There is no real sex in this story, it is an introduction to a storyline. I wrote it for a friend based off of a fantasy of hers. There are two additional “chapters” and I will work on getting them posted soon. I hope you enjoy.
Staring at the clock again, it has only moved six minutes since the last time I looked up! “How can that be?” Quickly thinking through all the Things that need to be done so that I can make it to “book club” tonight.
Finally there it is, quitting time. I say a quick goodbye to my coworkers, rush out the door, and anxious home. Thinking to myself that it is hard to believe that my husband is actually staying home with the kids tonight as I go to “book club”.
As I drive home I begin to think how surprising it is that my husband Still does not raise a fuss about me going to “book club” anyway. Although it was quite a fight the first time I wanted to go as it had a potential to interfere with his life of hunting and fishing. “If he spent as much time with me as he does reloading shells, making lures, and tying flies, well then, I would not need to go to “book club” perhaps,” I think, as I shake my head.
I grab a pizza on the way home to feed the family. I put the pizza on the table and call everyone down. Once I make sure everyone is eating, I grab a slice of it and head up to my room to get dressed.
Looking at myself in the mirror as I got changed I feel so “average,” I am average height, average weight, brown hair, and brown eyes. An average 31 year old mother of two. My breasts hang lower than they used to, and although I work out regularly, my once firm tummy has gotten a bit softer. Brushing my long brown hair, I must admit that I do love the way it frames my face.
I dress as sexy as I can, without looking to sexy, after all I am going to “book club” with a group of women. I slide on a black skirt that hugs my ass and hips and a white blouse that is semitransparent with a black bra. “IStill clean up alright,” I think as I check the fit in a mirror and put on a button up blazer. Thinking to myself, “Before I get out of the car I can take off the blazer and unbutton the blouse a few buttons and put on some taller heels.”
I cannot help but feel excited as I pulled into the parking lot of the night club. It has been a year now that I have been singing off to the monthly Munch. Meeting Nancy online in a chat room a few years ago was so lucky. After getting to know her online we realized we lived a couple towns apart so agreed to meet in person. Now she is one of my closest friends and the only friend that I can talk to about some of my longings.
Eventually Nancy convinced me to sneak out to the Munch, after all it is a way to meet people with similar gyms and to learn more About the BDSM lifestyle. Shit, my husband’s only kinks are hunting and fishing. We had a wonderful life together for the first 10 years, then he got a new job, and his coworkers got him into fishing and hunting, and now it seems that’s all he does besides work.
I have met some wonderful people in the last year, and learned a lot of things about the lifestyle. But if anything, it has increased my desires and made me realize my gyms a bit better. And that I have an itch that my husband could never or would never scratch. But I am married, and he provides for us and take care of us and I cannot find it in myself to cheat on him, regardless of how neglected I may feel at times. There have been a few offers, which were very flattering, but I politely decided each time.
I am sitting at a table sipping wine when I see Nancy walk in. When she spots me, she smiles, hurries over to me, and give me a big hug. She seems more excited than normal as she sits next to me and orders a drink. We go through our hellos and the usual how have you been conversation.
Once her drink arrives, she turns to me, leans in close, and talks to me quietly. “Samantha, you rememberber that dirty little fantasy that you told me about, you know the one of being used while you sleep?” I feel my face turning red as I nod at her. “I found him for you” she says with a big smile.
“Found who? What are you talking about?” you ask her with a look of panic.
Nancy smiles at me as she replies “I found just the person, I cannot tell you more or it will ruin things”. My mind is in a whirl and I start to tell her that it is just a fantasy but Nancy holds her hand up. “Stop, quiet, trust me,” she says.
I can’t believe she did this, I know that we have talked about that particular fantasy a few times, but she actually thinks I want it? But it would be so amazing wouldn’t it? And would it really be cheating if I do not Participate?
I look at Nancy and realize she has been staring at me as I think. I open my mouth to say something, although I don’t know what I am going to say and she takes a sip of her drink and says “I have already set it up. He will contactyou through KIK, his nickname is Samuel.”
Looking around I wonder if it is someone in the room and then turn to Nancy and ask “Who is he? Is he here?” Nancy just glares at me for a moment and I realize that I don’t know if I really want to know who it is; do I? But I cannot help but spend the night looking around the room, wondering if he is in fact, here.
I begin to wonder if he is a Dominant. Where did Nancy meet him? How well does she know him? Can I trust him? Can I go through with it? My mind wanders all evening long, but as I walk to the car the breeze blowing up my skirt makes me suddenly realize how wet my panties are.
