The Submission of Dana Ch. 03

Dana left her husband standing in the living room with his pants around his ankles. She made her way upstairs, still in a daze. She entered her bedroom and then her master bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, “WHORE” written on her forehead and her makeup a mess. Her breasts were still red and sore from Maddie griping them. She didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her anymore.

She felt even dirtier about what happened tonight than she did the night of Mark’s birthday. She got in the shower and as the hot water hit her, she began to sob.

“Why did I allow this to happen again?” She kept asking herself.

“Why didn’t I just say orange?!”

As the water continued to stream down, she finally said the safe word she has had so much trouble saying, “orange, orange, fucking orange!”

A lot of the turmoil Dana was feeling was because she knew Maddie was right. She did wear that revealing shirt because she wanted Maddie to say something to her. Deep down she wanted Maddie to call her a “slut” for wearing it and to punish her. Dana was scared that the more time she spent around Maddie, the deeper into submission she would fall. Dana felt the only answer may be to cut off all contact with Maddie but the thought of doing that made her sick. And how would Maddie react? Would she apologize and promise never to do it again or would Mistress Madeline come out in a rage?

Dana sank down and sat in the corner of the shower. As the water hit her feet she cried and slipped her right hand between her legs. Within a few moments the crying was replaced with whimpers and then loud moans. Dana brought herself to orgasm, over and over and over again.

While Dana was getting herself off in the shower, Mark had composed himself and was trying to make sense of what had just happened. His wife walking in as she did, clearly at the hands of Maddie, had indeed turned him on. Although the shock of what he saw, he was instantly hard as soon as DanaPulled down his pants. As he wondered what he should do, he got another text from Maddie. All it said was;


Mark went to the front door and opened it. Nobody was there and all that was left was a pile of Dana’s clothes on the front stop. Mark picked up the clothes and took them upstairs.

By this time Dana was out of the shower. She was standing in the bathroom in her robe, blow drying her hair.

“Maddie left this outside.” He said to his wife who glanced at him but didn’t react. “Are you going to at least tell me what happened?” Mark stood there for a few seconds while Dana continued to blow dry her hair, ignoring him. Mark wanted to believe his wife didn’t hear him because of the hair dryer but he knew that Dana just didn’t want to talk to him.

Mark went back downstairs to fix himself a drink. He feel a certain sense of guilt about what was going on between his wife and Maddie. Mark waited in the kitchen for Dana to come downstairs, but she never did. Dana had decided to take something to help her sleep. After a few drinks, Mark decided to go up to bed as well.

The next morning Dana still wasn’t in the mood to talk about what had happened. She had taken a page out of Maddie’s book and tried to go about her morning as if nothing unusual had happened. Mark tried to get her to open up, but she stonewalled him and wouldn’t talk about it. Finally demanding that he “change the subject.”

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll change the subject. Are you going to Bridget’s this weekend?”

That stopped Dana in her tracks. The facade she had been hiding behind all morning crumbled and she sat down at the kitchen table. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do about Bridget’s this weekend.”

Mark told Dana that he felt responsible for Everything that was going on. If he didn’t have this stupid fantasy, none of this would have happened. While Dana agreed with her husband to an extent it wasn’t all his fault. After all, she agreed todo it and Maddie had agreed to help her get through it. How could either one of them have known how it was going to play out? They had no idea this side of Maddie even existed, and Dana had no idea this side of herself existed.

“I can’t help you unless you’re honest with me.” Mark pleased with his wife. “Tell me exactly what happened last night.”

Dana proceeded to tell Mark about everything that happened the night before at the pub and everything that happened in Maddie’s car.

When Dana was finished Mark was stunned. “Wow,” was pretty much all he could say. Dana couldn’t explain why she allowed Maddie to control her like she did. It wasn’t something she could put into words. As Mark listened to his wife speak, he too was having mixed feelings. On one hand he felt bad for the emotional and psychological struggle his wife was experiencing but on the other hand, he was incredibly turned on by what he was hearing.

“That brings us back to Bridget’s on Saturday,” Markreminded her.

“Oh God that’s right. All the girls are going to be there. Maybe, I’ll just tell Bridget I don’t feel well?”

