The Submissive Secretary

This chapter is mostly character development so thank you for your patience. I’m still learning how to write and any feedback is much appreciated.

“Great work today Sarah, please lock up behind you when you leave ok?” I smiled at my new secretary as I pulled on my suit coat and grabbed the handle of my leather briefcase. I suppose I shouldn’t really call her new Anymore, she’d worked for me for about six months now, and she was already doing more than most of the other secretaries I’d had in the past.

As I’d come to expect, she jumped at the sound of my voice, her pen clattering to the desk from her open mouth where she’d been absently sucking on it while reviewing some notes from the meeting we’d attended that afternoon. “Mr. Stone! Oh I didn’t… th..thank you sir,” she stammered. I uhh I’ll remember.” Her lovely face flushed a delicious shade of pink as she nervously smoothed her white blouse.

Pausing I stepped close to her desk. “I don’t like you staying here by yourself Sarah, please finish what you’re doing and then head home ok? I’ll remind one of the guards in the lobby to walk you to your car when you’ve finished.”

“Oh that’s really not necessary sir,” she said quickly, her hazel eyes finding mine. “I can manage.”

“Sarah, your management skills are beyond compare, you run this office better than I could have ever expected,” I said with a smile. “But I insist on one of the guards walking you to your car, understanding?”

“Yes, sir” she replied, “Thank you sir.”

Nodding I turned towards the door and stepped away from her desk, calling back over my shoulder. “I mean it young lady, wrap it up and go enjoy your weekend. You work too hard you know.”

I caught that beautiful smile from the corner of my eye and heard her quietly repeat her favorite phrase. “Yes sir.”

As I made my way down to the guard’s desk in the lobby that phrase echoed through my mind. It wasn’t an unusual phrase for my office, whereprofessionalism was expected. But the way she said it seemed to penetrate every time, natural and sincere, speaking to a deep, darker side of my life that very few people knew existed. When she first started I wondered if she was a submissive, but eventually decided that she probably wasn’t, or at least she didn’t know that she was. She was just too damn sweet and innocent, an obvious workaholic who rarely went out clubbing or had much of a social life at all, if the other secretaries were to be believed.

“Too bad,” I thought, as I did often when thinking of the cute little secretary. A ping brought me out of my reverie as the elevator arrived on the lobby floor. Stopping by the guard’s desk I informed Jeff that my secretary would be leaving shortly and asked him to ensure that Sarah was escorted safely to her car. Jeff had worked the desk for years and I knew that he would make sure that my request was honored. Thanking him I turned to the exit.

“Isn’t she that hot littlepiece of ass up on twenty-eight?” The voice came floating across the near empty lobby, spoken by a young guard who sat casually on the desk next to where Jeff sat at his computer. I froze and turned, my eyes taking in the young, powerfully built young man. I heard Jeff’s muffled retort as he grabbed the young guards arm and pulled him off the desk.

He was obviously a body builder, Secure in his size and strength, looking for a career where he could throw his weight around and intimidate those around him. The starchiness of his uniform was clearly due to its newness, not care, the wrinkles and food stain were clearly visible even from halfway across the lobby.

Looking at Jeff I made my way back to the desk. I glared the young man down, watching as his eyes flashed embarrassment at being heard, quickly replaced by a prideful arrestance as he stared back. He seemed to swell, his muscles flexing under his uniform as he met my eyes. Looking steadily back I saw when the arrestmelted away and he again shrank, his eyes falling to the floor. Finally I spoke, directing my comments to Jeff. “Not him,” I said, my voice a soft growl. “And I hope I never again hear him speak about any young lady who works here that way, especially one of my secretaries.”

“He won’t Mr. Stone,” Jeff assured me, glancing furiously at the ashamed young man who cowered even further, his powerful frame no longer disguising the small, shallow man underneath.

Without another word I walked away and kept going until I was in my car and driving away. Turning on some music I took a deep breath and let my anger at the young man’s comment fade away. While his comment was disrespectful, it definitely wasn’t inaccurate. Sarah was extremely cute and any man could recognize that her body was phenomenon under those pencil skirts and thin blouses. More than once I found myself staring at her, unable to look away as she bent over my desk, her large breasts threatening to spill out of her sHirt. If it wasn’t for her sweetness and innocent I might have acted long ago on the urges that I felt every day.

Shaking my head I pushed away my lustful fans and focused on my drive home. Looking at the clock on my dash I realized that I still had time to meet some friends for our weekly basketball game, for the first time in a month. It would be nice to blow off some steam and work up a good sweat. I turned off the radio and reached for my phone to let them know I was coming. Three or four pocket pats later I realized that I didn’t have my phone. That’s when I remembered that I had left it on my desk back at the office.

