The Submission of Amelia Pt. 03

The Submission of Amelia

Part III

Amelia couldn’t catch her breath. His hands, his mouth, his body pressed against her causing her brain to completely shut down and only react. She forgot her protests and just let the sensings roll over her. Her brain wondering at this awesome power he seemed to have over her but it was only a disappoint niggling. His hand moved, cupping her breast more fully, her nipples tight and erect to the point of painful. Her mouth parted as his tongue teased along the seam and just as suddenly as he was on her he released her, stepping back. Amelia fight to control her breathing, her chest heaving, her body aching, and her mind in turmoil.

“What, why?” Were the only coherent words she could form. She couldn’t understand how he could just stop like that.

“Amelia, you haven’t been a good girl yet, have you?” He asked her simply.

She stared at him confused, here he was in her apartment, once again assaulting her. She shook her head vigorously, trying to clear the fog that had invaded. Good girl, what in the world did he mean by that?

“How dare you, break in to my apartment and assault me!” She exclaimed. “I want you to leave right now, just get out, and leave me alone.” She snapped out angrily.

Instead of complying her wandered over to her shelves, looking at the books lining them, as he flipped the stereo on. Classic rock pumped through the speakers. Amelia watched him in fascinated horror, unsure what she should do. He wasn’t leaving! He continued to wander through her apartment, seeming to take stock of what was there. He stopped at a photo of her and her grandfather, the last one she had of him. The smile on her face in the photo showing how much her grandfather had meant to her. He seemed to study her face, learning every inch of her in that photo.

“You look happy here,” he stated simply. “You grandfather has passed, hasn’t he?”

Startled, she looked at him, “how could you possibly know that from a photo?”

He smiled, not answering her as he continued to move through her small apartment, made to feel smaller due to his presence. He looked at her collection of Knick knacks, smiling slightly at a few of the more feminine ones. Amelia wasn’t much of a girl girl, so the cute little trinets were unexpected. He made his way into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and checking the contents.

“Okay girl, there isn’t enough food in here to feed a rat, what do you eat?”

She stared at him incredulously, “seriously? You come into my home and question my life?” she crossed her arms, angle and intrigued all at once.

He stopped his inspection of her apartment, looking her up and down, taking in her tank top and tiny shorts. “Do you have a nice dress?” he asked, Not waiting for an answer he moved into her bedroom and started rifling through her closet. He inspected several dress, finally pulling out a sexy red number, tossing it on the bed, reaching intothe bottom of the closet and fishing out a pair of 4 inch siletto heels.

He looked at her, “put that on, no bra, no panties, no nylons” he said, not leaving room for argument. She looked at him, then back to the clothes he’d placed on her bed, listening to his command.

“Why in the hell would I do that?” her voice harsh, her body thrumming but her mind fighting. “Just who in the hell do you think you are?”

He smiled at her, “well depending on how you behave I could be your absolute dream come true or your worst nightmare.” He stepped out of the room, pushing her in, “change, you have five minutes.” His voice allowed no room for argument.

Amelia stepped into her room, almost slamming the door shut before she remembered her neighbors, it wasn’t their fault that this pompous, demanding asshole was in her apartment. She sat on her bed, refusing to do as she’d been told. He wasn’t her goddamn boss and nothing he said or did could make her do his bidding. She laid back on the bed, her legs dangling. Seriously, what was he going to do? Come in here and dress her himself? Not likely. Her eyes drifted closed, her mind wandering to the encounter a week ago and again just a few minutes ago. Her body started tingling again as her mind wandered, her eyes drifting closed. Before she knew it her hand was inside her shorts, no thought or planning, just feeling.

She was so lost in the sensings and her thoughts she didn’t hear the door open. Her fingers stroked her tight clip, the slick warmth of her own wetness like silk. Suddenly, her shorts were ripped from her body and he was between her thighs, lapping at her. His teeth grazing her clip as a moan escaped her lips. She felt two fingers slam inside of her and she flew apart, her orgasm causing her to scream in ecstasy. He bathed her with his tongue, her juices coat his face, as she continued to ride the ferocious orgasm out.

He stood, looming over her like a master of old, a smile playingupon his face. He knew what she had been thinking of, the knowledge clear on his face. He reached down and grabbed her shorts, wiping his face clean with them before tossing them towards the laundry basket.

“I told you to get dressed but this was a pleasant diversity.” He said, the smile very apparent in his voice. “Now, don’t make me tell you again, and that orgasm was a freebie. The next one won’t come so easy.”

She gaped at him, shock and awe on her face. She stood, wearing nothing but her tank top, heat creeping onto her cheeks.

“Are you just gonna stand there?” She breathed out, “or are you going to leave and let me dress?”

“Amelia,” he surprised out, a little exacerbated. “I told you to get dressed and instead you came in here and daydreamed, so I think I will stand right here to make sure you do as you’re told. The next time you disobey me you will not like the result.” He said, slightly menuing.

She didn’t want to think about what he meant by that and instead looked at him, defiantly, as she pulled her tank top over her head and tossed it in the basket. She grabbed her dress from the bed, sliding it over her head as the smooth fabric hugged her curves. She wasn’t fat but she had plenty of curves in the right place. She slide one foot and then the other into the silettos.

“Are you happy now?” she asked, her voice scalding.

“You’ll do.” He said, nothing more before he stepped into the bathroom and returned with her brush. She held her hand out, expecting him to hand it to her. Instead, he pushed her to the bed and stood at her back, slowly struggling the brush through her fire red hair. He was gentle, almost caring in his attention to her hair.

“Your hair is gorgeous, you should never wear it up.” He said, as he continued to stroke the brush through her hair. She wasn’t sure what game he was playing now but he seemed gentle and caring, almost as a lover rather than a stranger who had turned her world upside down.

“Perfection,” he stated, pulling her up and turning her to look at him. “You are truly lovely mine.” His lips slowly brushing over hers.

“Why do you keep calling me that?” Her tone not quite as icy as it had been in the past, her eyes searching his for answers.

“Because it is simply the truth, the sooner you accept it, the sooner things can move forward.” He cleared his throat and jutted his elbow out to her, beckoning her to take it. “Now, I think we should do what I originally planned, although tasting you was definitely worth the delay.”

Amelia’s cheats fired bright red, her head lowering in shame at her unexpected reactions to him. He tugged her to him and lifted her chin, looking into her eyes.

“My dear Amelia, there is nothing to be ashamed of, your body just knows what your mind has yet to accept.” His words matter of fact, no judgment, no disdain, no recrimination. “You belong to me Amelia, it is simply a fact.” Again, his head lowered, taking her lips with his.

Amelia surprised and let him kiss her, his lips weren’t uncomfortable, but it was over before it really began. He took her arm again, steered her towards the door, “keys?” he said, and she pointed to the hook on the wall, she wasn’t sure how they had made it there since he had surprised her but instinct must have taken over.

They headed out the door and Amelia was more confused than ever. She belonged to him? What in the world did he mean by that, and just what was happening to her?


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