“And what happens when Maddie finds out and demands that you go? What then? Are you going to be able to resist Mistress Madeline?”

Dana didn’t have to respond; they both knew the answer.

Finally, Mark stood up and said, “This has to end, and it needs to end tonight!”

Mark told Dana he was going to invite Maddie over and the three of them together, were going to talk and put an end to this crazy. Dana didn’t want any part of further discussions with Maddie, especially about this topic. But Mark was persistent and made very logical points.

“Do you want us to sell the house and move? Because if you Don’t want to face Maddie again, that’s pretty much the only other option.” Mark promised her that with him there, he wouldn’t let things escalate. And he wanted to do this tonight because letting things fester all week wasn’t doinganyone any good.

Dana went off to work, leaving everything in the hands of her husband. She tried to concentrate on work, but more than one co-worker noticed how distracted she was and inquired about her well-being. Dana just told them she was tired, which wasn’t a complete lie, and left it at that.

Around 1pm, Dana got a text from Maddie. When Dana saw Maddie’s name pop up on her phone, her heart started pounding. She hesitated to open the message up, scared of what it might say. To her relieve if read;

“Hey sweetie, got Mark’s invite to dinner tonight. That’s so nice of you two! Looking forward to a nice meal with friends. What can I bring?”

Dana simply texted back to just bring herself, they had everything they needed.

Maddie responded;

“Okay great! I’ll bring a bottle of wine.”

Dana breathed a sight of relief. Maybe, just maybe dear old best friend Maddie had returned. Then Dana had an idea. The one way she could ensure that things would go smoothly tonight would be to use her safe word now. For whatever reason, she couldn’t bring herself to say it, but Maddie never said she couldn’t text it to her. Dana typed “orange,” on her phone and as her right thumb hovered over the send button, she second guessed herself. Maddie didn’t appear to currently be in ‘Mistress Madeline’ mode, so would it count? But by sending it, at least Maddie would know that she didn’t want to play anymore. Dana’s thumb did touch a button, but it wasn’t ‘send,’ it was the backspace button. She erased what she had typed. She convinced herself that she was a strong woman and the only way to get her dignity and self-respect back was to stand up to Maddie and tell her face to face that this little game was over.

For the first time all morning Dana was Feeling a little more like herself. She put her phone down and started to go back to work when her phone pinged again. It was another text from Maddie, and like last time, her heart skipped a beat whenshe saw it. Dana clicked on the message, and it read;

“How many times did you finger yourself to orgasm last night? MM.”

Dana immediately started to panic. The brave words she had told herself just seconds earlier didn’t amount to anything. Dana fumbled with her phone before typing back;

“5 times, Mistress.”

A few moments later Dana received a text back from Maddie;

“Good little slut! Go to the bathroom, get yourself completely naked, take a picture and send it to me. You have exactly 5 minutes!”

Dana turned her phone over and looked around. She felt like everyone in her office was looking over her shoulder. After a second of hesitation, she stood up and briskly walked out of the office. Dana marched into the hallway and into the women’s bathroom. Unfortunately for her both stalls were taken. She paced back and forth by the sink, looking at her phone, hoping one of the stalls would open. “I don’t believe this,” she thought, “both stalls are never taken at the same time.” As she continued to wait, she got another text from Maddie;

“4 Minutes.”

As the clock ticked Dana remembered there was another women’s room two floors up. Dana exited the bathroom and quickly made her way to the elevator. Just as the elevator doors opened on that next floor, she received another text from Maddie,

“3 Minutes!”

Dana was looking down at her phone when she exited the elevator, almost knocking over another woman who was trying to get on. Dana yelled “sorry,” over her shoulder as she made her way over to the ladies room. ‘Closed for Maintenance’ the sign read.

“Fuck!” Dana immediately placed her hand over her own mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard her.

Dana was in a panic and wondered if she should attempt to go back down to the first bathroom or try and find another one. As she stood there contemplating her options her phone pinged;

“2 minutes….. don’t disappoint me slut!!”

Dana decided to goback down to the first bathroom. But instead of using the elevator she made her way over to the stairs. Dana was in such an excited state she almost fell, breaking a heel in the process. After catching herself, she removed both shoes and made it back down to her floor. Another text greeted her upon making it back down;

“1 minute!!! Where’s my picture????”

