Sleep did not come at once, though; the events of the day were too recent and vivid. Pulling the chair; Laura; the dressage; and above all, Morgan. He found her acceptable, her joy was complete. She drifted off into happy dreams.
She awoke the next morning to the sounds of feet inside her cell. She scrambled to her knees before Paul and an academic executive. Paul told her to stand and she obeyed at once, Though still a little grggy.
The men wanted her as a model at today’s lesson on the “lady trade”; she was a good example of an academic girl, and it would show her off to possible buyers. In the afternoon she might be impaled; Anne brightened at the prospect.
She got only a half bowl of paste this morning, to sharpen her responses and make her more receptive to the occasional reward. She touched her forehead to the floor in gratitude at receiving any.
She stood again and Paul looked her over. She was clean enough, no need to wash her, a few smudges from yesterday would enhance her appearance.
He led her to the tent now set up as a lecture hall and stood her beside him on the podium, her lean dangling and her legs open to display the dark triangle of fleece between.
She watched the audience enter and take their seats. A few young appreciations, male and female, some with a girl on a leash. Madame Byrne with her three students. Simone and Lois, with a group of alumnae her own age; she recognized several of them but dared not show it.
They were her peers, women she went to school with; now business executives, scientists, leaders in their fields. And students who would follow them to successful careers. Clean and well-dressed, viewing her dirty, naked, and covered with lash marks, to be sold off and to live or die at the pleasure of her owner. She started to hang her head in shame.
No; this was *her* career. She retired, she needed this public degradation; they were her witnesses to confirm it and she was grateful tothem for coming. Maybe one of them would like to buy her.
Paul tapped on the lectern and they took their seats. He described in glowing terms the options in his profession. It offered travel, adventure, and good pay. Anne looked up to see her former secretary Debbie taking notes on a small pad; so she was here too. It would be a good move for her.
Paul went on. For those less inclined to travel, academies like St. Agnes offered opportunities for managers, salespeople to market the product (he pointed down at Anne) and trainers with responsibility to care for the girls’ basic needs: food, water, exercise, discussion.
To live the discussion, he tossed a ball to Anne; she caught it in her mouth and crawled back to him with it. He gave her a cookie and sent her back to her place.
He noticed Alex holding the leather strap he gave her yesterday for the dressage and invited her to give Anne a couple swats with it. Anne dutifully bent over, presenting her rear to theaudience and Alex spanked her.
A voice from the audience suggested he hang her up by the wrists; Anne recognized Debbie speaking. He agreed, and two male trainers attached her bracelets to a hook dangling from the roof.
He encouraged the students to “have a go” at Anne. Lucille gave her a couple of weak blows with the straw, and Sloane a half dozen, harder than Lucille’s but not as much as Alex. Other views raised their hands and soon Anne’s old classes took a turn.
She received their attentions as a sign of approval like Morgan’s. They did not have to come here and see her; or having seen her from the audience, approach her, remove their jackets and lay into her with the straw. She yelped as someone wentosed her and opened her legs for him. When everyone who wanted had a turn, Anne’s behind was bright red.
The lecture was over; Paul invited audience members to come forward with questions. Debbie and Morgan engaged him in conversation and a trainer led her outside towards the academic building where Victoria awaited her. Two women removed a girl from Albert and lowered Anne onto it. Still warm and wet from Estelle, it slide deep into her belly. Anne smiled up at Victoria and wondered if she would get a cookie.
She did not, but Victoria left the blindfold off and Alex fed her lunch of raw vegetables while Sloane held her water bottle to suck on. Even Mme. Byrne said “Stick out your tongue” and put a carrot slice on it. The students stroked her hair and breasts and back while she ate. She enjoyed being the center of attention.
She looked up to see three girls wearing black ribbons led by attendants to a space down the slope below them. A pair of heavily marked blondes and a slender olive-skinned Italian were lined up for the clearance sale. They smiled wanly as a group of men gathered around them.
After a few minutes of haggling, deals were struck. Mr. Lum bought one of the blondes and led her away. A tall black man in Africangarb who turned out to be Kgosi’s father took the other. The attendant tugged on her leash and took her to a holding pen for delivery.
