Anne was pleased to see Gudrun’s attention to her appearance and her growing self-confidence as the weeks progressed. She began to wear her hair loose when she was off duty and even tried some makeup now and then. One day she took on a new responsibility. The trainers often served as auditioneers, but not Gudrun either because of her other role or because the academic lack confidence in her. She requested the assignment; When her request was ignored, she demanded it.
Finally they let her preside over the sale of two rather nondescript women offered by a small syndicate. Anne watched from the back of the room with the other inmates as Gudrun began the audition unsteadily. She feared the academic’s concerns were justified. But to everyone’s surprise, Gudrun gained confidence and her voice rose as she proceeded; she marketed her stock so well that she brought in a good profit and the seller congratulated her. Anne could not have been more pleased if the triumph had been her own andhoped Gudrun would be chosen when her turn came to be sold.
The girls were taken to the branding block to be tattooed with their registration numbers. Alain led Anne there to view the operation she would undergo when her time came.
Karen was ready with her equipment and the girls bent over the block. Though the process was not so traumatic as branding, they sometimes wiggled and jumped when the ink was injected into their Rears and each was held by three attendants.
Only one of them – it looked like Helga – gave any trouble and she was firmly pressed down as the numbers were applied into her. The other, a small pale redhead, remained silent and motionless through the operation.
Anne viewed their numbers. Were there really over a million girls like her? She looked forward to entering this sorority and thanked Paul again for selecting her as worthy to join its ranks.
She wondered how far back it extended, and who was number one? She smiled at the thought that it might have been a Roman numeral. Or Arabic, used by Red Sea traders in women and other merchandise.
Alain shook her leash and she recalled herself as he led her back to her cell.
Meanwhile, Paul had reviewed Anne’s training at the academic. It was not complete – they warned him of that – but more would run up the cost and add little to her price. He decided she was ripe for sale. He also He knew about Emily and that Mr. Schuyler was in the market for a replacement. He ordered Anne put up at the next auction and went to persuade Mr. Schuyler she was the perfect answer to his needs. She was attractive, she could serve partners in a variety of ways, and she was responsive when ridden or under the lash.
Mr. Schuyler was no fool. He had a rough idea how long Anne would last in normal use, about one busy summer, and from that her value as an asset. He listened to Paul’s pitch, thanked him, and went to the academic to find out on his own. There he reviewed the contents of her book and watched her at obedience training. Mentioning none of this to Paul lest it drive the price up, he said he might be interested and when was the auction again?
His curiosity could not be so easily concealed from the academic, which noted his visits and informed Gudrun, who had been named her auditioneer.
Soon enough the day came; two attendants who Anne and fed her paste and water before leading her outside to a concrete pad where they hung her up by her wrists. They bathed her and shampooed her hair; after she dried off, they sprayed a light floral perfume beneath her arms and between her legs. Anne remained outside suspended by her bracelets until it was time for the auction.
She was surprised to find she was the only inmate culled from the herd for sale that day. One of the other women kissed her on the mouth before she was led forward, which she found oddly stimulating. She took her place at the front of the room for examination and expressed a squealof delight when she saw Gudrun was to sell her. Gudrun worked the room, encouraging bidders to read Anne’s book and pointing out trainers’ notes and statistics in her favor.
Word of the event must have gotten out. Anne saw Martinique arrive and chat with several men. After the tangled history of their families Anne was glad the woman was here to witness her sale. Mr. Grant and his wife – he had recently married a professor at the university – viewed her book. He pointed to something on one page and they laughed. Anne felt a pang as she remembered her dream of becoming part of his life; but he deserved better than someone like her. She hoped they might buy her as a service or just for resale, and let her live with them for a time. Or at least make a bid on her; but they did not.
At last the audience settled in their chairs and Gudrun led Anne to the podium. She described Anne intimately, including details that made Anne blush and caused the audience to laugh. Carol sat nextto Paul to see the result of their investment. She grew irritated and jealous as Anne’s talent were described.