Dana, now in full sprint, was getting attention From some of her co-workers. They probably just thought she really, really had to use the bathroom, which was embarrassing enough in and of itself.

Once in the bathroom she saw that both stalls were empty. She darted into the first stall and began to rip her clothes off. She had just gotten her bra off when she heard another ping that stopped her cold. She was breathing heavily and trembling from the nervous energy. She looked at her phone;

“Times up!!! No picture???!!!! I’m very disappointed to say the least!!! MM.”

Dana snapped a picture of her breastsAnyway and sent it to Maddie. She followed the picture with a text of her own;

“I’m sorry!! The bathroom was occupied!! I tried, I really tried!! I’m sorry, please Mistress!!”

Dana was almost in tears. She had broken a heel and almost ruined another shirt attempting to follow Maddie’s instructions. But despite all of that, she was most upset that she didn’t complete the task that Maddie had given her.

Once she composed herself, she put her bra and shirt back on. The heel on her shoes was broken, so she would have to either go barefoot or just call it a day and go home.

As Dana made her way back to her desk, she felt like all her coworkers were looking at her. It was probably just her imagination, but it was apparent to everyone that she clearly wasn’t herself. When she sat down her phone went off again. “Oh no,” she thought to herself, it was another text from Maddie! Dana slowly looked at it, it read;

“Do you prefer a Cabernet or Zinfandel?”

Dana couldn’t believe what she was reading. It was almost comical to see how effective Maddie moved in and out of “Mistress” mode while she herself had been in constant mental and emotional flux all week. Dana texted back;

“The Zinfandel will be fine. Thank you.”

A few seconds later Maddie responded;

“No problem, see ya tonight. XOXO.”

Dana decided she wasn’t in any condition to continue working today and told her boss she was going home. Her boss, who clearly could see that Dana was having a rough day, didn’t even argue and told her to take tomorrow off too if she needed it. Dana decided to head home and try to prepare herself for another meeting with her best friend.

Once home Dana washed up and got ready for Maddie’s arrival. She was able to control herself and Refrained from getting herself off, despite the urge to do so. She decided to dress nicely but conservatively. She put on a modest dress, nothing too flashy, with flat shoes.

When Mark got home, Dana made no mention of what had happened earlier at work. Dana decided to make pasta for dinner and she and Mark spent themselves as they waited for Maddie’s arrival. At precisely 6pm the doorbell rang. Mark asked Dana if she was ready, she nodded, and he went and answered the door.

Maddie entered their home like she had a hundred times before. She handed Mark the bottle of wine and she greeted both her friends with a kiss on the chef.

Maddie compiled Dana on how pretty she looked in her dress and added, “You always look good in everything you wear.”

As they walked into the kitchen Maddie announced, “I’m starving, thanks again for the invite.”

Dana and Maddie sat down at the kitchen table as Mark opened and poured everyone a glass of wine. As Mark was serving everyone their pasta, Maddie immediately started informing Dana of the latest gossip she had been hearing concerning several women that they knew. Maddie kept going as Mark and Dana listened, nervoususly waiting for the right time to bring up the elephant in the room. They finally had that opportunity when Maddie brought up Bridget’s get together this coming Saturday.

Mark, who had sat down in between Maddie and his wife finally spoke up, “I’m glad you brought up this weekend Maddie. That’s what we wanted to talk to you about. Before you and Dana attend that party, really before anything else for that matter. I think it’s time to end this little game.”

As Mark spoke Maddie had a look of confusion on her face. As if she had no idea what he was talking about.

“I’m not sure I follow.” Maddie told him.

Mark, who was a little exasperated continued, “Listen, I feel largely responsible for this whole situation happening in the first place. You ladies were trying to do something nice for me on my birthday and things got out of hand. But I think it’s time to put things to rest and go back to how they were before.”

“Oh, now I understand.” Maddie responded, “you’re talking about the fact that your wife is a submissive who enjoys exposing herself.”

Both Mark and Dana sat stunned at Maddie’s statement. Mark could see that his wife was sinking lower into her chair and was starting to put her head down. He started to say something, but Maddie cut him off.

