The Summer of Francesca Ch. 16

On one occasion when Paul was unable to take Anne to Mme. Byrne’s himself (she could guess the reason) he told Anne to have Debbie fill in for him. Anne confessed to her secretary that she spent some of her evenings prostituting herself in a brother for her master, and asked Debbie to escort her.

They did not speak as they rode in the taxi. Debbie was admiring the fine houses they passed and Anne was sunk in Thought. Her secretary had not seen her naked since the scourging, much less selling herself. It would change their relationship at the office; she was a little afraid, but a little excited too.

The doorman showed them into the office. Morgan ordered her to undress and she handed her clothes to him. Debbie viewed her markings, but said nothing. Mme. Byrne inspected Anne while Debbie bound Anne’s hands behind her; she took the leash from Carmen and fastened it to Anne’s collar.

The madam explained Debbie’s responsibility in a few words: she was in control of her girl for the evening, to supervise her and see that she was clean “afterwards” each time for the next customer. She would receive Anne’s earnings minus the house commission. Morgan opened the door to the parlor. As she had many times with Paul, Anne entered the room and took her place to wait for business.

Mr. Bradford appeared and pointed to her. Anne was over her reluctance with him now; she knew what he liked and how to please him. The three of them went upstairs to an unoccupied room. Debbie held the end of the leash as she knelt.

It went well, far better than that first time (in this same room, she recalled). She enjoyed the experience of giving herself to her firm’s best client; maybe he would favor her with another project. He set the pace and she followed as he rose in her mouth.

She caressed him with her tongue, he seemed to like that. Soon he was ready to burst within her. She increased the pace and received him when he came.

He told Debbie that Anne improved with practice; her secretary laughed and said she was a quick learner. He pushed her head away and left without another word. Debbie led her down to the hygiene room and back to the parlor.

Anne lost count of her customers as the night progressed. Later while she dressed in the madam’s office to go home, Mme. Byrne wrote out a check for Debbie who gave a low whistle, her first sign of interest this Evening.

Riding back in the taxi, Debbie took Anne’s hand and gave it a little squeeze. Her eyes grew moist at this display of sisterly affection and she thanked Debbie for coming with her tonight; she hoped the young woman would take her to the brother again. Debbie said she would speak to Paul about it and handed her a tissue. She mentioned that raise and Anne promised to get it approved.

She walked Anne up to the apartment; Anne hoped she would come in but she did not. That was well; two men were waiting for Anne as she entered and she spent the next half hourserving them before she could lie down on the tile floor to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mme. Byrne belonged to a businesswomen’s group in the city. She mentioned Anne to Simone and Lois, two of its members, and they expressed a desire to see her. The madam booked a private room at a local restaurant for lunch the next week.

The women were a year ahead of Anne at college, and her respect for them bordered on adoration. Occasionally Simone let Anne into her bed after lights out and they made love until midnight. She turned Anne over to Lois who did her next; sometimes Anne was so tired the next morning she missed breakfast.

Once they rented a cabin in the mountains and took her up there for a month. She slept naked on the dirt floor of the woodshed; in the morning they unlocked the door and let her out to do chores for them.

Superb athletes who graduated at the top of their class, they found a technology company with over a hundred employees downtown.

Mme. Byrne arrived first with Anne and they were shown into their room. At a nod from her, Anne undressed and knelt until the others arrived. The three exchanged hugs and Mme. Byrne told Anne to stand. Simone noted that her figure was more womanly now, her breasts and hips filled out, and Lois agreed. No one commented on the marks from her scourging. The three women sat down and Anne knelt next to her madam.

A waiter came in and took their orders. The three women selected salads from the menu; Mme. Byrne pointed down and said “Water for it”.

Producing a small bag of feed, she held out a handful to Anne who took it up with her lips and tongue. It was the fruit flavored, her favorite.

Simone took a handful, and Lois, and soon Anne was eating out of each woman’s hand. They stroked her hair and breasts; she was in heaven.

The waiter brought in their dishes and set a bowl of water on the floor for Anne. Anne lapped quietly at it while the women chatted. Simone and Lois lived together in a house not far from Mme. Byrne’s brother, which they referred to as the “establishment”. They were looking for a service and wondered if Anne were for sale. Mme. Byrne had to disappoint them; she was not. Her formal training had not even begun, but she would probably be offered around the end of spring.