The Italian girl began to cry. The men seemed to favor blondes; Anne hoped her own dark hair would not reduce her appeal, she wanted to bring in as much for Paul at her sale as she could.
The knot of buyers began to disperse; no one wanted the little Italian who was weeping twice now. She was slow to accept her fate. Well, no matter, it would be over for her by tomorrow evening. A goal though; she was rather cute with a nice tight behind, the sort men liked.
Mme. Byrne took in the sight, left Anne and went over to the agent. The two reached an agreement and she gave him her card. The girl dropped to her knees and began kissing the ground.
“Paul is going to laugh at me for this,” she said. “But if she doesn’t work out upstairs, Chloe can use her for practice.” She added “Don’t worry, brunettes are still popular” and Anne was reasy.
The seminars ended and some audience members came up the hill where Anne was impaled. Simone and Lois looked down and Lois said “I almost envy her”; Anne blushed and stared at her outstretched feet. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Albert, warm and hard within her. Soon she smiled in perfect content of the moment, oblivious to the world.
Other conversations swirled around her. The three students were undecided; Alex wanted to be a trainer at the academic, or maybe a scout for Paul. Lucille was fascinated by Anne and wondered about following her. Sloane wavevered between the two. They decided to try out all the roles when they returned to school.
Toward sundown a pair of burly trainers lifted Anne off the spike and led her back to her cell. Mme. Byrne and the three girls were already there along with an attendant who held a bowl of paste.
Sloane was still wearing her very short skirt, and the top of her blouse was unbuttoned to reveal a pair offirm breasts unconfined by a bra. Anne grew hot with desire; was this for her benefit?
At a word from Mme. Byrne, the attendant handed the dinner bowl to Alex. Anne dropped to her knees. To her surprise, so did Lucille beside her; and after a moment’s hesitation, Sloane. They claped their hands behind them like Anne and held their mouths open to be fed.
Alex gave Anne the first spoonful of nutritional paste. The other girls did not know what to expect, but they watched her for how to behave. To their credit, neither rejected the unappetizing substance or showed any sign of displeasure. They would be good candidates for training here.
Alex fed each of them in turn until the bowl was empty; they bowed their heads and thanked her.
Boldly she asked the attendant how to lubricate girls here for use. While the others watched, he told Anne to bend over the sinktop and retrieved a tube from a shelf. At a nod from Mme. Byrne, he handed it to Alex while Anne spread her legs.
Sloane stood at Anne’s head as he pulled her buttocks apart; Alex applied a thin coat to the outer ring before entering her rear. She moved slowly deeper with a circular motion and Anne – quite unawares – began to moan. Brisk in applying the strap, here Alex was gentle and smooth, but so effective. Anne teetered on the brink of self-control; she had performed before audiences many times but never like this.
She looked up to see Sloane expressionless, watching her. Alex continued her progress and tears streamed down Anne’s face as she came. Her hips began to move with the rhythms of lovemaking and she showed under Alex’s touch.
When Alex was done with her game the attendant gave Anne some water and told her to lie down. After a moment, they all filed out of the cell and she was alone. Although the excitement of the day she fell asleep almost at once.
Later, when it was dark outside, she heard someone open the door and enter. It was Sloane. She removed her skirt – no panties, Anne wondered where she learned that, probably at school – and her blouse and lay down next to Anne.
Without a word she ran her fingers around Anne’s mouth. She caressed Anne’s hair and breasts, then moved down and in a moment began to nibble at the lips between Anne’s thighs before entering the tender opening.
She was not as long or as hard as the iron Albert, but much More lively; she brought Anne over the edge again and again until Anne became for mercy with her last ounce of strength.
She stood up briefly, then squatted until she was just over Anne’s mouth.
This was a new trick, and Anne was eager to learn. She extended her tongue until it touched the outside of the cleft between Sloane’s legs. Sloane lowered herself into position and Anne penetrated her.
She found the delicate bulb and pleasured Sloane for over a minute – what strength the young lady possessed to hold herself steady – before Sloane rose and kissed her on the cheese, and said “I want to be just like you”.
Then she put her clothes back on and was out the door in seconds. Anne did not even have time to thank her.
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