“Dana doesn’t want this game to end. This is who she is. If she wanted things to go back to the way they were, she would have used her safe word already.”

“Safe word? Is that all it would take?” Asked Mark.

Maddie nodded yes.

Mark looked at his wife, “go ahead and use your safe word and let’s put an end to this.” Mark sat waiting for his wife to speak but Dana said nothing. She started to open her mouth but like before when she tried, no words came out. It was almost as if some unseen force had grabbed her by the throat, restricting her air flow, making her incapable of forming words.

“Dana, honey! Use your safe word!” Mark implored her but Dana couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Finally, Mark asked if he could say it on her behalf. Maddie told him, “Anyone involved could use the safe word, at any time and all play stopped. That was the rule.”

Mark asked Dana to tell him what the safe word was, but she just looked at him, confused and shook her head.

At this point Maddie began to take over. “I can tell you the safe word if you like Mark? I’ll tell you the word, but you won’t use it because your wife doesn’t want you to use it and neither do you.”

Maddie leaned over and got her lips really close to Mark’s left ear, she let her hot breath linger on his neck before she whispered to him, “the safe word is orange. But one question, did Dana tell you about work today?”

Mark pulled his head away from Maddie, looked at her with surprise and then turned to Dana and asked, “What happened at work today?”

For the first time since they sat down, Dana spoke. She remembered the ordeal Maddie had put her through atwork earlier. When Mark asked why Dana didn’t tell him about this when he got home, she told him she was “ashamed” to tell him.

Maddie then produced the picture Dana had sent her of her tits in the bathroom. As Mark looked at the photo, Maddie reached over with her left hand and grabbed Mark’s crotch through his pants. She could feel his growing erection. “See Mark, Dana won’t use her safe word, and neither will you, because neither one of you want this to end.”

Maddie then took her plate of pasta and placed it on the floor between her and Mark. “Your wife knows I don’t eat pasta and yet she made me pasta for dinner. That tells you everything you need to know Mark.” Then Maddie looked right at Dana, who looked like she was going to slide right off her chair, “Slut, get down on the floor and eat this.”

Mark watched Dana stand up and almost in a trace like state walk between them. She then got down on all fours and slowly lowered her head to the plate of pasta. Carefully she began eating from the plate, trying not to get sauce all over herself.

Maddie laughed, “I should have brought your dog collar and lean with me. But don’t worry, I won’t forget it Saturday night.”

Maddie, looking at Mark, “You see Mark, your wife craves my authority. In fact, we have the little matter of her punishment that needs to be addressed for not fulfilling her Assignment today.”

When she said that, Dana paused eating the pasta. This drew a sharp rebuke from Maddie, “I didn’t tell you to stop eating bitch!” With that Maddie pushed Dana’s head down into the pasta, getting sauce all over her beautiful face.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to get sauce all over your clothes.” Maddie said in a mocking tone. “Let’s fix that.” Maddie said in a mocking tone. “Let’s fix that.” pulled Dana to her feet by her hair. Next, she looked directly at Mark. “Mark remove your wife’s clothes for me.”

Mark didn’t move at first. He looked at Maddie and then at Dana who was trying to stop herself from compietely breaking down. Maddie could see Mark was at a crossroads and knew it was time to push him further.

“Mark, you know you want this. As much as you hate to admit it, watching your wife treated like this has got you completely turned on. Now, stand up and strip your wife naked. I think we all prefer her that way. I know I do.”

This time Mark stood up and did as he was told. He walked behind Dana and unzipped her dress and slide it down for her to step out of.

“Use it to wipe the sauce off her face.” Mark did as he was told, ruining his wife’s dress in the process.

“That dress made your ass look big anyway,” Maddie taunted Dana.

Next he unclasped her bra and throw it to the side. When he slide his wife’s panties off, his face was eye level with her ass and he had to fight the urge to bite it. Next he took his wife’s shoes off, leaving her completely naked once again before the two of them.

Dana stood there, quivering from the fear, in anticipation of what was about to happen. Maddie told Mark to get her a wooden spoon and without any hesitation, Mark did as he was told and then sat back down at the table.

Dana nervously shot her eyes back and forth, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening as Maddie paced back and forth behind her, smacking the spoon into her hand as she did.


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