The Sun I Can't See Ch. 02

Chapter 2 – Noon


“The time is 7:43 am.”

My little talking watch told me that it was acceptable to wake him up.

“Morning, Miles.”

“Heeeey, rubber girl.”

I slid my arms around his torso to hug him tightly. I still couldn’t believe this happened. After a false start in the park, I invited this guy over for a simple dinner then ended up wearing my full latex suit and making love to him. The best thing about all of this, he was still here.

“Thanks for cooking last night, I couldn’t feel anything through those rubber gloves. I’m still embarrassed; I’m the one that invited you.”

“Don’t mention it, Alex. In the end, it was delicious.”

Yeah, right. Not quite. Miles ruined my dinner; he just didn’t Know how to cook. How could he turn my perfectly fine roast into such a dry lump of meat? The veggies were overcooked, and the rice was undercooked. But yet, I didn’t say a word.

Yesterday, I wanted him to stay so badly and actaround me as if I were a regular cute girl. He did and not once was bothed by the fact that I was a blind person. He treated me exactly how I dreamed of being treated. But, now what? I was almost scared to start talking, in case it would lead to the likely result of him leaving me. I just had to.

“Do… do you want to stay here this morning?”

“I can’t. I have to go to work soon.”

“Ah… Okay.”

My heart sank a little bit. I heard that excuse before, and it was always hard to tell the veracity of such a reply. I could try to interrogate him to find out if it was geneine or not, but Miles didn’t deserve this, not after all the respect he showed me. I knew that once he walked out of here, there wouldn’t be any guarantee I would ever see him again or even have an opportunity to figure out if I loved him or not.

His next words were unexpected.

“When is your next day off? I would like to see you again,” he asked.

“… You want… to see me again?”

“Well… Yes!?”


I could be so irrational sometimes when it came to dating. I was conscious of it and hated myself for it. The thing is that I had so many rejections, direct and indirect, and met so many people being unusually around me because of my handicap, that it became a nasty habit of mine to think things would inevitably go wrong.

When did I stop believing that someone could be seriously interested in me? I didn’t do this on purpose; Life simply conditioned me. I supposed that even people who could use all their senses could feel this way occasionally, but I couldn’t help but think being sightless was making things just a bit harder for me.

Miles interrupted my wreckless train of thought.

“Sorry, Alex. You don’t need to justify yourself. I didn’t think you only wanted a one night stand, that’s all. A lot of people do things this way nowadays.”

“WHAT? NO! Miles! Of course, I want to see you again.”

“So, what is it then?”

“Nothing… I just… you know…”

“I… don’t.”

I groaned. Why was I not able to have a rational discussion with this guy? Could he not understand why I was reacting this way? I felt my body being lifted and dragged on top of him. Males can be so scary strong sometimes.

“Alex, you are confusing me. Just tell me what you think of me, and I’ll tell you what I think of you. Deal? Then we will know where we stand.”

“… I guess… Sure. Mmm… I think you are nice.”

“What? That’s it?”

“I don’t know… Well, you treated me well. You were respectful. You didn’t judge me.”

“Oh, you are very wrong about that last part. I’m totally judging you. You are lying on top of me wearing a full latex catsuit.”

“Oh! So, what? You think I’m a whore because of that?”

“Hehe. Alex the Whore has a nice ring to it, but no. I think you are friendly, funny, mysterious. But a little bit of a scaredy-cat.”

“What do you mean, a scaredy-cat? I let a stringer in my house and wore a latex suit in front of him. I’m brave.”

“You had security behind you this whole time, and you are a pervert, so you were happy doing it. You liked it so much that you even shoved a large dildo between your legs.”

I buried my face inside his chest. This was so embarrassing. I much preferred only to address the former argument.

“Being cautious doesn’t make me a scaredy-cat!” I said with a muffled voice.

“You are scared I will leave and not come back.”

“Yeah, so what? You were nice. A girl can dream, no?”

I slid my rubber hands under his shoulder and pressed myself on his chest even more. I could feel his heart beating. He was so calm. I decided to take a leap of faith to end this suspension.

“Miles, I would like to go out with you for a while.”

“I would like that too.”


I’ve been dating Miles for the past three weeks. We didn’t see each other a whole lot because of our work schedules, but it was good.He wanted to take things slow anyway. His previous relationship was still bugging him quite a bit, but he never acted weird around me because of it. Maybe I sensed a tiny bit of awkwardness when he wanted to make sure not to hurt me if things went sideways. I just thought he was protective of me, which was not a bad thing.