Growling in frustration I turned around and headed back, knowing I couldn’t just leave it there over the weekend. I drive back, making my way quickly as the daylight faded around me. As I walked back through the doors and across the lobby I looked at Jeff questioningly. He called out that Sarah hadn’t come down yet, but that her boyfriend had arrivedd and had gone up to the office to pick her up.

Boyfriend? Sarah had never mentioned a boyfriend before. Punching the elevator call button I waited, my confusion growing. By the time the elevator doors opened on my floor I was more concerned than curious, wondering if everything was ok. Hurrying down the hallway I looked through the windows at her desk. It was empty, her bag still sitting next to her chair but my secretary was nowhere in sight.

I burst through the doors and hurried to her desk punching the button to call down to the security desk. It rang once before Jeff answered. I was halfway through asking if Sarah had come down when I heard something from behind my office door. I hit the disconnect button on the phone and turned to the door, walking quickly to it and started to open it, listening hard. A moan reached my ears, followed by a whispering male voice.

Was Sarah having sex in my office? Why would she bring her boyfriend here? Why would she use my office? This seemed to be confirmed by what I heard next. “Please sir, please fuck my naughty little pussy. I’ve wanted you to fuck me for so long sir, please let me please you?” Her words cut straight through me, flowing directly to my cock causing it to swell and grow in my slacks. How often had I thought of her saying those words to me? And now she was saying it to another man, in my office?

I was angry, furious that she would violate my privacy and trust like this. But another part of me imagined the scene unfolding on the other side of that door, my sweet secretary not so innocent after all. “Just what the hell is going on here?” My voice thundered across the room as I flung the door open and I stepped inside. I turned on the light, my eyes widening at the sight across the room from me.

Sarah was bent over my desk, her white blouse pulled open and down. Large pale breasts spilled out of a black lace bra, her hair spilling down across the oak surface. A young man stood behindher, still wearing a shirt and boxes but no pants. His fingers were fumbling at the catch of Sarah’s bra, obviously trying to get it undone and off, but with little success. His eyes snapped up as the light turned on and he went pale, hands reaching down for his pants as he tried to regain some dignity.

He no sooner succeeded in pulling up his pants when he was running past me and out the door, mumbling some kind of excuse as he went. I let him go, my eyes on my secretary. She hadn’t moved, hadn’t made a sound. She stayed right where she was bent over my desk, frozen in shock, her eyes wide and fearful. Finally she stood, slowly pulling her skirt back down and adjusting her blouse. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she lowered her gaze to the floor. Turning my back to her I shut the door to my office and took a deep breath, wondering how to proceed.

“I’m sorry Mr. Stone,” Sarah whispered from behind me, her tearful voice barely audible as she quietly cried. “I’ll gather mythings and go.” I heard her begin to cross the floor from my desk to the door. Making up my mind I turned and cleared my throat.

“That will not be necessary Sarah,” I said and motioned to the chair across from my desk. “Please sit down for a moment.” I walked over and leaned against my desk in front of her as she walked to it. She sat, her hands folded in her lap, looking up at me with streaks of mascara sliding down her cheats.

I pulled a white handkerchief from my pocket and reached over to gently wipe away the wet dark streaks. A sight escaped her lips as she allowed me to clean her lovely face, cheats flushed from embarrassment and her tears. Putting the handkerchief back in my pocket I cleared my throat and chuckled softly. “I think I scared your boyfriend.” I said with a smile, trying to help Her see that I was not going to yell at her or fire her.

She flushed again and mumbled, “He’s not my boyfriend. I never met him before tonight.” That did make me want to yell. I gritted my teeth as I looked down at my young secretary, wondering why she would invite someone she’d never met to come to my office to fuck her. Didn’t she realize how stupid that was?

I forced my voice to remain calm as I asked, “Why then? From the sound of it you were more than willing to allow him to…. I believe the word you used was… Fuck you.” Again her head fell and she stared at Her hands as she flushed in shame, realizing that I had heard what she had begging the young man to do. “Why would you allow someone you’d never met to do that, and in my office of all places?”

“I… I met him online,” she slowly managed to say, her eyes still on her hands in her lap. “He seemed like a nice guy and I thought he could give me what I wanted. She looked up when I didn’t reply and took a deep breath before letting the rest of her explanation spill from her lips. “I wanted him to…. Fuck me. It’s shameful and embarrassing but I wanted him to use me like a dirty whore.And I brought him here so that I could imagine it was you doing it.” Somehow her face got even redder when she said it, but her eyes didn’t leave mine as she said it. A fierce pride entered her voice and eyes as she said, “Mr. Stone, I’ve discovered lately that I have very submissive tendencies and the more I research it, the more I understand what I am, I find myself needing to experience it. I’ve never been with a man, never even had a boyfriend. But every time I think of the man I want to submit to, I think of you. I know I’m just your secretary and you’d never consider it, but I needed to know what it felt like. So since I can’t have the real thing, I convinced him to come. He said he was a Dom online so I thought…”

Her voice trailed off again, the pride that filled her When she admitted that she was a submissive now gone as she waited for me to judge on what I had heard. I doubted she’d ever admitted those tendencies to anyone she knew before now and was impressed by thestrength she had shown.

