The front door bell rang and it was the girl from the agency and the young woman destined to be the Astonbury’s new housekeeper. Lord Astonbury himself opened the door and as instructed by her boss the pretty young Agency girl kissed him chastely on the cheek, before introducing Allison. Lord Astonbury invited them in and followed them into the reception locke. He smiled as he carefully and slowly eyed Allison up and down, he had to admit it, this time the Agency seemed to have got it right and liked what he saw.
Allison was not quite five feet tall her hair long dark and tucked into a French pleat. The skirt and jacket were well cut, the skirt ending just above the knees, revealing a well shaped calendar and ankle. He guessed she was about 120 pounds and her breasts were well concealed by the cut of the jacket, but as she had passed in front of him he had glanced down; the silky bloom had revealed her cleavage and the swell of her milk white breast had made him take a deep breakfastth. She had a slim wait and walked in a confident and assured manner. Lord Astonbury decided that she was certainly worth interviewing and she would make a worthy bed companion. He quickly snapped out of the lustful thoughts as he followed them into the drawing room; then ringing the bell for Bridget, he asked what they wanted to drink. Bridget brought tea and when the pleasuresants had been exchanged and Lord Astonbury had studied the letter Allison had brought from Lady Cooperstone, he excused himself from the Agency representative and invited Allison to accompany him to his office.
Alison followed his Lordship through the kitchen down the stone steps and along the corridor leading to his office and the interview began. Allison answered Lord Astonbury’s questions satisfied and explained he current circumstances.
“My Parents had been in business and when I married, my husband joined the family firm. The market they were in suddenly took a down turn, catching them with high stock and heavy borrowings. They had been returning from Europe where they had hoped to find a new outlet, when for some reason still unexplained, their aircraft had crashed and the bank foreclosed, leaving me penniless;”
Lady Cooperstone had taken her in and trained her with the intention of her becoming the housekeeper for Count Mario and his wife in the Irish country house they had considered buying. The Count had died leaving Allison at a loose end once more.
“The offer of this job with you and your family, your Lordship seemed like a gift from heaven. Allison added, “If I’m successful in being offered the position, I would,” she said with a look of concern, do all I can Sir to serve you well; I understand Lady Astonbury may well be sick for some time.”
As she completed her Short explanation she was aware her skirt had ridden up and she crossed her legs chastely and smoothed down her skirt. No flash of underwear there, Lord Astonbury thought to himself, I must be slipping..
“If I may be so bold Sir,” Allison said softly, “it would appear that Lady Astonbury has been away for some time, it would appear to me that the staff have grown slack and a firm hand would certainly not go amiss. I would love to get down to basics and see this place as it should be, before her Ladyship returns.”
Allison had been watching Lord Astonbury’s eyes Follow her every move; Lady Blanchester had hinted that his lordship was fond of the ladies and it had been at that moment that she had decided to take a chance, she would blow her chances completely or land the job. Allison had no intention of becoming another of his so called conquests. She was nervous and needed the job badly, but she told herself not that badly.
“I understand that the position is ‘live-in’ and I would like to see my room, if that’s convenient Sir?”
“I can let you see the staff wing, but the quarters for the housekeeper are not ready yet, this is as you are aware is anew position. I had intended that the successful candidate would sleep in the main house until the new rooms are ready.” came the reply.
Lord Astonbury eyed Allison up and thinking to himself that it would give him the opportunity to seduce her. Allison saw his gaze and she felt as though he were undressing her with his eyes and to her, it was not a comfortable or a pleasant feeling. This man? No! She decided, he was more like a Don Juan of old, a man used to getting his own way. She knew she had to put him in his place, but now was not the right time she did not want to upset her new boss not at the expense of her job prospects and asked politely.
“Is there anything else you need to know Sir? and if I am to get the appointment I have to ring Lady Cooperstone to let her know.”
Lord Astonbury made up his mind, this woman would do, he knew sooner or later, one way or another, he would find his way into her panties. He simply said,
“In that case I think you should make the call, the details of salary and terms and conditions have been given to you by the Agency and I presume you find them to be satisfied.”