His overall attitude was fantastic; he didn’t give a shit if my normal was different than most people. He let me live my life as usual without trying to help me through it, particularly at my place where I didn’t need him to do anything at all. The only time I requested his assistance was when the bottle of lube slide off my hands and magically vanished without a sound.

The one thing I was not too sure about was if he liked latex more than I did. When not going out, he was quite pushy and wanted me to wear my catsuit all the time. I had no problem with wearing it for him if it was making him happy, but I didn’t like the pushy part.

That said, I neverhad so much fun turning into a rubber girl. He liked it, and so did I; we were mostly on the same page. We would get to know each other better over time to fine-tune the rest.

We had quite a bit of sex too, I mean… a lot of it. If someone had told me three weeks ago that I would have willingly turned myself into a rubber sex machine, I would have had some reservations. It was all good and fun and tonight was going to be even better; we would be going out to somewhere special.

“Club Fox & Spice!” Miles said.

“What the hell is that? I’ve never heard of it.”

“It’s a fetish club. I would like to take you there. You would be able to try new fun things.”

“What kind of things?”

“Mmm… Not sure I want to tell you, it would spoil the experience.”

“So you want to go there tonight? I’m down.”

I pressed the button on my watch.

“The time is 6:37 pm.”

I haven’t been to a club in forever. I went to pubs and restaurants with my friends, but it was not the same as a fetish club, obviously.

“So?… Let’s go?” I asked.

“Alex, wait!… I…”

“What is it?”

“Well… It’s embarrassing, but I can’t afford it. We went out quite a bit recently. Aaaah! Can you pay for me? That’s what I’m asking.”

Oh! I didn’t see that one coming. My job paid well, so I didn’t have to budget for entertainment as he did. I was glad he asked instead of getting himself in trouble for me; this was the kind of trust I liked… and I could always turn this into a game too.

“Ah! Yes, I can. But you are going to pay me back… and I’ll choose how!”

“Alex? Are you blackmailing me?”

“Haha. Totally! So, how are we dressing up? I have a cute black dress and black stripper heels. Oh, and you can’t go with this t-shirt.”

“No, you have to wear your latex suit. It would be perfect.”

“Uh? What? In public?”

“It’s a fetish club, Alex; it’s the whole point. There is a changing room over there too. Youcan put it on only when we get there. But yeah, you are right, I’m screwed, I have nothing else to wear here.”

I stood up in front of Miles and opened my arms in a Godly manner.

“You are so wrong! Hahaha. Behold the power of the Theodore! Call. Reception!”

My voice triggered the phone system, and after a single ring, a clerk answered.

“Reception, how may I help.”

“Hey, this is Alex at 3888. I have a small emergency. A friend of mine needs a suit within two hours. Can you help me?”

“Certainly, Miss Alex, I will call you back in an instant.”

“Fantastic! Thanks a lot!”

After the beep, the room went silent. I just waited for Miles to say something, which didn’t take very long.

“Alex, you are sick in the head, do you know that?”

“Haha. I told you, I love my apartment.”


“I feel weird wearing those clothes.”

“Nooo. You are fine. I really like how they feel.”

We got him something simple, but he was still whining. Black pants, black shirt, a nice belt, and a dark sports jacket, it was perfect for tonight. Something different from those cursed jeans and t-shirts couldn’t hurt. A pair of socks and leather shoes on top of that, he was good to go. I would pretend to be his slave, and they would let us right in.

Aboard the cab driving us to the Fox & Spice, I was wearing my little dress, knowing that once at the destination, I would have to shapeshift into a desirable latex girl. In my head, I was going to get rapid or something terrible like that, but Miles said nobody would do anything to me unless I let them. If I had any issues whatsoever, the club staff would take care of the offender swiftly. Having sex over there was not even allowed.

However, it was a fetish club, so he told me I would have to be tolerant and not panic at the first sign of trouble. I just had to speak up and say I didn’t want this or that, and people would more than likely respect it. His words were only half-reassuring. Maybe he was right, and I was a bit of a scaredy-cat deep down.

I plugged my hand into my bag containing my full catsuit and my short high heeled boots, and I pulled out my wallet. I slide a cash card out of it and gave it to Miles.

“Don’t lose it.”

“No worries; I won’t.”

“What’s in your pocket?”

“Ah, come on! You were not supposed to ask about that.”