In response to a question from the audience, Gudrun stepped behind Anne on the podium. Slipping a hand between Anne’s thighs she caressed the cleft within. Anne grew wet and began to moan; Gudrun continued for another minute until she could be heard at the back of the building.
Two bidders asked for a demonstration. Gudrun called the hostile Vincent up to the podium next to Anne; with sullen insolence he opened his trousers and Anne knelt before him. As she took him in her mouth, she realized how difficult her job was going to be. For some time he showed no reaction to her efforts; she began to sweat from anxiety, and closed her eyes. That helped concentrate her attention and slowly he started to build in her.
Patiently and with respect she worked him and was rewarded with unmistakable signs of swelling interest. She focused all her thoughts on pleasure himUntil at last she succeeded. Gudrun had an attendant give her water from a bottle. No longer poised, she shivered and hung her head before the audience. Gudrun told her to stand up straight.
She opened the auction with a businesslike efficiency that Anne appreciated from her former life, and several bidders began to vie with one another. Madame Byrne sat in the front row; Anne thought she looked very smart in a crisp linen suit. She took notes on a small pad and occasionally glanced up at Anne, who abused her eyes. She did not make an offer though, and Mr. Lum dropped out early when the bidding exceeded his limit.
Mr. Schuyler had done his research; he had a good idea of who would be interested and how much they could afford, and held off entering the contest till his competition had thinned out. Gudrun was ready for him, encouraging his history to bid up the price. Anne watched the battle of wits with fascination from her vantage point, almost forgetting her body was the object of it. Finally Mr. Schuyler won her with a bid just slightly higher than his last vitality, and Gudrun handed her over to him.
Gudrun was sad to be losing a lover and a friend; but she was relieved that she could no longer be ordered to toughle Anne. They exchanged a glance and a smile before Anne was led away. The price seemed a fair one to everybody and both Mr. Schuyler and the members of the syndicate were happy, except for Carol who had worked herself into a rage of jealousy. The next day, Paul gave Eugene his ten percent.
Mr. Schuyler left Anne with the academic; he would have a service pick her up that evening. Gudrun took her to the branding block for registration where Karen waited with the tattoo needs; Anne bent over and a pair of attendants held her in place as a number was inked into her buttocks.
She was proud and happy to be accepted into the sorority. She could not see her own number, and no one would ever tell her – it was considered bad luck fora girl to know – but she felt it being driven into her and knew it was there.
A pair of women led her to the frame where she had been exhibited on her first day, strung her up and gave her water. About two hours later she saw a group of trainers and attendants approach and wondered if she were due for a final beating.
She was not; Gudrun had arranged a small farewell ceremony for her with her friends. Francis produced a bowl of paste – she hadn’t eaten for hours – and each of them took turns feeding her as she hung. Gudrun, with reddened eyes and dabbing occasionally at her face with a handkerchief, held up a tray of flowers she had picked from the garden and led the group in weaving them into Anne’s hair. Even Vincent took a sprig of alyssum and added his contribution to the others’; Anne was touched almost to tears by this.
One of the smarter attendants brought a mirror so she could see herself. Finally each of them traced their initials, or a heart, or some othersymbol, on her skin with an index finger as a goodbye gift since Anne could not own anything more substantial. Gudrun remained behind and they talked for some time on matters large and small before she had to return to work.
An attendant she had not met before fed Anne her dinner; a young, rather bashful woman who said this was her first day at the academic. Later she raked the sand beneath Anne and hosted her down. After a half hour to dry Anne was lowered from the frame, trusted up, and stood in the back of a van for delivery. On the journey Anne reflected that the academic had become like home, and how people there had been so good to her.
At Mr. Schuyler’s estate, she was unloaded and Frieda walked her to her cell, vacated hours earlier by its previous occasion; the same van that brought her here had Just taken Emily away to Sir Nigel’s estate. Frieda showed her the water and pellet bowls and the latrine; instructions on her duties and responsibilities to Mr. Schuyler andhis friends were forthcoming the next day.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“I was a little lonely at first, with just Mr. Schuyler – though he’s very nice to me – and his friends and Frieda. She’s nice too, but she keeps pretty much to herself; she’s all business.