Allison nodded and she reached across the desk and picked up the telephone to make the call to her proposer, Lady Cooperstone.
Lord Astonbury had wondered how the other members of his household would take to the new head of house, now he needs not worry anymore. Allison was supervising the cleaning of her room and turned to face Lord Astonbury as he approached.
“I have taken the decision to occur this room for the time being, your Lordship and I’ve got young Kerry, I think that’s the young maid’s name, to help me give it a good clean.”
Lord Astonbury smiled in open approval and requested Allison to follow him. They went down the stairs and through the kitchen, down the stone steps and along the subterranean passage to the workshop. Lord Astonbury unlocked the furniture store and stepped inside. Allison followed and Lord Astonbury said,
“You can take whatever you need from the furniture in this room, so make your room as comfortable as you can on a temporary basis. I have an architect coming tomorrow with a view to making two more apartments in the domestic wing one for you and one for the new accountant.”
Allison smiled and gazed at the array of furniture and said quietly,
“Thank you, I hardly know how to thank you.”
It was Lord Astonbury’s turn to smile and he whispered in her ear,
“I’m sure we can work something out don’t you.”
With a beaming smile he turned and slowly walked out of the room; there were last minute arrangements to make with his gardener before the weekend. Allison stood and watched him leave, even more sure that she would have to watch her step. She had no intention of becoming a live in love, Lady Cooperstone had been right to warn her about him.
Lord Astonbury was glad that his wife was safe in the hospital and no harm could come to her there and the children were safe in boarding school. Walking back through the kitchen, his adrenaline levels were high at the thought of the possibility of having Allison as an addition to his long list of mistresses, and as usual when his adrenaline was high he felt decidedly randy. Several days later, Allison was in the kitchen taking stock of the kitchenware, he looked her up and down, and she was very appealing to the eye. She turned and saw Lord Astonbury staring at her and she decided she would have to put a stop to whatever he had in mind, even if it means losing her job. She had seen how other members of staff looked at him and the familiarity he had with them. It was now or never.
“Lord Astonbury, she began, I feel I must say what I have to say. I understand that you have a way with women and I have to tell you that Since my husband died I have never looked at another man. My marriage means too much to me and frankly I find that the way you look at me sometimes is quiteinsulting. I have no intention of becoming your mistress, the next man I invite to my bed will be someone I love and not just for casual sex. If what I have said means I lose my job, so be it. It’s a subject I feel very strongly about.”
Lord Astonbury looked at her in admission, either she was strong willed or he was losing his charm, his charisma, He protested,
“I’m sorry Allison, I did Not mean to cause you any offence, of course you won’t lose your job if you don’t go to bed with me. I respect your point of view. I will leave you to get on with what you are doing; by the way have you seen Bridget?”
“She was in the Drawing room the last time I saw her she was poisoning the furniture.” Allison replied glad she had crossed the hurdle.
Time had passed and Allison had settled into her new post, but whenever his lordship was near her she felt his eyes undressing her. He had never made any proposal of misconduct, but she knew in her heart that his Lordship had everry intention of making her one of his many mistresses and she had to admit although he was much older than she was, he was very handsome in his own way. There was something about him that simply oozed sex. She had overheard Kerry talking to Bridget in the kitchen when she had heard something that shocked her to the core.
Allison was fully aware that his lordship had two sons, neither of them however were a patch off their father, both seemed to follow their mother’s side of the family week and sickly, but Allison had learned from Kerry, one of her house maids, who had apparently been outside her Ladyship’s bedroom when Lady Astonbury and his Lordship had been having an argument, about his Lordship’s relationship with his two daughter’s in Law. She was accusing him of having fathered both of his Grandsons and in truth, from what Kerry had said, both of them featured him closely. The thought of him having sex with his son’s wives had a strange effect on Allison. The conversation between the two maids had gone on and it soon became obvious that both Kerry and Bridget had succumbed to his Lordship’s advances. They had described the size of his penis and Allison had felt herself go wet between her legs as they described his genitals, which it seemed were larger than normal in every respect. Much to Allison’s amazement the gusset of her panties had become drenched as she listened in awe to what they said. She knew from that very moment that curiosity would eventually get the better of her.
