster.
“The sad thing is,” he says with a voice like fire, like endings, like shadows, “the soft part of me would give you anything and you’d walk away. You’d say ‘thank you’ for the gifts. This part of me? It knows exactly what you need.”
He moves faster, harder, in and out of her until she is on the verge of another orgasm and, even after that, harder still. This time, when she cums, she cries out and the monster sinks his teeth into her shoulder, clamps down, and fucks her harder still.
She begs him to stop and, each time she does, he takes more of her skin between his teeth until she stops or, at least, stops speaking words and instead squeals and whimpers. Like someone powerless. Like someone opened up.
And her reward?
He fucks her harder still.
Long, full heft. The whole of his strength pushing all of his cock as far into her as possible, so much so now that there is a clap of wood against wood against wood from the bed lifting off the floor and slamming back down on it.
Even the monster’s cock can’t resist her forever. Fatigue, one way or the other, always slips in. Either he’ll get too tired to keep fucking her, or he’ll have to let the pleasure of her in. When she cums the third time, crying out with a ringing in the room, he has his answer.
The monster releases her skin, her hair and her neck. It pushes into the mattress and then it begins to fuck with her with everything it has until there is nothing left to give but more sweet, more growls, and just that little extra bit of cock that enters when a woman when you fuck her so hard that your skin presses into hers.
This assault, this siege, continues until she cocks her head back, cries and begs no, for anything other than it to go on, and that’s when the monster’s cock begins to tingle in such a way that the dance is over.
He tries, as hard as he can, to keep the fucking going for along as possible. Reminds himself to not give in just because cum is starting to see out of him. To give her every stroke in case this is goodbye.
The monster pushes himself beyond all limits it has, and as she begins to cry out, it is for just a few seconds more. Just let me fuck her into pain a few seconds longer.
Then, when she begins to cum and tremble around him, he loses himself. He cums, and cums, and cums. Then pulls out of her as soon as he is able. As soon as the world is isn’t ringing.
She says nothing, as our hero returns, breathing heavily, feeling so hot the sweat and air feel cold. She only gasps and shudders. After a moment, like she’s still being fucked, she cries out and shakes again, trembling, screaming softly in the way that one can only do if they are afraid.
He undoes the binds, though she flinches with every touch of their skin. When she’s finally free, she curls up into a ball, looks at him from behind her knees with large eyes, pulling a blanket over her naked body.
Our hero moves to the other side of the bed and sits down, her gaze following him as he does. After putting away the bindings he looks to her, sits on the bed and does not show any expression of hurt when she bends away from him for doing so.
“Come here.”
“No.” She says it through the fabric.
“My hour isn’t over yet. Come here.”
She is reluctant, still covered by the blanket, but she inches towards him in the same protective ball. He grabs her, forces her out of it despite her kicks until she is laid out in a flat line, then he shifts her to her side and rolls in behind her.
Then they spoon for a moment. The moment turns into an hour. The hour into two. Both still awake, listening to the other’s breathing, before she turns to him and whispers like she’s afraid to summon what just came out of him again.
“Who are you?”
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