“Didn’t look like any kind of Dom I’ve ever seen,” I said with a soft chuckle. “He couldn’t even unclasp that cute bra.” Standing up to my full height I looked down at her. “I want you to promise me something little one.” I said softly, watching her eyes widen at my final words. She looked up at me and nodded. “Never, ever put yourself in that situation again. You could have been seriously hurt.” I reached out and cupped her cheek in my hand, my thumb brushing a fresh tear from the corner of her eye. “And I for one, would be extremely sad to lose you baby girl.”

A quiet whimper escaped her as she nuzzled against my hand and she said, “I promise Sir. I’m sorry Sir. I should let you get back to your weekend. Would you like me to come back on Monday?”

With a smile I lifted her chin and kissed her forehead. “Oh yes little one I do expect you here bright and early on Monday morning. I expect you to be in my office when I arrive. We will have much toDiscuss, won’t we my lovely little one?”

My words had an immediate effect on Sarah. Her beautiful smile appeared on her face, and I could have sworn she started to glow as she looked up at me. “Oh yes Sir,” she said, unable to hide a playful smile of her own. “I will be sure to be ready for you.” She stood and turned to the door as she spoke, nearly reaching it before I could reply.

“Good girl.”

It was all I said, but Sarah frozen, her hand on the doorknob as the words fell on her ears. She turned to look at me, her eyes burning into mine. With a flick of her wrist she locked the door and then turned back to me and stride back across the office to me. “Sir, I have been waiting for so long to hear those words, and they sound even better than I imagined. Please Sir, may I thank you properly?” She slowly sank to her knees before me, her eyes never losing mine as she waited for my approval.

“Yes little one, you may.” I said, suddenly breathless as her hands slide upmy thighs. I felt more nervous than I did when Liz Owen had let me cup her tits through her sweater under the bleachers. When her fingers opened my belt they brushed over the bulge in my slacks and I felt a growl force its way from my chest. So very slowly she opened my pants and lowered them, peeling my briefs over the thick shake hiding underneath.

Sarah moaned as my member came into view and she hesitantly wrapped her hand around my girl next to the base, squeezing experimentally, staring at the couple of inches that protruded out of her small fist. “It’s so soft, yet so very hard Sir.” She said in wonder, her hand sliding up my shake. “And so warm!”

Her slow unintentional teasing quickly brought me to full hardness and a bead of precum appeared at the tip before sliding down over the back of her hand. She moaned as it slip across her skin and her face lowered to the head, her tongue extending to lick up the trail left behind. With a whimper she savored her first taste,Then eagerly slide more of my length into her mouth, sucking like a straw as if she could get more of the slick and salty precum. A groan from me as she sucked on my sensitive head caused her to stop sucking, but then she slid her tongue around the large purplish knob and my groan turned to one of pleasure.

While mine was obviously the first cock she had sucked I had no doubt that part of her research had included learning, and perhaps practicing, how to give a proper blowjob. Her first hesitant motions were quickly replaced by the slick firm friction of her mouth bobbing up and down my shake. Her hand slide to my balls and my back arched in pleasure as she massed them in her small hand, never ceasing her ministers to the thick rod in her mouth.

I couldn’t believe it was finally happening, all of my thoughts of her doing exactly this had not even come close to the real thing. Before long I feel the first waves of my orgasm. As if she could sense the impending explorationshe increased her speed, my cock now brushing against her throat as she attempted to take more and more of me. Pulling her head off with a pop she looked up at me, the fire burning hotter and hotter behind her eyes. “Please sir… Please give me your cum.” She pleased, her fist sliding up and down my slick shake faster and faster, my head pointed straight at her face. “I want it so bad, please Daddy!”

I Don’t even think she realized what she called me, lost in her password and her fans come true, but the word went straight through me like a lightning bolt. With a growl I came, my cock erupting in long strings of cum that arched into her open mouth. Again and again she caught the thick sticky cum until finally she closed her mouth over my cock and sucked the last of my seed into her mouth. Her eyes closed as she tasted me then opened as she swallowed my load. “Mmmmm,” she whispered in delight. “You’re so yummy Sir. I can’t wait to have more.”

Sarah slowly packed away my wilting cock and then stood and wrapped her arms around my middle. “Thank you Mr. Stone.” She said softly. “I deserved to be fired for what I did. I didn’t expect you to……”

“Shhhh little one.” I said softly and lifted her chin. “I’m just happy that you are safe. I may however still decide to punish you.

A tremor ran through her body and she bit her lip as she her eyes darkened. “Yes sir,” she whispered softly.

“Now get your sweet little behind home, and be ready for work on Monday.”

To be continued…


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