“Well, I felt it earlier… I heard it too… I think I know what it is.”

“Stop it, Alex! Seriously. It was supposed to be a surprise. You and your damn super ears.”

I giggled. This evening was going to be a lot of fun. I had no idea what to expect, but I liked to experiment, and wearing my catsuit in front of so many people would be memorable; I was anxious but excited. The cab stopped, and Miles tapped my card to pay for the ride.

As soon as we got out, I could already feel the ambiance. It was warm outside, and there were a lot of people. It was too much noise even totry to understand what was going on around me. I quickly grabbed Miles’ arm. Getting lost here would be troublesome. I was wearing a black blindfold tonight because I didn’t feel like wearing my sunglasses at night. Anyway, in front of a fetish club, it didn’t look too proud, I was pretty sure.

Miles tugged me along.

“Come on, let’s go in. Lots of cute girls here, you’ll fit right in.”

“I’m the cutest. Don’t even dare look at them.”

“Hehe. Ok, I won’t. There is a step here, and the bouncer is going to talk to us in a sec.”

“I know, I heard someone walking on it, and the bouncer is loud.”

Miles got used to give me a minimum of info when we went to new places. But often it was unnecessary. I was not this good all the time, so I asked him to keep doing it when it made sense to do so.

“Your IDs, please, and ma’am, remove that blindfold so I can see your face.”

Miles was about to interject, but I stopped him before he made a mistake.

“Don’t worry, Miles, it’s fine. Sir, I’m legally blind, can I get some privacy before I remove it?”

“Legally blind? Uh? Nevermind, It’s all good, ma’am, have a great night. Go to the table behind me, and they will search your bag. It’s mandatory.”

“Thank you.”

They indeed searched my bag and let us in. The music was loud, and my whole body was vibrating because of the bass from the techno music. I always loved this feeling. It was as if a giant vibrator set on low speed stimulated my whole body. It smelled like dry ice and liquor. They must have all kinds of machines to create a unique sexy ambiance.

“Miles, what color is this place?”

“Mostly red and black here, but there are different sections with different colors. Here we are next to the blinde, but over there, in front of us it is the dance floor and behind it is the play area. There is a big bar too on your right. Don’t worry, we will go everywhere, and I’ll find cool stuff for you to try. Let’s go get you dressed up first. Follow me.”

I keep my finger in his belt as he was tugging me along to the dressing room. A staff member quickly stopped him.

“Dude, you can’t go in there, it is ladies only.”

“She cannot see, she will need my help.”

“She can just remove her blindfold, anyway it is not allowed in the club, and you can play master later. I’m not letting you in.”

“You don’t get it! She really cannot see. I’m not playing master.”

I found it hilarian; Miles had no clue how to deal with those situations. So, once more, I jumped in to save him.

“Guys, stop! Stop! Listen, I’m legally blind, do you know where I could go to get dressed up? I need his help.”

“Oh, what the hell, man! Why didn’t you say so? Telling me that a blindfolded girl couldn’t see was not helping your case, you know. Follow me. You can use one of our lap dance booths.”

It was too funny. Poor Miles, he would learn eventually. I held on his arm as the employeeguided us to the booth. Erotic sounds were coming out from that place, that’s for sure; it was turning me on a bit too. He gave us the one in a corner and said that as long as the curtain stayed closed, nobody would bug us. It was excellent accommodation; I would have to remember to send a thank you gift to those guys tomorrow.

Miles and I got in the booth and slid the curtain behind us. He sat on what sounded like a cushy leather couch and opened my bag to pull out my boots and catsuit.

“Come on, Alex, get naked… Slowly. Hehe.”

“Oh? Is someone trying to take advantage of the situation? Alright then, but you can’t touch me!”

“Hey! That’s not fair!”

“I know! Right? You just had to bring your own money. No money, no lapdance.”

“Alex! That’s just cruel!”

“Hehe. I know!”

I sexually removed my clothes following the beat of the music. I was so happy to be here; I never thought I would go to a fetish club one day. I didn’t know why I was so excited; maybe it was because my world expanded all of a sudden. Miles made me feel as if I belonged here, not necessarily by his actions, yet, but in his way to treat me. I sounded like a broken record internally, but there was something about this guy and his natural aptitude to see me as a regular cute girl with a kink. I liked it a lot.