The next time she had the opportunity, Allison slipped into the study where she knew his Lordship was working. She let his eyes undress her and this time she felt her juices flow in anticipation of what was to happen. She walked towards him and much to his amazement she kissed him on the lips. The effect was instantaneous, he had desired this siren for weeks, in response his penis thickened in seconds, the evidence of his sudden arousal was the unmistakably large bulge the front of his Lordship’s trousers. Throwing caution to the wind, Allison went back to the door and deliberately turned the key very slowly, there was what seemed a disproportionately loud clunk as the tumblers fell into place and the lock slide into its allotted slot. Allison felt a sudden thrill of anticipation flow through her as his Lordship watched her carefully, his mouth half open with expectation as Allison put her hand under her skirt and without a word being spoken she slowly drew down her wet panties. With a smile that seemed to say it all she twirled them round her finger and throw them over her shoulder; then she sashayed up to the desk before lifting one leg up onto the half open drawer. His lordship could see up to the stocking clad leg, but just could not see Allison’s elusive pussy.
“Would you like to give me a hand your Lordship? Allison asked softly.
Lord Astonbury, who had imagined this day would come for weeks, could only sit motionless in case he broke thespell. Allison reached out and picked up his lordships hand and pushed it up under her skirt. The flesh above the stocking was soft and bare, he let his finger creep nearer until the finally felt them touch the moist outer lips of her pussy. It was as though he was in some kind of awe of this very attractive woman he had desired for weeks, he could not move. Allison in desperation moved his hand over the pouting lips feeling his fingers part the swollen vulva and she gave a soft moan as his thumb automatically rode up over her cliporis
“I think you would like me more without my bra on.” Allison whispered sultrily.
His lordship could not have agreed more as trace now evaporated and his probing fingers explored the wetness of the still hidden treasure. He could not take his eyes away as he watched her slowly undo the buttons of her crisp white blouse, to reveal her breasts; a treatment he had never dared to imagine he would have the pleasure of seeing, after her rebuke. Her brawas white, but lacy and very revealing, white because she had always thought it unseen to see a coloured bra under a white bloom. Now look at me, she said to herself, I’m doing a bloody striptease for my oversexed boss. The white bloom fell to the floor and she reached behind to unfasten the clap, she dropped her arms allowing the tiny garment to fall away revealing her white grapefruit sized breasts. Each one was half covered by a pale brown areola and those in turn were topped by her luscious pick nipples which seemed to crinkle on exposure to the air.
“Do you like what you see my Lord?” She asked.
His lordship nodded, putting his free arm around her waist and drawing his castored chair towards her. His finger moved into her open pussy as his lips closed onto one of her offered nipples.
Allison throw back her head as his lordships finger played within her vagina and his thumb passed over her cliporis, she gave a small gasp as one of his fingers deep within her slick vagina pressed against her G spot. The long soft moan of pleasure told his lordship all he needed to know. He drew the nipple into his mouth whilst the free hand caressed the firm flesh, forcing the breast to go further into the sucking lips. At this point in time, Allison realized she had lost any advantage she might have had to control how things progressed. His lordship removed his fingers and lifted the half swooning housekeeper up and sat her on the desk. He dropped to his knees and his mouth traced its way down past her navel his tongue leaving a wet trail until his lips were on her open pussy. Allison felt the shock wave course up through her vagina and register deep within her core as his tongue slide inside her and his thumb rotated over her now fully exposed cliporis, which was erect, like a miniature penis. God she knew why the other staff members let him have his way, the feelings he was raising up in her were incredible; she could feel her first climax building like a crescendo deep within her. She had no control over it as it built up and up until it burst sending her into a series of ecstatic shudders as her body sought to control her arms and legs.