Simone looked doubtful; she hoped to get one sooner but would like to be Notified. It might be a part-time position, leaving time for Anne to work evenings at the establishment.

They left the possibility at that and finished their lunch. Before they left, Anne stood on command and they looked her over closely. Hugs all around again, and they departed. As she knelt on the floor of her office that afternoon, Anne’s head swam at the possibility of her belonging to the two ladies and also serving in the brother.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One day after work Anne was surprised to find Chloe waiting for her. She put Anne in the back seat and drop to a ladies’ bar not far from Maude’s. Several women looked up at their arrival. Some of them had a collared girl at their feet; one had a pair on leashes.

A stocky figure came out from behind the bar to greet them. She took Anne’s garments into another room and returned a moment later with a numbered tag. She attached the clothes check to Anne’s metal collar while Chloe fastened Anne’s bracelets Behind her neck. That lifted her breasts a little and she stood up straight to raise them some more.

The patrons gathered around to view her. One traced the swirls on her breasts and belly, another her buttocks and tights. Their touch was soft; Anne enjoyed being the center of attention and was pleased to show off Chloe’s artistry. A third woman tugged on her fleece.

After a few minutes of this static exhibition Chloe told her to parade around the room, lifting her legs high with each step and wagging her behind. She felt the snap of a towel on her rear – “Wag them more, dear, show them off” – and she tried to obey; it was like learning a dance step. Some women fondled her buttocks as she passed and she smiled at them. This was a new experience for her.

The bartender freed her hands and let her serve drinks. She carried the tray to a table, knelt down and set a glass before a patron whose girl fastened on one of Anne’s breasts and began to suck it, playing the nipple with her tongue. At a loss, Anne remained motionless while the seated woman above her stroked her hair; she liked that.

The main event followed. In the center of the room was a rough wooden table; they cleared a space around it and bent Anne over one end, her hands fastened behind her now. At once she opened her legs. Someone propped her chin up on a block of wood so they could watch her expression.

The other women made way for a small dark-haired figure who took up a position behind Anne, already shivering in anticipation. Gently she placed a cool pair of hands on the inside of Anne’s thighs a little above the knees; Anne waited for her next move. She left them there for a minute while Anne’s excitement grow; she felt her sex begin to throb. Her entire world contracted to the space between her legs; if only the woman would approach it.

She began to, in minute increments. The audience murmured as they saw Anne grow wet and tremble. So slow, so slow, she feared she would lose control of herself. Little by little the woman’s hands moved upwards, drawing a moan from her victim.

The moans grow louder and more frequently as she proceeded; Anne was in heat, flooded with desire to have the woman inside her now, please now, oh god now.

When the hands finally reached the cleft between her legs Anne was shaking so hard that Chloe had to press on the small of her back. Two patrons held her shoulders down on the table, immobilizing her from the wait up while she wept and begged. Still the woman did not enter the welcome gates but stroked them with a feather-light touch as Anne compromised beneath her and her mind gave way. A red mist filled her eyes.

The next thing she knew someone had pulled her head up by the hair, the patrons were applauding, and the woman was struggling her buttocks to calm her. Her hips continued their motions for a time. A feeling of infinite peace came over her.

They lifted her off the table and Chloe told her to knee. She Did, unsteadily, and the dark-haired woman stood above her. The bartender introduced them; she was Chloe’s wife Mignon. Anne kissed her shoes and she gave Anne a cookie, her first food since morning.

After a few more minutes of inspecting Anne they let her go. She dressed and followed the two women to the car, this time in the front seat between them. Mignon laid a hand on her thigh and she was glad her skirt was thick wool beneath her; she would have to get it cleaned tomorrow.

Chloe rang the manager’s bell. Martinique let them in and showed them into Anne’sapartment. Did she have her dinner yet? Chloe shook her head no and the manager pointed to the feed jar. Chloe poured some in a bowl while Anne undressed and Mignon bound her hands.

Martinique looked her over. The scourging was exhaust, really a masterful piece of work. Chloe blushed a little and thanked her. Mignon pointed out a complex swirl on the belly and Anne looked briefly into her face; she was grey-eyed with an intelligent expression like a goddess of wisdom. Anne wondered if Mignon would like to have her again, here in her apartment, in front of Martinique.