I find myself checking KIK pretty regularly wondering if he will really message me; half afraid he will but also half afraid he won’t. A few days later as am I walking to my car after work my phone chimes and I glance down and see I have a new message from Samuel.
The message is short and to the point ‘I understand that you have a desire to be used sexually in your sleep. I also understand that you are married and that you have children, and that discretion is very important to you. Tell me when you will be able to do this. It must be an entire weekend as I do not want you knowing what day I will be there. Tell me the weekend and the location and further instructions will follow.
“Well he sure sounds like he is a Dominant, I bet Nancy met him at one of the Munches. She must know him pretty well to have discussed my secrets with him, well I hope so at any rate.” When I get home I check the family calendar and find a weekend a few weeks a way that is a three day weekend. My husband will be at a fishing tournament all weekend and the kids have been wanting to visit their grandparents so I can send them there for the weekend.
I respond to Samuel, giving him the dates and times. I ask him what I should do, should we meet, should we discuss things. All I get in response is a short message ‘I will get back to you wit further instructions.’
The next couple of weeks go by slowly as I think about the weekend. I start messaging Samuel a few times to let him know that I want to cancel, but never hit send. And not a word from him either. Maybe he decided he did not want to do it. I began to grow frustrated and wonder why he won’t at least message me and let me know it’s still on. Of course, then I wonder If I really want to see that message or just let it drop for good.
Finally, it is that Friday evening; My husband took off early in the morning and just to make sure, I keep checking ‘Map My Friend’ to make sure he is not coming back for some reason. The kids are off at the grandparents, which is an hour away so I have the house to myself for the weekend, well maybe, what if he is actually coming?
I call Nancy and tell her that I am chickening out and ask if I can spend the weekend with her. She asks if I am sure, but of course tells me I am always welcome at her place. I pack a bagto leave and get in my car. As I sit down, I notice a white box sitting on the passenger seat that was not there before.
My heart starts to beat faster as I glance around and realize how secluded the house is with all the trees around it. I do not see anyone but I lock the car doors anyway. I pick the box up and open it. There is a syringe with three small peripherals next to it and a note written in a strong elegant handwriting with precision instructions as how to administrator the injection to myself and what I can expect. It states that I am to take an injection at 8pm every evening and that it will put me to sleep for approximately 12 hours. I am also to keep my bedroom window unlocked.
I start my car and back out of the driveway to go to Nancy’s house and find myself staring at my locked bedroom window. Without thinking, I pull the car back into the driveway and call Nancy as I walk back into my house telling her that I will spend the night here after all and that I will call her in the morning so she knows I am fine.
I have a couple of hours, so I make myself some dinner and drink a few glasses of wine trying not to think about what may happen. At 8 pm I am sitting on my bed dressed in sexy lingerie staring at the syringe in my hand. I star at it for 10 minutes, not even really thinking. I grab a shot glass I brought with me and have a quick shot of whiskey for courage. I quickly stick the needle into my arm and inject the liquid. I lay back and stare at the ceiling.
When I open my eyes, I find myself staring at the ceiling still, but it is bright, and I realize that it must be morning. I jolt up and look at the clock on my nightstand and sure enough it is 8:30 am. Glancing down I confirm that I am still dressed as I was last night and I do not feel different. Well, not like I had sex different, at any rate.
As I glance around the room I notice something are out of place. The bedroom window and curtains are wide open, my bottle of whiskey and shot glass are sitting on my husband’s nightstand, not mine I am certain of it. Looking at the covers it looks as though someone was laying on the bed next to me.
I get up to go to the bathroom and notice that the toilet seat is up. Now I am certain that it was down last night when I went to bed. I have even trained my husband to always put it down, so it is never up. “Oh my god, he was here, he was in my room. But I do not feel different, my lingerie is still in place. Did he decide not to do it? What the hell was he doing here?”
I call Nancy freaking out a little. I can hear her trying to get me to calm down as I blather away about everything. Once I finally stop talking and catch my breath she tells me to calm down once again and when I start to talk, she tells me to stop. “Samantha, did you look on your nightstand?”
“Of course, I looked on my nightstand and the whiskey was not on it.” Walking back to my bedroom, I see a note on my nightstand and the handwriting is the same strong elegant writing as was on the box.
I read the note as Nancy explains that Samuel knew that I was in the house alone last night and that the drugs in my system would not allow me to wake up in the event of an emergency like a fire, so he spent the night watching over me. His note says something similar, not that he was watching over me, but that he spent the night as a safety precaution.