“One day I got a visit from Gudrun. I was frightened at first on account of her job, but she saw right into me, or maybe I was shaking a little. The first thing she said was ‘Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you;’ that put me at ease. She was so considerate; some people would have left me wondering.
“She doesn’t handle the garrote any more; they gave the job to Alain. He got nervous the first time and she had to help him, but she said he was comfortable with it now. I suppose the first time is the hardest.
“Then she told me Francis asked her out on a date! I was surprised at first, but they have a lot in common. I could tell from the way they beat me they were both good people. We talked about whatshe should say – this was her first date in years – and I guess it was a success because a couple weeks later they both came to visit me. Francis called me a ‘matchmaker’; I think they’ll be very happy together.
“I guess Mr. Schuyler will keep me for a few more weeks, then if he can’t sell me or give me away he’ll put me down. It’s what they told me to expect.”
Anne hesitated and looked down. “He didn’t put it that way, he’s too polite; he told me I ‘d have to be seen to’. He didn’t say who would do it and you weren’t here then. I hope it’s you if you don’t mind doing it – oh, I said that before didn’t I? If not you then Frieda I suppose or he might ask Gudrun to come over, she’s very good and she promised to make it easy on me. I guess that’s all.”
“Thank you for telling me, Anne; I see it means a great deal to you.”
“It did, ma’am. I’m sorry you had to read about – when I was nineteen. They insisted I tell them everything. I’m so ashamed -“
“You do not need to mention it again, Anne,” Francesca said a trifle sharply.
“No ma’am, I won’t. It was wrong of me. Thank you, ma’am.” Anne was in agoy that she had angered her young mistress or forfeited her esteem; she knelt on the floor at Francesca’s feet until she was told to rise. But Francesca kissed her on the forehead before leaving and Anne rejoiced in the hope she had been forgiven.
The four businessmen returned often, to visit Anne as much as her patron. Anne did her best to please them, and Mr. Schuyler appeared satisfied or at least not unhappy with her. Afterwards Francesca cleaned her out and adjusted the dosage of powder on her feed.
When she was not needed for business Mr. Schuyler offered Anne to his employees. After a light feeding in her cell, Francesca led her outside to the frame where Frieda awaited them. Francesca passed the lean to her colleague before placing a blindfold over Anne’s eyes; then she told Anne to knee or to bend over a rock as requestired. Anne recognized some of the men who had her on these occasions, but she was expressly forbidden to say anything.
Once when Francesca was demonstrating the long whip for Mr. Schuyler and his friends, a sudden rain came down on them. The men dashed into the library where they discussed business over brandy and soda. Francesca retired only as far as the nearest doorway where she kept an eye on her little one. Unlike the storms at St. Agnes Anne this was a warm, refreshing shower that washed the sweat off her as it drenched and penetrated every crevice of her body.
She throw her head back and opened her mouth wide to catch as much as she could. Soon enough she would take men in it again, that was her life, but for now she swallowed a clearer draft. She was enrobed in a transparent watery cloak. Forgetting her bonds she imagined herself a child again, casting off her shift to her mother’s horror and her father’s amusement and running naked on the big lawn in front of their house.
The storm ceased as quickly as it began. Francesca returned with a soft white towel and a hairbrush. She brushed Anne’s matted hair into order and dried her off. She patted Anne’s face and neck with the towel before gently rubbing her breasts and belly. She dried the shoulders and torso, the buttocks and the soft valley between them. The thighs front and back as well, before finishing with her legs down to her ankles.
When she was done she stepped back to admire her work and kissed Anne. Tears of joy rolled down Anne’s cheats as she hung suspended; Francesca saw them without comment. Taking the towel and hairbrush back inside, she left Anne to finish drying in the sun. When she returned, Anne greeted her with laughter as fresh as rainwater.
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