Once naked, he passed me the bottle of lube for me to begin coating my skin with it. Miles, of course, tried to grab my oily butt, but I slapped his hands away. The next step would be the catsuit. I sat on his las that were protected by the bag and pushed my lower limbs inside the rubber legs. He was getting hard under me, but I wouldn’t tell him I noticed. The rest of the suit went on without a hit, only slippery sexiness.

“Come one, do what I’m paying you for!” I said.

“Hey, you are not paying ME! You are paying FOR me … Not the same thing.”

“My version is more fun! Come on, zip me up, give me a quick shine, then let’s gohave some fun!”


For the next few minutes, Miles rubbed a soft pad all over my body, making me feel even prettier. He stuffed my clothes in the bag, along with all the other items we didn’t need. It was time to get out there!

We walked back to the cloakroom to drop my bag, and we were ready to party. However, a little something was still bugging me, and Miles wouldn’t like it. I pulled on his sleepe innocently and used my girlest voice.

“So? … Can I have it?” I asked.

“Have what?”

“My surprise!”

“You are not going to give up, right? You know what it is, so it is not fun.”

“What if I kiss you while you put it on me? Would it be more fun?”

“That would be a good way to salvage something out of my immeasurable disappointment. Alright, follow me, we are kind of in the way.”

I kept my finger in Miles’ belt and followed him to a corner. He plugged his hand inside his pocket to pull a little something interesting that I was looking for since we left home. I lifted my chin…

“Unbelievable, you really guessed what it was,” he said.

“Hehe. Oh, no… I just wanted to kiss you.”

“You are such a liar. Okay, I guess it’s still going to make you look cuter. It’s black like your catsuit. Very sexy.”

When he started fasting the not-so-secret item around my neck, it made me so happy. It was a collar just for me; I never had one before. I heard the little metal roller on the buckle behind my neck and felt the leather wrapping comfortablely around my neck.

“There, how does it feel?”

“I love it … Move your hands; I want to touch it.”

“Hey, what about my kiss?”

“No kiss until I know you are not trying me with something.”

I slid my fingers along the one-inch wide collar. With the gloves on, it was a bit harder to tell, but I could feel the little metal studs all around, not the spiky ones but the flat ones. The buckle was all made of metal and…

“Hey Miles, is this loop for a padlock?”

“Oh, yes. I plan on using it one day, not tonight, though. But check your tag… It is my favorite part.”

He got me curious, so I started inspecting the front. There was indeed a metal D ring attached to the collar, and something about two inches wide was dangling from it, definitely a big metal tag. Miles, with some pride in his voice, teased me a little.

“So, Miss I-Spoil-Surprises … I bet you didn’t see that one coming.”

“Wait… Give me a sec to understand. Is it a heart? Yes… That is what it is! Darn gloves… But there is something engraved on it… Hey… Is that brave?”

“Yes, it is! Can you read it?”

“With the gloves on, it’s ha… ALEX! IT SAYS ALEX! Oh my God, Miles! IT’S MY NAME! But… How?”

“Do I deserve a kiss now?”

Of course, he was! I jumped around his neck and wouldn’t let him go! That was so nice of him. He went from a super nice guy to an amazing guy. It was one of the most thoughtfull gifts I ever received; he went an extra length to get something meaningful to me. I just couldn’t stop kissing him. I was the happiest girl in the world right now.

He managed to remove my arms from around his neck and proposed an activity.

“Alex, would you like to dance?”

“I would love to. Do you?”

“I couldn’t save my life dancing, but I have a good idea for you. Follow me! People will just love you, I’m sure.”

“What do you mean? Hey, are there a lot of people out there? I’m a bit scared to bump into them if you are not around. We can do something else if you don’t want to dance.”

“Yep, lots of people here, hold on tight. And don’t worry, as I said, I have a great idea to start the night.”

I grabbed his arm, and he pulled me along again. We avoided all the obstacles, and soon enough, we were on the hard dance floor. So many people bumped into me by accident, and compliments about my outfit flew left, right and center. This was one crowded place. Some comments were obviously about my lack of eye holes on my latex hood. I giggled at those because it made me feel unique and attractive.

“Miles, I love this place, but I can’t dance here. Seriously. There are too many people. I’ll hit them all, or I’ll hurt myself.”

“I told you not to worry, Squeaky. I’m not going to put you in trouble. HEY! CAN WE USE THIS?”

Squeaky? Was that my new nickname? And who was he yelling at all of a sudden? A girl replied.

“No, sorry, it’s only for the performers.”


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