I calm down and actually feel much better about the whole situation. “He actually thought about my safety and watched over me all night to make sure I was alright?” I find myself actually smiling and ask Nancy if she would like to meet for breakfast.
After breakfast Nancy and I do some shopping, go to a movie, and then have lunch I finally head home and do some light housework, cleaning, and laundry. I cook dinner and am eating as I watch a movie on television when I realize it is 7:45pm.
Leaping up I put my dishes in the sink and run upstairs and put on dIferent lingerie, something that I think is sexier than what I wore the night before. I do not hesitate as I inject myself as the clock turns to 8 pm. I find myself staring at the ceiling once again.
I hear my phone ringing as I wake up to light on the ceiling again. As I roll over to answer my phone, “Holy shit!” I realize my body is extremely sore. “Hello” my voice is crazyly and my throat is sore as I answer my phone. Glancing down I realize I am naked and that my bed is a disaster. “Holy shit!!”
I hear Nancy calling my name again and I mumble another hello. Nancy starts telling me that I need to get out of bed and get cleaned up and get my room in order before my family gets home. I tell her that I have all day, they are not getting home until Monday afternoon. Silence for a moment then Nancy tells me that it is almost 2:30 pm on Monday. I glance at my phone and realize that she is right.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, I have to get the house clean, and I needto shower. Crap, the kids and husband could be home at any time. I say a quick goodbye and leap out of bed. Oh that hurts, what the hell was in me. I move as quickly as possible and start the shower. As the water gets warm, I look in the mirror at my body. There are no marks, nothing to show that I had been fucked and fucked hard, but I can feel it. And for a full day! “What did he do to me all day Sunday?”
Getting into the shower, I realize that I do not have time to think about it as I need to get cleaned up, the bedroom cleaned, and dinner going before everyone gets home. Somehow, I get things taken care of. I toss the bedding into the wash, clean up the bedroom, and get dinner on the stove. I am sitting at the dining room table as my husband and kids pull into the drive.
A few days later while at work I get a text from a phone number that I do not know. I open it and the message says to check KIK. Who would send me something like that I am wondering as I open KIK and see that I have two messages from Samuel. As is typical with him, they are both short and to the point. The first one simply says “Thank you for a wonderful time Samantha. I will be seeing you again soon.” The other message tells me to look at my photos file on my phone.
Opening my photos file, I do not see anything. I look through my photos and realize that there is a new folder titled ‘fun’ and I open it. My mouth drops open and I quickly close it as I am at work and these are not photos I want anyone at work seeing.
I go and see my boss and inform her that I am not feeling well and need to take the rest of the day off. She tells me to get better and sends me on my way. I so want to look at the pictures but force myself to wait until I get home. When I get home, I will have a few hours before the kids get home from school.
Once home, I quickly go to my bedroom and lie on my bed. I take a few deep breaths and open the file. I start going through the pictures one at a time. Sure enough they are all of me, showing my limp body being used. In one of the photos it shows all three of my holes filled. “Holy shit, he had someone else with him? My god I hope they did not have disease, and crap, not one picture has condoms on!”
There are a few short videos of my pussy and my mouth being fucked. In all of them, my body is limp and being used. Part of me is totally freaked out but I also find my hand in my panties gently rubbing myself as I go through the photos again. Samuel’s words ringing through my ears as though I can hear his voice “see you again soon.”
It has been weeks since that night, and I still have not heard from Samuel. The thoughts of what happened to me excites me and I hope that I will hear from him. I hope that he recorded it all, I so want to know. The number of times I have masturbated to the few videos and pictures that I have is crazy.
One evening the family and I are out for pizza after a school event. I go the women’sroom and as has become the norm over the last few weeks, I pull out my phone to check to see if there are any new messages. There is, a message from Samuel, and all it states is ‘Are you ready for round 2? I propose that this time you are awake but you are unable to move your body, to talk, to do anything but feel. If you are interested, respond within 24 hours of a date.’
I spend the rest of the night wondering how he would do that, if he can do that, and how much the thought of it turns me on. My panties are soaked all night long as I think about this, I know I cannot say no. I love my husband very much, but I need this.
I check the calendar and find a weekend a month and half out where my husband will be on a hunting trip. I respond to Samuel with the dates and start watching the days go by so very slowly. I feel that I am in a constant state of arousal as I anticipate the weekend.
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