She reflected that she had been done now by Chloe and her wife, each in their own way. She was grateful to both.

Chloe told her to knee and eat; the three women stood over her bent back and discussed her but she was too hungry to pay much attention.

She remained croouching low while Martinique showed the two women around her apartment. Something about the clothes in her closet made them laugh. They returned, checked the water bowls, turned out the lights and left.

Anne lay down on the tile floor of the bathroom and tried to sleep, but events of the evening crowded her mind. Chloe had actually taken her out on a date! And let Mignon use her in front of a bar full of women. It was almost too good to be true; she was the lucky girl in the world.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Once at the end of an evening Madame Byrne sent her off in a taxi alone. She carried no money, and unaware that arrangements had been made she offered herself to the driver in payment; it seemed the natural thing to do, they both knew she worked at a brother.

He said nothing but drove her to the park where Paul brought her. He led her down a path to the clearing beside the pool. Several men were standing around it and looked up at the pair. Some moved across the path to close off her route of escape.

To her astonishment Edward was there, clean and well dressed now. He seemed to betheir leader. Was he as surprised to see her? Only a slight smile at the corners of his mouth gave evidence of his feelings. She was excited at the hope he would do her again.

She undressed at once. He backed her against a tree and fastened her hands behind it. From a bag he drew three leather straps. He held one up for her; it was supplement and worked with intricate patterns, probably of his own creation. Despite her situation she could not help admiring them and their talented young maker.

He tied her fast to the trunk with bands just above her breasts, at her waist, and above the knees. She felt the rough bark of the tree dig into her back and thighs.

He reached into his bag again and drew out a garrote of unusual design. He explained that its core of steel wire was enclosed in padding which left no mark when it was removed. To all but the most expert viewer it would appear she had died of natural causes.

She looked up at him and tried to understand. His face still displayed that gentle enigmatic smile; not a trace of cruelty in it, yet he spoke calmly of killing her. She remembered at their last meeting how Edward promised to “pay her back” sometimes.

He wrapped it about her neck and made it snug. She was growing wet, she could tell; fear did that to her. She began to sweat and looked around; no sign of rescue, they seemed to enjoy the sight of her like this.

He tightened the garrote, making her breath a little labored, and began to stroke her breasts. Her nipples rose beneath his touch and her sex grow wetter.

After a minute or so he appeared satisfied and called for Harry. An old man came forward: ugly and unshaven, his wide grin showed a mouth with only a few teeth left in it. Her eyes swam with tears and it was hard to focus.

She began to cry. Edward slapped her and she stopped. She was at his mercy. But – she could not explain it – this was exactly where she wanted to be. Naked in the dark, tied to a tree, surroundeed by strangers about to possess her. And a smiling figure holding her life in his power.

Harry brought his hand up to her face, gnarled and called. She closed her eyes and kissed it again and again before he placed it between her legs.

The rough touch on her most tender spot was like a live electric wire. Anne gasped and Edward loosened the garrote a quarter turn. Harry challenged her, still grinning that hideous grin while Edward continued to look placidly down on her.

Harry plunged his hand full into her and she started to scream. Edward tightened the garrote.

She she lying on a patch of grass near the little pool, how much later she could not say. Above her the night sky was filled with stars through an opening in the trees. Later, the cent of a forest – any forest – would bring her back to this rustic encounter. She moved; pine needs ticked and stuck her, jarring her into consciousness.

She dimly recalled being used by, what? eight, ten, a dozenor so men while Edward held the garrote and adjusted it for them as needed.

She rose slowly on one elbow. No straps on her, she was free to move. The woods were silent; no animal or bird sounds anywhere. She was probably being watched by figures hidden in the trees around her. She felt her neck; no trace of the garrote, only the memory.

Very thirsty, she crawled over to the pool, hoping it was not too muddy to drink from. She was pleased to see that it was clearer at the surface. Last time she was thrashing about in it and stirring up the bottom.

She sucked the brackish water up greedily; as she did she realized the men had taken advantage of her mouth as well. She paused to feel their seed in her womb, her rear, her stomach. Edward had repair her; she was in his debt now for this lesson. She wondered if she would ever see him again.

She retrieved her suit from a tree branch and put it on before following the path back to the entrance; the taxi was waiting.owed the driver her thanks as well, and told him so.


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