His lordship stood up he released his belt pulled down his zip and as he unclipped the hook his trousers fell around his ankles, then not without some considerable difficulty he pulled down his underwear over the fully erect flesh letting his magnificent price free, it swung up through a pendulous arc, it was thick covered with pulsating veins and the crown was purple and angry looking. Allison looked down eager to get her first glimpse of what she was about to receive, she strained her neck but it was just out of her arc of vision; she felt his lordship lift her legs onto his shoulders, forcing her skirt up over her hips. Allison felt so vulnerable as his Lordship pushed her downwards until she lay flat on her back on the desk; her open pussy still quivering from the effects of her orgasm. His lordship pressed the purple cap against the warm swollen and very wet vulval lips, his lordship’s free flowing pre-cum adding to the ample fluids oozing from within.
“Oh God don’t tease me I need you to fuck me now.” Allison unbelievably heard herself cry
Allison had a body to die for, and she was much younger than Lord Astonbury; her tantalising pussy resisting his entry felt tight, he Withdrew the swollen phallus and rubbed it up and down the oozing wetness until it was liberally coated with Allison’s dripping fluids and he pressed inwards again. The purple crown slowly slipped inside her inner portal, his Lordship had not had such pleasure for some time. It was like taking a virgin and he moved back and forth the shake gradually stretching her muscles as it slowly began moving inwards a little Further each time.
“Oh God that feels good.” Allison mumbled.
As she felt her back arching, constantly changing the angle, letting her cliporis ride along the shakeas it penetrated deeper. It seemed forever until she felt the huge head press against her cervix as his scrotum pressed firmly against the firm cheeses of her bottom.
Lord Ashcroft waited a few moments, savouring the pleasure of being fully inside the hottest, wettest, tightest pussy he had had in years. He began to pull back and Allison was afraid he would pull it all the way out, but she need not have worried lord Ashcroft’s hands went under her buttocks holding her tight as he thrust back into her with one swift and deep penetrative thrust; then he began to move in and out slowly building up the rhythm. Allison’s body felt on fire, every muscle tingled with tiny electric shocks. She feel his lordship bend her knees pushing her tights up against her chest and his mouth took her breasts in turn sucking and nipping as he stroked his huge price in and out of her claping pussy, she could feel the next orgasm build inside of her. Her body was on auto, she asked herself why she had waited this long to let him take her, pride had prevented her having this pleasure; she knew she would submit to this anytime his lordship wanted. Each thrust of his Lordships thick shawt sent tiny explorations up into the very depths of her claping love tunnel, bringing her much needed release closer as she felt the shake thicken triggering her orgasm. He was now thrusting faster his hands under her pulling her upwards she wanted to Feel him cum inside of her.
She gave a long low moan of pleasure and her internal muscles clamped down, tightening around the pounding shaft. Waves of erotic pleasure rippled through her. Just when she thought his Lordship was never going to cum, she felt the first surge of heat deep within her core. Her head fell back, her hips surged upwards forming a cupola with her body, as spurt after spurt erupted from his lordship’s thrusting prick. Each hot spurt lifting her orgasm higher; she heard the soft grunt of satisfaction come from his lordship, as hisbuttocks clenched again and again, each clench of his buttocks sending another spurt of his semen deeper inside of her. There seemed no end to the pleasure washing over her; her nipples were tingling her breasts were hot as his Lordship kept up the constant sucking until finally she felt him sag down onto her chest as she struggled to get air into her oxygen staved lungs.
Finally after several minutes she felt her whole body go limp her breathing became slower and she gasped,
“Oh Lord I have never experienced an orgasm like that.”
The she realized that his Lordship was still firm deep inside of her, not as hard as he had been at the beginning, but not like her husband used to do when he had cum; he used to go soft and slip from her claping sheath. His lordship however was still inside her. Allison had let out a soft moan almost a cry as she had felt him slowly began to move the firm shake in and out; she drew up her knees and widened her hips giving him free rein. She felt him unbelievably thicken and his moving phallus hardened once again she could swear he was bigger now than when he had begun she had felt him stretch her wider that she had ever been stretched before.
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